SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,5 5352. Page 894, line 6: delete "(2) (b) and" and substitute "(2) (b) and".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,6 6353. Page 896, line 21: delete "(2) (b) and" and substitute "(2) (b) and".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,7 7354. Page 899, line 9: delete "(2) (b) and" and substitute "(2) (b) and".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,8 8355. Page 901, line 19: delete "(2) (b) and".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,9 9356. Page 903, line 21: delete "(2) (b) and".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,10 10357. Page 922, line 2: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,11 11" Section 2017d. 71.22 (9a) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,104,1812 71.22 (9a) "Qualified real estate investment trust" means a real estate
13investment trust, except a real estate investment trust of which more than 50
14percent of the voting power or value of the beneficial interests or shares are owned
15or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a single entity that is subject to sections 301
16to 385 of the Internal Revenue Code, that is not exempt under s. 71.26 (1), and that
17is not a real estate investment trust or a qualified real estate trust subsidiary under
18section 856 (i) of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 2017e 19Section 2017e. 71.22 (9b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,220 71.22 (9b) "Qualified regulated investment company" means a regulated
21investment company, except a regulated investment company of which more than 50
22percent of the voting power or value of the beneficial interests or shares are owned
23or controlled, directly or indirectly, by a single entity that is subject to sections 301

1to 385 of the Internal Revenue Code, that is not exempt under s. 71.26 (1), and that
2is not a regulated investment company.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 2017f 3Section 2017f. 71.22 (9c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,54 71.22 (9c) "Real estate investment trust" means a real estate investment trust
5under section 856 of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 2017g 6Section 2017g. 71.22 (9d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,87 71.22 (9d) "Real estate mortgage investment conduit" means a real estate
8mortgage investment conduit under section 860D of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB40-SSA1-SA1, s. 2017h 9Section 2017h. 71.22 (9e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,1110 71.22 (9e) "Regulated investment company" means a regulated investment
11company under section 851 of the Internal Revenue Code.".
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,12 12358. Page 922, line 2: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,13 13" Section 2017d. 71.22 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,1914 71.22 (9) "Person" includes corporations, unless the context requires
15otherwise. "Person" may include, as determined by the department, any individual,
16partnership, general partner of a partnership, limited liability company, registered
17limited liability partnership, foreign limited liability partnership, syndicate, estate,
18trust, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, executor, administrator, assignee, or
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,20 20359. Page 922, line 19: after that line insert:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,21 21" Section 2018g. 71.255 of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,105,22 2271.255 Combined reporting. (1) Definitions. In this section:
1(a) "Combined group" means the group of all persons whose income and
2apportionment factors are considered under sub. (2) to determine the taxpayer's
3share of the net business income or loss that is apportionable to this state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,64 (b) "Combined report" means a return under s. 71.24 that is filed on a form
5prescribed by the department that specifies the income, credits, and tax of each
6taxpayer member of a commonly controlled group operating as a unitary business.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,87 (c) "Commonly controlled group" means any of the following, but does not
8include an insurer that is exempt from taxation under s. 71.45 (1):
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,159 1. A parent corporation and any corporation or chain of corporations that are
10connected to the parent corporation by direct or indirect ownership by the parent
11corporation if the parent corporation owns stock representing more than 50 percent
12of the voting power of at least one of the connected corporations or if the parent
13corporation or any of the connected corporations owns stock that cumulatively
14represents more than 50 percent of the voting power of each of the connected
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,1816 2. Any 2 or more corporations if a common owner, regardless of whether or not
17the owner is a corporation, directly or indirectly owns stock representing more than
1850 percent of the voting power of the corporations or the connected corporations.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,2019 3. Any 2 or more corporations if stock representing more than 50 percent of the
20voting power in each corporation are interests that cannot be separately transferred.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,106,2521 4. Any 2 or more corporations if stock representing more than 50 percent of the
22voting power in each corporation is directly owned by, or for the benefit of, family
23members. In this subdivision, "family member" means an individual related by
24blood, marriage, or adoption within the 2nd degree of kinship as computed under s.
