Invasive species: enforcement procedures and penalties created for species not covered under current law [Sec. 482, 660, 662-664] -
Act 20
Karner blue butterfly habitat conservation plan funding [Sec. 274] -
Act 20
PCB contaminated sediment: compensation program for remediation created [Sec. 282w, 3094h, 9135 (1f)]
Act 20
Tanks storing flammable, combustible, and hazardous liquids (including petroleum): forfeitures for violations increased [Sec. 2614, 2630] -
Act 20
USH 51 reconstruction project in Dane County: environmental impact statement or assessment [Sec. 2528m]
Act 20
Wisconsin Idea short course for Chinese students; report required [Sec. 9152 (2u)] -
Act 20
``Authorization for final disposition" document re human remains: regulations created; fine, anatomical gift, and civil and criminal immunity provisions -
Act 58
Retail intoxicating liquor license issuance: interest restriction on a member of a municipal governing body modified; ethics code violation provision -
Act 69
Government Accountability Board created, Ethics and Accountability Division and Elections Division established; Ethics Board and Elections Board abolished
Act 1
Government Accountability Board creation and deletion of Ethics and Elections boards: effectuate 2007 WisAct 1 provisions [Sec. 1b, 543g, 3938b, c, 9118m (1u), 9418m (1t)]
Act 20
Property tax assessment objections: extension allowed; evidence, ordinance, court, and fee provisions
Act 86
Executive secretary in the Office of the Governor: executive salary group reassignment [Sec. 617]
Act 20
Life and public service of the Kenosha County sheriff's deputy commended [Ap8 AJR-1] - JR-50
County fair aids [Sec. 2592g] -
Act 20
Children and Families, Department of, created; DHFS duties re services to children and families transferred to; DWD duties re W-2, child and spousal support, paternity, and medical support liability transferred to; DHFS renamed Department of Health Services [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
Act 20
Family Support Program re care of disabled children: DHFS to set criteria for service priority funding [Sec. 1202, 1203] -
Act 20
Paternity judgments: DWD payment of vital records fees in certain cases [Sec. 3746h, i, 9354 (2d)]
Act 20
WRS operation and administration revisions -
Act 131
Child or family support: receipt and disbursement fees collected by DWD increased [Sec. 455, 3733, 3734, 3737, 9454 (2)]
Act 20
Child support enforcement activities: federal and state funds for; federal child support incentive payments reinstated [Sec. 449, 450d, 459, 460d, 1473, 1474d-1476g, 9454 (3p)]
Act 20
Children and Families, Department of, created; DHFS duties re services to children and families transferred to; DWD duties re W-2, child and spousal support, paternity, and medical support liability transferred to; DHFS renamed Department of Health Services [for section numbers, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -
Act 20
Food stamp recipients' employment and training program transferred from DWD to DHFS; food stamp eligibility re child support noncompliance revised [Sec. 387, 464, 1397-1407, 1425, 1662-1667, 1669, 2645, 9154 (3k)] -
Act 20
Interstate child support cases: lien enforcement provisions [Sec. 1706-1709] -
Act 20
Parenting plan in actions affecting the family: clerk of court and mediator duties; deadline for filing when court waives mediation requirement or when mediator notifies the court there is no agreement modified -
Act 187
Pending paternity proceedings: access to DWD and county child support agencies increased -
Act 81
Real work, real pay pilot project created; directive to DWD re continued creation and implementation of a subsidized work program eliminated [Sec. 1410, 1478, 1479, 1511, 1961-1965, 2034-2038, 2090-2094, 2162-2166, 2994, 3935, 9341 (3)]
Act 20
Discovery farm funding grants for research and outreach [Sec. 261e, 732x] -
Act 20
Corn marketing order: additional assessment established; sunset provision -
Act 26
Soybean crushing facility grants [Sec. 185t, 9103 (4u)] -
Act 20
Accomplishments and contributions to the Green Bay Packers commended and well wishes on future endeavors [AJR-113]
- JR-46
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -
Act 188
Child support enforcement activities: federal and state funds for; federal child support incentive payments reinstated [Sec. 449, 450d, 459, 460d, 1473, 1474d-1476g, 9454 (3p)]
Act 20
DOT federal appropriation adjustments: DOA prohibited from approving unless it is approved by JCF under a 14-day passive review process [Sec. 85c, e, f] [vetoed]
Drugs to treat HIV infections: DHFS may use federal project aids moneys rather than federal project operations moneys to reimburse costs (remedial legislation)
Act 89
Federal revenue appropriation purpose changed from payments to war orphans to payments for assistance and use of DVA facilities [Sec. 514] -
Act 20
Great Lakes contaminated sediment removal: bonding authority to pay portion of costs [Sec. 291, 591, 3082]
Act 20
Federal approvals for hunting, trapping, and fishing: DNR may contract with federal government to issue through its statewide automated system -
Act 50
feeFee, see
specific subject
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge reductions [Sec. 2595n-w, 2596e, g, 2598e, f, 9303 (1v)]
Act 20
Agricultural chemical pollution prevention: DATCP may provide assistance for capital improvement costs; project cost limited; rules re eligible recipients and projects and allowable costs [Sec. 194, 2599] -
Act 20
Animal waste management: funding authority of DNR expanded; funding to local government re animal feeding operation authorized [Sec. 3079-3081]
Act 20
Wind, solar, and gas from anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste: sales and use tax exemptions created [Sec. 2419c, 9441 (2j)] -
Act 20
ATM access fee or surcharge on international transactions permitted -
Act 48
Cemetery associations and cemetery authorities law revisions re deposits and investments of and trustees of care funds and preneed trust funds, licensure and registration of certain cemeteries, reporting requirements, sale or encumbrance of cemetery land, and regulation of warehouses
Act 174
One-time delay of lapse to general fund [Sec. 9217 (1j)] -
Act 20
Tobacco product marketing settlement agreement: nonparticipating manufacturer's agent changed from Secretary of State to DFI (remedial legislation) -
Act 156
Video service provider and cable television regulations; municipality and DFI duties specified; U.W. and fee provisions [partial veto] -
Act 42
Aircraft OWI and prohibited alcohol concentration penalties made the same as motor vehicle penalties; minor passenger, operating in a reckless manner, and alcohol and other drug assessment and treatment provisions [Sec. 814m, 1819m, 2665g-r, 3315k, s] -
Act 20
``Authorization for final disposition" document re human remains: regulations created; fine, anatomical gift, and civil and criminal immunity provisions -
Act 58
Notary public who is not an attorney prohibited from certain actions that imply he or she is an attorney; exemption provided -
Act 110
Scrap metal sales, purchases, and dealers: definitions, confidentiality, and records requirements; fines and civil action provisions; theft of property modified -
Act 64
Automatic fire sprinklers in places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: eliminating Comm.Dept authority to grant a variance to the rules relating to (remedial legislation) -
Act 149
Fire detection, prevention, and suppression rules re places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: rules based on International Code Council, Inc., building code (remedial legislation) -
Act 148
Fire occurrence reports and records: requiring fire departments to report certain information to the U.S. Fire Administration -
Act 75
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