1. The temporary help agency.
2. Any employee of the temporary help agency, unless the employee who makes a claim for compensation would have a right under s. 102.03 (2) to bring an action against the employee of the temporary help agency if the employees were coemployees.
185,23 Section 23. 102.29 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:
102.29 (6m) (a) No leased employee, as defined in s. 102.315 (1) (g), who makes a claim for compensation may make a claim or maintain an action in tort against any of the following:
1. The client, as defined in s. 102.315 (1) (b), that accepted the services of the leased employee.
2. Any other employee leasing company, as defined in s. 102.315 (1) (f), that provides the services of another leased employee to the client.
3. Any employee of the client or of that other employee leasing company, unless the leased employee who makes a claim for compensation would have a right under s. 102.03 (2) to bring an action against the employee of the client or the leased employee of the other employee leasing company if the employees and leased employees were coemployees.
(b) No employee of a client who makes a claim for compensation may make a claim or maintain an action in tort against any of the following:
1. An employee leasing company that provides the services of a leased employee to the client.
2. Any leased employee of the employee leasing company, unless the employee who makes a claim for compensation would have a right under s. 102.03 (2) to bring an action against the leased employee if the employee and the leased employee were coemployees.
185,24 Section 24. 102.31 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
185,25 Section 25. 102.315 of the statutes is created to read:
102.315 Worker's compensation insurance; employee leasing companies. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Bureau" means the Wisconsin compensation rating bureau under s. 626.06.
(b) "Client" means a person that obtains all or part of its nontemporary, ongoing employee workforce through an employee leasing agreement with an employee leasing company.
(c) "Divided workforce" means a workforce in which some of the employees of a client are leased employees and some of the employees of the client are not leased employees.
(d) "Divided workforce plan" means a plan under which 2 worker's compensation insurance policies are issued to cover the employees of a client that has a divided workforce, one policy covering the leased employees of the client and one policy covering the employees of the client who are not leased employees.
(e) "Employee leasing agreement" means a written contract between an employee leasing company and a client under which the employee leasing company provides all or part of the nontemporary, ongoing employee workforce of the client.
(f) "Employee leasing company" means a person that contracts to provide the nontemporary, ongoing employee workforce of a client under a written agreement, regardless of whether the person uses the term "professional employer organization," "PEO," "staff leasing company," "registered staff leasing company," or "employee leasing company," or uses any other, similar name, as part of the person's business name or to describe the person's business. "Employee leasing company" does not include a cooperative educational service agency. This definition applies only for the purposes of this chapter and does not apply to the use of the term in any other chapter.
(g) "Leased employee" means a nontemporary, ongoing employee whose services are obtained by a client under an employee leasing agreement.
(h) "Master policy" means a single worker's compensation insurance policy issued by an insurer authorized to do business in this state to an employee leasing company in the name of the employee leasing company that covers more than one client of the employee leasing company.
(i) "Multiple coordinated policy" means a contract of insurance for worker's compensation under which an insurer authorized to do business in this state issues separate worker's compensation insurance policies to an employee leasing company for each client of the employee leasing company that is insured under the contract.
(j) "Small client" means a client that has an unmodified annual premium assignable to its business, including the business of all entities or organizations that are under common control or ownership with the client, that is equal to or less than the threshold below which employers are not experience rated under the standards and criteria under ss. 626.11 and 626.12, without regard to whether the client has a divided workforce.
(2) Employee leasing company liable. An employee leasing company is liable under s. 102.03 for all compensation payable under this chapter to a leased employee, including any payments required under s. 102.16 (3), 102.18 (1) (b) or (bp), 102.22 (1), 102.35 (3), 102.57, or 102.60. Except as permitted under s. 102.29, an employee leasing company may not seek or receive reimbursement from another employer for any payments made as a result of that liability. An employee leasing company is not liable under s. 102.03 for any compensation payable under this chapter to an employee of a client who is not a leased employee.
(3) Multiple coordinated policy required. Except as provided in subs. (4) and (5) (a), an employee leasing company shall insure its liability under sub. (2) by obtaining a separate worker's compensation insurance policy for each client of the employee leasing company under a multiple coordinated policy. The policy shall name both the employee leasing company and the client as named insureds, shall indicate which named insured is the employee leasing company and which is the client, shall designate either the employee leasing company or the client, but not both, as the first named insured, and shall provide the mailing address of each named insured. Except as permitted under sub. (6), an insurer may issue a policy for a client under this subsection only if all of the employees of the client are leased employees and are covered under the policy.
