Carbon monoxide detectors required in residential buildings, limited exceptions and waiver provision; DHFS and Comm.Dept duties specified; penalty and emergency rules provisions -
Act 205
Elevator mechanic regulations revised [Sec. 2641b-r] -
Act 20
State of emergency: state agency status for health care facilities, mass clinics, and certain health care providers revised; governing bodies of counties allowed to make declarations of emergencies; civil liability immunity for donating or selling qualified food and household products modified; State Interoperability Council made a statutory council and renamed the Interoperability Council; tornado or other hazardous drill requirement in public and private schools revised
Act 79
Energy efficiency and renewable resource program: determining revenues energy utilities may collect from large energy consumers; PSC provision -
Act 17
Energy efficiency and renewable resource programs established and funded by utilities: appropriation created; employee transfer from DOA to PSC; Office of Energy Independence created [Sec. 25, 35m, 117m, 215, 217, 699, 2932, 2933, 9101 (2)] -
Act 20
Executive salary group changes [Sec. 617-619, 620, 621, 623-626, 630] -
Act 20
Public library system funding from the universal service fund [Sec. 9139 (1f)] -
Act 20
Pulp and paper mill that emerged from bankruptcy in Wisconsin: renewable energy grant required, criteria set [Sec. 198, 199j, 9108 (4v), (5x)] [198, 9108 (5x) — partial veto]
Act 20
Renewable energy grant and loan program under WDF created, criteria set; recycling fund renamed ``recycling and renewable energy fund" [Sec. 179j, 193h, 199j, k, 261r, t, 278g, 281g, 282nf-nj, 302k, tk, 320f, 516d, 551r, 678n, 690t, 2483q, 3086p, 3088d, 3564x, 9108 (4t)] -
Act 20
Universal service fund: PSC authority modified; local exchange service rates adjustments [Sec. 2929-2929j]
Act 20
Universal service fund: reimbursement of overpayment [Sec. 2929m, 9339 (1d)] -
Act 20
Universal service fund: reimbursement of overpayment [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2929m, 9339 (1d)]
Act 20
Energy efficiency and renewable resource programs established and funded by utilities: appropriation created; employee transfer from DOA to PSC; Office of Energy Independence created [Sec. 25, 35m, 117m, 215, 217, 699, 2932, 2933, 9101 (2)] -
Act 20
Liquefied petroleum gas supplier regulations and licensing requirements; one-call system for receiving excavation notices and transmitting notices revised; private transmission facilities and forfeiture provisions -
Act 203
Power and waste water treatment plants (state-owned): certain FTE positions renewed [Sec. 9101 (1), 9109, 9121, 9137, 9152, 9153] -
Act 5
Public utility aid: formula changes, DOR study group and report required; per capita payment limit for counties and municipalities increased [Sec. 2505d-i, 9141 (1f)]
Act 20
Imposing local general property taxes on certain property of electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and light, heat, and power companies: DOR study group eliminated
Act 215
Utility aid payments: hold-harmless payment for qualifying municipalities created -
Act 226
Drainage board public contract minimum bid requirements: amount increased -
Act 122
Pharmacy management services for all DHFS-operated institutions: issuance of request for proposals required [Sec. 1810r] -
Act 20
U.S. flag displayed at public buildings, structures, and facilities required to be manufactured in the U.S.
