Washington Elementary School (Oshkosh) - S 349
Waukesha State Bank - S 786
Waukesha West High School's Concert Choir - S 739
Wauwatosa Beautification Committee - S 786
Wauwatosa East High School Red Raiders - S 838
Wauwatosa Special Olympics (individual performers) - S 848
Wauwatosa Special Olympics (organizers and volunteers) - S 848
Wauwatosa Special Olympics (teams) - S 848
Weaver, Zachary M. - S 900
Weborg, Nicholas William - S 573
Webster, Nathanial J. - S 573
Webster Stanley Elementary School (Oshkosh) - S 349
Webster Stanley Middle School (Oshkosh) - S 349
Wedemeyer, Ted E., Jr. - S 868
Weidner, Edward W. - S 294
Weiland, Alex R. - S 437
Weiss, Gordon - S 848
Weiss, Tom - S 911
Weitgenant, Nathan - S 848
Wendorf, Christine - S 165
Wengerter, Joshua A. - S 900
Wertjes, Tyler James - S 848
West Allis Community Media Center - S 165
Wester, Tom - S 900
Weyers, Bill - S 450
Weyers, Brian - S 294
Whaley, Andrew - S 77
Wheeler, Kelly - S 165
Wheeler, Sarah - S 848
White, Anna - S 739
Whitefish Bay High School - S 450
Whittow, George - S 165
Wiedholz, Christopher A. - S 739
Wiener, Rebecca - S 848
Wigh, Bradley Joseph - S 294
Wilde, Nathan - S 786
Willert, Dawn - S 911
Willette, Ted - S 900
Williams, John Robert - S 884
Williams, Paul - S 243
Willis, Dr. Earnestine - S 786
Wilmot, Brian - S 573
Wilson, Ernestine O'Bee - S 77
Wilson, Louis Duane - S 165
Winker, Kevin Michael - S 450
Winkler, Aaron - S 165
Winnebago Mental Health Institute - S 838
Wipperfurth, Jacqueline - S 786
Wisconsin Association on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (WAAODA)
 - S 892
Wisconsin Council of Churches - S 437
Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired - S 900
Wisconsin Council on Children & Families - S 77
Wisconsin Heights girls varsity volleyball team - S 911
Wisconsin Lutheran College - S 573
Wisniewski, Christopher - S 838
Wittlin's Service - S 243
Wolf, Christopher - S 349
Wolf, Howard A. "Rusty" - S 838
Wolf, Raymond - S 165
Women's Equality Day - S 331
Wood, Gerald "Jerry" - S 786
Worzella Photography - S 349
Wozniak, Cheryl - S 911
Wright, Dick - S 294
Wycklendt, Alice - S 243
Wyckoff, Danielle - S 848
Young, Jordan - S 848
Young, Rebecca "Becky" - S 911
Yu, Paul - S 243
Zacher, Lee - S 243
Zacherl Funeral Home - S 786
Zaharias, Josh - S 838
Zancanaro, Tony - S 243
Zart, Walter and Norma (Levins) - S 202
Zauner, Colin - S 573
Zbytniewski, Timothy Allen - S 128
Zellner, Zachary Robert - S 838
Zhang, Jane - S 848
Zickermann, Jon - S 165
Zien, Senator Dave - S 55, 77
Ziino, John - S 165
Zimmerman, Carrie - S 202
Zimmerman, Robert Ryan - S 128
Zimmermann, Ryan Erickson - S 55
Zindl, Lynn - S 243
Zink the Zebra Foundation - S 437
Zino, John - S 243
Zwettler, Ryan - S 243
chaplain _ assembly Chaplain — Assembly