2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
December 11, 2007 - Offered by Representatives Hebl, Smith, Gronemus, Vruwink,
Krusick, Hixson
and Sheridan.
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the amendment as follows:
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,2 21. Page 1, line 3: after that line insert:
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,4 3"1m. Page 33, line 19: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
4with page 35, line 19, and substitute:
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,5 5" Section 27c. 100.209 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,7 6100.209 Video service standards; privacy protection. (1) Definitions.
7In this section:
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,98 (a) "Basic video service" means any video service offering or service tier which
9includes the retransmission of local television broadcast signals.
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,1110 (b) "Cable or video provider" means an interim cable operator or a video service
AB207-SA1-AA2,1,1212 (c) "Interim cable operator" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (n).
1(d) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town.
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,32 (e) "Normal business hours" means, with respect to a business, those hours
3during which most similar businesses in a municipality are open to serve customers.
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,104 (f) "Normal operating conditions" means, with respect to a video provider, those
5service conditions that are within the control of the video programming provider.
6"Normal operating conditions" includes special promotions; pay-per-view events;
7regular, peak, or seasonal demand periods; and maintenance or upgrade of a service
8network. "Normal operating conditions" does not include natural disasters, civil
9disturbances, power outages, telephone network outages, or severe or unusual
10weather conditions.
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,1211 (g) "Service interruption" means the loss of picture or sound on one or more
12video channels.
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,1513 (h) "Service line drop" means the point of connection between a premises and
14the facilities of a cable or video provider that enables the premises to receive video
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,1716 (i) "Service tier" means a category of video service for which a separate rate is
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,2118 (j) "Video programming provider" means a multichannel video programming
19distributor, as defined in 47 USC 522 (13), but does not include a landlord whose
20provision of video service is limited to providing video service to a single-family home
21or other residential dwelling consisting of 4 units or less.
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,2222 (k) "Video franchise area" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (w).
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,2423 (L) "Video service" means multiple channels of video programming, as defined
24in 47 USC 522 (20).
AB207-SA1-AA2,2,2525 (m) "Video service network" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (zb).
1(n) "Video service provider" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (zg).
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,5 2(2) Applicability. Notwithstanding sub. (1) (j), a video programming provider
3that provides video service through a master antenna television, satellite master
4antenna television, direct broadcast satellite, or multipoint distribution service is
5subject to this section only to the extent permitted by federal law.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,8 6(3) General customer service standards. (a) In general. Video programming
7providers shall establish general standards related to customer service, including
8relating to all of the following:
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,99 1. Installation, disconnection, service, and repair obligations.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1010 2. Appointment hours and employee identification requirements.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1111 3. Customer service telephone numbers and hours.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1212 4. Procedures for billing, charges, deposits, refunds, and credits.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1313 5. Procedures for termination of service.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1414 6. Notice of deletion of programming service.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1515 7. Changes related to transmission of programming.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1616 8. Changes or increases in rates.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1717 9. The use and availability of parental control or lock-out devices.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1818 10. If applicable, the use and availability of an A/B switch.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,1919 11. Complaint and bill dispute resolution procedures.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,2120 12. Rights and remedies available to consumers if the video programming
21provider does not materially meet their customer service standards.
AB207-SA1-AA2,3,2222 13. Special services for customers with visual, hearing, or mobility disabilities.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,523 (b) Public availability. A video programming provider shall make available to
24the public, and display clearly and conspicuously on its Internet Web site, the video
25programming providers' rates for each level of service, rules, and regulations, and

1the standards established under par. (a). If a promotional price or a price for a
2specified period of time is offered, the programming video provider shall clearly and
3conspicuously display the promotional price or price for the specified period of time
4together with the price that applies at the end of the promotional period or specified
5period of time.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,96 (c) Notice. A video programming provider shall provide notice concerning its
7general customer service standards to all customers. The notice shall be offered
8when service is first activated and annually thereafter. The information in the notice
9shall include all of the standards established under par. (a) and all of the following:
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,1110 1. A listing of services offered by the video programming provider, which clearly
11describes programming for all services and all levels of service.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,1212 2. The rates for all services and levels of service.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,1413 3. Telephone numbers through which customers may subscribe to, change, or
14terminate service, request customer service, or seek general or billing information.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,1515 4. Instructions on the use of the video services.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,1816 5. A description of rights and remedies that the video programming provider
17shall make available to their customers if the video programming provider does not
18materially meet the general customer service standards described in this paragraph.
AB207-SA1-AA2,4,22 19(4) General customer service obligations. (a) A video programming provider
20shall render reasonably efficient service, promptly make repairs, and interrupt
21service only as necessary and for good cause, during periods of minimum use of the
22system and for no more than 24 hours.
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,323 (b) All service representatives or any other person who contacts customers or
24potential customers on behalf of a video programming provider shall have a visible
25identification card with their name and photograph and shall orally identify