(4) Master policy; approval required. An employee leasing company may insure its liability under sub. (2) by obtaining a master policy that has been approved by the commissioner of insurance as provided in this subsection. The commissioner of insurance may approve the issuance of a master policy if the insurer proposing to issue the master policy submits a filing to the bureau showing that the insurer has the technological capacity and operation capability to provide to the bureau information, including unit statistical data, information concerning proof of coverage and cancellation, termination, and nonrenewal of coverage, and any other information that the bureau may require, at the client level and in a format required by the bureau and the bureau submits the filing to the commissioner of insurance for approval under s. 626.13. A master policy filing under this subsection shall also establish basic manual rules governing the issuance of an insurance policy covering the leased employees of a divided workforce that are consistent with sub. (6) and the cancellation, termination, and nonrenewal of policies that are consistent with sub. (10). On approval by the commissioner of insurance of a master policy filing, an insurer may issue a master policy to an employee leasing company insuring the liability of the employee leasing company under sub. (2).
(5) Master policy; small clients. (a) Regardless of whether a master policy has been approved under sub. (4), an employee leasing company may insure its liability under sub. (2) with respect to a group of small clients of the employee leasing company by obtaining a master policy in the voluntary market insuring that liability. The fact that an employee leasing company has a client that is covered under a mandatory risk-sharing plan under s. 619.01 does not preclude the employee leasing company from obtaining a master policy under this paragraph so long as that client is not covered under the master policy. An insurer may issue a master policy under this paragraph insuring in the voluntary market the liability under sub. (2) of an employee leasing company with respect to a group of small clients of the employee leasing company regardless of whether any of those small clients has a divided workforce.
(b) Within 30 days after the effective date of an employee leasing agreement with a small client that is covered under a master policy under par. (a), the employee leasing company shall report to the department all of the following information:
1. The name and address of the small client and of each entity or organization that is under common control or ownership with the small client.
2. The number of employees initially covered under the master policy.
3. The estimated unmodified annual premium assignable to the small client's business, including the business of all entities or organizations that are under common control or ownership with the small client, without regard to whether the small client has a divided workforce, which information the small client shall report to the employee leasing company.
4. The effective date of the employee leasing agreement.
(c) Within 30 days after the effective date of coverage of a small client under a master policy under par. (a), the insurer or, if authorized by the insurer, the employee leasing company shall file proof of that coverage with the department. Coverage of a small client under a master policy becomes binding when the insurer or employee leasing company files proof of that coverage under this paragraph or provides notice of coverage to the small client, whichever occurs first. Nothing in this paragraph requires an employee leasing company or an employee of an employee leasing company to be licensed as an insurance intermediary under ch. 628.
(d) If at any time the unmodified annual premium assignable to the business of a small client that is covered under a master policy under par. (a), including the business of all entities or organizations that are under common control or ownership with the small client, without regard to whether the small client has a divided workforce, exceeds the threshold below which employers are not experience rated under the standards and criteria under ss. 626.11 and 626.12, the employee leasing company shall notify the insurer and obtain coverage for the small client under sub. (3) or (4).
(6) Divided workforce. (a) If a client notifies the department as provided under par. (b) of its intent to have a divided workforce, an insurer may issue a worker's compensation insurance policy covering only the leased employees of the client. An insurer that issues a policy covering only the leased employees of a client is not liable under s. 102.03 for any compensation payable under this chapter to an employee of the client who is not a leased employee unless the insurer also issues a policy covering that employee. A client that has a divided workforce shall insure its employees who are not leased employees in the voluntary market and may not insure those employees under the mandatory risk-sharing plan under s. 619.01 unless the leased employees of the client are covered under that plan.
(b) A client that intends to have a divided workforce shall notify the department of that intent on a form prescribed by the department that includes all of the following:
1. The names and mailing addresses of the client and the employee leasing company, the effective date of the employee leasing agreement, a description of the employees of the client who are not leased employees, and such other information as the department may require.
2. Except as provided in par. (c), evidence that the employees of the client who are not leased employees are covered in the voluntary market. That evidence shall be in the form of a copy of the information page or declaration page of a worker's compensation insurance policy or binder evidencing placement of coverage in the voluntary market covering those employees.
3. An agreement by the client to assume full responsibility to immediately pay all compensation and other payments payable under this chapter as may be required by the department should a dispute arise between 2 or more insurers as to liability under this chapter for an injury sustained while a divided workforce plan is in effect, pending final resolution of that dispute. This subdivision does not preclude a client from insuring that responsibility in an insurer authorized to do business in this state.
