Administrative decision: deadline for appeal made the same for contested and noncontested cases - AB368
Adverse possession establishment modified re party in possession or holding the title must be the same for required number of years -  AB168
Ambulance service providers may certify to DOR for collection of debts from tax refunds -  AB679
American Red Cross Month: March 2007 proclaimed as -  AJR20
Arrearage collection procedure used by municipal utility that provides electric or water service to rental dwellings revised - AB649
Ash resulting from the burning of a structure for practice or instruction of fire fighters or testing of equipment: DNR prohibited from requiring disposal in certain landfills  - AB333
Associate's or bachelor's degree from accredited college or university: individual income tax credit created; person can claim for limited number of years; residency provision  - AB601
ATM access fee or surcharge on international transactions permitted -  AB239
ATV and snowmobile operation: prohibited alcohol concentration is 0.0 for anyone under 21 years of age  - AB965
Automatic dialing announcing device call included in ``telephone solicitation" definition; exceptions to prohibitions re the DATCP directory -  AB648
Birth parent may request DHFS or an agency to provide information on the identity and location of the birth child if the birth child is 18 years or older; prohibitions on contacting or revealing information before the birth child reaches 18 years of age; forfeiture and funding provisions - AB489
Bodily harm or threats of bodily harm to a DA, assistant DA, or their families: felony crime created  - AB245
Campaign finance reports: exception for registrants without an office or street address in this state deleted; report requirements and exceptions provided -  SB160
CDL applicant with a military CDL: procedures modified; DOT duties specified -  AB370
Charitable solicitation campaigns performed by professional fund-raisers: DRL required to compile certain information and post it to its Web site -  AB656
Child abuse restraining orders and injunctions: DA allowed to petition the court -  AB778
Child may be placed for adoption prior to TPR finalization; DHFS not required to pay preadoptive preparation re child welfare agency; Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) provision -  AB769
Children's products: sale by commercial suppliers regulated re unsafe products; DATCP duties specified; recall, baby crib, injunction, and forfeiture provisions; residential care center for children and youth, foster home, group home, day care center or provider, or shelter care facility prohibitions and inspection requirements -  SB37
Circuit court branch added to Juneau County -  AB58
Class B deer hunting permit holder may hunt deer of either sex  - AB831
Commercial mobile telephone monthly service contract: expiration of monthly access time specified  - AB98
Community action agencies providing skills enhancement programs: DCF to distribute grants - AB850
Community service: municipal court may order as an initial judgment -  SB407
Complaint procedure with State Superintendent established re use of ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots by a school; DNR prohibited from using the word ``squaw" in the name of any lake or stream and names in current use must be changed -  AB180
Conferences held by the Supreme Court or court of appeals required to be open to the public - AB934
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes: sesquicentennial of congregation's founding commended - AJR112
Construction location restrictions on one- and two-family dwellings prohibited if in compliance with dwelling code; ``location of construction" definition  - AB508
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine: sales and use tax exemptions created -  AB724
Contractor and subcontractor registration requirements created; Comm.Dept duties specified; Contractor Advisory Committee created -  AB466
Contractual services purchased by executive branch agencies to be performed within the U.S. when available  - AB307
Converting agricultural land: county payment of penalty to taxation district modified -  AB33
Customer access to toilet facility designated for use by employees of a retail establishment: permitting use by customers with certain medical conditions required; forfeiture, civil liability immunity, and forged statement provisions  - AB859
Dam that affects the water level of a drain re agricultural land: certain approvals for the construction, enlargement, or modification of required -  AB117
Drainage board may impose a mandatory setback distance or no-build zone near a main drain; zoning ordinance, register of deeds, and local plan commission provisions  - AB119
Drainage board public contract minimum bid requirements: amount increased -  AB116
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans, notification provision; requiring disclosure to potential buyer or transferee of land located in -  AB118
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans; real estate condition report must disclose if property is near a military base or drainage district -  AB120
Drainage district: procedure for landowner to withdraw property from revised -  AB114
Drunken driving offense: terms of imprisonment increased for second or subsequent conviction - AB490
Dykman, Peter J.: service to the legislature and the LRB commended and wishes for a happy retirement  - AJR84
Ear-piercing establishment: child's parent or legal guardian must sign informed consent in presence of person performing the piercing -  AB453
Election administration law changes -  AB904
Employment discrimination because of military status revised and expanded; exception if the individual has been less than honorably discharged -  AB32
Endangered or threatened species: admissibility, in certain proceedings, of evidence of discovery by a person on private property of another under certain conditions  - AB479
Extraterritorial plat: denying approval based on proposed use of land prohibited -  AB423
Fair market value of private real property: owner may seek compensation from governmental unit if a land use regulation restricts use of the property and reduces its fair value - AB805
