11. Ensuring improvement of the waters and water dependent natural
SB523-SSA1,21,33 2. Protecting and restoring the hydrologic and ecosystem integrity of the basin;
SB523-SSA1,21,44 3. Retaining the quantity of surface water and groundwater in the basin;
SB523-SSA1,21,55 4. Ensuring sustainable use of waters of the basin; and
SB523-SSA1,21,66 5. Promoting the efficiency of use and reducing losses and waste of water.
SB523-SSA1,21,137 (b) Within 2 years of the effective date of this compact, each party shall develop
8its own water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives consistent with the
9basin-wide goals and objectives and shall develop and implement a water
10conservation and efficiency program, either voluntary or mandatory, within its
11jurisdiction based on the party's goals and objectives. Each party shall annually
12assess its programs in meeting the party's goals and objectives, report to the council
13and the regional body, and make this annual assessment available to the public.
SB523-SSA1,21,1914 (c) Beginning 5 years after the effective date of this compact, and every 5 years
15thereafter, the council, in cooperation with the provinces, shall review and modify as
16appropriate the basin-wide objectives, and the parties shall have regard for any such
17modifications in implementing their programs. This assessment will be based on
18examining new technologies, new patterns of water use, new resource demands and
19threats, and cumulative impact assessment under sub. (4z).
SB523-SSA1,21,2220 (d) Within 2 years of the effective date of this compact, the parties commit to
21promote environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation
22measures such as:
SB523-SSA1,21,2323 1. Measures that promote efficient use of water;
SB523-SSA1,21,2524 2. Identification and sharing of best management practices and state of the art
25 conservation and efficiency technologies;
13. Application of sound planning principles;
SB523-SSA1,22,22 4. Demand-side and supply-side measures or incentives; and
SB523-SSA1,22,33 5. Development, transfer, and application of science and research.
SB523-SSA1,22,74 (e) Each party shall implement in accordance with par. (b) a voluntary or
5mandatory water conservation program for all, including existing, basin water
6users. Conservation programs need to adjust to new demands and the potential
7impacts of cumulative effects and climate.
SB523-SSA1,22,11 8(4d) Water management and regulation; party powers and duties. (a) Each
9party, within its jurisdiction, shall manage and regulate new or increased
10withdrawals, consumptive uses, and diversions, including exceptions, in accordance
11with this compact.
SB523-SSA1,22,1312 (b) Each party shall require an applicant to submit an application in such
13manner and with such accompanying information as the party shall prescribe.
SB523-SSA1,22,1814 (c) No party may approve a proposal if the party determines that the proposal
15is inconsistent with this compact or the standard of review and decision or any
16implementing rules or regulations promulgated thereunder. The party may
17approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove any proposal depending on the
18proposal's consistency with this compact and the standard of review and decision.
SB523-SSA1,22,2119 (d) Each party shall monitor the implementation of any approved proposal to
20ensure consistency with the approval and may take all necessary enforcement
SB523-SSA1,23,322 (e) No party shall approve a proposal subject to council or regional review, or
23both, pursuant to this compact unless it shall have been first submitted to and
24reviewed by either the council or regional body, or both, and approved by the council,
25as applicable. Sufficient opportunity shall be provided for comment on the proposal's

1consistency with this compact and the standard of review and decision. All such
2comments shall become part of the party's formal record of decision, and the party
3shall take into consideration any such comments received.
SB523-SSA1,23,7 4(4f) Water management and regulation; requirement for originating party
No proposal subject to management and regulation under this compact
6shall hereafter be undertaken by any person unless it shall have been approved by
7the originating party.
SB523-SSA1,23,10 8(4h) Water management and regulation; regional review. (a) General. 1. It
9is the intention of the parties to participate in regional review of proposals with the
10provinces, as described in this compact and the agreement.
SB523-SSA1,23,1311 2. Unless the applicant or the originating party otherwise requests, it shall be
12the goal of the regional body to conclude its review no later than 90 days after notice
13under par. (b) of such proposal is received from the originating party.