(c) If the leased employees of a client are covered under a mandatory risk-sharing plan under s. 619.01, the client may, instead of providing the evidence required under par. (b) 2., provide evidence in its notification under par. (b) that both the leased employees of the client and the employees of the client who are not leased employees are covered under that mandatory risk-sharing plan. That evidence shall be in the form of a copy of the information page or declaration page of a worker's compensation insurance policy or binder evidencing placement of coverage under the mandatory risk-sharing plan covering both those leased employees and employees who are not leased employees.
(d) When the department receives a notification under par. (b), the department shall immediately provide a copy of the notification to the bureau.
(e) 1. If a client intends to terminate a divided workforce plan, the client shall notify the department of that intent on a form prescribed by the department. Termination of a divided workforce plan by a client is not effective until 10 days after notice of the termination is received by the department.
2. If an insurer cancels, terminates, or does not renew a worker's compensation insurance policy issued under a divided workforce plan that covers in the voluntary market the employees of a client who are not leased employees, the divided workforce plan is terminated on the effective date of the cancellation, termination, or nonrenewal of the policy, unless the client submits evidence under par. (c) that both the leased employees of the client and the employees of the client who are not leased employees are covered under a mandatory risk-sharing plan.
3. If an insurer cancels, terminates, or does not renew a worker's compensation insurance policy issued under a divided workforce plan that covers under the mandatory risk-sharing plan under s. 619.01 the employees of a client who are not leased employees, the divided workforce plan is terminated on the effective date of the cancellation, termination, or nonrenewal of the policy.
(7) Filing of contracts. An insurer that provides a policy under sub. (3), (4), or (5) (a) shall file the policy as provided in s. 626.35.
(8) Coverage of certain employees. (a) A sole proprietor, a partner, or a member of a limited liability company is not eligible for worker's compensation benefits under a policy issued under sub. (3), (4), or (5) (a) unless the sole proprietor, partner, or member elects coverage under s. 102.075 by an endorsement on the policy naming the sole proprietor, partner, or member who has so elected.
(b) An officer of a corporation is covered for worker's compensation benefits under a policy issued under sub. (3), (4), or (5) (a), unless the officer elects under s. 102.076 not to be covered under the policy by an endorsement on the policy naming the officer who has so elected.
(c) An employee leasing company shall obtain a worker's compensation insurance policy that is separate from a policy covering the employees whom it leases to its clients to cover the employees of the employee leasing company who are not leased employees.
(9) Premiums. (a) An insurer that issues a policy under sub. (3), (4), or (5) (a) may charge a premium for coverage under that policy that complies with the applicable classifications, rules, rates, and rating plans filed with and approved by the commissioner of insurance under s. 626.13.
(b) For a policy issued under sub. (3) in which an employee leasing company is the first named insured or for a master policy issued under sub. (4) or (5) (a), an insurer may obligate only the employee leasing company to pay premiums due for a client's coverage under the policy and may not recover any unpaid premiums due for that coverage from the client.
(c) This subsection does not prohibit an insurer from doing any of the following:
1. Collecting premiums or other charges due with respect to a client by means of list billing through an employee leasing company.
2. Requiring an employee leasing company to maintain a letter of credit or other form of security to ensure payment of a premium.
3. Issuing policies that have a common renewal date to all, or a class of all, clients of an employee leasing company.
4. Grouping together the clients of an employee leasing company for the purpose of offering dividend eligibility and paying dividends to those clients in compliance with s. 631.51.
5. Applying a discount to the premium charged with respect to a client as permitted by the bureau.
6. Applying a retrospective rating option for determining the premium charged with respect to a client. No insurer or employee leasing company may impose on, allocate to, or collect from a client a penalty under a retrospective rating option arrangement. This subdivision does not prohibit an insurer from requiring an employee leasing company to pay a penalty under a retrospective rating option arrangement with respect to a client of the employee leasing company.
(10) Cancellation, termination, and nonrenewal of policies. (a) 1. A policy issued under sub. (3) in which the employee leasing company is the first named insured and a policy issued under sub. (4) or (5) (a) may be cancelled, terminated, or nonrenewed as provided in subds. 2. to 4.
2. The insureds under a policy described in subd. 1. may cancel the policy during the policy period if both the employee leasing company and the client agree to the cancellation, the cancellation is confirmed by the employee leasing company promptly providing written confirmation of the cancellation to the client or by the client agreeing to the cancellation in writing, and the insurer provides written notice of the cancellation to the department as required under s. 102.31 (2) (a).
