(c) 1. Before an agreement under this subsection may take effect, and subject to par. (e), it must be approved by the governing body of each municipality by the adoption of a resolution. Before each municipality may adopt a resolution, each shall hold a public hearing on the agreement or both municipalities shall hold a joint public hearing on the agreement. Before the public hearing may be held, each municipality shall give notice of the pending agreement and public hearing by publishing a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and by giving notice to each property owner whose property is currently located in that municipality and in, or immediately adjacent to, the territory whose jurisdiction will change. Notice shall be given at least 20 days before the public hearing and notice to property owners shall be made by certified mail.
2. An agreement under this subsection is subject to a referendum of the electors residing within the territory whose jurisdiction is subject to change as a result of the agreement. After each municipality approves the agreement by adoption of a resolution, each municipality shall publish the agreement in the territory whose jurisdiction is subject to change as a result of the agreement as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. A referendum shall be held if, within 30 days after the publication of the agreement, a petition for a referendum conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40, signed by at least 20 percent of the electors residing within the territory whose jurisdiction is subject to change as a result of the agreement is filed, in accordance with s. 8.37, with the clerk of each municipality that is a party to the agreement. The referendum shall be conducted jointly by the municipalities and shall otherwise be conducted as are annexation referenda. If the agreement is approved in the referendum, it may take effect. If the agreement is not approved in the referendum, it may not take effect.
(d) An agreement under this subsection may provide that, during the term of the agreement, no other procedure for altering a municipality's boundaries may be used to alter a boundary that is affected by the agreement, except an annexation conducted under s. 281.43 (1m), regardless of whether the boundary is proposed to be maintained or changed or is allowed to be changed under the agreement. After the agreement has expired, the boundary may be altered.
(e) A boundary change included in an agreement under this subsection shall be accomplished by the enactment of an ordinance by the governing body designated to do so in the agreement. The filing and recording requirements under s. 66.0217 (9) (a), as they apply to cities and villages under s. 66.0217 (9) (a), apply to municipalities under this subsection. The requirements for the secretary of state under s. 66.0217 (9) (b), as they apply under that section, apply to the secretary of state when he or she receives an ordinance that is filed under this subsection.
(f) No action to contest the validity of an agreement under this subsection may be commenced after 60 days from the date the agreement becomes effective.
(g) This subsection is the exclusive authority under this section for entering into an agreement that determines all or a portion of the common boundary line between municipalities.
(h) An agreement under this section that has been entered into before the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date], that affects the location of a boundary between municipalities, is not invalid as lacking authority under this section to affect the location of the boundary.
43,20 Section 20. 66.0305 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0305 (4) (b) An agreement entered into under sub. (2) may address any other appropriate matters, including any agreements with respect to services or agreements with respect to municipal boundaries under s. 66.0225, 66.0301 (6), or 66.0307.
43,21 Section 21. 66.0307 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.0307 (1) (am).
43,22 Section 22. 66.0307 (1) (af) of the statutes is created to read:
66.0307 (1) (af) "Comprehensive plan" means an adopted plan that contains the elements under s. 66.1001 (2) or, if a municipality has not adopted a plan that contains those elements, a master plan adopted under s. 62.23 (2) or (3).
43,23 Section 23. 66.0307 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (2) Boundary change authority. (intro.) Any combination of municipalities may determine the boundary lines between themselves under a cooperative plan that is approved by the department under this section. A single city or village and a single town may use the mediated agreement procedure under sub. (4m) to determine a common boundary line under a cooperative plan that is approved by the department under this section. No boundary of a municipality may be changed or maintained under this section unless the municipality is a party to the cooperative agreement. The cooperative plan shall provide one or more of the following:
43,24 Section 24. 66.0307 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (3) (b) Purpose of plan. The cooperative plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the territory covered by the plan which will, in accordance with existing and future needs, best promote public health, safety, morals, order, convenience, prosperity or the general welfare, as well as efficiency and economy in the process of development consistent with the comprehensive plan of each participating municipality.
