SECTION 1. 302.113 (8m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

302.113 (8m) (b) If a person released to extended supervision under this section signs a statement admitting a violation of a condition or rule of extended supervision, the department may, as a sanction for the violation, confine the person for up to 90 days in a facility owned or operated by the department, in a regional detention facility or, with the approval of the sheriff, in a county jail, in a Huber facility under s. 303.09, or in a work camp under s. 303.10. If the department confines the person in a county jail under this paragraph, the department shall reimburse the county for its actual costs in confining the person from the appropriations under s. 20.410 (1) (ab) and (b). Notwithstanding s. 302.43, the person is not eligible to earn good time credit on any period of confinement imposed under this subsection.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Fath, BB0246 - Grants for master educators
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Primary and secondary education
Current law directs DPI to award a grant to any person who is certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, licensed by DPI as a teacher or employed as a teacher in a private school, and employed as a teacher in this state.
This bill provides that a teacher who is licensed by DPI as a master educator is also eligible for the grant. This provision is effective retroactively to July 1, 2005. Prospectively, the bill doubles the amount of the grant if the recipient is employed in a school in which at least 60 percent of the pupils are eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch under the federal school lunch program.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.255 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

20.255 (3) (c) National Grants for national teacher certification or master educator licensure. A sum sufficient for payments grants to teachers who are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or licensed as master educators as provided under s. 115.42.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.

SECTION 2. 115.42 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (title) National Grants for national teacher certification or master educator licensure.

SECTION 3. 115.42 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (1) (a) 1. The person is certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards or licensed by the department as a master educator under s. PI 34.19, Wis. Adm. Code.

SECTION 4. 115.42 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (1) (a) 2. The person is licensed as a teacher by the state superintendent, or employed as a teacher in a private school located in this state in a position that would require a license issued by the state superintendent if the position were in a public school.

SECTION 5. 115.42 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (1) (a) 4. The person is employed as a teacher in this state in a position that requires a license issued by the state superintendent or that would require such a license if the position were in a public school.

SECTION 6. 115.42 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (1) (b) The grant under this subsection shall be an amount equal to the costs of obtaining certification or licensure under par. (a) 1. that are borne by the person, not to exceed $2,000. The department shall award the grant under this subsection in the first school year in which the person meets the requirements under par. (a).

SECTION 7. 115.42 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (2) (a) (intro.) The Except as provided in par. (c), the department shall award 9 grants of $2,500 each to each person who received a grant under sub. (1) if the person satisfies all of the following requirements:

SECTION 8. 115.42 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (2) (a) 1. The person maintains his or her certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards national teacher certificate or master educator license.

SECTION 9. 115.42 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (2) (a) 2. The person maintains his or her license as a teacher issued by the state superintendent or remains employed in a private school located in this state.

SECTION 10. 115.42 (2) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (2) (a) 4. The person remains employed as a teacher in this state in a position that requires a license issued by the state superintendent or that would require a license if the position were in a public school.

SECTION 11. 115.42 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:

115.42 (2) (c) The amount of each grant under par. (a) shall be $5,000 in any school year in which the recipient is employed in a school in which at least 60 percent of the pupils enrolled are eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch under 42 USC 1758 (6).

SECTION 12. 115.42 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (3) The department may not require, as a condition for renewing a person's teaching license, that the person have earned continuing professional education credits or their equivalent in the 5 years immediately preceding his or her application for license renewal if he or she has been initially certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards during those 5 years.

SECTION 13. 115.42 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

115.42 (4) (c) The number of times that a teacher person may be exempt from continuing professional education requirements under sub. (3).

SECTION 9337. Initial applicability; Public instruction.

(1) GRANTS FOR MASTER EDUCATOR LICENSURE. The treatment of sections 20.255 (3) (c) and 115.42 (title), (1) (a) 1., 2., and 4. and (b), (2) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., and 4., (3), and (4) (c) of the statutes first applies to persons who were licensed by the department of public instruction as master educators on July 1, 2005.
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Fath, BB0245 - Milwaukee Parental Choice Program - Fees
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Primary and secondary education
Under the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), the state pays for certain pupils to attend private schools located in the city of Milwaukee. To continue in the MPCP, a private school must submit an independent financial audit and evidence of sound fiscal practices to DPI by September 1 following a year in which the private school participated in the MPCP.
This bill requires each private school participating in the MPCP to pay to DPI an annual, nonrefundable fee in an amount to be determined by DPI. DPI must use all fees collected under this bill to evaluate the financial audits and evidence of sound fiscal practices submitted to DPI by participating private schools.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 20.255 (1) (j) of the statutes is created to read:

20.255 (1) (j) Milwaukee Parental Choice Program fees. All moneys received under s. 119.23 (2) (a) 8. to be used to evaluate the financial information submitted under s. 119.23 (7) (am) by private schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program.

****NOTE: This SECTION involves a change in an appropriation that must be reflected in the revised schedule in s. 20.005, stats.

SECTION 2. 119.23 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes is created to read:

119.23 (2) (a) 8. Annually, the private school pays a nonrefundable fee to the department. A private school that is not participating in the program under this section in the current school year shall pay a fee, determined by the department by rule, with its notice of intent to participate under subd. 3. A private school that is required to comply with sub. (7) (am) shall pay a fee, determined by the department by rule, with the information required by sub. (7) (am). The department shall use all fees collected under this paragraph to evaluate the financial information submitted under sub. (7) (am).

SECTION 3. 119.23 (10) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

119.23 (10) (a) 2. Failed to provide the notice required under sub. (2) (a) 3., or the information required under sub. (7) (am) or (d), or the fee required under sub. (2) (a) 8. by the date or within the period specified.

