153,65 Section 65. 146.40 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4m) An instructional and competency evaluation program under sub. (3) for which the department has suspended or revoked certification approval or imposed a plan of correction or a competency evaluation program under sub. (3m) for which the department has suspended or revoked approval or imposed a plan of correction may contest the department's action by sending, within 10 days after receipt of notice of the contested action, a written request for hearing under s. 227.44 to the division of hearings and appeals created under s. 15.103 (1). The administrator of the division may designate a hearing examiner to preside over the case and recommend a decision to the administrator under s. 227.46. The decision of the administrator of the division shall be the final administrative decision. The division shall commence the hearing within 30 days after receipt of the request for hearing and shall issue a final decision within 15 days after the close of the hearing. Proceedings before the division are governed by ch. 227. In any petition for judicial review of a decision by the division, the party, other than the petitioner, who was in the proceeding before the division shall be the named respondent. This subsection does not apply to a revocation of certification approval under sub. (4d) (d).
153,66 Section 66. 146.40 (4r) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (am) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., an An entity shall report to the department any allegation of misappropriation of the property of a client or of neglect or abuse of a client by any person individual employed by or under contract with the entity if the person individual is under the control of the entity.
153,67 Section 67. 146.40 (4r) (am) 2. of the statutes is repealed.
153,68 Section 68. 146.40 (4r) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (b) Except as provided in pars. (em) and (er), the department shall review and investigate any report received under par. (a) or (am) and, if the allegation is substantiated, make specific, documented findings concerning the misappropriation of property or the neglect or abuse. The department shall, in writing by certified mail, notify the person individual specified in the report that the person's individual's name and the department's findings about the person individual shall be listed in the registry under sub. (4g) (a) 2. and 3. unless the person individual contests the listings in a hearing before the division of hearings and appeals created under s. 15.103 (1). The written notification shall describe the investigation conducted by the department, enumerate the findings alleging misappropriation of property or neglect or abuse of a client and explain the consequence to the person individual specified in the report of waiving a hearing to contest the findings. The person individual specified in the report shall have 30 calendar days after receipt of the notification to indicate to the department in writing whether he or she intends to contest the listing or to waive the hearing.
153,69 Section 69. 146.40 (4r) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (c) If the nurse's assistant or home health aide an individual under par. (b) notifies the department that he or she waives a hearing to contest the listings in the registry under par. (b), or fails to notify the department within 30 calendar days after receipt of a notice under par. (b), the department shall enter the name of the individual under sub. (4g) (a) 2. and the department's findings about the individual under sub. (4g) (a) 3.
153,70 Section 70. 146.40 (4r) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (e) The nurse's assistant or home health aide individual may provide the department with a brief statement disputing the department's findings under par. (b) or the hearing officer's findings under par. (d) and, if so provided, the department shall enter the statement under sub. (4g) (a) 4.
153,71 Section 71. 146.40 (4r) (em) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (4r) (em) If the department of health and family services receives a report under par. (a) or (am) and determines that a person an individual who is the subject of the report holds a credential that is related to the person's individual's employment at, or contract with, the entity, the department of health and family services shall refer the report to the department of regulation and licensing.
153,72 Section 72. 146.40 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (5) (a) The department, in consultation with the technical college system board, shall promulgate rules specifying standards for certification approval in this state of instructional programs and competency evaluation programs for nurse's assistants, home health aides and hospice nurse aides. The standards shall include specialized training in providing care to individuals with special needs.
153,73 Section 73. 146.40 (5) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (5) (b) (intro.) The department shall promulgate rules specifying criteria for acceptance by this state of an instructional program and a competency evaluation program or a competency evaluation program that is certified in another state, including whether the other state grants nurse's assistant privileges, home health aide privileges or hospice nurse aide privileges to persons who have completed instruction in an instructional and competency evaluation program that is certified approved under sub. (3) and whether one of the following is true:
153,74 Section 74. 146.40 (5) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (5) (b) 1. If the other state certifies instructional programs and competency evaluation programs for nurse's assistants, home health aides or hospice nurse aides, the state's requirements are substantially similar, as determined by the department, to certification requirements in this state.
153,75 Section 75. 146.40 (5) (b) 2. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (5) (b) 2. (intro.) If the other state certifies nurse's assistants, home health aides or hospice nurse aides, that state's requirements are such that one of the following applies:
153,76 Section 76. 146.40 (5) (b) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
146.40 (5) (b) 2. a. The instructional and competency evaluation programs required for attendance by persons receiving certificates are substantially similar, as determined by the department, to instructional and competency evaluation programs certified approved under sub. (3).
153,77 Section 77. 155.20 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
155.20 (2) (a) 2. An intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded persons with mental retardation, as defined in s. 46.278 (1m) (am).
153,78 Section 78. 155.30 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
155.30 (3) The department shall prepare and provide copies of a power of attorney for health care instrument and accompanying information for distribution in quantities to health care professionals, hospitals, nursing homes, multipurpose senior centers, county clerks, and local bar associations and individually to private persons. The department shall include, in information accompanying the copy of the instrument, at least the statutory definitions of terms used in the instrument, statutory restrictions on who may be witnesses to a valid instrument, a statement explaining that valid witnesses acting in good faith are statutorily immune from civil or criminal liability and a statement explaining that an instrument may, but need not, be filed with the register in probate of the principal's county of residence. The department may charge a reasonable fee for the cost of preparation and distribution. The power of attorney for health care instrument distributed by the department shall include the notice specified in sub. (1) and shall be in the following form:
Document made this.... day of.... (month),.... (year).
