Daniel Lokken, (date of birth August 10, 1956) convicted on or about November 29, 1978, of Possession of an Explosive Compound with the Intent to Use the Explosive to Commit a Crime, for helping create a pipe bomb and lighting it outside a friend's house, and sentenced to three years probation and forty-five days in jail. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Lokken was granted a pardon on August 10, 2007, based on the length of time since the crime and the support from the Judge in the county of conviction.
James Miller, (date of birth December 31, 1942) convicted on or about March 6, 1961, of Burglary, for stealing a car battery and $32 in cash from a car garage shop, and sentenced to two years probation, two years in prison and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the recommendation of the Board, Mr. Miller was granted a pardon on August 10, 2007, based on the length of time since the offense and his positive adjustment.
Elva Ross, (date of birth July 2, 1950) convicted on or about November 15, 1985, of False Representation to Obtain Public Assistance, for applying for welfare under a false name and receiving $1193.00 in public assistance, and sentenced to three months in jail, three years probation and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Ms. Ross was granted a pardon on January 5, 2007, based on the length of time since the crime, her positive adjustment and support from the Judge in the county of conviction.
Paul Rusch, (date of birth October 14, 1951) convicted on or about December 29, 1975, of Burglary, for breaking into a business and fleeing once the alarm was set off, and sentenced to five years probation and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Rusch was granted a pardon on August 10, 2007, based on the non-violent nature of the crime, the length of time since the offense and his positive adjustment.
Michael Saucke, (date of birth October 22, 1949) convicted on or about July 2, 1991, of Issuing of Worthless Checks, for writing checks to Main Appliance for $540, and sentenced to two years probation, seventy-five hours of community service and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Saucke was pardoned on August 10, 2007, based on the length of time since the offense, his positive adjustment and substantial need.
James Schiesl, (date of birth June 7, 1952) convicted on or about September 21, 1978, of Delivery of a Controlled Substance of three grams of heroine, and sentenced to five years probation, four months in jail and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 3-2. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Schiesl was granted a pardon on January 5, 2007, based on the length of time since the crime, the non-violent nature of the crime and his positive adjustment.
Nicholas Schultz, (date of birth August 13, 1979) convicted on or about July 9, 1997, of two counts of Burglary-Building or Dwelling (Party to a Crime), for seven offenses on the same day, and sentenced to three years probation, thirty days in jail, seventy-five hours of community service and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 6-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Schultz was granted a pardon on August 10, 2007, based on the non-violent nature of the crime, the length of time since the crime, his positive adjustment, and his extensive personal growth and development.
David Spencer, (date of birth November 8, 1971) convicted on or about March 10, 1992, of Delivery of Marijuana, for one quarter of an ounce, and sentenced to three years probation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-0. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Spencer was granted a pardon on January 5, 2007, based on his extensive personal growth, the non-violent nature of the crime, valid job concerns, and the support of both the Judge and the District Attorney in the county of conviction.
Robert Stankiewicz, (date of birth April 20, 1952) convicted on or about March 22, 1978, of Aid and Abet Burglary, for driving to a store and waiting for his friend to steal clothing then driving away, and sentenced to eighteen months probation and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board split 3-3 on their recommendation. After the Board's split decision, Mr. Stankiewicz was granted a pardon on August 10, 2007, based on the length of time since the offense and substantial need.
Benjamin Sykora, (date of birth March 19, 1978) convicted on or about June 8, 1998, of Possession with Intent to Deliver-THC, for acting as a middleman, and sentenced to thirty months probation, forty-five days in jail, fifty hours of community service, to pay a fine, and six month license revocation. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 4-1. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Sykora was granted a pardon on January 5, 2007, based on his personal growth and development and positive adjustment.
S887 Kelvis Thompson, (date of birth October 21, 1960) convicted on or about November 5, 1990, of Failure to Report Receipt of Income (Party to a Crime), for receiving an over grant of $6,103.00, and was sentenced to one year in prison, four years probation and to pay restitution. The Governor's Pardon Advisory Board recommended granting a pardon by a vote of 5-1. Following the Board's recommendation, Mr. Thompson was pardoned on August 10, 2007, based on the length of time since the offense, the non-violent nature of the crime and valid job concerns.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jim doyle
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
August 26, 2008
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to s. 1.11(2) (j), Stats., please distribute this notice to members of the Senate. The State of Wisconsin Investment Board did not consider any proposals or major actions in Wisconsin during fiscal year 2008 that would have significantly affected the quality of the human environment. Accordingly, the agency was no required to prepare any environmental assessments or impact statements under s. 1.11, Stats.
