Assembly Joint Resolution 97
Relating to: recognizing February 2008 as American Heart Month and February 1, 2008, as Wear Red For Women Day.
By Representatives Wieckert, Nygren, Owens, Hebl, Kerkman, Sheridan, Richards, Smith, Lothian, Petrowski, Shilling, Musser, Turner, Mursau, Berceau, Townsend, Van Roy, M. Williams, Moulton, Nerison, Ballweg, Hintz, Gunderson, Hines, Murtha and Bies; cosponsored by Senators Kreitlow, Roessler, Taylor, Cowles and Schultz.
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Joint Resolution 100
Relating to: commending students, faculty, and staff of the University of Wisconsin System campuses on Undergraduate Research Day.
By Representatives Rhoades and Nass; cosponsored by Senator Vinehout
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Assembly Joint Resolution 102
Relating to: honoring the Sun Prairie High School Coed Cheerleading Team for winning the 2008 Universal Cheerleading Association's National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando, Florida.
By Representative
; cosponsored by Senator Miller
Read and referred to committee on Senate Organization.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Resolutions 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 be withdrawn from the committee on Senate Organization and taken up at this time.
Senate Resolution 10
Relating to: commending the public service of U.S. Representative Gwendolynne Sophia Moore.
Senate Resolution 11
Relating to: commending the public service of Henry Louis Aaron.
Senate Resolution 12
Relating to: the life of Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez of the United States Army, who lost her life during Operation Enduring Freedom.
Adopted by unanimous rising vote.
Senator Miller, with unanimous consent, asked that all Senators be made coauthors of Senate Resolution 12.
Senate Resolution 13
Relating to: the life and public service of Lloyd A. Barbee.
Senate Resolution 14
Relating to: commending the life and public service of Jarius Anthony Josey.
Senate Resolution 15
Relating to: commending the life an public service of Father James Edmund Groppi.
Senate Resolution 16
Relating to: commending the life and public service of Ezekiel Gillespie.
Senate Resolution 17
Relating to: commending the public service of Velvalea Rogers Phillips.
Senate Resolution 18
Relating to: commending the life and contributions of Joshua Glover.
Senate Resolution 19
Relating to: the life and public service of Rev. Lucius Walker
Senate Resolution 20
Relating to: the life and activism of James Cameron.
Senate Resolution 21
Relating to: the life and public service of Assemblyman Lucien Palmer.
Senate Resolution 22
Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Marcia P. Coggs.
Senate Resolution 23
Relating to: the life and public service of Representative Isaac N. Coggs.
Senate Resolution 24
Relating to: the life and public service of Reverend Richard Kirkendoll.
Senate Resolution 25
Relating to: the life and public service of Mr. Booker Townsell for fighting for fair and equal justice.
Senate Resolution 26
Relating to: the life and public service of Mr. James Howard Baker.
Senate Resolution 27
Relating to: commending the career and accomplishments of Mr. Billy Bruton.
Senate Joint Resolution 92
Relating to: commemorating the achievements and contributions of the Boy Scouts of America.
Senator Hansen, with unanimous consent, asked that Assembly Joint Resolution 103 be withdrawn from the committee on Senate Organization and taken up at this time.
Assembly Joint Resolution 103
Relating to: commemorating the achievements and contributions of the Boy Scouts of America.
The question was: Shall Assembly Joint Resolution 103 be concurred in?
Concurred in.
Senator Decker, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Joint Resolution 92 be laid on the table.
Senate Joint Resolution 93
Relating to: commending the Green Bay Packers on their outstanding 2007 season.
Senate Bill 142
Relating to: requirements to successfully complete training on use of an automated external defibrillator, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority.
Read a second time.
The question was: Adoption of Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 to Senate Bill 142?
The question was: Adoption of Senate substitute amendment 1 to Senate Bill 142?