25852.03 (2), 1995 stats., or the spouse of such an individual.
1(d) "Corporation" means a corporation, as defined in s. 71.22 (1k), that,
2regardless of where the corporation is located, would be subject to the taxes imposed
3under this chapter, if the corporation were doing business in this state. For purposes
4of this section, the business conducted by a pass-through entity that is directly or
5indirectly held by a corporation is considered the corporation's business
6proportionate to the corporation's distributive share of the pass-through entity's
7income. "Corporation" does not include a tax-option corporation.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,107,88 (e) "Department" means the department of revenue.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,107,129 (f) "Internal Revenue Code" means the Internal Revenue Code as defined in s.
1071.22 (4) and (4m), including any provision of a federal tax treaty that expressly
11applies to the states of the United States, but not including any other application of
12a federal tax treaty.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,107,1713 (g) "Pass-through entity" means a general or limited partnership, any
14organization that is treated as a partnership for purposes of this chapter, a real
15estate investment trust, a regulated investment company, a real estate mortgage
16investment conduit, a financial asset securitization investment trust, a trust, or an
SB40-SSA1-SA1,107,2118 (h) "Tax haven" means a jurisdiction that, for any taxable year, is identified by
19the organization for economic cooperation and development as a tax haven or as
20having a harmful, preferential tax regime or has no, or a nominal, effective tax on
21income and all of the following apply:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,107,2422 1. The jurisdiction has laws or practices that prevent the effective exchange of
23information, for tax purposes, with other governments on taxpayers benefiting from
24the tax regime.
12. The details of the legislative, legal, or administrative provisions of the
2jurisdiction's tax regime are not publicly available and apparent or are not
3consistently applied to similarly situated taxpayers or the information needed by tax
4authorities to determine a taxpayer's correct tax liability, including accounting
5records and underlying documentation, is not adequately available.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,108,86 3. The jurisdiction facilitates the establishment of foreign-owned entities
7without requiring a local substantive presence or prohibits such entities from having
8any commercial impact on the local economy.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,108,119 4. The tax regime explicitly or implicitly excludes the jurisdiction's resident
10taxpayers from taking advantage of the tax regime's benefits or prohibits enterprises
11that benefit from the regime from operating in the jurisdiction's domestic market.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,108,1512 5. The jurisdiction has created a tax regime that is favorable for tax avoidance,
13based upon an overall assessment of relevant factors, including whether the
14jurisdiction has a significant untaxed offshore financial or other services sector
15relative to its overall economy.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,108,1716 (i) "Taxpayer member" means a corporation that is subject to tax under s. 71.23
17(1) or (2) and that is a member of a combined group.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,109,1418 (j) "Unitary business" means a single economic enterprise that consists of
19separate parts of a single business entity or of a commonly controlled group of
20business entities that are sufficiently interdependent, integrated, and interrelated
21by their activities so as to provide a synergy and a mutual benefit that produces a
22sharing or exchange of value among them and a significant flow of value to the
23separate parts. For purposes of this section, 2 or more business entities are
24considered a unitary business if the entities have unity of ownership, operation, and
25use, as indicated by centralized management or a centralized executive force;

1centralized purchasing, advertising, or accounting; intercorporate sales or leases;
2intercorporate services; intercorporate debts; intercorporate use of proprietary
3materials; interlocking directorates; or interlocking corporate officers. Any business
4conducted by a pass-through entity that is owned directly or indirectly by a
5corporation is considered conducted by the corporation, to the extent of the
6corporation's distributive share of the pass-through entity's income, regardless of
7the percentage of the corporation's ownership interest. A business conducted
8directly or indirectly by one corporation is unitary with that portion of a business
9conducted by another corporation through its direct or indirect interest in a
10pass-through entity, if the corporations are sufficiently interdependent, integrated,
11and interrelated by their activities so as to provide a synergy and a mutual benefit
12that produces a sharing or exchange of value among them and a significant flow of
13value to the separate parts and the two corporations are members of the same
14commonly controlled group.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,109,19 15(2) Corporations required to use combined reporting. (a) A corporation
16engaged in a unitary business with any other corporation shall file a combined report
17that includes the income, determined under sub. (3), and apportionment factor,
