The Colors were presented by the Truax-Longmire VFW Post 8483 Color Guard Unit in Madison.
The National Anthem was performed by three members of the Emmanuel Baptist Church Choir from Beloit.
The Senate remained standing and Senator Carpenter led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Remarks of President Lasee
“I would like to ask unanimous consent, as the outgoing President of the Senate, to say a few brief words.
First of all, thank you to the pastor, color guard, and choir for joining us today. Thank you to the Senator from the 3rd, Senator Carpenter, for leading us in the pledge. We all appreciate your willingness to participate in our ceremony today.
I want to welcome all of our friends, family and constituents. As you will see today, the Senate is a special place. I have spent the better part of 30 years serving in this institution-helping people work out their problems with their government and debating the many important issues that have confronted our state. Despite the constant stream of criticism the Legislature receives, I believe that the Senate is something that the people of this state can be proud of. In many ways, we are the complaint department of state government. We do extremely important work helping our constituents solve their problems. I think we have shown Wisconsin citizens can count on the Senate to operate in a fair, open and thoughtful manner as we debate the future direction of the state.
Wisconsin has had only three Senators elected by its members to the position of Senate President. In April 1979, a Constitutional Amendment passed which eliminated the Lieutenant Governor as the Presiding Officer of the Senate. As one of three members, I am honored at the privilege to have presided over this great body.
I want to express my gratitude to you my colleagues, for giving me the privilege of serving as your president. Today, I will be handing this gavel to the new Senate President, Senator Risser. Over my long legislative career, one of my greatest honors, without a doubt, has been to serve as the Senate President. When the Senate re-elected me as its President in January, 2005, I promised to respect the right of all members to express their thoughts and ideas. I also promised to follow in the tradition of former Presidents Rude and Risser, who were fair-minded leaders in this chamber. I hope that I have lived up to those promises and to the reputations of those who came before me.
Last but not least, I want to say thank you to my wife Jan who has been gracious while having to make sacrifices which allow me to be an effective legislator. I am forever grateful to her for stepping up and being patient when I'm late for dinner or have to stay over in Madison. Thank you to my children: Max, Jake, Joe, Susanna, Carrie and Polly for understanding when I was unable to make a concert or game. Additional thanks to Rob Marchant, our Senate Chief Clerk as well as Jeff Renk, Sarah Burhop, Rachel Veum and John Pellet, Sergeant Ted Blazel and staff along with our service agencies for all their hard work. I would like to recognize the hard work of our staff members who help in any way possible.
With that, I will ask the Clerk to read the certification of election from the State Elections Board."
State of Wisconsin
Elections Board
December 11, 2006
S2 The Honorable, The Senate:
I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the official canvass of the November 7, 2006 General Election vote for state senator along with the determination by the designee of the Chairperson of the State Elections Board of the winners.
With this letter, I am delivering the Certificates of Election and transmittal letters for the winners to you for distribution.
If the State Elections Board can provide you with further information or assistance, please contact our office.
Kevin J. Kennedy
Executive Director
Statement of Canvass
State Senator
GENERAL ELECTION, November 7, 2006
I, David Anstaett, designee of the Chairperson of the State Elections Board, certify that the attached tabular statements, as compiled from the certified returns made to the State Elections Board by the county clerks of the several counties of the state, contain a correct abstract of the total number of votes given for the election of candidates for State Senator, at a General Election held in the several towns, wards, villages and election districts in said counties on the Seventh day of November, 2006.
I DO, THEREFORE, DETERMINE AND CERTIFY that the following candidates, having each received the greatest number of votes in their respective senatorial districts, are duly elected State Senator:
Senate District     Elected
1st District     Alan J. Lasee
3rd District     Tim Carpenter
5th District     James O. Sullivan, Jr.
7th District     Jeff Plale
9th District     Joe Leibham
11th District     Neal Kedzie
13th District     Scott Fitzgerald
15th District     Judy Robson
17th District     Dale W. Schultz
19th District     Michael G. Ellis
21st District     John W. Lehman
23rd District     Pat Kreitlow
25th District     Bob Jauch
27th District     Jon Erpenbach
29th District     Russ Decker
31st District     Kathleen Vinehout
33rd District     Theodore J. Kanavas
Done in the City of Madison, this 1st day of December, 2006.
Designee of the Chairperson, State Elections Board
Remarks of Majority Leader Robson
“We have just celebrated the fresh start of a new year 2007. We gather today a few days later to mark a new beginning...the dawning of the 98th session of the Wisconsin State Senate.
I am sure my 32 colleagues in this distinguished body will agree...we Senators are so blest and honored to share this proud day of distinction with our families and friends present.
My family is here from places like California, North Carolina, and Ohio. I want to thank my children and all my grandchildren who are here. My family from Ohio who joined my special friend to witness and celebrate this historic day.
I also want to extend a heartfelt welcome to your family members and friends of every state senator with us this afternoon.
They are all here because they share our willingness...and share our embrace this opportunity and this responsibility that come with public service. To them and the sacrifices they made...for us...we say thank you.
Thank you.
It is an honor and privilege to serve in the Wisconsin State Senate. The Senate has had just over 1,000 members since it first convened in 1848.
In just a few moments, four new Senators will become part of the legacy of a Senate that's deeply rooted in an honored, celebrated history.
Today we celebrate not only where we've been...but also where we're headed...together in the spirit of public a representative democracy."
Pursuant to Senate Rule 5 (4) (a), Chief Clerk Marchant in the chair.
With unanimous consent, the party leaders introduced their respective members as they came before the bar to be sworn in.