43,25 Section 25 . 66.0307 (3) (c) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
66.0307 (3) (c) Content of plan; consistency with comprehensive plan. The cooperative plan shall describe how it is consistent with each participating municipality's comprehensive plan.
43,26 Section 26. 66.0307 (3) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (3) (d) 4. Include a statement explaining how any part of the plan related to the location of boundaries meets the approval criteria under sub. (5) (c) 4. and 5.
43,27 Section 27 . 66.0307 (3) (dm) of the statutes is repealed.
43,28 Section 28. 66.0307 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (4) (b) Public hearing. At least 120 60 days after adoption under par. (a) of the last resolution by a participating municipality and at least 60 days before submitting a cooperative plan to the department for review and approval under sub. (5), the participating municipalities shall hold a joint hearing on the proposed plan. Notice of the hearing shall be given by each participating municipality by class 3 notice under ch. 985.
43,29 Section 29 . 66.0307 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
66.0307 (4m) Mediated agreement procedure. (a) 1. As an alternative to the parties mutually invoking the procedure under this section, a city, village, or town may petition the department for mediation of a cooperative plan under this paragraph.
2. A city or village may petition for mediation if all of the following apply:
a. The city or village adopts an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and requests in writing an adjacent town to adopt an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and the town fails to adopt the resolution within 60 days after the request is received by the town.
b. The city or village has adopted a comprehensive plan.
3. A town may petition for mediation if all of the following apply:
a. The town adopts an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and requests in writing an adjacent city or village to adopt an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and the city or village fails to adopt the resolution within 60 days after the request is received by the city or village.
b. The town has adopted a comprehensive plan.
(b) A municipality that is authorized under par. (a) to petition the department for mediation and elects to do so shall submit the petition within 90 days after the municipality has adopted the authorizing resolution described in par. (a) 2. a. or 3. a. Upon receipt of a petition for mediation, the department shall notify the nonpetitioning adjacent municipality identified in the petition that the petition has been submitted. Within 45 days after receipt of notice from the department that a petition has been submitted, the nonpetitioning municipality shall notify the department whether it agrees to engage in mediation to develop a cooperative plan under this section. Failure of the nonpetitioning municipality to timely notify the department is considered notice that the municipality does not agree to engage in mediation. The department shall send written notice of the nonpetitioning municipality's decision, on whether it will participate, to the petitioning municipality. If the nonpetitioning municipality refuses to engage in mediation, the petitioning municipality may not submit a petition under this paragraph involving the same nonpetitioning municipality for a period of 3 years after the department sends notice of the refusal.
(c) 1. If a nonpetitioning town refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation, the town may not contest any annexation of its territory to the petitioning city or village that is commenced during the shorter of the following periods:
a. The period of 270 days beginning after the town refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation.
b. The period beginning on the date the town refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation and ending on the date the town agrees to engage in mediation.
2. If a nonpetitioning city or village refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation, an annexation of territory of the petitioning town to the nonpetitioning city or village that is commenced during the shorter of the following periods shall be reviewed by the department in the manner described under s. 66.0217 (6), regardless of the population of the county in which the annexation proceeding is commenced, and, notwithstanding s. 66.0217 (11) (c), may be contested by the town if the department determines that the annexation is not in the public interest:
a. The period of 270 days beginning after the city or village refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation.
b. The period on the date the city or village refuses under par. (b) to engage in mediation and ending on the date the city or village agrees to engage in mediation.
(d) 1. If both the petitioning municipality and nonpetitioning municipality agree to engage in mediation to develop a cooperative plan under this section, the municipalities shall select a mediator. The department may assist the municipalities in selecting a mediator. If the municipalities are unable to agree on the selection of a mediator, the department shall furnish a list of 5 mediators to the municipalities. The municipalities shall alternatively strike a name from the list until one name remains, who shall be the mediator.