18determined under sub. (5) and s. 71.25, of the following members of the unitary
SB40-SSA1-SA1,109,2320 1. Any member incorporated in the United States, including the District of
21Columbia and any territory or possession of the United States, or formed under the
22laws of any state, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the
23United States.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,109,2524 2. Any member, regardless of where the entity is incorporated or formed, if the
25average of the following ratios is 20 percent or more:
1a. The value of the member's real property and tangible personal property
2located in the United States, including the District of Columbia and any territory or
3possession of the United States, not including property that is used to produce
4nonapportionable income, divided by the value of all of the member's real property
5and tangible personal property, not including property that is used to produce
6nonapportionable income. For purposes of this subd. 2. a., the value of property that
7the member rents is the net annual rental amount for the property, multiplied by 8.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,110,158 b. The amount of the member's payroll that is paid in the United States,
9including the District of Columbia and any territory or possession of the United
10States, divided by the amount of the member's total payroll. For purposes of this
11subd. 2. b., payroll includes compensation paid to employees, but does not include
12payroll used to produce nonapportionable income. The payroll paid in the United
13States, including the District of Columbia and any territory or possession of the
14United States, shall be determined in the same manner as payroll is determined for
15this state under s. 71.25 (8) (b) 1. to 5.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,110,2116 c. The member's sales in the United States, including the District of Columbia
17and any territory or possession of the United States, divided by the member's total
18sales. For purposes of this subd. 2. c., sales include items identified in s. 71.25 (9) (e),
19but not items identified in s. 71.25 (9) (f), and the situs of a sale shall be determined
20in the same manner as for state sales in s. 71.25 (9) (b), (d), (df), and (dh), not
21including s. 71.25 (9) (b) 2m. and 3., (c), (df) 3., and (dh) 4.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,110,2522 3. Any member that is a domestic international sales corporation as described
23in sections 991 to 994 of the Internal Revenue Code, a foreign sales corporation as
24described in sections 921 to 927 of the Internal Revenue Code, or an export trade
25corporation as described in sections 970 to 971 of the Internal Revenue Code.
14. Any member that is a controlled foreign corporation as defined in section 957
2of the Internal Revenue Code, to the extent of the member's income that is defined
3in section 952 of of the Internal Revenue Code, including any lower-tier subsidiary's
4distribution of such income that was previously taxed, determined without regard
5to federal treaties, and the apportionment factors related to that income. For
6purposes of this subdivision, any item of income received by a controlled foreign
7corporation is excluded if the income was subject to an income tax imposed by a
8foreign country at an effective tax rate greater than 90 percent of the maximum tax
9rate specified in section 11 of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,111,1310 5. Any member that earns more than 20 percent of its income, directly or
11indirectly, from intangible property or service-related activities that are deductible
12against the business income of other members of the combined group, to the extent
13of that income and the apportionment factors related to that income.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,111,1914 6. Any member that is doing business in a tax haven, if the member is engaged
15in an activity that is sufficient for that tax haven jurisdiction to impose a tax under
16federal law. If the member's business activity in a tax haven is entirely outside the
17scope of the laws and practices that cause the jurisdiction to be a tax haven, the
18member's business activity is not considered to be conducted in a tax haven for
19purposes of this section.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,111,2420 7. Any member not described in subds. 1. to 6., to the extent that its income is
21derived from or attributable to sources within the United States, including the
22District of Columbia and any territory or possession of the United States, as
23determined under the Internal Revenue Code and by its apportionment factors
24related to that income.
1(b) The department may require that a combined report filed under this section
2include the income and associated apportionment factors of any persons not
3described under par. (a) that are members of a unitary business to reflect the proper
4apportionment of income of the entire unitary business, including persons that are
5not, or would not be, subject to the taxes imposed under this chapter if doing business
6in this state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,9 7(3) Components of income subject to tax. Each taxpayer member is
8responsible for the tax imposed under this chapter based on its taxable income or loss
9apportioned or allocated to this state, including:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,1110 (a) Its share of any business income apportionable to this state of each of the
11combined groups of which it is a member, as determined under subs. (4) and (5).