1themselves upon first contact with a customer. Customer service representatives
2shall orally identify themselves to callers immediately following the greeting during
3each telephone contact with the public.
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,44 (c) A video programming provider shall do one of the following:
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,105 1. Maintain a customer service facility that is located within a municipality in
6which the video programming provider provides video service and that is staffed by
7customer service representatives that have the capacity to accept payment; adjust
8bills; respond to repair, installation, reconnection, disconnection, or other service
9calls; and distribute or receive converter boxes, remote control units, digital stereo
10units, or other equipment related to the provision of video service.
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,1211 2. Provide customers with bill payment facilities through retail, financial, or
12other commercial institutions located within the boundaries of a municipality.
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,1613 3. Provide an address, toll-free telephone number, or electronic address to
14accept bill payments and correspondence, and provide secure collection boxes that
15receive bill payments and returned equipment and that provide a printed receipt
16when items are deposited.
AB207-SA1-AA2,5,1917 4. Provide an address, toll-free telephone number, or electronic address to
18accept bill payments and correspondence, and provide a method for customers to
19return equipment to the video programming provider at no cost to the customer.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,5 20(5) Customer contacts. In each contact with a customer, the service
21representatives of a video programming provider, or any other person who contacts
22customers or potential customers on behalf of the video programming provider, shall
23state the estimated cost of the service, repair, or installation orally prior to delivery
24of the service or before any work is performed, and shall provide the customer with
25an oral statement of the total charges before terminating the telephone call or other

1contact in which a service is ordered, whether in person or over the Internet, and
2shall provide a written statement of the total charges before leaving the location at
3which the work was performed. If the cost of service is a promotional price or is for
4a limited period of time, the cost of service at the end of the promotion or limited
5period of time shall be disclosed.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,13 6(6) Notices. A video programming provider shall provide customers a
7minimum of 30 days' written notice before increasing rates or eliminating
8transmission of programming and shall submit the notice to the municipality in
9advance of distribution to customers, except that if the elimination of transmission
10of programming is outside the control of the video programming provider, the video
11programming provider shall use reasonable efforts to provide as much notice as
12possible and any rate decrease related to the elimination of transmission of
13programming shall be applied as of the date of the elimination.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,18 14(7) Reception. A video programming provider shall provide clear visual and
15audio reception that meets or exceeds applicable federal communications
16commission technical standards. If a customer experiences poor video or audio
17reception due to the equipment of the video programming provider, the video
18programming provider shall promptly repair the problem at its own expense.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,20 19(8) Bills, payment and termination. (a) A video programming provider shall
20render monthly bills that are clear, accurate, and understandable.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,2221 (b) Every residential customer who pays bills directly to a video programming
22provider shall have at least 28 days from the date of the bill to pay the listed charges.
AB207-SA1-AA2,6,2523 (c) A video programming provider shall promptly post customer payments. If
24payment is sent by United States mail, payment is considered paid on the date it is
1(d) A video programming provider may not terminate residential service for
2nonpayment of a bill unless the video programming provider furnishes notice of the
3delinquency and impending termination at least 21 days prior to the proposed
4termination. Notice of proposed termination shall be mailed to the customer to whom
5service is billed. Notice of proposed termination shall not be mailed until the 29th
6day after the date of the bill for services. Notice of delinquency and impending
7termination may be part of a billing statement only if the notice is presented in a
8different color than the bill and is designed to be conspicuous. A video programming
9provider may not assess a late fee prior to the 29th day after the date of the bill for
AB207-SA1-AA2,7,1811 (e) A video programming provider shall include with every notice of impending
12termination the name and address of the customer; the amount of delinquency; the
13date on which payment is required to avoid termination; and the telephone number
14of the video programming provider's service representative to make payment
15arrangements and to provide additional information about any charges for failure
16to return equipment and for reconnection. No customer may be charged a fee for
17termination or disconnection of service, regardless of whether the customer or the
18video programming provider initiated termination or disconnection.