2. The mediator shall assist the parties through recognized mediation techniques to develop and reach agreement on a cooperative plan under this section. Unless the participating municipalities agree to extend the mediation period, the mediation period expires after 270 days. Unless they agree otherwise, the participating municipalities are equally responsible for the costs of the mediation.
(e) Before the participating municipalities engage in mediation under this subsection, each shall adopt a resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and provide the required notice of the resolution. Notwithstanding sub. (4) (b), if the participating municipalities agree on a cooperative plan under this subsection, a public hearing on the plan shall be held under sub. (4) (b) no sooner than 45 days after agreement is reached and at least 45 days before submitting the plan to the department for review and approval under sub. (5).
(f) If any litigation contesting annexation of territory of the petitioning or nonpetitioning town to the city or village is commenced during the 3-year period after the department receives the petition for mediation under par. (b), the judge shall under s. 802.12 (2), unless the nonpetitioning municipality objects, order the parties to select a settlement alternative under s. 802.12 (1) (i) as a means to attempt settlement.
43,30 Section 30. 66.0307 (5) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (5) (c) 1. The content of the plan under sub. (3) (c) to (e) is sufficient to enable the department to make the determinations under subds. 2. to 5m 5.
43,31 Section 31. 66.0307 (5) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.0307 (5) (c) 2. The cooperative plan is consistent with each participating municipality's comprehensive plan and with current state laws, municipal regulations, and administrative rules that apply to the territory affected by the plan.
43,32 Section 32 . 66.0307 (5) (c) 4. of the statutes is repealed.
43,33 Section 33. 66.0307 (5) (c) 5m. of the statutes is repealed.
43,34 Section 34. 66.1105 (4) (gm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
66.1105 (4) (gm) 1. Describes the boundaries, which may, but need not, be the same as those recommended by the planning commission, of a tax incremental district with sufficient definiteness to identify with ordinary and reasonable certainty the territory included in the district. The boundaries of the tax incremental district may not include any annexed territory that was not within the boundaries of the city on January 1, 2004, unless at least 3 years have elapsed since the territory was annexed by the city, unless the city enters into a cooperative plan boundary agreement, under s. 66.0301 (6) or 66.0307, with the town from which the territory was annexed, or unless the city and town enter into another kind of agreement relating to the annexation except that, notwithstanding these conditions, the city may include territory that was not within the boundaries of the city on January 1, 2004, if the city pledges to pay the town an amount equal to the property taxes levied on the territory by the town at the time of the annexation for each of the next 5 years. If, as the result of a pledge by the city to pay the town an amount equal to the property taxes levied on the territory by the town at the time of the annexation for each of the next 5 years, the city includes territory in a tax incremental district that was not within the boundaries of the city on January 1, 2004, the city's pledge is enforceable by the town from which the territory was annexed. The boundaries shall include only those whole units of property as are assessed for general property tax purposes. Property standing vacant for an entire 7-year period immediately preceding adoption of the resolution creating a tax incremental district may not comprise more than 25 percent of the area in the tax incremental district, unless the tax incremental district is suitable under subd. 4. a. for either industrial sites or mixed use development and the local legislative body implements an approved project plan to promote industrial development within the meaning of s. 66.1101 if the district has been designated as suitable for industrial sites, or mixed-used mixed-use development if the district has been designated as suitable for mixed-use development. In this subdivision, "vacant property" includes property where the fair market value or replacement cost value of structural improvements on the parcel is less than the fair market value of the land. In this subdivision, "vacant property" does not include property acquired by the local legislative body under ch. 32, property included within the abandoned Park East freeway corridor or the abandoned Park West freeway corridor in Milwaukee County, or property that is contaminated by environmental pollution, as defined in s. 66.1106 (1) (d).
43,35 Section 35. 117.132 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
117.132 (1m) (a) "Annexed" means annexed or attached under s. 66.0217, 66.0219, 66.0221, 66.0223, 66.0225, 66.0227, 66.0301 (6), or 66.0307.