SECTION 9137. Nonstatutory provisions; Public Instruction.

(1) MILWAUKEE PARENTAL CHOICE PROGRAM FEES; RULES. By the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department of public instruction shall, using the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes, promulgate the rule required under section 119.23 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes, as created by this act, for the period before the effective date of the permanent rule promulgated under section 119.23 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes, as created by this act, but not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3) of the statutes, the department of public instruction is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.

(2) MILWAUKEE PARENTAL CHOICE PROGRAM FEES; FEES FOR THE 2007-08 SCHOOL YEAR. Notwithstanding section 119.23 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes, as created by this act, each private school participating in the program under section 119.23 of the statutes, as affected by this act, in the 2007-08 school year shall pay the fee required under section 119.23 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes, as created by this act, no later than 30 days after the effective date of the rule promulgated under subsection (1).
2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE

DOA:......Easton, BB0241 - Internal Revenue Code update
For 2007-09 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
2007 BILL

AN ACT ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Income taxation
This bill adopts, for state income and franchise tax purposes, certain changes made to the Internal Revenue Code by Public Law 109-7, which excludes qualified disaster mitigation payments from gross income; Public Law 109-58, the Energy Tax Incentives Act; Public Law 109-59, the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act; Public Law 109-73, the Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act; Public Law 109-135, the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act; Public Law 109-151, the Employee Retirement Preservation Act; Public Law 109-222, the Tax Increase Prevention Act; Public Law 109-227, Heroes Earned Retirement Opportunities Act; and Public Law 109-280, the Pension Protection Act.
This bill will be referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a detailed analysis, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SECTION 1. 71.01 (6) (L) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 2. 71.01 (6) (m) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 3. 71.01 (6) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:

71.01 (6) (n) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1998, and before January 1, 2000, for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 1998, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66 and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, and as amended by P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and as indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 1998, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1998, and before January 1, 2000, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.

SECTION 4. 71.01 (6) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:

71.01 (6) (o) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 1999, and before January 1, 2003, for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 1999, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66 and sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, and as amended by P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280 and as indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 1999, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, and before January 1, 2003, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding sections 101, 301 (a), and 406 of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, and P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.

SECTION 5. 71.01 (6) (p) of the statutes is amended to read:

71.01 (6) (p) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2002, and before January 1, 2004, for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2002, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, and section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, and as amended by P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and P.L. 108-375, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and as indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and P.L. 108-375, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2002, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2002, and before January 1, 2004, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and P.L. 108-375, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, and P.L. 108-375, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.

SECTION 6. 71.01 (6) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:

71.01 (6) (q) For taxable years that begin after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2005, for natural persons and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear decommissioning trust or reserve funds, "Internal Revenue Code" means the federal Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2003, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 106-519, sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 106-573, section 431 of P.L. 107-16, section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, section 109 of P.L. 108-121, and section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, and as amended by P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and as indirectly affected by P.L. 99-514, P.L. 100-203, P.L. 100-647, P.L. 101-73, P.L. 101-140, P.L. 101-179, P.L. 101-239, P.L. 101-280, P.L. 101-508, P.L. 102-90, P.L. 102-227, excluding sections 103, 104, and 110 of P.L. 102-227, P.L. 102-318, P.L. 102-486, P.L. 103-66, excluding sections 13113, 13150 (d), 13171 (d), 13174, and 13203 (d) of P.L. 103-66, P.L. 103-296, P.L. 103-337, P.L. 103-465, P.L. 104-7, P.L. 104-117, P.L. 104-188, excluding sections 1123 (b), 1202 (c), 1204 (f), 1311, and 1605 (d) of P.L. 104-188, P.L. 104-191, P.L. 104-193, P.L. 105-33, P.L. 105-34, P.L. 105-178, P.L. 105-206, P.L. 105-277, P.L. 106-36, P.L. 106-170, P.L. 106-230, P.L. 106-554, excluding sections 162 and 165 of P.L. 106-554, P.L. 107-15, P.L. 107-16, excluding section 431 of P.L. 107-16, P.L. 107-22, P.L. 107-116, P.L. 107-134, P.L. 107-147, excluding section sections 101 and 301 (a) of P.L. 107-147, P.L. 107-181, P.L. 107-210, P.L. 107-276, P.L. 107-358, P.L. 108-27, excluding sections 106, 201, and 202 of P.L. 108-27, P.L. 108-121, excluding section 109 of P.L. 108-121, P.L. 108-173, excluding section 1201 of P.L. 108-173, P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280. The Internal Revenue Code applies for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes. Amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after December 31, 2003, do not apply to this paragraph with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2003, and before January 1, 2005, except that changes to the Internal Revenue Code made by P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, and changes that indirectly affect the provisions applicable to this subchapter made by P.L. 108-203, P.L. 108-218, P.L. 108-311, excluding sections 306, 307, 308, 316, 401, and 403 (a) of P.L. 108-311, P.L. 108-357, excluding sections 101, 201, 211, 242, 244, 336, 337, 422, 847, 909, and 910 of P.L. 108-357, P.L. 108-375, and P.L. 108-476, P.L. 109-7, P.L. 109-58, excluding sections 1305, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1328, 1329, 1348, and 1351 of P.L. 109-58, P.L. 109-73, excluding section 301 of P.L. 109-73, P.L. 109-135, excluding sections 101, 105, 201 (a) as it relates to section 1400S (a), 402 (e), 403 (e), (j), and (q), and 405 of P.L. 109-135, P.L. 109-227, and P.L. 109-280, excluding sections 811 and 844 of P.L. 109-280, apply for Wisconsin purposes at the same time as for federal purposes.

SECTION 7. 71.01 (6) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