False report of a crime: knowingly making or causing another person to make prohibited, misdemeanor and felony penalties; court may order convicted person to reimburse certain costs to the responding law enforcement or emergency response agency - AB699
Fire fighter injury or death due to heart or respiratory disease or stroke: presumption for WC purposes that the condition is related to employment created; criteria specified  - AB275
Fire occurrence reports and records: requiring fire departments to report certain information to Comm.Dept  - AB756
Foster youth scholarship fund: individual income tax checkoff created; DHFS duty set -  AB573
Gluten-free food purchases: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  AB786
GPR appropriations: legislature prohibited from passing bills that would exceed certain percentage deposited in general fund; if amount deposited exceeds amount appropriated the excess is transferred to the budget stabilization fund; bill re tax relief required under certain conditions - AB329
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required  - AB922
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required  - SB375
Harvesting of raw forest products: notification to counties requirement revised -  AB785
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  AB280
HIRSP Authority changes; Health Care Tax Credit Program requirement repealed -  AB445
HIRSP required to offer certain persons coverage under a high deductible health plan in conjunction with a health savings account -  AB394
Homestead exemption: value of certain property increased; DOA duties and land owned by husband and wife provisions - AB858
Household income component of the homestead tax credit indexed for inflation -  AB920
Hugo, (CPL) Rachael L.: life and military service commended - AJR82
Hunt, (PFC) Isaiah R.: life and military service commended - AP8SJR1
Illegal feeding of deer: specific penalties created -  AB753
Immigration status of individual seeking or receiving public assistance: political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits an employee from inquiring about immigration status and from notifying the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens; writ of mandamus provision  - AB569
Indigent legal fees: Supreme Court prohibited from assessing on attorneys licensed to practice law in this state. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR30
Information technology development projects of executive branch state agencies: annual LAB report on audits required and auditor positions increased - AB840
Inpatient facility reimbursement: county department of community programs reimbursement requirement reduced; DHFS appropriation provision -  AB509
Insulating concrete forms used to construct a building and energy efficient products: income and franchise tax credits created re purchase or manufacture of  - AB369
Insulating concrete forms used to construct a building and energy efficient products: income and franchise tax credits created re purchase or manufacture of  - SB506
Interfering with custody of a child: ``mental manipulation" added to definition of ``causes a child to leave from or not return to"; causing a child not to return to legal custodian without consent also considered interfering with custody  - AB917
Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re eligibility for deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings  - AB694
Investigation or prosecution records of a violation of elections, ethics, or lobbying regulation laws or similar records not subject to public access: penalty for disclosure revised; procedures for investigating a state employee for disclosing information; collective bargaining provision - AB437
Joint fire department debts re fire station: local levy limits exception expanded to include -  AB869
Juvenile alleged to have committed a delinquent act but not held in custody: juvenile court may impose predispositional conditions order similar to juvenile who is held in custody; failure to comply with conditions is a misdemeanor  - AB249
Juvenile court granted CHIPS jurisdiction when guardian is unable to provide necessary special treatment and is unable or unwilling to sign the petition requesting that jurisdiction - AB361
Kryst, (Capt) Kevin: life and military service commended - AJR53
Landlord and tenant revisions re rental practices; ordinance provisions -  AB967
Legal custody or periods of physical placement of child: court authorized to make modifications contingent on future events or change in conditions -  AB29
Legislator ordered to military duty for any period of time during term in office: legislator does not vacate seat and may appoint a temporary acting legislator subject to approval of house in which the legislator serves. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR33
Local law enforcement service requests and investigative records: access and custody revisions  - AB522
Managed forest land order extension due to catastrophic loss  - SB550
Mobile emergency communications equipped vehicle owned by an amateur radio organization with certain unexpired license: 5 year registration for set amount allowed  - AB195
Mobile telephone service provider acquired by another provider: requiring customers to obtain new telephone equipment for certain services prohibited; customer permitted to terminate contractual obligation with notice  - AB172
Modular home permits re transporting on highways: permit may apply to more than one section of the same home; indivisible load requirement exception -  AB819
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; posted sign required; forfeiture provision  - AB882
Motor vehicles that use gasoline and ethanol mixtures, can run on alternative fuels, are equipped with an electric motor, or are neighborhood electric vehicles or hybrid-electric vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; engine modification kit provision; DOT may erect and maintain business signs along state highways with ``E85" symbol - AB371
Municipal legal notice: option to post to municipality's Internet site allowed -  AB170
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, and exemption from emission inspections -  AB339
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, and exemption from emission inspections -  SB186