3. Subject to subd. 4., an insurer may cancel, terminate, or nonrenew a policy described in subd. 1. by providing written notice of the cancellation, termination, or nonrenewal to the insured employee leasing company and to the department as required under s. 102.31 (2) (a) and by providing that notice to the insured client. The insurer is not required to state in the notice to the insured client the facts on which the decision to cancel, terminate, or nonrenew the policy is based. Except as provided in s. 102.31 (2) (b), cancellation or termination of a policy under this subdivision for any reason other than nonrenewal is not effective until 30 days after the insurer has provided written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company, the insured client, and the department. Except as provided in s. 102.31 (2) (b), nonrenewal of a policy under this subdivision is not effective until 60 days after the insurer has provided written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company, the insured client, and the department.
4. If an employee leasing company terminates an employee leasing agreement with a client in its entirety, an insurer may cancel or terminate a policy described in subd. 1. covering that client during the policy period by providing written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company and the department as required under s. 102.31 (2) (a) and by providing that notice to the insured client. The insurer shall state in the notice to the insured client that the policy is being cancelled or terminated due to the termination of the employee leasing agreement. Except as provided in s. 102.31 (2) (b), cancellation or termination of a policy under this subdivision is not effective until 30 days after the insurer has provided written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company, the insured client, and the department.
(b) 1. A policy issued under sub. (3) in which the client is the first named insured may be cancelled, terminated, or nonrenewed as provided in subds. 2. to 4.
2. The insureds under a policy described in subd. 1. may cancel the policy during the policy period if both the employee leasing company and the client agree to the cancellation, the cancellation is confirmed by the employee leasing company promptly providing written confirmation of the cancellation to the client or by the client agreeing to the cancellation in writing, and the insurer provides written notice of the cancellation to the department as required under s. 102.31 (2) (a).
3. An insurer may cancel, terminate, or nonrenew a policy described in subd. 1., including cancellation or termination of a policy providing continued coverage under subd. 4., by providing written notice of the cancellation, termination, or nonrenewal to the insured employee leasing company and to the department as required under s. 102.31 (2) (a) and by providing that notice to the insured client. Except as provided in s. 102.31 (2) (b), cancellation or termination of a policy under this subdivision for any reason other than nonrenewal is not effective until 30 days after the insurer has provided written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company, the insured client, and the department. Except as provided in s. 102.31 (2) (b), nonrenewal of a policy under this subdivision is not effective until 60 days after the insurer has provided written notice of the cancellation or termination to the insured employee leasing company, the insured client, and the department.
4. If an employee leasing agreement is terminated during the policy period of a policy described in subd. 1., an insurer shall cancel the employee leasing company's coverage under the policy by an endorsement to the policy and coverage of the client under the policy shall continue as to all employees of the client unless the policy is cancelled or terminated as permitted under subd. 3.
185,26 Section 26. 102.32 (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 102.32 (1m) (intro.) and amended to read:
102.32 (1m) (intro.) In any case in which compensation payments for an injury have extended or will extend over 6 months or more from after the date of the injury (or at any time in death benefit cases) or in any case in which death benefits are payable, any party in interest may, in the discretion of the department, be discharged from, or compelled to guarantee, future compensation payments as follows by doing any of the following:
185,27 Section 27. 102.32 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 102.32 (1m) (a) and amended to read:
102.32 (1m) (a) By depositing Depositing the present value of the total unpaid compensation upon a 7% 5 percent interest discount basis with a credit union, savings bank, savings and loan association, bank, or trust company designated by the department; or.
185,28 Section 28. 102.32 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 102.32 (1m) (b) and amended to read:
102.32 (1m) (b) By purchasing Purchasing an annuity, within the limitations provided by law, in such from an insurance company granting annuities and licensed in this state, as may be that is designated by the department; or.
185,29 Section 29. 102.32 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 102.32 (1m) (c) and amended to read:
102.32 (1m) (c) By making Making payment in gross upon a 7% 5 percent interest discount basis to be approved by the department; and.
185,30 Section 30. 102.32 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 102.32 (1m) (d) and amended to read:
102.32 (1m) (d) In cases where in which the time for making payments or the amounts thereof of payments cannot be definitely determined, by furnishing a bond, or other security, satisfactory to the department for the payment of compensation as may be due or become due. The acceptance of the bond, or other security, and the form and sufficiency thereof of the bond or other security, shall be subject to the approval of the department. If the employer or insurer is unable or fails to immediately procure the bond, then, in lieu thereof of procuring the bond, deposit shall be made with a credit union, savings bank, savings and loan association, bank, or trust company designated by the department, of the maximum amount that may reasonably become payable in these cases, to be determined by the department at amounts consistent with the extent of the injuries and the law. The bonds and deposits are to be reduced only to satisfy claims and withdrawn only after the claims which they are to guarantee are fully satisfied or liquidated under sub. (1), (2) or (3); and par. (a), (b), or (c).
