2. The shooting facility is a nonprofit organization that charges for shooting at the facility, but is not required to pay the tax imposed under s. 77.52 on its gross receipts the sales price from such charges because the charges are for occasional sales, as provided under sub. (7m).

SECTION 253. 77.54 (48) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 77.585 (9) (a) and amended to read:

77.585 (9) (a) Subject to 2005 Wisconsin Act 479, section 17, the gross receipts from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption a purchaser may claim as a deduction that portion of its purchase price of Internet equipment used in the broadband market for which the tax was imposed under this subchapter, if the purchaser certifies to the department of commerce, in the manner prescribed by the department of commerce, that the purchaser will, within 24 months after July 1, 2007, make an investment that is reasonably calculated to increase broadband Internet availability in this state. The purchaser shall claim the deduction in the same reporting period as the purchaser paid the tax imposed under this subchapter.

SECTION 254. 77.54 (48) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 77.585 (9) (b).

SECTION 255. 77.54 (49) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.54 (49) The gross receipts sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of taxable services and tangible personal property that is physically transferred to the purchaser as a necessary part of services that are subject to the taxes imposed under s. 77.52 (2) (a) 7., 10., 11., and 20., if the seller and the purchaser of such services and property are members of the same affiliated group under section 1504 of the Internal Revenue Code and are eligible to file a single consolidated return for federal income tax purposes. For purposes of this subsection, if a seller purchases a taxable service or tangible personal property, as described in the subsection, that is subsequently sold to a member of the seller's affiliated group and the sale is exempt under this subsection from the taxes imposed under this subchapter, the original purchase of the taxable service or tangible personal property by the seller is not considered a sale for resale or exempt under this subsection.

SECTION 256. 77.54 (50) of the statutes is created to read:

77.54 (50) The sales price from the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of specified digital goods or additional digital goods that are transferred electronically to the purchaser, if the sale of and the storage, use, or other consumption of such goods sold in a tangible form is exempt from taxation under this subchapter.

SECTION 257. 77.54 (51) of the statutes is created to read:

77.54 (51) The sales price from the sales of and the storage, use, or other consumption of products sold in a transaction that would be a bundled transaction, except that it contains taxable and nontaxable products as described in s. 77.51 (1f) (d), and except that the first person combining the products shall pay the tax imposed under this subchapter on the person's purchase price of the taxable items.

SECTION 258. 77.54 (52) of the statutes is created to read:

77.54 (52) The sales price from the sales of and the storage, use, or other consumption of products sold in a transaction that would be a bundled transaction, except that the transaction meets the conditions described in s. 77.51 (1f) (e).

SECTION 259. 77.55 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.55 (1) (intro.) There are is exempted from the computation of the amount of the sales tax the gross receipts sales price from the sale of any tangible personal property or services to:

SECTION 260. 77.55 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.55 (2) There are is exempted from the computation of the amount of the sales tax the gross receipts sales price from sales of tangible personal property to a common or contract carrier, shipped by the seller via the purchasing carrier under a bill of lading whether the freight is paid in advance, or the shipment is made freight charges collect, to a point outside this state and the property is actually transported to the out-of-state destination for use by the carrier in the conduct of its business as a carrier.

SECTION 261. 77.55 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.55 (2m) There are is exempted from the computation of the amount of sales tax the gross receipts sales price from sales of railroad crossties to a common or contract carrier, shipped wholly or in part by way of the purchasing carrier under a bill of lading, whether the freight is paid in advance or the shipment is made freight charges collect, to a point outside this state if the property is transported to the out-of-state destination for use by the carrier in the conduct of its business as a carrier. Interruption of the shipment for storage, drying, processing or creosoting of the railroad crossties in this state does not invalidate the exemption under this subsection.

SECTION 262. 77.55 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.55 (3) There are is exempted from the computation of the amount of the sales tax the gross receipts sales price from sales of tangible personal property purchased for use solely outside this state and delivered to a forwarding agent, export packer, or other person engaged in the business of preparing goods for export or arranging for their exportation, and actually delivered to a port outside the continental limits of the United States prior to making any use thereof.

SECTION 263. 77.56 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.56 (1) The storage, use or other consumption in this state of property, the gross receipts sales price from the sale of which are is reported to the department in the measure of the sales tax, is exempted from the use tax.

