Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: status as state agents of DHFS expanded to include licensed pharmacists and pharmacy technicians -  SB48
Weigh station: DOT prohibited from constructing at certain locations in Rock County before certain date; surcharge imposed at certain station and paid to the Town of La Prairie - AB81
Weigh station: DOT prohibited from constructing at certain locations in Rock County before certain date; surcharge imposed at certain station and paid to the Town of La Prairie - SB82
Wisconsin citizens serving in the armed forces who lost their lives in the war on terror: their sacrifices honored  - SJR16
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Robson:
Senate Bills: 99, 163, 171, 292, 337, 346, 367, 375, 415, 421, 428, 471, 487, 505, 510, 546, 553
Senate Joint Resolutions: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 41, 42, 49, 62, 63, 64, 66, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, 91, 94, 100
Senate Resolutions: 9, 12
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 208, 217, 307, 442, 544, 725, 729, 740, 751, 783, 793, 801, 834, 850, 851, 911, 915, 920, 922
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 6, 8, 10, 53, 68, 76, 82, 86, 88, 91, 105, 110, 113
S18 Roessler, Sen. Carol A. (18th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
(Resigned effective July 6, 2008.)
Anatomical gift as part of living will option created; provision that a specific physician carry out the procedures eliminated - SB62
Anatomical gift law revisions re the Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 2006 -  SB310
Arrearage collection procedure used by municipal utility that provides electric or water service to rental dwellings revised - AB649
Ash resulting from the burning of a structure for practice or instruction of fire fighters or testing of equipment: DNR prohibited from requiring disposal in certain landfills  - AB333
Automated external defibrillator: persons required to complete course in use of specified; DHFS duties and administrative rule requirements; licensure and certification provisions  - SB142
Badger Care recipients with access to employer's group health insurance coverage: DHFS to report annually on actual percentages of the insurance plan costs that are paid by employers - SB183
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - AB406
Bids for public contracts: political subdivision may post on its Web site under certain conditions - SB203
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -  AB706
Brownfields revolving loan program: local units of government authorized to issue municipal obligations; promissory note provision -  SB202
Budget process: convening and conduct of committees of conference regulated, sergeants at arms provision; legislator pay and expense reimbursements withheld until budget passes; acceptance of political contributions by legislators prohibited in period between introduction and final concurrence in both houses of the budget, exceptions and forfeiture provisions - AB627
Catastrophic Care Authority created; report required -  AB738
CIP II enhanced funding re persons who meet MA level care requirements and are diverted from imminent entry into nursing homes: limitation on number of persons eliminated; DHFS provision -  SB32
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes: sesquicentennial of congregation's founding commended - AJR112
Death penalty for first-degree intentional homicide that is vicious; jury for sentencing hearing must be unanimous or it may impose a life sentence; execution by lethal injection; court and appellate review provisions - SB115
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time period for commencing prosecution revised; 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 reconciliation provision -  SB271
Employment information of applicants for law enforcement positions: law enforcement agency authorized to obtain a court order if necessary; confidentiality, court prohibited disclosure, and exceptions provisions -  SB137
Failure to disclose name in response to demand of a law enforcement officer during an investigatory stop: forfeiture created - AB645
Failure-to-stop requirements expanded to include vehicle that departs a highway or certain premises; reporting requirement and owner liability provisions - AB905
Farming business: GIB health care coverage plan purchase by individuals engaged in permitted under specific conditions; DETF provisions -  SB66
``57th Field Artillery Brigade Memorial Highway": DOT to designate and mark STH 57 as; contributions provision  - SB234
Firearm or other weapon discharged near municipal park: penalty increased -  AB251
Fishing license for nonresident veteran with certain military-related disability: annual fee set - SB361
GPR appropriations: legislature prohibited from passing bills that would exceed certain percentage deposited in general fund; if amount deposited exceeds amount appropriated the excess is transferred to the budget stabilization fund; bill re tax relief required under certain conditions - AB329
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  AB280
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  SB154
Hunting license for hunting with a firearm prohibited for persons who are prohibited from possessing a firearm; forfeiture and revocation of all hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals - AB722
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI or prohibited BAC offense -  AB733
Information technology hardware or software purchased by health care providers or facilities: income and franchise tax credits created re medical records in electronic format; income tax exemption on interest on WHEFA bonds and notes  - AB111
Information technology hardware or software purchased by health care providers or facilities: income and franchise tax credits created re medical records in electronic format; income tax exemption on interest on WHEFA bonds and notes  - SB45
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, conditions specified; state repository and public accommodations law provisions  - AB469
Instructional materials for students with disabilities in the U.W. or technical college systems: publishers required to provide in alternate formats upon request, conditions specified; state repository and public accommodations law provisions  - SB238
