Harvesting of raw forest products: notification to counties requirement revised -  AB785
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  AB280
HIRSP Authority changes; Health Care Tax Credit Program requirement repealed -  AB445
HIRSP required to offer certain persons coverage under a high deductible health plan in conjunction with a health savings account -  AB394
Homestead exemption: value of certain property increased; DOA duties and land owned by husband and wife provisions - AB858
Household income component of the homestead tax credit indexed for inflation -  AB920
Hugo, (CPL) Rachael L.: life and military service commended - AJR82
Hunt, (PFC) Isaiah R.: life and military service commended - AP8SJR1
Illegal feeding of deer: specific penalties created -  AB753
Immigration status of individual seeking or receiving public assistance: political subdivision prohibited from enacting or enforcing an ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits an employee from inquiring about immigration status and from notifying the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens; writ of mandamus provision  - AB569
Indigent legal fees: Supreme Court prohibited from assessing on attorneys licensed to practice law in this state. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR30
Information technology development projects of executive branch state agencies: annual LAB report on audits required and auditor positions increased - AB840
Inpatient facility reimbursement: county department of community programs reimbursement requirement reduced; DHFS appropriation provision -  AB509
Insulating concrete forms used to construct a building and energy efficient products: income and franchise tax credits created re purchase or manufacture of  - AB369
Insulating concrete forms used to construct a building and energy efficient products: income and franchise tax credits created re purchase or manufacture of  - SB506
Interfering with custody of a child: ``mental manipulation" added to definition of ``causes a child to leave from or not return to"; causing a child not to return to legal custodian without consent also considered interfering with custody  - AB917
Internal Revenue Code changes adopted re eligibility for deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings  - AB694
Investigation or prosecution records of a violation of elections, ethics, or lobbying regulation laws or similar records not subject to public access: penalty for disclosure revised; procedures for investigating a state employee for disclosing information; collective bargaining provision - AB437
Joint fire department debts re fire station: local levy limits exception expanded to include -  AB869
Juvenile alleged to have committed a delinquent act but not held in custody: juvenile court may impose predispositional conditions order similar to juvenile who is held in custody; failure to comply with conditions is a misdemeanor  - AB249
Juvenile court granted CHIPS jurisdiction when guardian is unable to provide necessary special treatment and is unable or unwilling to sign the petition requesting that jurisdiction - AB361
Kryst, (Capt) Kevin: life and military service commended - AJR53
Landlord and tenant revisions re rental practices; ordinance provisions -  AB967
Legal custody or periods of physical placement of child: court authorized to make modifications contingent on future events or change in conditions -  AB29
Legislator ordered to military duty for any period of time during term in office: legislator does not vacate seat and may appoint a temporary acting legislator subject to approval of house in which the legislator serves. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR33
Local law enforcement service requests and investigative records: access and custody revisions  - AB522
Managed forest land order extension due to catastrophic loss  - SB550
Mobile emergency communications equipped vehicle owned by an amateur radio organization with certain unexpired license: 5 year registration for set amount allowed  - AB195
Mobile telephone service provider acquired by another provider: requiring customers to obtain new telephone equipment for certain services prohibited; customer permitted to terminate contractual obligation with notice  - AB172
Modular home permits re transporting on highways: permit may apply to more than one section of the same home; indivisible load requirement exception -  AB819
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; posted sign required; forfeiture provision  - AB882
Motor vehicles that use gasoline and ethanol mixtures, can run on alternative fuels, are equipped with an electric motor, or are neighborhood electric vehicles or hybrid-electric vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; engine modification kit provision; DOT may erect and maintain business signs along state highways with ``E85" symbol - AB371
Municipal legal notice: option to post to municipality's Internet site allowed -  AB170
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, and exemption from emission inspections -  AB339
Neighborhood electric vehicle revisions re registration, operation on roadways, ordinances, certificate of title, and exemption from emission inspections -  SB186
Nonconforming outdoor advertising sign: removal without compensation permitted under certain conditions  - AB407
Nonnative ``large cat" (family felidae): owner required to register with DNR; Comm.Dept and DNR duties specified  - AB342
Notary public fee schedule repealed -  SB54
OWI violation: DOT required to purge record of conviction, suspension, or revocation after 10 years unless a person has a CDL or was operating a commercial motor vehicle at time of offense - AB182
Parenting plan in actions affecting the family: clerk of court and mediator duties; deadline for filing when court waives mediation requirement or when mediator notifies the court there is no agreement modified -  SB406
Personal care worker agency re private residence: disclosure of certain information from background check to client or guardian; updated background information on caregivers required every two years -  AB698