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,1412 (b) Its share of any business income apportionable to this state of a distinct
13business activity conducted in and outside this state wholly by the taxpayer member,
14as determined under s. 71.25.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,1615 (c) Its income from a business conducted wholly by the taxpayer member
16entirely in this state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,1817 (d) Its income sourced to this state from the sale or exchange of capital or assets
18and from involuntary conversions, as determined under sub. (4) (a) 8.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,1919 (e) Its nonbusiness income or loss allocable to this state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,112,2120 (f) Its income or loss allocated or apportioned in an earlier year that is state
21source income during the income year, other than a net business loss carry-forward.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,322 (g) Its net business loss carry-forward. If the taxable income computed under
23this subsection and subs. (4) and (5) results in a loss for a taxpayer member of the
24combined group, the taxpayer member has a net business loss, subject to the net
25business loss limitations and carry-forward provisions in s. 71.26 (4). The business

1loss is applied as a deduction in a subsequent year only if the taxpayer member has
2net income sourced to this state, regardless of whether the taxpayer is a member of
3a combined group in the subsequent year.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,5 4(4) Business income of the combined group. The business income of a
5combined group is determined as follows:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,96 (a) Compute the sum of the income of each member of the combined group as
7determined for federal income tax purposes, as if the members were not consolidated
8for federal purposes, and modified as provided under s. 71.26. Each member of the
9combined group shall determine its income as follows:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,1410 1. For any member incorporated in the United States, including the District of
11Columbia and any territory or possession of the United States, or included in a
12consolidated federal corporate income tax return, the income included in the total
13income of the combined group is the corporation's taxable income as determined
14under s. 71.26.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,1715 2. Except as provided in subd. 3, for any member not included in subd. 1., the
16income included in the total income of the combined group shall be determined as
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,2018 a. Each foreign branch or foreign corporation shall prepare a profit and loss
19statement in the currency in which the branch's or corporation's books of account are
20regularly maintained.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,113,2321 b. The member shall adjust any statement prepared under subd. 2. a. to
22conform to the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States for the
23preparation of profit and loss statements.
1c. The member shall adjust any statement prepared under subd. 2. a. to
2conform to the tax accounting standards required by the department for the
3administration of this chapter.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,114,64 d. Each member of the combined group shall translate its profit and loss
5statements, and the related apportionment factors, into the currency in which the
6parent corporation maintains its books and records.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,114,87 e. Each member shall express in U.S. dollars the income apportioned to this
SB40-SSA1-SA1,114,219 3. If the department determines that the income determination under this
10subsection reasonably approximates income as determined under s. 71.26, any
11member not included in subd. 1. may determine its income based on a consolidated
12profit and loss statement that includes the member and that is prepared for the
13purpose of filing, by related corporations, with the securities and exchange
14commission. If the member is not required to file with the securities and exchange
15commission, the department may allow, for purposes of this subdivision, the use of
16the consolidated profit and loss statement prepared for reporting to shareholders
17and subject to review by an independent auditor. If a statement described in this
18subdivision does not reasonably approximate income as determined under s. 71.26,
19the department may accept the statement if the member makes appropriate
20adjustments to the statement, as determined by the department, to approximate the
21income determined under s. 71.26.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,114,2422 4. If a unitary business includes income from a pass-through entity, the total
23income of the combined group includes the member's direct and indirect distributive
24share of the pass-through entity's unitary business income.