SB523-SSA1,23,1614 3. Proposals for exceptions subject to regional review shall be submitted by the
15originating party to the regional body for regional review and, where applicable, to
16the council for concurrent review.
SB523-SSA1,23,2317 4. The parties agree that the protection of the integrity of the Great Lakes—St.
18Lawrence River Basin ecosystem shall be the overarching principle for reviewing
19proposals subject to regional review, recognizing uncertainties with respect to
20demands that may be placed on basin water, including groundwater, levels and flows
21of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River, future changes in environmental
22conditions, the reliability of existing data, and the extent to which diversions may
23harm the integrity of the basin ecosystem.
15. The originating party shall have lead responsibility for coordinating
2information for resolution of issues related to evaluation of a proposal and shall
3consult with the applicant throughout the regional review process.
SB523-SSA1,24,84 6. A majority of the members of the regional body may request regional review
5of a regionally significant or potentially precedent setting proposal. Such regional
6review must be conducted, to the extent possible, within the time frames set forth in
7this subsection. Any such regional review shall be undertaken only after consulting
8the applicant.
SB523-SSA1,24,119 (b) Notice from originating party to the regional body. 1. The originating party
10shall determine if a proposal is subject to regional review. If so, the originating party
11shall provide timely notice to the regional body and the public.
SB523-SSA1,24,1412 2. Such notice shall not be given unless and until all information, documents,
13and the originating party's technical review needed to evaluate whether the proposal
14meets the standard of review and decision have been provided.
SB523-SSA1,24,1515 3. An originating party may:
SB523-SSA1,24,1716 a. Provide notice to the regional body of an application, even if notification is
17not required; or
SB523-SSA1,24,2018 b. Request regional review of an application, even if regional review is not
19required. Any such regional review shall be undertaken only after consulting the
SB523-SSA1,24,2121 4. An originating party may provide preliminary notice of a potential proposal.
SB523-SSA1,24,2422 (c) Public participation. 1. To ensure adequate public participation, the
23regional body shall adopt procedures for the review of proposals that are subject to
24regional review in accordance with subs. (4) to (4z).
12. The regional body shall provide notice to the public of a proposal undergoing
2regional review. Such notice shall indicate that the public has an opportunity to
3comment in writing to the regional body on whether the proposal meets the standard
4of review and decision.
SB523-SSA1,25,75 3. The regional body shall hold a public meeting in the state or province of the
6originating party in order to receive public comment on the issue of whether the
7proposal under consideration meets the standard of review and decision.
SB523-SSA1,25,98 4. The regional body shall consider the comments received before issuing a
9declaration of finding.
SB523-SSA1,25,1110 5. The regional body shall forward the comments it receives to the originating
SB523-SSA1,25,1312 (d) Technical review. 1. The originating party shall provide the regional body
13with its technical review of the proposal under consideration.
SB523-SSA1,25,1614 2. The originating party's technical review shall thoroughly analyze the
15proposal and provide an evaluation of the proposal sufficient for a determination of
16whether the proposal meets the standard of review and decision.
SB523-SSA1,25,1817 3. Any member of the regional body may conduct the member's own technical
18review of any proposal subject to regional review.
SB523-SSA1,25,2119 4. At the request of the majority of its members, the regional body shall make
20such arrangements as it considers appropriate for an independent technical review
21of a proposal.
SB523-SSA1,26,222 5. All parties shall exercise their best efforts to ensure that a technical review
23undertaken under subd. 3. or 4. does not unnecessarily delay the decision by the
24originating party on the application. Unless the applicant or the originating party

1otherwise requests, all technical reviews shall be completed no later than 60 days
2after the date the notice of the proposal was given to the regional body.
SB523-SSA1,26,53 (e) Declaration of finding. 1. The regional body shall meet to consider a
4proposal. The applicant shall be provided with an opportunity to present the
5proposal to the regional body at such time.