SECTION 264. 77.57 of the statutes is amended to read:

77.57 Liability of purchaser. If a purchaser certifies in writing to a seller that the property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods purchased will be used in a manner or for a purpose entitling the seller to regard the gross receipts sales price from the sale as exempted by this subchapter from the computation of the amount of the sales tax and uses the property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods in some other manner or for some other purpose, the purchaser is liable for payment of the sales tax. The tax shall be measured by the sales price of the property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods to the purchaser, but if the taxable use first occurs more than 6 months after the sale to the purchaser, the purchaser may use as the measure of the tax either that sales price or the fair market value of the property at the time the taxable use first occurs.

SECTION 265. 77.58 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.58 (3) (a) For purposes of the sales tax a return shall be filed by every seller. For purposes of the use tax a return shall be filed by every retailer engaged in business in this state and by every person purchasing tangible personal property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or services, the storage, use, or other consumption of which is subject to the use tax, who has not paid the use tax due to a retailer required to collect the tax. If a qualified subchapter S subsidiary is not regarded as a separate entity under ch. 71, the owner of that subsidiary shall include the information for that subsidiary on the owner's return. Returns shall be signed by the person required to file the return or by a duly authorized agent but need not be verified by oath. If a single-owner entity is disregarded as a separate entity under ch. 71, the owner shall include the information from the entity on the owner's return.

SECTION 266. 77.58 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.58 (3) (b) For purposes of the sales tax the return shall show the gross receipts of the seller during the preceding reporting period. For purposes of the use tax, in case of a return filed by a retailer, the return shall show the total sales price of the property or taxable services sold, the storage, use or consumption of which became subject to the use tax during the preceding reporting period. In case of a sales or use tax return filed by a purchaser, the return shall show the total sales price of the property and taxable services purchased, the storage, use or consumption of which became subject to the use tax during the preceding reporting period. The return shall also show the amount of the taxes for the period covered by the return and such other information as the department deems necessary for the proper administration of this subchapter.

SECTION 267. 77.58 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.58 (6) For the purposes of the sales tax gross receipts, the sales price from rentals or leases of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods shall be reported and the tax paid in accordance with such rules as the department prescribes.

SECTION 268. 77.58 (6m) of the statutes is created to read:

77.58 (6m) (a) The department may, in cases where it is satisfied that an undue hardship would otherwise result, permit the reporting of a sales price or purchase price on some basis other than the accrual basis.

(b) The entire sales price of credit transactions shall be reported in the period in which the sale is made without reduction in the amount of tax payable by the retailer by reason of the retailer's transfer at a discount of any open account, note, conditional sales contract, lease contract, or other evidence of indebtedness.

SECTION 269. 77.58 (9a) of the statutes is created to read:

77.58 (9a) In addition to filing a return as provided in this section, a person described under s. 77.524 (3), (4), or (5) shall provide to the department any information that the department considers necessary for the administration of this subchapter, in the manner prescribed by the department, except that the department may not require that the person provide such information to the department more than once every 180 days.

SECTION 270. 77.585 of the statutes is created to read:

77.585 Return adjustments. (1) (a) In this subsection, "bad debt" means the portion of the sales price or purchase price that the seller has reported as taxable under this subchapter and that the seller may claim as a deduction under section 166 of the Internal Revenue Code. "Bad debt" does not include financing charges or interest, sales or use taxes imposed on the sales price or purchase price, uncollectible amounts on property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods that remain in the seller's possession until the full sales price or purchase price is paid, expenses incurred in attempting to collect any debt, debts sold or assigned to 3rd parties for collection, and repossessed property.

(b) A seller may claim as a deduction on a return under s. 77.58 the amount of any bad debt that the seller writes off as uncollectible in the seller's books and records and that is eligible to be deducted as a bad debt for federal income tax purposes, regardless of whether the seller is required to file a federal income tax return. A seller who claims a deduction under this paragraph shall claim the deduction on the return under s. 77.58 that is submitted for the period in which the seller writes off the amount of the deduction as uncollectible in the seller's books and records and in which such amount is eligible to be deducted as bad debt for federal income tax purposes. If the seller subsequently collects in whole or in part any bad debt for which a deduction is claimed under this paragraph, the seller shall include the amount collected in the return filed for the period in which the amount is collected and shall pay the tax with the return.

(c) For purposes of computing a bad debt deduction or reporting a payment received on a previously claimed bad debt, any payment made on a debt or on an account is applied first to the price of the property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or service sold, and the proportionate share of the sales tax on that property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or service, and then to interest, service charges, and other charges related to the sale.

(d) A seller may obtain a refund of the tax collected on any bad debt amount deducted under par. (b) that exceeds the amount of the seller's taxable sales as provided under s. 77.59 (4), except that the period for making a claim as determined under s. 77.59 (4) begins on the date on which the return on which the bad debt could be claimed would have been required to be submitted to the department under s. 77.58.

