Senate Chief Clerk
State of Wisconsin
Elections Board
December 11, 2006
The Honorable, The Senate:
The State Elections Board staff has received a number of inquiries concerning the last day on which the legislature may act to ensure that a proposed constitutional amendment can be placed on the ballot for the April 3, 2007 spring election. The legislature must complete action on a proposed constitutional amendment no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2007.
By statute, all proposed constitutional amendments and any other measure or question that is to be submitted to a vote of the people shall be filed with the official or agency responsible for preparing the ballots for the election no later than 42 days prior to the election at which the amendment, measure or question will appear on the ballot. S. 8.37 Wis. Stats. Tuesday, February 20, 2007, is 42 days before the April 3, 2007 Spring election.
In order for the legislative action to be filed in our office, it is sufficient for the chief clerks to notify our office by e-mail no later than Tuesday, February 20, 2007 the legislature passed the resolution. It is not necessary that we receive the signed resolution by the close of business on Tuesday, February 20, 2007.
In order to facilitate preparation for the April 2007 spring election, I suggest sponsoring legislators contact the office of the Attorney General to make arrangements for the preparation of the explanatory statement required by S. 10.01(2)(c) Wis. Stats. The explanatory statement is published in the paper by the county clerk immediately before the election. It is also posted at the polling place on Election Day.
Please make the appropriate arrangements to ensure that this information is communicated to the members of the legislature. If you or any member of the legislature has a question, please contact me at 608-266-8005 or ask to speak to one of our Elections Specialists.
Kevin J. Kennedy
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
January 3, 2007
The Honorable, the Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2007-2008 session of the legislature, visit the Ethics Board's web site at
Abel, Becky   Wisconsin Wetlands Association
Ahmuty, Christopher   American Civil Liberties Union of       Wisconsin Inc
Allen, Russ   Wisconsin Education Association       Council
Altenburg, Rana   Marquette University
Ashley, John   Wisconsin Association of School       Boards Inc
S13 Baas, Steve   Metropolitan Milwaukee       Association of Commerce
Babcock, William   Wisconsin Society of Architects
Bablitch, Kelly   Milwaukee County
Baiocchi, Donna   Apple Computer, Inc.
Baird, Robert   Professional Fire Fighters of       Wisconsin Inc
Bartlett, Robert   Wisconsin Petroleum Marketers &       Convenience Store Association,       Inc.
Beebe, Thomas   Institute for Wisconsin's Future
Beitlich, Susan   Wisconsin Farmers Union
Beitzel, Peter W   Metropolitan Milwaukee       Association of Commerce
Benforado, David J   Municipal Electric Utilities of       Wisconsin
Bonavia, Jeri   WAVE Educational Fund
Bowman, D'Anna   AARP
Breedlove, Lynn   Disability Rights Wisconsin       (formerly Wisconsin Coalition       for Advocacy)
Brewer, F H   S.C. Johnson & Son Inc
Brooks, Mara A   Wisconsin Dental Association
Broydrick, William   Association of State Prosecutors
Broydrick, William   Independent Care Health Plan
Broydrick, William   St Coletta of Wisconsin
Buchen, James A   Wisconsin Manufacturers &       Commerce
Burke, Robert   Wisconsin Education Association       Council
Burkhalter, Daniel   Wisconsin Education Association       Council
Cady, Stephen   Milwaukee County
Carey, Ray   Johnson Controls Inc
Carey, Ray   Johnson Financial Group Inc
Carey, Ray   Kwik Trip Inc
Carey, Ray   S.C. Johnson & Son Inc
Carey, Ray   TDS Telecommunications       Corporation
Christianson, Peter C   AFLAC
Christianson, Peter C   Chicago Title Insurance Company
Christianson, Peter C   Kraft Foods Global, Inc by its       service company Altria Corporate       Services Inc
Christianson, Peter C   Marshall & Ilsley Corporation
Christianson, Peter C   Motion Picture Association of       America Inc
Christianson, Peter C   Suburban Schools Legislative       Committee
Christianson, Peter C   Wisconsin Dental Association
Christianson, Peter C   Wisconsin Newspaper Association
Clay, Timothy   Wisconsin Federation of       Cooperatives
Cliff, Roger   Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation
Conrad, Debra Peterson   Wisconsin Realtors Association
Courter, Bill   McLeod USA
Craney, Diane   Wisconsin Education Association       Council
Crass, David   Jennie-O Turkey Store       Incorporated
Cullen, Lee   Johnson Controls Inc
Czech-Mrochinski, Mary   Marquette University
de la Rosa, Roy   Milwaukee County
Deneen, Timothy   United Transportation Union
Diedrick-Kasdorf, Sarah   Wisconsin Counties Association
Dotzour, Althea   Gathering Waters Conservancy,       Inc.
Driessen, Anthony   AAA Wisconsin
Driessen, Anthony   Bowling Centers Association of       Wisconsin
Driessen, Anthony   DirectBuy, Inc.
Driessen, Anthony   Sanofi Pasteur
Driessen, Anthony   VITAS Health Corporation
Driessen, Anthony   Wisconsin Association of Nurse       Anesthetists
Driessen, Anthony   Wisconsin Automatic       Merchandising Council
Driessen, Anthony   Wisconsin Society of Podiatric       Medicine
Drury, Michael   Professional Fire Fighters of       Wisconsin Inc
Duffy, Melissa   Wisconsin Federation of       Cooperatives
Durham, Kelly   Corrections Corporation of       America
Elias, Nathan   Pfizer Inc
Elias, Nathan   Wisconsin Transportation Builders   Association
Elkin, Vicki   Gathering Waters Conservancy,       Inc.
Ellinger, Lisa   Wisconsin Health Project
Elmer, Jane   Wisconsin Retired Educators       Association
Englund, Eric   Wisconsin Insurance Alliance