Domestic Violence Awareness Month declared October 2007 -  SJR60
Emergency contraception for sexual assault victims: hospital requirements specified; definition provisions  - AB377
Emergency contraception for sexual assault victims: hospital requirements specified; definition provisions  - SB129
Employee Free Choice Act: Congress urged to pass -  SR7
Equal rights: guaranteed equal protection of the laws and no law shall discriminate on certain basis. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR2
Fire safety performance standard for cigarettes established; manufacturer and Comm.Dept duties specified  - AB717
Fire safety performance standard for cigarettes established; manufacturer and Comm.Dept duties specified  - SB379
Free health clinics and federally qualified health centers across Wisconsin: appreciation for contributions of employees and volunteers expressed -  AJR37
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: mandatory overtime prohibited; unforeseeable emergency, worker consent, definitions, and employment discrimination provisions; DWD complaint authority - AB926
Health care workers employed by health care facilities: mandatory overtime prohibited; unforeseeable emergency, worker consent, definitions, and employment discrimination provisions; DWD complaint authority - SB512
Henry, Hugo Harrison: life and public service to the City of Beloit community commended -  MR8SJR1
Home detention revisions; sheriff and jail superintendent duties  - AB773
Mills, David C.: public service and commitment to WRS commended upon his retirement from SWIB  - AJR57
Mills, David C.: public service and commitment to WRS commended upon his retirement from SWIB  - SJR52
Mittness, Lewis T.: life and public service -  AJR7
Object intentionally pointed at a law enforcement officer and the officer may reasonably believe it is a firearm: prohibition created -  AB135
Object intentionally pointed at a law enforcement officer and the officer may reasonably believe it is a firearm: prohibition created -  SB43
Organization of the 2007-08 Senate; list of officers; notification to Assembly and Governor -  SR1
Periodical subscription: solicitation to renew regulated; injured person may sue for damages; DATCP authority specified  - SB125
Pharmacists required to dispense all FDA approved contraceptives unless it is contraindicated for a particular patient; abortion defined to exclude FDA approved contraceptives  - AB467
Pharmacists required to dispense all FDA approved contraceptives unless it is contraindicated for a particular patient; abortion defined to exclude FDA approved contraceptives  - SB232
Prescription drug advertising prohibited; exceptions provided - SB118
Public works agencies: Adjutant General to suggest adoption of mutual assistance agreement created by DEM for intergovernmental cooperation during an emergency  - AB736
Public works agencies: Adjutant General to suggest adoption of mutual assistance agreement created by DEM for intergovernmental cooperation during an emergency  - SB423
Senior Care (prescription drug assistance program for the elderly): U.S. President urged to reverse DHHS Secretary's decision not to extend federal waiver  - SJR43
Sovereign status of federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands: state recognition affirmed; state agencies, departments, and future governors provision  - SJR97
Traveling sales crews: regulations created; exceptions and penalty provisions -  SB80
U.W. Whitewater football team and coaches congratulated on being NCAA Division III champions - SJR75
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: status as state agents of DHFS expanded to include licensed pharmacists and pharmacy technicians -  SB48
Weigh station: DOT prohibited from constructing at certain locations in Rock County before certain date; surcharge imposed at certain station and paid to the Town of La Prairie - AB81
Weigh station: DOT prohibited from constructing at certain locations in Rock County before certain date; surcharge imposed at certain station and paid to the Town of La Prairie - SB82
Wisconsin citizens serving in the armed forces who lost their lives in the war on terror: their sacrifices honored  - SJR16
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Robson:
Senate Bills: 99, 163, 171, 292, 337, 346, 367, 375, 415, 421, 428, 471, 487, 505, 510, 546, 553
Senate Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 49, 62, 63, 64, 66, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 91, 94, 100
Senate Resolutions: 9, 12
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 208, 217, 307, 442, 544, 725, 729, 740, 751, 783, 793, 801, 834, 850, 851, 911, 915, 920, 922
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 6, 8, 10, 53, 68, 76, 82, 86, 88, 91, 105, 110, 113
S18 Roessler, Sen. Carol A. (18th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
(Resigned effective July 6, 2008.)