(e) If a seller is using a certified service provider, the certified service provider may claim a bad debt deduction under this subsection on the seller's behalf if the seller has not claimed and will not claim the same deduction. A certified service provider who receives a bad debt deduction under this subsection shall credit that deduction to the seller and a certified service provider who receives a refund under this subsection shall submit that refund to the seller.

(f) If a bad debt relates to the retail sales of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or taxable services that occurred in this state and in one or more other states, as determined under s. 77.522, the total amount of such bad debt shall be apportioned among the states in which the underlying sales occurred in a manner prescribed by the department to arrive at the amount of the deduction under par. (b).

(2) If a lessor of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods has reimbursed the vendor for the sales tax on the sale of the property or goods by the vendor to the lessor, the tax due from the lessor on the rental receipts may be offset by a credit equal to the tax otherwise due on the rental receipts from the property or goods for the reporting period. The credit shall expire when the cumulative rental receipts equal the sales price upon which the vendor paid sales taxes to this state.

(3) If a purchaser of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods has reimbursed the vendor of the property or goods for the sales tax on the sale and subsequently, before making any use of the property or goods other than retention, demonstration, or display while holding it for sale or rental, makes a taxable sale of the property or goods, the tax due on the taxable sale may be offset by the tax reimbursed.

(4) A seller may claim a deduction on any part of the sales price or purchase price that the seller refunds in cash or credit as a result of returned property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods or adjustments in the sales price or purchase price after the sale has been completed, if the seller has included the refunded price in a prior return made by the seller and has paid the tax on such price, and if the seller has returned to the purchaser in cash or in credit all tax previously paid by the purchaser on the amount of the refund at the time of the purchase. A deduction under this subsection shall be claimed on the return for the period in which the refund is paid.

(5) No reduction in the amount of tax payable by the retailer is allowable in the event property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods sold on credit are repossessed except where the entire consideration paid by the purchaser is refunded to the purchaser or where a credit for a worthless account is allowable under sub. (1).

(6) A purchaser who is subject to the use tax on the storage, use, or other consumption of fuel may claim a deduction from the purchase price that is subject to the use tax for fuel taxes refunded by this state or the United States to the purchaser that is included in the purchase price of the fuel.

(7) For sales tax purposes, if a retailer establishes to the department's satisfaction that the sales tax has been added to the total amount of the sales price and has not been absorbed by the retailer, the total amount of the sales price shall be the amount received exclusive of the sales tax imposed.

(8) A sale or purchase involving transfer of ownership of property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods is completed at the time when possession is transferred by the seller or the seller's agent to the purchaser or the purchaser's agent, except that for purposes of sub. (1) a common carrier or the U.S. postal service shall be considered the agent of the seller, regardless of any f.o.b. point and regardless of the method by which freight or postage is paid.

SECTION 271. 77.59 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:

77.59 (2m) The department may audit, or may authorize others to audit, sellers and certified service providers who are registered with the department pursuant to the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65 (2) (a).

SECTION 272. 77.59 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.59 (5m) A seller who receives a refund under sub. (4) (a) or (b) of taxes that the seller has collected from buyers, who collects amounts as taxes erroneously from buyers, but who does not remit such amounts to the state, or who is entitled to a refund under sub. (4) (a) or (b) that is offset under sub. (5), shall submit the taxes and related interest to the buyers from whom the taxes were collected, or to the department if the seller cannot locate the buyers, within 90 days after the date of the refund, after the date of the offset, or after discovering that the seller has collected taxes erroneously from the buyers. If the seller does not submit the taxes and related interest to the department or the buyers within that period, the seller shall submit to the department any part of a refund or taxes that the seller does not submit to a buyer or to the department along with a penalty of 25% of the amount not submitted or, in the case of fraud, a penalty equal to the amount not submitted. A person who collects amounts as taxes erroneously from buyers for a real property construction activity or nontaxable service may reduce the taxes and interest that he or she is required to submit to the buyer or to the department under this subsection for that activity or service by the amount of tax and interest subsequently due and paid on the sale of or the storage, use, or other consumption of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods that is are used by the person in that activity or service and transferred to the buyer.