SB523-SSA1,26,116 2. The regional body, having considered the notice, the originating party's
7technical review, any other independent technical review that is made, any
8comments or objections including the analysis of comments made by the public and
9first nations and federally recognized tribes, and any other information that is
10provided under this compact shall issue a declaration of finding that the proposal
11under consideration:
SB523-SSA1,26,1212 a. Meets the standard of review and decision;
SB523-SSA1,26,1313 b. Does not meet the standard of review and decision; or
SB523-SSA1,26,1514 c. Would meet the standard of review and decision if certain conditions were
SB523-SSA1,26,1716 3. An originating party may decline to participate in a declaration of finding
17made by the regional body.
SB523-SSA1,26,2018 4. The parties recognize and affirm that it is preferable for all members of the
19regional body to agree whether the proposal meets the standard of review and
SB523-SSA1,26,2221 5. If the members of the regional body who participate in the declaration of
22finding all agree, they shall issue a written declaration of finding with consensus.
SB523-SSA1,26,2423 6. In the event that the members cannot agree, the regional body shall make
24every reasonable effort to achieve consensus within 25 days.
17. Should consensus not be achieved, the regional body may issue a declaration
2of finding that presents different points of view and indicates each party's
SB523-SSA1,27,44 8. The regional body shall release the declarations of finding to the public.
SB523-SSA1,27,65 9. The originating party and the council shall consider the declaration of
6finding before making a decision on the proposal.
SB523-SSA1,27,14 7(4j) Water management and regulation; proposals subject to prior notice.
8(a) Beginning no later than 5 years after the effective date of this compact, the
9originating party shall provide all parties and the provinces with detailed and timely
10notice and an opportunity to comment within 90 days on any proposal for a new or
11increased consumptive use of 5,000,000 gallons per day or greater average in any
1290-day period. Comments shall address whether or not the proposal is consistent
13with the standard of review and decision. The originating party shall provide a
14response to any such comment received from another party.
SB523-SSA1,27,1715 (b) A party may provide notice, an opportunity to comment, and a response to
16comments even if this is not required under par. (a). Any provision of such notice and
17opportunity to comment shall be undertaken only after consulting the applicant.
SB523-SSA1,27,21 18(4L) Water management and regulation; council actions. (a) Proposals for
19exceptions subject to council review shall be submitted by the originating party to
20the council for council review, and where applicable, to the regional body for
21concurrent review.
SB523-SSA1,28,222 (b) The council shall review and take action on proposals in accordance with
23this compact and the standard of review and decision. The council shall not take
24action on a proposal subject to regional review pursuant to this compact unless the

1proposal shall have been first submitted to and reviewed by the regional body. The
2council shall consider any findings resulting from such review.
SB523-SSA1,28,5 3(4m) Water management and regulation; prohibition of new or increased
All new or increased diversions are prohibited, except as provided for in
5sub. (4n).
SB523-SSA1,28,12 6(4n) Water management and regulation; exceptions to the prohibition of
(a) Straddling communities. A proposal to transfer water to an area
8within a straddling community but outside the basin or outside the source Great
9Lake watershed shall be excepted from the prohibition against diversions and be
10managed and regulated by the originating party provided that, regardless of the
11volume of water transferred, all of the water so transferred shall be used solely for
12public water supply purposes within the straddling community, and:
SB523-SSA1,28,1613 1. All water withdrawn from the basin shall be returned, either naturally or
14after use, to the source watershed less an allowance for consumptive use. No surface
15water or groundwater from outside the basin may be used to satisfy any portion of
16this criterion except if it:
SB523-SSA1,28,1817 a. Is part of a water supply or wastewater treatment system that combines
18water from inside and outside of the basin;
SB523-SSA1,28,2019 b. Is treated to meet applicable water quality discharge standards and to
20prevent the introduction of invasive species into the basin;
SB523-SSA1,28,2221 c. Maximizes the portion of water returned to the source watershed as basin
22water and minimizes the surface water or groundwater from outside the basin;
SB523-SSA1,28,2523 2. If the proposal results from a new or increased withdrawal of 100,000 gallons
24per day or greater average over any 90-day period, the proposal shall also meet the
25exception standard; and
13. If the proposal results in a new or increased consumptive use of 5,000,000
2gallons per day or greater average over any 90-day period, the proposal shall also
3undergo regional review.
