Vernon County DA converted to full-time status [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3926p] -  SB40
districtingDistricting, see Redistricting
Actions affecting the family: only SSN of minor children born to the wife during the marriage must be filed and other technical corrections -  SB362
College savings program and college tuition and expenses program: income tax deduction may be claimed by divorced or legally separated parent of child; total annual deduction set re married parents filing jointly or separately or a divorced or legally separated parent -  AB154
Interfering with custody of a child: ``mental manipulation" added to definition of ``causes a child to leave from or not return to"; causing a child not to return to legal custodian without consent also considered interfering with custody  - AB917
Legal custody or periods of physical placement of child: court authorized to make modifications contingent on future events or change in conditions -  AB29
Maintenance in divorce actions: requirements for ordering revised -  AB9
Moving with or removing a child: legal custody and physical placement provisions revised -  AB462
Occupational license limitations modified re complying with a physical placement order under certain conditions, maximum hours per week, and travel to place of religious worship other than a church -  AB683
Occupational license limitations modified re complying with a physical placement order under certain conditions, maximum hours per week, and travel to place of religious worship other than a church -  SB408
Parenting plan in actions affecting the family: clerk of court and mediator duties; deadline for filing when court waives mediation requirement or when mediator notifies the court there is no agreement modified -  AB685
Parenting plan in actions affecting the family: clerk of court and mediator duties; deadline for filing when court waives mediation requirement or when mediator notifies the court there is no agreement modified -  SB406
Pets: placement provisions created re annulment, divorce, or legal separation action; domestic abuse temporary restraining order or injunction condition -  AB436
Physical placement of a child: revisions re presumption of equalized placement to highest degree, written and oral statement from the court re reasons for granting sole legal custody or placement schedule, and standards for modification  - AB571
Physical placement of a child: revisions re presumption of equalized placement to highest degree, written and oral statement from the court re reasons for granting sole legal custody or placement schedule, and standards for modification  - SB311
Physical placement study in actions affecting the family: if made part of the record, it must be offered and received in accordance with the rules of evidence -  AB309
Substitution of judge in subsequent proceeding related to divorce permitted -  AB622
Veteran disability payments: use in determining maintenance prohibited -  AB243
do not call listDo not call list, see Telephone
dockDock, see Port
RFID tag attached to or embedded in a document, including U.S. currency, prohibited -  AB141
dodge countyDodge County
Circuit court branches added in Barron, Chippewa, Dodge, Green, Juneau, Monroe, and St. Croix counties [A.Amdt.1: Juneau County removed, appropriation added, some initial election dates modified, State Law Library provision added] - AB393
Circuit court branches added in Barron, Chippewa, Dodge, Green, Juneau, Monroe, and St. Croix counties  - SB199
dodgeville, city ofDodgeville, City of, see Iowa County
Commercial dog breeder license requirements created, DATCP and DOR duties set; remedies for purchasers of a pet dog; sellers required to provide certain written information to buyers - AB567
Commercial dog breeder license requirements created, DATCP and DOR duties set; remedies for purchasers of a pet dog; sellers required to provide certain written information to buyers - SB308
Dog damage claim re injured or killed farm animal, dog, or cat: processing role of city, village, or town eliminated; county required to put set percentage of dog license fees in a dog damage reimbursement fund -  AB446
Quarantine requirement for a dog that bites a person: exception for law enforcement dog under set conditions [A.Amdt.2: examination by veterinarian requirement added]  - AB52
``Service animal" definition modified re discrimination in public accommodations; harassment of service animal prohibited; dog license tax exemption for service dog revised  - AB287
``Service animal" definition modified re discrimination in public accommodations; harassment of service animal prohibited; dog license tax exemption for service dog revised  - SB111
Vicious dog, intact dog, or dog without identifying microchip: certain serious felony offenders prohibited from possessing; penalties and exemption provisions  - SB38
domestic abuseDomestic abuse, see Family; Marriage; Women
domestic partnerDomestic partner, see Family
dormitoryDormitory, see Housing
double bottom trailerDouble bottom trailer, see Bus and truck
douglas countyDouglas County
Douglas County veterans health study; to include anticipated need for rehabilitative center, nursing home, or assisted living facility; LAB to specify scope and methodology [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9153 (2c)] -  SB40
drafting of legislationDrafting of legislation, see Bills, Legislative
Dam that affects the water level of a drain re agricultural land: certain approvals for the construction, enlargement, or modification of required -  AB117
Drainage board may impose a mandatory setback distance or no-build zone near a main drain; zoning ordinance, register of deeds, and local plan commission provisions  - AB119
Drainage board order requiring repair or maintenance of a drain: if challenged, hearing officer or circuit court shall presume reasonableness -  SB236
Drainage board public contract minimum bid requirements: amount increased -  AB116
Drainage board public contract minimum bid requirements: amount increased -  SB445
Drainage district loans from BCPL trust funds [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 674d-w] -  SB40
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans, notification provision; requiring disclosure to potential buyer or transferee of land located in [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, notification provisions revised, DATCP to develop an educational pamphlet about drainage districts, annual report requirements modified, disclosure that property is in a special purpose district required on the real estate condition report]  - AB118
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans; real estate condition report must disclose if property is near a military base or drainage district -  AB120
Drainage district: procedure for landowner to withdraw property from revised -  AB114
Navigable waterway revisions re DNR determination and mapping of, farm drainage ditches, and disclosure on forms re building permits and offer to purchase real estate; circuit court and administrative rule provisions - SB235
Selling real property located in a drainage district: disclosure to potential buyer or transferee required  - AB115
dredgingDredging, see Lakes
dreyfus, lee shermanDreyfus, Lee Sherman
Life and public service of the former governor commended -  SJR81
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Ambulance driver safety program established, DOT to administer; driver schools and technical college provisions  - AB910
Child safety program created, DOT to administer; driver education course instruction and informational sheet sent with driver's license renewal notice -  SB561
Driver education aid for low income MPS pupils: new program created [Sec. 244, 2745, 2746] - SB40
Driver education course, driver school, and DOT knowledge examination: additional information required  - AB826
Driver education course, driver school, and DOT knowledge examination: additional information required  - SB509
drug abuseDrug abuse, see Drugs
Antibiotic drug treatment for chlamydial infections, gonorrhea, or trichomoniasis: physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse permitted to prescribe to patient for use by the person with whom the patient had sexual intercourse; written information requirement -  AB318
Clean sweep program: funding from recycling fund; grants re unwanted prescription drugs permitted [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2594g, i, 9103 (1k)] -  SB40
Conscious sedation: Dentistry Examining Board prohibited from promulgating rules re administering oral medication to induce -  AB37
Conscious sedation: Dentistry Examining Board prohibited from promulgating rules re administering oral medication to induce -  SB9
Controlled substance violations: court may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege; DOT may suspend operating privilege for convictions in another state  - AB777
Controlled substance violations: court may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege; DOT may suspend operating privilege for convictions in another state  - SB410
Drug Abuse Program surcharge allocated to DHFS and OJA [Sec. 3866, 9407 (1)] -  SB40
Drug crime prosecutions in Dane, Milwaukee, and St. Croix counties: funding of DA positions required [Sec. 9111 (1)-(3)] - SB40
Drugs to treat HIV infections: DHFS may use federal project aids moneys rather than federal project operations moneys to reimburse costs (remedial legislation)  - SB325