SECTION 273. 77.59 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.59 (9) If any person fails to file a return, the department shall make an estimate of the amount of the gross receipts sales price of the person person's sales, or, as the case may be, of the amount of the total sales purchase price of tangible personal property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or taxable service sold or purchased by the person, the sale by or the storage, use, or other consumption of which in this state is subject to sales or use tax. The estimate shall be made for the period in respect to which the person failed to make a return and shall be based upon any information which is in the department's possession or may come into its possession. Upon the basis of this estimate the department shall compute and determine the amount required to be paid to the state, adding to the sum thus arrived at a penalty equal to 25% thereof. One or more such determinations may be made for one or for more than one period. When a business is discontinued a determination may be made at any time thereafter, within the periods specified in sub. (3), as to liability arising out of that business.

SECTION 274. 77.59 (9n) of the statutes is created to read:

77.59 (9n) (a) Notwithstanding s. 73.03 (47), no seller or certified service provider is liable for tax, interest, or penalties imposed on a transaction under this subchapter in the circumstances covered under sections 306, 328, and 502 of the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65 (2) (a).

(b) A purchaser is not liable for the tax, interest, or penalties imposed on a transaction under this subchapter in the circumstances covered by section 331 of the agreement, as defined in s. 77.65 (2) (a).

SECTION 275. 77.59 (9p) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

77.59 (9p) (b) If a customer purchases a service that is not subject to 4 USC 116 to 126, as amended by P.L. 106-252, or tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods, and if the customer believes that the amount of the tax assessed for the sale of the service, property, or goods under this subchapter is erroneous, the customer may request that the seller correct the alleged error by sending a written notice to the seller. The notice shall include a description of the alleged error and any other information that the seller reasonably requires to process the request. Within 60 days from the date that a seller receives a request under this paragraph, the seller shall review its records to determine the validity of the customer's claim. If the review indicates that there is no error as alleged, the seller shall explain the findings of the review in writing to the customer. If the review indicates that there is an error as alleged, the seller shall correct the error and shall refund the amount of any tax collected erroneously, along with the related interest, as a result of the error from the customer, consistent with s. 77.59 (4). A customer may take no other action against the seller, or commence any action against the seller, to correct an alleged error in the amount of the tax assessed under this subchapter on a service that is not subject to 4 USC 116 to 126, as amended by P.L. 106-252, or tangible personal property, specified digital goods, or additional digital goods unless the customer has exhausted his or her remedies under this paragraph.

SECTION 276. 77.59 (9r) of the statutes is created to read:

77.59 (9r) With regard to a purchaser's request for a refund under this section, a seller is presumed to have reasonable business practices if the seller uses a certified service provider, a certified automated system, as defined in s. 77.524 (1) (am), or a proprietary system certified by the department to collect the taxes imposed under this subchapter and if the seller has remitted to the department all taxes collected under this subchapter, less any deductions, credits, or allowances.

SECTION 277. 77.60 (13) of the statutes is created to read:

77.60 (13) A person who uses any of the following documents in a manner that is prohibited by or inconsistent with this subchapter, or provides incorrect information to a seller or certified service provider related to the use of such documents or regarding an exemption to the taxes imposed under this subchapter, shall pay a penalty of $250 for each invoice or bill of sale related to the prohibited or inconsistent use or incorrect information:

(a) An exemption certificate described under ss. 77.52 (13) and 77.53 (10).

(b) A direct pay permit under s. 77.52 (17m).

(c) A direct mail form, as defined in s. 77.522 (1) (a) 1.

SECTION 278. 77.61 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.61 (1) (b) In the case of a motor vehicle motor vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, mobile homes not exceeding 45 feet in length, trailers, semitrailers, all-terrain vehicles, or aircraft purchased from a licensed Wisconsin motor vehicle dealer retailer, the registrant shall present proof that the tax has been paid to such dealer retailer.

SECTION 279. 77.61 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.61 (1) (c) In the case of motor vehicles, boats, snowmobiles, mobile homes not exceeding 45 feet in length, trailers, semitrailers, all-terrain vehicles or aircraft registered or titled, or required to be registered or titled, in this state purchased from persons who are not Wisconsin boat, trailer or semitrailer dealers, licensed Wisconsin aircraft, motor vehicle or mobile home dealers or registered Wisconsin snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle dealers retailers, the purchaser shall file a sales tax return and pay the tax prior to registering or titling the motor vehicle, boat, snowmobile, mobile home not exceeding 45 feet in length, trailer, semitrailer, all-terrain vehicle or aircraft in this state.