15. All dividends paid by one member to another are not included in the
2recipients income, if the dividends are paid out of the earnings and profits of the
3unitary business in the current taxable year or in an earlier taxable year. This
4subdivision does not apply to dividends received from members of a unitary business
5that are not a part of the combined group.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,115,126 6. Except as provided by the department by rule, business income or loss from
7an intercompany transaction between members of the same combined group shall be
8deferred in a manner similar to 26 CFR 1.1502-13. Upon the occurrence of any of
9the following events, deferred business income or loss resulting from an
10intercompany transaction between members of a combined group shall be included
11in the income of the seller and shall be apportioned as business income earned
12immediately before the event:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,115,1413 a. The object of the deferred intercompany transaction is sold by the buyer to
14an entity that is not a member of the combined group.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,115,1715 b. The object of the deferred intercompany transaction is sold by the buyer to
16an entity that is a member of the combined group for use outside the unitary business
17in which the buyer and seller are engaged.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,115,1918 c. The object of the deferred intercompany transaction is converted by the buyer
19to a use outside the unitary business in which the buyer and seller are engaged.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,115,2120 d. The buyer and seller are no longer members of the same combined group,
21regardless of whether the members remain a unitary business.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,116,822 7. A charitable expense incurred by a member of a combined group, to the
23extent allowable as a deduction under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code,
24shall be subtracted first from the business income of the combined group, subject to
25the income limitations of section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code as it applies to

1the entire business income of the group, and any remaining amount shall be treated
2as a nonbusiness expense allocable to the member that incurred the expense, subject
3to the income limitations of section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code as it applies
4to the nonbusiness income of that member. Any charitable deduction described
5under this subdivision that is allowed as a carryover deduction in a subsequent year
6is considered to be originally incurred in the subsequent year by the same member,
7and this section applies in the subsequent year for purposes of determining the
8allowable deduction in that year.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,116,129 8. Gain or loss from the sale or exchange of capital assets, property described
10in section 1231 (a) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and property subject to an
11involuntary conversion, is removed from the total separate net income of each
12member of a combined group and is apportioned and allocated as follows:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,116,1713 a. For short-term capital gains or losses, long-term capital gains or losses,
14gains or losses under section 1231 of the Internal Revenue Code, and involuntary
15conversions, the business gain and loss of all members are combined within each
16class of net business gain or loss and each such class is separately apportioned to each
17member using the member's apportionment percentage determined under sub. (5).
SB40-SSA1-SA1,116,2318 b. Each taxpayer member shall net its apportioned business gain or loss for all
19classes, as determined under subd. 8. a., including any such apportioned business
20gain and loss from other combined groups, against the taxpayer member's
21nonbusiness gain and loss for all classes allocated to this state as provided under
22sections 1231 and 1222 of the Internal Revenue Code, not including nonbusiness
23items allocated to another state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,224 c. Any resulting state source income or loss, if the loss is not subject to section
251211 of the Internal Revenue Code, of a taxpayer member produced by the

1application of subd. 8. a. and b. shall then be applied to all other state source income
2or loss of that member.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,63d. Any resulting state source loss of a member that is subject to section 1211
4of the Internal Revenue Code shall be carried forward or carried back by that
5member and shall be treated as state source short-term capital loss incurred by that
6member for the year for which the carry-forward or carry-back applies.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,107 9. Any expense of one member of the unitary business that is directly or
8indirectly attributable to the nonbusiness or exempt income of another member of
9the unitary business shall be allocated to that other member as corresponding
10nonbusiness or exempt expense, as appropriate.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,1311 (b) Subtract any nonbusiness income of the combined group from the amount
12determined under par. (a) and add any nonbusiness expense or loss of the combined
13group to the amount determined under par. (a).
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,18 14(5) Taxpayer's share of business income of a combined group. The taxpayer's
15share of the business income apportionable to this state of each combined group of
16which it is a member shall be the product of the business income of the combined
17group as determined under sub. (4) and the taxpayer member's sales factor
18percentage, determined under s. 71.25, modified as follows:
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,2019 (a) Include in the numerator the taxpayer member's sales associated with the
20combined group's unitary business in this state.
SB40-SSA1-SA1,117,2421 (b) Include in the numerator the taxpayer member's sales associated with the
22combined group's unitary business to another state in which the taxpayer member
23is not engaged in business, regardless of whether another member of the combined
24group is engaged in business in the other state.