Act 166
Value-based health care purchasing initiatives; Wisconsin Health Information Organization and centralized data repository provisions [Sec. 543t, 2898h]
Act 20
Life and public service [AJR-8] - JR-7
Life and public service [AJR-116] - JR-48
Cops-n-Kids Reading Program in City of Racine: three-year grant provided [Sec. 9101 (7h)] -
Act 20
Fetal and infant mortality project; report required [Sec. 405e, f, 9121 (6d), 9421 (8c)] [9121 (6d) — partial veto; 405f, 9421 (8c) — vetoed] -
Act 20
Racine Y.W.C.A. job skills training program: one-time grant for start-up costs [Sec. 453e, f, 9154 (4k), 9454 (3k)]
Act 20
Streetscaping project in City of Racine: transportation enhancements grant; city to pay portion of cost [Sec. 9148 (12y)] -
Act 20
Youth Diversion Program transferred from Corr.Dept to OJA; services in ward two in City of Racine required [Sec. 102, 323, 325, 326, 487, 488, 539, 3125-3128, 9101 (5), 9109 (1)]
Act 20
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Sec. 125g, 536m] -
Act 20
Racine County Workforce Development Board: one-time grant for plan [Sec. 440m, p, 9154 (5k), 9454 (5k)]
Act 20
Racine Discovery Place Museum project: grant requirements and project in 2001-03 building program deleted [Sec. 9nb, 583, 596kb, 606d, 3934b, 9105 (9p)]
Act 20
Rochester, Town and Village of: consolidation authorized if referendum passes [Sec. 1875p-t] -
Act 20
Depleted uranium affecting veterans: Adjutant General and DVA required to assist and provide information; committee to study the effects of exposure created, report required
Act 46
Radio and television programs: motion picture film and tape tax exemption modified to include [Sec. 2381]
Act 20
National Railroad Museum sales of beer, wine, and liquor [Sec. 2757w, 2759ce, cs] -
Act 20
Rail property acquisition and improvement: bonding authority increased [Sec. 595] -
Act 20
Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee commuter rail extension project: DOT may submit request to JCF for supplemental appropriation; revenue from the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Transit Authority may not be used for lobbying purposes [Sec. 1851c, 9148 (9u)] [9148 (9u) — partial veto]
Act 20
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact created -
Act 117
Rail passenger route development: general obligation bonding authority increased [Sec. 592] -
Act 20
Rail Passenger Route Development Program expanded re routes between Chicago and Milwaukee, between Madison and La Crosse, and between Madison and Eau Claire [Sec. 2543]
Act 20
``Ronald Reagan Day" recognized February 6, 2007, and subsequent yearly anniversaries thereafter [SJR-4]
- JR-27
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans, notification provisions; DATCP to develop educational pamphlet; annual report requirements modified; disclosure that property is in a special purpose district required on the real estate condition report -
Act 121
Real estate transfer return: electronic filing required, undue hardship provision; SSN and telephone numbers must remain confidential -
Act 219
Rental and interest payments by businesses to related entities: individual income and corporate and franchise tax deductions added back when computing state total income [partial veto] -
Act 226
State-owned real property: DOA sale provisions; Regents use of net proceeds for operation of U.W. System; DOA cannot sell certain properties [Sec. 9, 113, 114, 252, 254, 255, 258, 657, 694, 787, 2532, 2544, 2682, 3108, 3936, 3937]
Act 20
Town sanitary district commissioners: right of recall expanded to include -
Act 56
College tuition individual income tax deduction increased and expanded; double benefit prevented re college tuition and expenses program [Sec. 1952-1954, 9341 (12)]
Act 20
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity revisions [Sec. 748t-v, 9322 (3x), 9422 (1x)] -
Act 20
Military Affairs, Department of: chap.21, Wis.Stats, recodified
Act 200
Antigo, City of: Stewardship 2000 Program funding for development re Ice Age and Springbrook trails [Sec. 658t]
Act 20
Cornerstone Ice Arena in Village of Ashwaubenon: grant from WDF required [Sec. 195, 9108 (9i)]
Act 20
Florence Wild Rivers Interpretive Center: grant provided [Sec. 281q, 718m] -
Act 20
Hobbs Ice Arena in City of Eau Claire: renovation grant from WDF [Sec. 195, 9108 (8i)] -
Act 20
Managed Forest Land Board created; land acquisition grants for certain outdoor activities [Sec. 30, 68, 282, 2481, 2482, 9135 (1)] -
Act 20
Managed forest land: owner may not enter into a lease or other agreement for compensation re specified recreational activities; exception and penalty provisions [Sec. 2480c-r]
Act 20
Multi-use trail in City of Whitewater: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (8i)]
Act 20