Tax Appeals Commission deposits: administration transferred from DOA to DOR [Sec. 2129, 2140, 2435]
Act 20
Delinquent taxpayer Internet postings: minimum lowered; distribution to search engines [Sec. 2135e, 2153p, 9441 (3j)] -
Act 20
Tax preparers prohibited from disclosing information obtained in preparing a client's tax return; exceptions and disclosure provisions; DATCP duty set; penalty provisions
Act 176
Chelsea Sanitary District in Taylor County: grant provided [Sec. 9135 (3f)] -
Act 20
Local roads improvement program grants: state veterans cemetery access road in Washburn County, 85th Street in Village of Pleasant Prairie, and McComb Avenue in Village of Rib Lake [Sec. 307, 9148 (3), (9z), (14qq)]
Act 20
Suicide prevention: school boards and governing bodies of private schools to annually inform professional staff of certain resources -
Act 220
Virtual charter school provisions created, enrollment limitations and reporting requirements; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties re online courses; compulsory school attendance exception; tuition for out-of-state students; teacher licensing and training in online courses requirements; LAB audit required -
Act 222
Master educator grants and retroactive provisions; grant doubled re school with certain percentage pupils eligible for free or reduced-price lunch [Sec. 245, 2693-2702, 9337 (4)]
Act 20
Virtual charter school provisions created, enrollment limitations and reporting requirements; Superintendent of Public Instruction duties re online courses; compulsory school attendance exception; tuition for out-of-state students; teacher licensing and training in online courses requirements; LAB audit required -
Act 222
Agricultural Education and Workforce Development Council created in DATCP; report and reviews by DPI, TCS, and certain U.W. System schools required -
Act 223
College students visiting a state park re an outdoor academic class: exemption from vehicle admission fee [Sec. 700e]
Act 20
Dairy science associate degree program at Northcentral Technical College: incentive grants [Sec. 9146 (1k)]
Act 20
DOA Secretary required to transfer or lapse to general fund from unencumbered balances of executive branch state agencies, other than sum sufficient or federal appropriations for 2007-09 and 2009-11 fiscal biennia; does not apply to U.W. System or TCS [Sec. 9201 (1c)] -
Act 20
Economic development programs in Comm.Dept revisions; definition, reporting requirements, forfeiture, and goals and benchmark provisions; LAB audit required
Act 125
Fee remission at TCS and U.W. for children of eligible veterans: minimum age reduced; full-time student requirement eliminated [Sec. 734, 739, 9346 (1), 9352 (1k)]
Act 20
Fire schools state operations appropriation: unencumbered balance to revert to fire dues distribution appropriation [Sec. 265m, 9346 (3k)] -
Act 20
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -
Act 36
NanoRite Facility at Chippewa Valley Technical College: grant from WDF required [Sec. 195, 9108 (4u)]
Act 20
Preadoption preparation for proposed adoptive parents: TCS and U.W. to provide [Sec. 1366m] -
Act 20
Technical college district levy limit and referendum provisions; sunset provided [Sec. 737m, r, 9446 (1d)] [vetoed]
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans and certain dependents: new biennial appropriation for Regents and TCS boards [Sec. 226, 735, 736, 740, 741, 749, 9322 (2)]
Act 20
Tuition remission for unremarried surviving spouse having a child with the veteran: provision created [Sec. 733mr, mw, 738mr, mw, 9346 (1), 9352 (1k)] -
Act 20
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars Program and office created in DOA; DOA liaison and Wisconsin Covenant Foundation, Inc., duties; report required [Sec. 25, 26, 35p, 78, 225, 520, 748, 3006, 9122 (1), 9322 (3)] [78, 520, 748 — partial veto]] -
Act 20
Workforce advancement training grants [Sec. 743m] [partial veto] -
Act 20
Dairy science associate degree program at Northcentral Technical College: incentive grants [Sec. 9146 (1k)]
Act 20
Post-employment benefits: school district funds held in trust must be held in segregated accounts; provisions expanded to include local governmental units and technical college districts -
Act 82
Technical college district levy limit and referendum provisions; sunset provided [Sec. 737m, r, 9446 (1d)] [vetoed]
Tuition and fee remissions for veterans and certain dependents: new biennial appropriation for Regents and TCS boards [Sec. 226, 735, 736, 740, 741, 749, 9322 (2)]
Act 20
Workforce advancement training grants [Sec. 743m] [partial veto] -
Act 20
E-Rate funds: use expanded [Sec. 529] -
Act 20
La Causa Charter School in Milwaukee: grant from the segregated universal service fund [Sec. 243c, 9137 (7c)]
Act 20
Newsline for the Blind: money appropriated for DPI from the universal service fund [Sec. 248] -
Act 20
Public library system funding from the universal service fund [Sec. 9139 (1f)] -
Act 20
Telecommunications access grants to school districts and private schools: DOA authority eliminated [Sec. 129, 531, 532, 2930] -
Act 20
Universal service fund: PSC authority modified; local exchange service rates adjustments [Sec. 2929-2929j]
Act 20
Universal service fund: reimbursement of overpayment [Sec. 2929m, 9339 (1d)] -
Act 20
Universal service fund: reimbursement of overpayment [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2929m, 9339 (1d)]
Act 20
Universal service fund use for telecommunications services: moneys used across the U.W. System instead of only certain campuses [Sec. 2929v] [partial veto]
Act 20
Wireless 911 telephone system grants sunsetted [Sec. 216] -
Act 20
Fraud, waste, and mismanagement in state government: LAB to maintain a toll-free telephone number with voice mail to receive reports; referral to a state department, board, commission, or independent agency for investigation permitted
Act 126
Liquefied petroleum gas supplier regulations and licensing requirements; one-call system for receiving excavation notices and transmitting notices revised; private transmission facilities and forfeiture provisions -
Act 203
Locker rooms: capturing nude or partially nude image on recording device, including cell phones, prohibited; written policy on use of recording devices required -
Act 118
Nonsolicitation directory for telephones: commercial mobile service added to definition of residential customer
Act 226
Real estate transfer return: electronic filing required, undue hardship provision; SSN and telephone numbers must remain confidential -
Act 219
Wireless 911 telephone system grants sunsetted [Sec. 216] -
Act 20
Film production credits: technical corrections [Sec. 1986-1988, 2056-2058, 2064, 2065, 2112-2114, 2120, 2121]
Act 20
Radio and television programs: motion picture film and tape tax exemption modified to include [Sec. 2381]
Act 20
Video service provider and cable television regulations; municipality and DFI duties specified; U.W. and fee provisions [partial veto] -
Act 42
Arts Board one-time grants for Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, Ko Thi Dance Company, and African American Children's Theater [Sec. 221m, p, 9104 (1j), 9404 (1j)]
Act 20
$228,792.62 claim for damages re defense of federal criminal charges -
Act 74
Life and military service commended [SJR-15] - JR-32
Smoking cessation program for MA recipients [Sec. 9121 (7L)]
Act 20
Tobacco product marketing settlement agreement: nonparticipating manufacturer's agent changed from Secretary of State to DFI (remedial legislation) -
Act 156
Tobacco settlement permanent endowment fund revisions; MA trust fund, MA and Badger Care Plus benefits, appropriation obligation bonds, and DOA provisions [partial veto]
Act 226
Tobacco settlement permanent endowment fund: transfer to MA trust fund [Sec. 697, 697n] -
Act 20
Tobacco use control grants increase -
Act 226