I,.... (print name, address and date of birth), being of sound mind, intend by this document to create a power of attorney for health care. My executing this power of attorney for health care is voluntary. Despite the creation of this power of attorney for health care, I expect to be fully informed about and allowed to participate in any health care decision for me, to the extent that I am able. For the purposes of this document, "health care decision" means an informed decision to accept, maintain, discontinue or refuse any care, treatment, service or procedure to maintain, diagnose or treat my physical or mental condition.
In addition, I may, by this document, specify my wishes with respect to making an anatomical gift upon my death.
If I am no longer able to make health care decisions for myself, due to my incapacity, I hereby designate.... (print name, address and telephone number) to be my health care agent for the purpose of making health care decisions on my behalf. If he or she is ever unable or unwilling to do so, I hereby designate.... (print name, address and telephone number) to be my alternate health care agent for the purpose of making health care decisions on my behalf. Neither my health care agent nor my alternate health care agent whom I have designated is my health care provider, an employee of my health care provider, an employee of a health care facility in which I am a patient or a spouse of any of those persons, unless he or she is also my relative. For purposes of this document, "incapacity" exists if 2 physicians or a physician and a psychologist who have personally examined me sign a statement that specifically expresses their opinion that I have a condition that means that I am unable to receive and evaluate information effectively or to communicate decisions to such an extent that I lack the capacity to manage my health care decisions. A copy of that statement must be attached to this document.
Unless I have specified otherwise in this document, if I ever have incapacity I instruct my health care provider to obtain the health care decision of my health care agent, if I need treatment, for all of my health care and treatment. I have discussed my desires thoroughly with my health care agent and believe that he or she understands my philosophy regarding the health care decisions I would make if I were able. I desire that my wishes be carried out through the authority given to my health care agent under this document.
If I am unable, due to my incapacity, to make a health care decision, my health care agent is instructed to make the health care decision for me, but my health care agent should try to discuss with me any specific proposed health care if I am able to communicate in any manner, including by blinking my eyes. If this communication cannot be made, my health care agent shall base his or her decision on any health care choices that I have expressed prior to the time of the decision. If I have not expressed a health care choice about the health care in question and communication cannot be made, my health care agent shall base his or her health care decision on what he or she believes to be in my best interest.
My health care agent may not admit or commit me on an inpatient basis to an institution for mental diseases, an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded persons with mental retardation, a state treatment facility or a treatment facility. My health care agent may not consent to experimental mental health research or psychosurgery, electroconvulsive treatment or drastic mental health treatment procedures for me.
My health care agent may admit me to a nursing home or community-based residential facility for short-term stays for recuperative care or respite care.
If I have checked "Yes" to the following, my health care agent may admit me for a purpose other than recuperative care or respite care, but if I have checked "No" to the following, my health care agent may not so admit me:
1. A nursing home — Yes.... No....
2. A community-based residential
facility — Yes.... No....
If I have not checked either "Yes" or "No" immediately above, my health care agent may admit me only for short-term stays for recuperative care or respite care.
If I have checked "Yes" to the following, my health care agent may have a feeding tube withheld or withdrawn from me, unless my physician has advised that, in his or her professional judgment, this will cause me pain or will reduce my comfort. If I have checked "No" to the following, my health care agent may not have a feeding tube withheld or withdrawn from me.
My health care agent may not have orally ingested nutrition or hydration withheld or withdrawn from me unless provision of the nutrition or hydration is medically contraindicated.
Withhold or withdraw a feeding tube — Yes.... No....
If I have not checked either "Yes" or "No" immediately above, my health care agent may not have a feeding tube withdrawn from me.
If I have checked "Yes" to the following, my health care agent may make health care decisions for me even if my agent knows I am pregnant. If I have checked "No" to the following, my health care agent may not make health care decisions for me if my health care agent knows I am pregnant.
Health care decision if I am pregnant — Yes.... No....
If I have not checked either "Yes" or "No" immediately above, my health care agent may not make health care decisions for me if my health care agent knows I am pregnant.
In exercising authority under this document, my health care agent shall act consistently with my following stated desires, if any, and is subject to any special provisions or limitations that I specify. The following are specific desires, provisions or limitations that I wish to state (add more items if needed):
1) -
2) -
3) -
Subject to any limitations in this document, my health care agent has the authority to do all of the following:
(a) Request, review and receive any information, oral or written, regarding my physical or mental health, including medical and hospital records.
(b) Execute on my behalf any documents that may be required in order to obtain this information.
(c) Consent to the disclosure of this information.
(The principal and the witnesses all must sign the document at the same time.)
(person creating the power
of attorney for health care)
Signature....              Date....
(The signing of this document by the principal revokes all previous powers of attorney for health care documents.)
I know the principal personally and I believe him or her to be of sound mind and at least 18 years of age. I believe that his or her execution of this power of attorney for health care is voluntary. I am at least 18 years of age, am not related to the principal by blood, marriage or adoption and am not directly financially responsible for the principal's health care. I am not a health care provider who is serving the principal at this time, an employee of the health care provider, other than a chaplain or a social worker, or an employee, other than a chaplain or a social worker, of an inpatient health care facility in which the declarant is a patient. I am not the principal's health care agent. To the best of my knowledge, I am not entitled to and do not have a claim on the principal's estate.
Witness No. 1:
(print) Name....             Date....
Witness No. 2:
(print) Name....             Date....