Assembly Resolutions: 1
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 20, 21, 70, 77, 99, 117, 121, 122, 131, 132, 165, 169, 172, 178, 181, 192, 210, 211, 217, 219, 232, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249, 251, 252, 292, 311, 321, 323, 331, 343, 349, 354, 356, 357, 363, 364, 367, 375, 400, 401, 405, 409, 415, 421, 422, 428, 436, 440, 441, 446, 448, 454, 456, 461, 463, 473, 488, 495, 497, 527, 530, 531, 535, 549, 553, 568
Senate Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 10, 17, 27, 31, 36, 43, 57, 60, 65, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 87, 93, 97, 103
A15 Staskunas, Rep. Tony (15th A.Dist.; Dem.)
Administrative suspension of operating privileges re OWI-related offense: judicial review and DOT provisions  - AB357
Anatomical gift: donor's family, guardian, agent re power of attorney, or personal representative of estate prohibited from refusing to honor a document of gift  - AB240
Anatomical gift: donor's family, guardian, agent re power of attorney, or personal representative of estate prohibited from refusing to honor a document of gift  - SB156
Arbitrator appointed to resolve differences re conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill; joint rule 3 provision - AJR69
Assistant DAs: GPR for certain positions that are federally funded -  SB497
Bell, Jeannette: public service as mayor of the City of West Allis and as a former state legislator and commitment to her community commended -  AJR110
Birth certificate copy re participation in organized youth sports: exception from penalty for copying a vital record created - AB415
Birth certificate: fee for issuing to a nonprofit organization reduced, sunset provision -  AB921
Commercial ticket reseller regulations created -  AB955
Conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill, abolished and a new conference committee created; joint rules cited - AJR70
Crimes committed on school premises during certain hours by a person who is not a student at that school: penalties revised; offenses specified -  AB366
Criminal trespass on school premises: crime created -  AB367
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time period for commencing prosecution revised; 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 reconciliation provision -  AB524
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time period for commencing prosecution revised; 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 reconciliation provision -  SB271
Driver improvement surcharge re OWI conviction increased; portion to go to arresting law enforcement agency  - AB145
Drunken driving violation with exceptionally high BAC: increased fines applied to first or second violation  - AB435
Drunken driving violation with exceptionally high BAC: increased fines applied to first or second violation  - SB193
Employees' eligibility to work in the U.S. verification required for state and local governmental procurement and construction contracts; penalty and forfeiture provisions; DOA duties - AB954
First-degree intentional homicide of a law enforcement officer: penalty is life imprisonment without eligibility for parole or extended supervision -  AB405
GPS signal from a tracking device used by Corr.Dept to monitor the movement of a sex offender: interference or tampering with made a felony -  AB597
Graffiti violations: damage threshold for felony sentence lowered -  AB241
Graffiti violations: damage threshold for felony sentence lowered -  SB261
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI or prohibited BAC offense -  AB733
Juvenile Justice Code proceedings: right to a jury trial granted if petitioner recommends placement of the juvenile in Serious Juvenile Offender Program or juvenile correctional facility beyond the juvenile's 17th birthday  - AB271
Law enforcement agency and bargaining unit to be notified when person who (in committing a crime) killed a law enforcement officer is released from a correctional facility, mental health facility, extended supervision, or parole  - AB537
Lemke, (CPL) Jason F.: life and military service commended - SJR86
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB138
Motor vehicle fuel tax refund for schools, technical college districts, and local governments created; provisions re alternate fuel, DOR, and persons under contract with school districts to transport pupils to and from school activities  - AB136
Olympic ice training center operated by a nonprofit corporation: property tax exemption for certain property created  - AB349
Open enrollment program: additional criteria for full-time and part-time enrollment established re disciplinary and criminal history of a pupil; school board provision  - AB402
Partial-birth abortion prohibition revised, definition provision; physician granted a hearing before the MEB; civil cause of action granted to the father limited  - AB710
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in recreational boats - AB45
Probationary license and instruction permit holders prohibited from operating a motor vehicle while using a cellular telephone or other wireless telecommunications device not installed in the vehicle; exception and penalty provisions  - AB214
Process server certification requirements created, exceptions provided -  AB938
Repeat drunken driving offenses: felony penalties revised -  AB54
Repeat drunken driving offenses: felony penalties revised -  SB116
State Fair Park Board membership modified -  AB896
Veteran interim health care plan created -  AB596
Witness exclusion order: law enforcement officer may be ordered to testify before other witnesses in criminal or delinquency cases -  AB373
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Staskunas:
Assembly Bills: 22, 24, 87, 112, 125, 137, 144, 153, 178, 217, 219, 226, 236, 247, 252, 263, 297, 343, 362, 383, 407, 408, 409, 417, 424, 428, 430, 442, 452, 468, 484, 498, 502, 539, 551, 560, 562, 570, 576, 586, 608, 626, 647, 652, 659, 662, 664, 692, 706, 714, 738, 746, 748, 761, 800, 920, 926, 930
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 16, 25, 35, 37, 43, 50, 52, 53, 76, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 112, 113
Assembly Resolutions: 1
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 16, 35, 53, 70, 76, 84, 99, 104, 126, 149, 169, 192, 202, 204, 205, 207, 216, 219, 223, 251, 268, 275, 287, 299, 310, 321, 355, 364, 382, 395, 401, 416, 474, 512, 535
Senate Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 8, 10, 27, 31, 37, 43, 75, 76, 78, 80
A65 Steinbrink, Rep. John P. (65th A.Dist.; Dem.)