Please contact Sandy Drew at 261-0182 if you have any questions concerning this report.
keith bozarth
Executive Director
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
August 29, 2008
The Honorable, The Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by s. 20.002(11)(f), Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172(3), Wisconsin Statutes) and confirms that the Department of Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative cash balances during the month of July 2008.
On July 1, 2008, the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund cash balance closed at a negative $163.3 million. This negative balance continued through July 31, 2008, when the fund's cash balance closed at a negative $156.0 million. The Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund cash balance reached its intra month low of a negative $170.7 million on July 10, 2008. The negative balance was due to the transfer of $200 million to the Medical Assistance Trust Fund per 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, and the pending liquidation of fund securities necessary to offset this shortfall.
On July 9, 2008, the University Trust Fund - Principal cash balance closed at a negative $1.2 million. This negative balance continued through July 31, 2008, when the fund's cash balance closed at a negative $4.2 million (its intra-month low). The negative balance was due to an accounting error that was corrected in August.
The Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund, and University Trust Fund Principal shortfalls were not in excess of the statutory interfund borrowing limitations and did not exceed the balances of the funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority, and as a result, the funds requiring the use of the authority will effectively bear the interest cost.
michael l. morgan
State of Wisconsin
Department of Children and Families
September 3, 2008
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Section 46.014(4) of the Wis. Stats., the Department of Children and Families is required to submit an annual report to the Legislature concerning the activities of the Community Action agencies under 46.30, and their effectiveness in promoting social and economic opportunities for low-income persons.
The attached report describes the uses of the Community Services Block Grant funding and its support of the services provided by the Community Action agencies and Limited Purpose agencies in order to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities and empower low-income individuals and families to become economically self-sufficient.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Gregory Markle, CSBG Coordinator at (608) 267-5149 or gregorymarkle@wi.gov.
Reggie Bicha
Referred to committee on Health, Human Services, Insurance, and Job Creation.
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
September 11, 2008
The Honorable, The Legislature:
We have completed a best practices review of local government operations, as directed by s. 13.94(8), Wis. Stats. This review focuses on efforts by Wisconsin's public school districts to reduce truancy, which is the unexcused absence from school of children under the age of 18. In the 2006-07 school year, 9.3 percent of pupils in kindergarten through grade 12 were classified as habitual truants because they had five or more unexcused absences in a semester, although rates in individual school districts ranged from 0 in 47 districts to 58.2 percent in the Menominee Indian School District.
Efforts to reduce truancy are guided by a statutory framework that requires school districts to establish plans and policies, collaborate with local officials within their counties, and notify parents and guardians of their children's truancies. Districts have also established a variety of programs consistent with nationally developed best practices, which include involving parents in improving school attendance and working with human services and law enforcement agencies to provide services to pupils and to enforce local ordinances.
We have identified several best practices to assist school districts and the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) in monitoring, assessing, and reducing truancy.
S888 We appreciate the courtesy extended to us by DPI, school district officials, other state and local government officials, and officials representing private-sector agencies that provided information for our review.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
The committee on Commerce, Utilities and Rail reports and recommends:
Relating to amusement rides and affecting small business.
No action taken.
Jeffrey Plale
The committee on Education reports and recommends:
Relating to four-year old kindergarten grants.
No action taken.
John Lehman
Motions Under Senate Rule 98 and Joint Rule 7
for the Month of August 2008
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Darling, for the Village of Bayside, on the occasion of being the recipients of the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Sullivan, for Matthew C. Berggruen, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Grothman, for Matthew Edward Bromley, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Grothman, for Timothy John Chapman, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Erpenbach, for Matthew J. Frey, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Legislature on the motion of Senator Darling, for Robert M. Gehrke, on the occasion of his retirement from the Fire Department and the Department of Public Works in the Village of Thiensville after 42 years of dedicated service.
A certificate of condolence by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Taylor, for the family and friends of Mary Jean Johnson, on the occasion of extending our deepest sympathies to her family and friends.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Cowles, for Alex Kasel, on the occasion of earning and attaining the rank of the Eagle Scout Award.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Kreitlow, for J. William “Bill" Leinenkugel, on the occasion of the celebration of his 87th Birthday shared with family and friends.
A certificate of commendation by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Taylor, for Bernard Jeffrey McCullough “Bernie Mac," on the occasion of honoring his memory, life, work and legacy.
A certificate of congratulations by the Wisconsin Senate on the motion of Senator Sullivan, for Chellsie Memmel, on the occasion of her performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing as part of the United States Gymnastics team.