SB523-SSA1,29,64 (b) Intrabasin transfer. A proposal for an intrabasin transfer that would be
5considered a diversion under this compact, and not already excepted pursuant to par.
6(a), shall be excepted from the prohibition against diversions, provided that:
SB523-SSA1,29,97 1. If the proposal results from a new or increased withdrawal of less than
8100,000 gallons per day average over any 90-day period, the proposal shall be subject
9to management and regulation at the discretion of the originating party.
SB523-SSA1,29,1310 2. If the proposal results from a new or increased withdrawal of 100,000 gallons
11per day or greater average over any 90-day period and if the consumptive use
12resulting from the withdrawal is less than 5,000,000 gallons per day average over
13any 90-day period:
SB523-SSA1,29,1614 a. The proposal shall meet the exception standard and be subject to
15management and regulation by the originating party, except that the water may be
16returned to another Great Lake watershed rather than the source watershed;
SB523-SSA1,29,2017 b. The applicant shall demonstrate that there is no feasible, cost-effective, and
18environmentally sound water supply alternative within the Great Lake watershed
19to which the water will be transferred, including conservation of existing water
20supplies; and
SB523-SSA1,29,2221 c. The originating party shall provide notice to the other parties prior to making
22any decision with respect to the proposal.
SB523-SSA1,29,2423 3. If the proposal results in a new or increased consumptive use of 5,000,000
24gallons per day or greater average over any 90-day period:
1a. The proposal shall be subject to management and regulation by the
2originating party and shall meet the exception standard, ensuring that water
3withdrawn shall be returned to the source watershed;
SB523-SSA1,30,74 b. The applicant shall demonstrate that there is no feasible, cost-effective, and
5environmentally sound water supply alternative within the Great Lake watershed
6to which the water will be transferred, including conservation of existing water
SB523-SSA1,30,88 c. The proposal undergoes regional review; and
SB523-SSA1,30,109 d. The proposal is approved by the council. Council approval shall be given
10unless one or more council members vote to disapprove.
SB523-SSA1,30,1411 (c) Straddling counties. 1. A proposal to transfer water to a community within
12a straddling county that would be considered a diversion under this compact shall
13be excepted from the prohibition against diversions, provided that it satisfies all of
14the following conditions:
SB523-SSA1,30,1715 a. The water shall be used solely for the public water supply purposes of the
16community within a straddling county that is without adequate supplies of potable
SB523-SSA1,30,2018 b. The proposal meets the exception standard, maximizing the portion of water
19returned to the source watershed as basin water and minimizing the surface water
20or groundwater from outside the basin;
SB523-SSA1,30,2221 c. The proposal shall be subject to management and regulation by the
22originating party, regardless of its size;
SB523-SSA1,30,2423 d. There is no reasonable water supply alternative within the basin in which
24the community is located, including conservation of existing water supplies;
1e. Caution shall be used in determining whether or not the proposal meets the
2conditions for this exception. This exception should not be authorized unless it can
3be shown that it will not endanger the integrity of the basin ecosystem;
SB523-SSA1,31,44 f. The proposal undergoes regional review; and
SB523-SSA1,31,65 g. The proposal is approved by the council. Council approval shall be given
6unless one or more council members vote to disapprove.
SB523-SSA1,31,117 2. A proposal must satisfy all of the conditions listed above. Further,
8substantive consideration will also be given to whether or not the proposal can
9provide sufficient scientifically based evidence that the existing water supply is
10derived from groundwater that is hydrologically interconnected to waters of the
SB523-SSA1,31,1412 (d) Exception standard. Proposals subject to management and regulation in
13this subsection shall be declared to meet this exception standard and may be
14approved as appropriate only when the following criteria are met:
SB523-SSA1,31,1615 1. The need for all or part of the proposed exception cannot be reasonably
16avoided through the efficient use and conservation of existing water supplies;
SB523-SSA1,31,1817 2. The exception will be limited to quantities that are considered reasonable
18for the purposes for which it is proposed;