John Doe proceedings: individual who believes a crime was committed may complain to a DA under certain circumstances; DHFS and Corr.Dept provisions -  SB432
Juvenile alleged to have committed a delinquent act but not held in custody: juvenile court may impose predispositional conditions order similar to juvenile who is held in custody; failure to comply with conditions is a misdemeanor  - AB249
Juvenile convicted in adult court of throwing a bodily substance at another person while in a juvenile correctional or secured facility: court required to sentence the juvenile to the maximum term of confinement in prison; exception provided  - SB339
Land under DNR jurisdiction or control: DNR to grant easement to landowner re access to her or his own land  - AB641
Looking into another person's dwelling unit from a common area in a multidwelling building prohibited  - AB677
Looking into another person's dwelling unit from a common area in a multidwelling building prohibited  - SB257
MA eligibility for long-term care services: revisions re assets and divestment -  SB144
Math and science teachers: loan program in HEAB created for residents who graduate from certain institutions of higher education or alternative teacher training program and agree to teach in this state -  SB65
Medical care insurance policy that covers an individual, spouse, and dependent children and the employer pays a portion of the cost: income tax deduction created  - SB87
Mobile emergency communications equipped vehicle owned by an amateur radio organization with certain unexpired license: 5 year registration for set amount allowed  - AB195
Mobile homes, manufactured homes, and the industry: revisions re definitions, monthly fees, recreation vehicle regulations, and manufactured home communities regulation  - SB7
Municipal legal notice: option to post to municipality's Internet site allowed -  AB170
National brand image for the state: DOA to study cost, benefits, and feasibility of creating -  AB265
Nicotine replacement therapies to help people stop smoking: sales and use tax exemption created  - SB227
Object intentionally pointed at a law enforcement officer and the officer may reasonably believe it is a firearm: prohibition created -  SB43
Operating privilege suspension or revocation for OWI or prohibited BAC violations: person prohibited from purchasing or leasing a motor vehicle for the duration of the suspension or revocation; occupational license provision  - SB449
OWI arrest: release to attorney, spouse, relative, or other responsible adult revised; law enforcement officer required to seize or immobilize vehicle -  SB27
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment  - SB546
Personal care worker agency re private residence: disclosure of certain information from background check to client or guardian; updated background information on caregivers required every two years -  SB393
Personal flotation device worn by persons 12 years old and under required in recreational boats - SB16
Pets: placement provisions created re annulment, divorce, or legal separation action; domestic abuse temporary restraining order or injunction condition -  AB436
Physical health risk assessment required for everyone eligible for MA or Badger Care; DHFS to develop and implement disease management programs -  SB147
Police officer or fire fighter of any class of city charged with a misdemeanor or felony: suspension and compensation withheld pending disposition of the charges; duties of chief, first class city, appeal, and collective bargaining provisions - SB489
Production plant generating electricity from wind power: utility aid payments to towns and counties modified  - SB437
Property tax credit for veterans and surviving spouses: eligibility revised re repeal of age limit and residency for a consecutive 10-year period after entering active duty service  - SB101
Property tax credit for veterans and surviving spouses: eligibility revised re service-connected disability  - SB146
Public utility required to give written notice to rental dwelling unit owner before disconnecting unit; PSC duty specified - AB686
Publication of a local governmental unit ordinance in a newspaper: requirements revised -  SB335
Raw forest product cutting or removing: failure to pay compensation required by contract prohibited; mills required to provide receipts to land owners; civil action and penalty provisions - SB33
Remote dispensing by pharmacists permitted, Pharmacy Examining Board provision -  SB409
Repeat drunken driving offenses: felony penalties revised -  SB116
Retirement plan payments: individual income tax exemption created -  SB3
St. David's Day celebrated March 1, 2008 -  AJR95
Scocos, John A.: service to the Wisconsin DVA commended and a salute to him on his return to active military service in Iraq - AJR43
Scocos, John A.: service to the Wisconsin DVA commended and a salute to him on his return to active military service in Iraq - SJR37
Self-defense resulting in death or great bodily harm: court presumption criteria created -  AB35
Sex offender registrants: computer use prohibitions; providing email accounts, user names, and Internet address of every Web site the registrant maintains required  - AB791
Sexual contact or intercourse with a corpse and disturbing or exposing a burial site or buried human corpse made felony crimes -  SB247
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and place of employment, exceptions specified; other prohibited places listed; exceptions for bowling centers, taverns, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated; enforcement by person in charge of place required - SB150
SSN use prohibited or restricted re civil service exam, requests by merchants to customers, government records posted to the Internet, access to certain public records, employer records, and credit reporting agencies -  AB102
State automotive museum: Wisconsin Automotive Museum in City of Hartford designated as - SB263
State Long-Term Care Partnership Program: DHFS to submit certain amendment to DHHS -  AB213
State Long-Term Care Partnership Program: DHFS to submit certain amendment to DHHS -  SB114
Taxation district's listing on the Internet of property taxes assessed: searchability limited - AB496