185,31 Section 31. 102.32 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.32 (5) Any insured employer may, within the discretion of the department, compel the insurer to discharge, or to guarantee payment of, the employer's liabilities in any case described in this section sub. (1m) and thereby release the employer from compensation liability in that case, but if for any reason a bond furnished or deposit made under sub. (4) (1m) (d) does not fully protect, the compensation insurer or insured employer, as the case may be, shall still be liable to the beneficiary of the bond or deposit.
185,32 Section 32. 102.32 (6m) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.32 (6m) The department may direct an advance on a payment of unaccrued compensation for permanent disability or death benefits if the department determines that the advance payment is in the best interest of the injured employee or the employee's dependents. In directing the advance, the department shall give the employer or the employer's insurer an interest credit against its liability. The credit shall be computed at 7 5 percent. An injured employee or dependent may receive no more than 3 advance payments per calendar year.
185,33 Section 33. 102.42 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.42 (1) Treatment of employee. The employer shall supply such medical, surgical, chiropractic, psychological, podiatric, dental, and hospital treatment, medicines, medical and surgical supplies, crutches, artificial members, appliances, and training in the use of artificial members and appliances, or, at the option of the employee, if the employer has not filed notice as provided in sub. (4), Christian Science treatment in lieu of medical treatment, medicines, and medical supplies, as may be reasonably required to cure and relieve from the effects of the injury, and to attain efficient use of artificial members and appliances, and in case of the employer's neglect or refusal seasonably to do so, or in emergency until it is practicable for the employee to give notice of injury, the employer shall be liable for the reasonable expense incurred by or on behalf of the employee in providing such treatment, medicines, supplies, and training. Where When the employer has knowledge of the injury and the necessity for treatment, the employer's failure to tender the necessary treatment, medicines, supplies, and training constitutes such neglect or refusal. The employer shall also be liable for reasonable expense incurred by the employee for necessary treatment to cure and relieve the employee from the effects of occupational disease prior to the time that the employee knew or should have known the nature of his or her disability and its relation to employment, and as to such treatment subs. (2) and (3) shall not apply. The obligation to furnish such treatment and appliances shall continue as required to prevent further deterioration in the condition of the employee or to maintain the existing status of such condition whether or not healing is completed.
185,34 Section 34. 102.42 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.42 (4) Christian Science. Any The liability of an employer may elect not to be subject to the provisions for for the cost of Christian Science treatment provided for in this section by filing written notice of such election with the department to an injured employee is limited to the usual and customary charge for that treatment.
185,35 Section 35. 102.425 (3) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
102.425 (3) (a) 1. The average wholesale price of the prescription drug as of the date on which the prescription drug is dispensed, as quoted in the American Druggist Blue Book, published by Hearst Corporation, Inc. or its successor, or in the Drug Topics Red Book, published by Medical Economics Company, Inc. or its successor, whichever is less.
185,36 Section 36. 102.425 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
102.425 (4) (b) If an employer or insurer denies or disputes liability for the cost of a drug prescribed to an injured employee under sub. (2), the pharmacist or practitioner who dispensed the drug may collect, or bring an action to collect, from the injured employee the cost of the prescription drug dispensed, subject to the limitations specified in sub. (3) (a). If an employer or insurer concedes liability for the cost of a drug prescribed to an injured employee under sub. (2), but disputes the reasonableness of the amount charged for the prescription drug, the employer or insurer shall provide notice under sub. (4m) (b) to the pharmacist or practitioner that the reasonableness of the amount charged is in dispute and the pharmacist or practitioner who dispensed the drug may not collect, or bring an action to collect, from the injured employee the cost of the prescription drug dispensed after receiving that notice.
185,37 Section 37. 102.425 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
102.425 (4m) Resolution of prescription drug charge disputes. (a) The department has jurisdiction under this subsection and s. 102.16 (1m) (c) and s. 102.17 to resolve a dispute between a pharmacist or practitioner and an employer or insurer over the reasonableness of the amount charged for a prescription drug dispensed under sub. (2) for outpatient use by an injured employee who claims benefits under this chapter.