Antaramian, John Martin: public service commended and congratulations on his retirement as Mayor of the City of Kenosha - AJR122
Basham, (SSG) Robert J.: life and military service commended - AJR72
Basham, (SSG) Robert J.: life and military service commended - SJR63
Clark, (SPC) Eric D.: life and military service commended - AJR73
Clark, (SPC) Eric D.: life and military service commended - SJR62
Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit: dairy cooperatives allowed to claim -  AB763
Fireworks law revisions re user's permits, displays, wholesalers, and penalties and enforcement; liability and seized property provisions -  AB380
Law enforcement services 24 hours per day: municipality that provides is exempted from portion of county tax levy re county sheriff's department services; exception for populous county - AB253
Meat processing facility investment credit created -  AB732
Quarantine requirement for a dog that bites a person: exception for law enforcement dog under set conditions  - AB52
TID number 2 in Village of Pleasant Prairie: allowable number of project plan amendments increased  - AB730
TID number 2 in Village of Pleasant Prairie: allowable number of project plan amendments increased  - SB417
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Steinbrink:
Assembly Bills: 39, 83, 86, 108, 113, 187, 208, 211, 217, 220, 310, 465, 466, 499, 560, 574, 582, 586, 834, 927
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 25, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 76, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 112, 113, 115
Assembly Resolutions: 1
Assembly Petitions:
Senate Bills: 13, 49, 80, 99, 110, 120, 165, 178, 228, 250, 260, 279, 335, 348, 425, 459, 473, 500, 533
Senate Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 9, 10, 27, 31, 56, 70, 75, 78, 83, 101, 106
A82 Stone, Rep. Jeff A. (82nd A.Dist.; Rep.)
Appropriation bonds issued by populous county to pay for unfunded prior service liability re county employee retirement system authorized; conditions, report, and DOR duties  - AB666
Appropriation bonds issued by populous county to pay for unfunded prior service liability re county employee retirement system authorized; conditions, report, and DOR duties  - SB366
Covenants by on-air broadcasters not to compete with employers or principals after termination of employment  - AB705
Klemme Brothers Well Drilling: $10,317.93 claim for well abandonment and drilling new wells  - AB486
Nonmoving traffic violations re leased or rented vehicles: company may charge forfeitures and costs to renter's or lessee's credit card; notification and DATCP provisions  - AB825
Parole, probation, or extended supervision following conviction of certain sex offenses: inmate prohibited from contacting the victim and certain other persons as a condition of release - AB790
Parole, probation, or extended supervision following conviction of certain sex offenses: inmate prohibited from contacting the victim and certain other persons as a condition of release - SB468
Partial vetoes creating new sentences by combining parts of 2 or more sentences of the enrolled bill prohibited: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR1
Rental unit tenancy termination for drug offense conviction permitted -  AB692
Thompson, Georgia: $228,792.62 claim for damages re defense of federal criminal charges -  SB402
Verification of voters not appearing on registration lists or appear to have voted more than once: procedures revised  - AB903
Video display devices: recycling requirements; manufacturers, collectors, and recyclers to register with and report to DNR; landfill ban, audits, state purchasing, and other electronic devices provisions -  SB397
Voter registration and voting: photographic ID issued by this state or the federal government required. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR17
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Rep. Stone:
Assembly Bills: 30, 45, 47, 52, 55, 66, 89, 107, 113, 122, 129, 134, 156, 158, 169, 215, 221, 461, 553, 559, 565, 651, 665, 710, 769, 841, 849, 880, 901
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 11, 15, 25, 41, 43, 53, 76, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 111, 112, 113
Assembly Resolutions: 1