Pets: placement provisions created re annulment, divorce, or legal separation action; domestic abuse temporary restraining order or injunction condition -  AB436
Physical placement study in actions affecting the family: if made part of the record, it must be offered and received in accordance with the rules of evidence -  AB309
Political contributions accepted by certain elective state officials and committees prohibited during specified period re biennial budget; exceptions and penalty provisions  - AB61
Probationary license and instruction permit holders prohibited from operating a motor vehicle or motorcycle while using a cellular telephone or other wireless telecommunications device; emergency exception and penalty provisions  - AB464
Professional employer organizations (PEO): registration and regulations created -  AB760
Property owners permitted to qualify to vote in any election district in which they own property: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR101
Property tax on personal property eliminated; state aid payments based on value of computers and related equipment that are exempt from the property tax also eliminated  - AB244
Property taxes: annual percentage increase in assessments limited; rate increases prohibited without voter approval; classification for development rights created. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR23
Prosecutor or government attorney decision not to commence a criminal prosecution or action for a forfeiture in exchange for payments to any organization or agency prohibited, restitution exception -  SB244
Prosecutor or government attorney decision not to commence a criminal prosecution or civil action for a forfeiture in exchange for payments to any organization or agency prohibited, restitution exception; certain contribution surcharge eliminated - AB472
Public works agencies: Adjutant General to suggest adoption of mutual assistance agreement created by DEM for intergovernmental cooperation during an emergency  - AB736
Pupils attending private schools: calculation of transportation costs revised re contract between school board and parents or guardians -  AB398
Religious or charitable gifts from candidates permitted -  AB707
Religious or charitable gifts from candidates permitted -  SB359
Residential customers who do not wish to receive telephone solicitations re DATCP directory: biennial renewal requirement eliminated -  AB843
Retail theft with intent to sell stolen property on the Internet made a felony; purchasing property on the Internet known to be stolen also made a felony -  AB874
RFID tag attached to or embedded in a document, including U.S. currency, prohibited -  AB141
``Riot" while arrested, detained, or in law enforcement custody defined; mandatory prison term for certain crimes committed while participating in a riot -  AB92
Safety glass requirement for motor vehicles: exception for certain mobile homes created -  AB100
St. David's Day celebrated March 1, 2008 -  AJR95
Scocos, John A.: service to the Wisconsin DVA commended and a salute to him on his return to active military service in Iraq - AJR43
Security deposit: landlord must return within 45 days; DATCP duty specified -  AB178
Self-defense resulting in death or great bodily harm: court presumption criteria created -  AB35
Selling real property located in a drainage district: disclosure to potential buyer or transferee required  - AB115
``Sexual intercourse" definition expanded re the crime of incest - AB652
Sheriff or undersheriff authorized to depute a DMA security officer for certain purposes with approval of the Adjutant General - AB590
Small claims actions: jurisdictional limit increased -  AB579
Sowieja, Lonni: public service commended and congratulations on her retirement from the Assembly Chief Clerk's Office - AP8AR1
State Bar of Wisconsin membership and paying dues to any bar association: Supreme Court prohibited from requiring of attorneys licensed to practice law in this state. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR31
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR34
State park admissions: DNR to issue annual stickers to motor buses; fee provision -  AB422
Statutory weights and measures provisions: certain municipalities may contract with a private party to enforce; DATCP duties - AB655
Steffens, Richard J.: life and public service -  AJR88
Stewardship program grants for the acquisition of development rights: JCF review and reporting requirements  - AB93
STH 21 improvement project in Winnebago County -  AB845
Supreme Court case conference open to the public: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR24
Supreme Court may not assess fees on attorneys, judges, or justices without statutory authority; constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR56
Teacher employment contract terms revised, first class city provision; nonrenewal for arbitrary or capricious reasons prohibited; reasons for renewal or nonrenewal made prohibited subjects of collective bargaining - AB670
Threatening to cause or intentionally causing bodily harm to a technical college district or school district officer or employee prohibited; felony provisions -  AB282
Threatening to cause or intentionally causing bodily harm to a technical college district or school district officer or employee prohibited; felony provisions -  SB159
U.S. coins, U.S. currency, and bars, ingots, commemorative medallions, and coins made from certain precious metals are exempt from sales and use taxes; stamps sold or traded above face value are subject to sales and use taxes  - AB331
Verification of voters not appearing on registration lists or appear to have voted more than once: procedures revised  - AB903
Village offices: method of election revised; primary provision  - AB152
Virtual charter school: timeline for application to attend under the open enrollment program established  - AB286
Vitamins: sales and use tax exemptions created -  SB360
Volunteer driver for a charitable organization: individual income tax credit created re mileage reimbursement  - AB109
Volunteer fire fighter wage payment frequency revised -  AB123
Wetland maps: DNR required to provide to each county; enforcement of state shoreland zoning standards and county shoreland zoning ordinances restricted  - AB839