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Lasee
“Senator Alan Lasee was elected to the Senate in 1977 in a special election and has been reelected since that time.
Senator Lasee served as Senate President during the 2005 and 2003 session where he focused on bringing back civility and decorum to this distinguished body. There is no question that while he was the presiding officer, he was successful in helping to restore respect among colleagues and making the Senate more professional.
Senator Lasee has served on several committees during his time in the Senate, but most notably, has been the Chairman of the Committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Co-Chairman of the Joint Committees on Organization, Employment Relations and Legislative Council.
During his tenure, Senator Lasee has fought tirelessly for crime victims, taxpayers and rights of property owners.
During the past session, Senator Lasee chaired the Senate Select Committee on DNR Regulatory Reform where he held hearings statewide taking testimony from citizens and business owners in hopes of encouraging the DNR to be more responsive to our citizens and administer their agency in a more efficient manner. No doubt Senator Lasee will continue to lead the charge on these issues in the upcoming session.
Senator Lasee is joined today by his wife Jan and their daughter Polly and her fiancé Mike."
Senator Robson Introduced Senator Carpenter
“The Senator from the 3rd is beginning his second term in the State Senate after eight terms in the Assembly, representing the residents of the South Side of Milwaukee and Greenfield.
S3 He has lived in Milwaukee his entire life. In fact, Milwaukee is a city that his family has called home for over 55 years. His father worked at the Falk Corp and his mother was a telephone operator. She also worked as a poll worker at Morgandale Elementary School, which instilled in him a passion for good government. She passed away a few years ago of Parkinson's disease, adding to his passion to make sure that Wisconsin leads the way in finding medical cures and providing health care to all.
He currently lives with his father, Ken, in a duplex on South 38th Street.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Tim Carpenter."
Senator Robson Introduced Senator Jim Sullivan
“The Senator from the 5th is the first of four brand new Senators who we welcome today.
Although he is a new face in the Senate, his district is well known to all of us as the home of the Milwaukee County Medical Complex, Miller Park, State Fair Park, the Milwaukee Mile, the Pettit Ice Center and Milwaukee County Zoo.
He has spent his life serving his community. He grew up in the Milwaukee area, attending public schools and graduated from UW-Madison in 1991. He has served in the U.S. Navy Reserves since 1999. In 2001, He graduated from Marquette Law School, professionally continuing his commitment to serve the people of his community. He also served for six years on the Wauwatosa City Council where he earned a reputation as an effective, thoughtful, consensus building representative of his constituents.
He lives in Wauwatosa with his wife Linda, an accountant with the “Next Door Foundation" and his two sons, Jack (age 8) and Malcolm (age 4).
Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Jim Sullivan.
Joining Senator Sullivan today are his wife Linda Docter Sullivan and his parents Carolyn and James Sullivan, Sr.
Please stand and be recognized."
Senator Robson Introduced Senator Plale
“The Senator from the 7th is beginning his first full term in the State Senate. He initially came to the Senate after winning a special election in 2003.
The 7th District is one of the state's most dynamic and diverse communities. It includes many of the cultural and commercial centers in the state. From the soaring artistic beauty of the Calatrava to the cutting edge manufacturing advancements at Bucyrus in his hometown of South Milwaukee, this is a community moving forward.
That commitment to progress is evident in all of the major institutions of higher learning that occupy the 7th District: UW-Milwaukee, Milwaukee Area Technical College and Milwaukee School of Engineering.
His district is also home to Summerfest, the World's Premier Music Festival, as well as the largest Irish and Polish festivals anywhere in the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Senator Jeff Plale.
Joining Senator Plale today are his sons, Jack and Joey, and his parents Don and Josephine Plale. Please stand and be recognized."
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Leibham
“Senator Leibham was first elected to the State Senate in November 2002 and was re-elected this past November. Prior to his election to the Senate, Joe served in the State Assembly from 1998-2002.
During his time in the State Senate, Senator Leibham has served as a legislative leader in our state's economic development efforts and worked to enhance and improve our job creation efforts through his co-authorship of the Job Creation Act and Job Training legislation during his first session in the State Senate.
Last session, Senator Leibham was successful in working to enact the most comprehensive package of election law reform measures since the late '70s, and has continued to serve as an outspoken advocate for restoring integrity to our election process through his legislative efforts to require a photo ID to vote.
Through his efforts as a member of the Joint Finance Committee, Senator Leibham served as a leader in our efforts to control government spending and lower taxes.
Undoubtedly, Senator Leibham will serve as a stronger leader for families in the upcoming session as he and his wife, Heather, are expecting their first child in February.
Joe is joined here today by his wife Heather; his parents, Ken and Sue; and his in-laws, Cliff and Joan Hansen."
Senator Fitzgerald Introduced Senator Kedzie
“State Senator Neal Kedzie was first elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in November 2002 and re-elected in November 2006.
The 11th Senate District includes portions of Walworth, Waukesha, Jefferson and Kenosha Counties in Southeastern Wisconsin. Prior to being elected to the Senate, he served three terms in the Wisconsin State Assembly, representing the 43rd Assembly District.
During the 2005-06 session, Senator Kedzie served as the Assistant Senate Majority Leader and Chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Transportation Committee. He is also continuing his service as Chair of the Special Committee on Great Lakes Water Resources Compact Committee.
A trademark of Senator Kedzie's legislative career has been his ability to build consensus among generally polarized groups. This strength has led to the enactment of many significant environmental initiatives, garnering national and even international attention.
Some of those efforts include:
- the 2005 Groundwater Quality Protection Act