Anatomical gift as part of living will option created; provision that a specific physician carry out the procedures eliminated - SB62
Anatomical gift law revisions re the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 2006 -  SB310
Arrearage collection procedure used by municipal utility that provides electric or water service to rental dwellings revised - AB649
Ash resulting from the burning of a structure for practice or instruction of fire fighters or testing of equipment: DNR prohibited from requiring disposal in certain landfills  - AB333
Automated external defibrillator: persons required to complete course in use of specified; DHFS duties and administrative rule requirements; licensure and certification provisions  - SB142
Badger Care recipients with access to employer's group health insurance coverage: DHFS to report annually on actual percentages of the insurance plan costs that are paid by employers - SB183
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - AB406
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - SB203
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -  AB706
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -  SB202
Budget process: convening and conduct of committees of conference regulated, sergeants at arms provision; legislator pay and expense reimbursements withheld until budget passes; acceptance of political contributions by legislators prohibited in period between introduction and final concurrence in both houses of the budget, exceptions and forfeiture provisions - AB627
Catastrophic Care Authority created; report required -  AB738
CIP II enhanced funding re persons who meet MA level care requirements and are diverted from imminent entry into nursing homes: limitation on number of persons eliminated; DHFS provision -  SB32
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes: sesquicentennial of congregation's founding commended - AJR112
Death penalty for first-degree intentional homicide that is vicious; jury for sentencing hearing must be unanimous or it may impose a life sentence; execution by lethal injection; court and appellate review provisions - SB115
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time period for commencing prosecution revised; 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 reconciliation provision -  SB271
Employment information of applicants for law enforcement positions: law enforcement agency authorized to obtain a court order if necessary; confidentiality, court prohibited disclosure, and exceptions provisions -  SB137
Failure to disclose name in response to demand of a law enforcement officer during an investigatory stop: forfeiture created - AB645
Failure-to-stop requirements expanded to include vehicle that departs a highway or certain premises; reporting requirement and owner liability provisions - AB905
Farming business: GIB health care coverage plan purchase by individuals engaged in permitted under specific conditions; DETF provisions -  SB66
``57th Field Artillery Brigade Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark STH 57 as; contributions provision  - SB234
Firearm or other weapon discharged near municipal park: penalty increased -  AB251
Fishing license for nonresident veteran with certain military-related disability: annual fee set - SB361
GPR appropriations: legislature prohibited from passing bills that would exceed certain percentage deposited in general fund; if amount deposited exceeds amount appropriated the excess is transferred to the budget stabilization fund; bill re tax relief required under certain conditions - AB329
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  AB280
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  SB154
Hunting license for hunting with a firearm prohibited for persons who are prohibited from possessing a firearm; forfeiture and revocation of all hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals - AB722
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI or prohibited BAC offense -  AB733
Information technology hardware or software purchased by health care providers or facilities: income and franchise tax credits created re medical records in electronic format; income tax exemption on interest on WHEFA bonds and notes  - AB111
Information technology hardware or software purchased by health care providers or facilities: income and franchise tax credits created re medical records in electronic format; income tax exemption on interest on WHEFA bonds and notes  - SB45
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, conditions specified; state repository and public accommodations law provisions  - AB469
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, conditions specified; state repository and public accommodations law provisions  - SB238
John Doe proceedings: individual who believes a crime was committed may complain to a DA under certain circumstances; DHFS and Corr.Dept provisions -  SB432
Juvenile alleged to have committed a delinquent act but not held in custody: juvenile court may impose predispositional conditions order similar to juvenile who is held in custody; failure to comply with conditions is a misdemeanor  - AB249
Juvenile convicted in adult court of throwing a bodily substance at another person while in a juvenile correctional or secured facility: court required to sentence the juvenile to the maximum term of confinement in prison; exception provided  - SB339
Land under DNR jurisdiction or control: DNR to grant easement to landowner re access to her or his own land  - AB641
Looking into another person's dwelling unit from a common area in a multidwelling building prohibited  - AB677
Looking into another person's dwelling unit from a common area in a multidwelling building prohibited  - SB257
MA eligibility for long-term care services: revisions re assets and divestment -  SB144
Math and science teachers: loan program in HEAB created for residents who graduate from certain institutions of higher education or alternative teacher training program and agree to teach in this state -  SB65
Medical care insurance policy that covers an individual, spouse, and dependent children and the employer pays a portion of the cost: income tax deduction created  - SB87
Mobile emergency communications equipped vehicle owned by an amateur radio organization with certain unexpired license: 5 year registration for set amount allowed  - AB195
Mobile homes, manufactured homes, and the industry: revisions re definitions, monthly fees, recreation vehicle regulations, and manufactured home communities regulation  - SB7
Municipal legal notice: option to post to municipality's Internet site allowed -  AB170
National brand image for the state: DOA to study cost, benefits, and feasibility of creating -  AB265
Nicotine replacement therapies to help people stop smoking: sales and use tax exemption created  - SB227
Object intentionally pointed at a law enforcement officer and the officer may reasonably believe it is a firearm: prohibition created -  SB43
Operating privilege suspension or revocation for OWI or prohibited BAC violations: person prohibited from purchasing or leasing a motor vehicle for the duration of the suspension or revocation; occupational license provision  - SB449