SECTION 280. 77.61 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 77.61 (2) (intro.) and amended to read:

77.61 (2) (intro.) In order to protect the revenue of the state:

(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the department may require any person who is or will be liable to it for the tax imposed by this subchapter to place with it, before or after a permit is issued, the security, not in excess of $15,000, that the department determines. In determining the amount of security to require under this subsection, the department may consider the person's payment of other taxes administered by the department and any other relevant facts. If any taxpayer fails or refuses to place that security, the department may refuse or revoke the permit. If any taxpayer is delinquent in the payment of the taxes imposed by this subchapter, the department may, upon 10 days' notice, recover the taxes, interest, costs and penalties from the security placed with the department by the taxpayer in the following order: costs, penalties, delinquent interest, delinquent tax. No interest may be paid or allowed by the state to any person for the deposit of security. Any security deposited under this subsection shall be returned to the taxpayer if the taxpayer has, for 24 consecutive months, complied with all the requirements of this subchapter.

SECTION 281. 77.61 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:

77.61 (2) (b) A certified service provider who has contracted with a seller, and filed an application, to collect and remit sales and use taxes imposed under this subchapter on behalf of the seller shall submit a surety bond to the department to guarantee the payment of sales and use taxes, including any penalty and interest on such payment. The department shall approve the form and contents of a bond submitted under this paragraph and shall determine the amount of such bond. The surety bond shall be submitted to the department within 60 days after the date on which the department notifies the certified service provider that the certified service provider is registered to collect sales and use taxes imposed under this subchapter. If the department determines, with regards to any one certified service provider, that no bond is necessary to protect the tax revenues of this state, the secretary of revenue or the secretary's designee may waive the requirements under this paragraph with regard to that certified service provider. Any bond submitted under this paragraph shall remain in force until the secretary of revenue or the secretary's designee releases the liability under the bond.

SECTION 282. 77.61 (3) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 283. 77.61 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:

77.61 (3m) A retailer shall use a straight mathematical computation to determine the amount of the tax that the retailer may collect from the retailer's customers. The retailer shall calculate the tax amount by combining the applicable tax rates under this subchapter and subch. V and multiplying the combined tax rate by the sales price or purchase price of each item or invoice, as appropriate. The retailer shall calculate the tax amount to the 3rd decimal place, disregard tax amounts of less than 0.5 cent, and consider tax amounts of at least 0.5 cent but less than 1 cent to be an additional cent. The use of a straight mathematical computation, as provided in this subsection, shall not relieve the retailer from liability for payment of the full amount of the tax levied under this subchapter.

SECTION 284. 77.61 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.61 (4) (a) Every seller and retailer and every person storing, using or otherwise consuming in this state tangible personal property, specified digital goods, additional digital goods, or taxable services purchased from a retailer shall keep such records, receipts, invoices, and other pertinent papers and records, including machine-readable records, in such form as the department requires. The department may, after giving notice, require any person to keep whatever records are needed for the department to compute the sales or use taxes the person should pay. Thereafter, the department shall add to any taxes assessed on the basis of information not contained in the records required a penalty of 25% of the amount of the tax so assessed in addition to all other penalties under this chapter.

SECTION 285. 77.61 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

77.61 (4) (c) For reporting the sales tax and collecting and reporting the use tax imposed on the retailer under s. 77.53 (3) and the accounting connected with it, retailers, not including certified service providers, may deduct 0.5% of those taxes payable or $10 for that reporting period required under s. 77.58 (1), whichever is greater, but not more than the amount of the sales taxes or use taxes that is payable under ss. 77.52 (1) and 77.53 (3) for that reporting period required under s. 77.58 (1), as administration expenses if the payment of the taxes is not delinquent. For purposes of calculating the retailer's discount under this paragraph, the taxes on retail sales reported by retailers under subch. V, including taxes collected and remitted as required under s. 77.785, shall be included if the payment of those taxes is not delinquent.

SECTION 286. 77.61 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:

77.61 (5m) (a) In this subsection, "personally identifiable information" means any information that identifies a person.

(b) A certified service provider may use personally identifiable information as necessary only for the administration of its system to perform a seller's sales and use tax functions and shall provide consumers clear and conspicuous notice of its practice regarding such information, including what information it collects, how it collects the information, how it uses the information, how long, if at all, it retains the information, and under what circumstances it discloses the information to states participating in the agreement, as defined in 77.65 (2) (a).

(c) A certified service provider may collect, use, and retain personally identifiable information only to verify exemption claims, to investigate fraud, and to ensure its system's reliability.

(d) A certified service provider shall provide sufficient technical, physical, and administrative safeguards to protect personally identifiable information from unauthorized access and disclosure.

(e) For purposes of this subchapter, the state shall provide to consumers public notice of the state's practices related to collecting, using, and retaining personally identifiable information.
