Terms of office for members of the Senate and Assembly increased: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR2
legislature _ member _ compensationLegislature — Member — Compensation
Biennial budget bill's failure to pass by certain date: legislator pay withheld; existing appropriations remain in effect until September 1 if a joint resolution is adopted, exception for essential state and local governmental services  - AB552
Budget process: convening and conduct of committees of conference regulated, sergeants at arms provision; legislator pay and expense reimbursements withheld until budget passes; acceptance of political contributions by legislators prohibited in period between introduction and final concurrence in both houses of the budget, exceptions and forfeiture provisions - AB627
Budget process: withholding of pay and expenses from legislators and certain state elected officials if not passed by August 1 of the odd-numbered years; acceptance of political contributions by partisan elective state officials prohibited between certain dates, penalty provision; deadlines for budget message from the Governor, Building Commission's long-range state building program budget, and state agencies' biennial budget requests revised; legislative consideration of biennial budget bill and identification of nonfiscal policy items, JCF and LRB duties; if not passed by certain date, any non-budget legislation may not be considered or requested until budget passes  - AB633
Sick leave: accumulating unused hours from year to year prohibited for legislators -  AB23
Sick leave: accumulating unused hours from year to year prohibited for legislators -  SB213
Sick leave: accumulating unused hours from year to year prohibited for legislators, Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, circuit court judges, DAs, and state elected officials - AB31
Sick leave: accumulating unused hours from year to year prohibited for legislators, Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, circuit court judges, state elected officials, and certain Governor appointments -  SB5
Sick leave eliminated for legislators, Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, circuit court judges, DAs, and state elected officials [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
legislature _ procedureLegislature — Procedure
Arbitrator appointed to resolve differences re conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill; joint rule 3 provision - AJR69
Assembly rules revised; new rule created [Assembly rules 13 (2)(a), 29 (5), 32 (3) and (3)(a), 39 (4)(a), 73 (3)(a)] - AR4
Budget process: convening and conduct of committees of conference regulated, sergeants at arms provision; legislator pay and expense reimbursements withheld until budget passes; acceptance of political contributions by legislators prohibited in period between introduction and final concurrence in both houses of the budget, exceptions and forfeiture provisions - AB627
Budget process: withholding of pay and expenses from legislators and certain state elected officials if not passed by August 1 of the odd-numbered years; acceptance of political contributions by partisan elective state officials prohibited between certain dates, penalty provision; deadlines for budget message from the Governor, Building Commission's long-range state building program budget, and state agencies' biennial budget requests revised; legislative consideration of biennial budget bill and identification of nonfiscal policy items, JCF and LRB duties; if not passed by certain date, any non-budget legislation may not be considered or requested until budget passes  - AB633
Committee of conference prohibited from considering or agreeing on a provision not part of the bill or resolution that is before the committee [Joint rule 3 (1)(a)]  - SJR76
Conference committee on biennial budget bills: convening and conduct of regulated and attendance of members compulsory - AB551
Conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill, abolished and a new conference committee created; joint rules cited - AJR70
Conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill, created - AJR59
Endangered or threatened species: admissibility, in certain proceedings, of evidence of discovery by a person on private property of another under certain conditions  - AB479
Floorperiods for 2007-08 session created -  SJR1
Indian gaming establishment re proposed location on certain Indian lands: Governor may not concur with U.S. Secretary of the Interior's decision unless the legislature first concurs by joint resolution -  AB205
Indian gaming establishment re proposed location on certain Indian lands: Governor may not concur with U.S. Secretary of the Interior's decision unless the legislature first concurs by joint resolution [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Organization of the 2007-08 Assembly; list of officers; notification to Senate and Governor -  AR1
Organization of the 2007-08 Senate; list of officers; notification to Assembly and Governor -  SR1
Political contributions: incumbent members of JCF and members of a committee of conference prohibited from accepting between the first Monday in January of the odd-numbered year through the date JCF reports the biennial budget bill; penalty provisions -  AB519
Rate increases re sales tax, income tax, or franchise tax: two-thirds vote required. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR26
Special order of business for December 12, 2007 established re AB-207 -  AR12
Special orders of business for March 5, 2008 established re AB-47, AB-67, AB-92, AB-151, AB-212, AB-281, AB-346, AB-424, AB-479, AB-486, AB-517, AB-543, AB-553, AB-569, AB-579, AB-603, AB-635, AB-645, AB-663, AB-672, AB-673, AB-676, AB-677, AB-692, AB-693, AB-717, AB-736, AB-753, AB-755, AB-771, AB-772, AB-793, AB-804, AB-805, AB-817, AB-819, AB-825, AB-835, AB-842, AB-853, AB-864, AB-869, AB-872, AB-901, SB-69, SB-176, SB-272, SB-289, SB-294, SB-324, SB-325, SB-326, SB-327, SB-328, SB-335, SB-368, SB-369, SB-370 - AR16
Special orders of business for March 11, 2008 established re AB-482, AB-668, AB-685, AB-688, AB-709, AB-735, AB-745, AB-765, AB-769, AB-798, AB-803, AB-807, AB-809, AB-828, AB-846, AB-849, AB-862, AB-863, AB-893, AB-898, SB-49, SB-72, SB-86, SB-142, SB-260, SB-288, SB-403, SB-430 -  AR17
Special orders of business for March 12, 2008 established re AJR-106, AB-187, AB-422, AB-702, AB-737, AB-739, AB-778, AB-806, AB-857, AB-874, AB-878, AB-894, AB-896, AB-900, AB-905, AB-906, AB-908, AB-913, SB-20, SB-28, SB-48, SB-124, SB-128, SB-269, SB-351, SB-409, SB-483, SB-514, SB-517 - AR18
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR34
State fund or program revenue appropriation account creation permitted and changing the purpose prohibited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR24
legislature _ retirement systems, joint survey committee onLegislature — Retirement Systems, Joint Survey Committee on
Creditable military service under WRS: actuarial study re 2007 AB-43 or SB-19 required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9130 (1d)] - SB40
Employee retirement system liabilities in populous counties: issuance of appropriation bonds; legislative finding and determination cited; JSCRS may issue report as appendix [Sec. 1851, 1858-1860, 1883, 1900, 1901, 1909-1912]  - SB40
legislature _ rules _ assemblyLegislature — Rules — Assembly, see also Administrative rules
Assembly committee structure and names for 2007-08 legislative session established [Assembly rules 9 (1) (bc), (bd), (bm), (c), (dm), (f), (fm), (hd), (im), (k), (L), (m), (md), (np), (p), (q), (qm), (qr), (sd), (t), (tm), (um), (vL), (w), (z)]  - AR2
Assembly rules revised; new rule created [Assembly rules 13 (2)(a), 29 (5), 32 (3) and (3)(a), 39 (4)(a), 73 (3)(a)] - AR4
Hours worked by Assembly employees: each Assembly member directed to determine method and reporting period [Assembly rule 7 (5)] -  AR3
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings law deleted; legislative rules made invalid  - AB273
Reduction in size of Wisconsin national guard opposed: exemption from rules prohibiting memorializing Congress or the federal government [Assembly rules 32 (1)(a) and 39 (1)]  - AR5
legislature _ rules _ jointLegislature — Rules — Joint, see also Administrative rules
Arbitrator appointed to resolve differences re conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill; joint rule 3 provision - AJR69
Committee of conference prohibited from considering or agreeing on a provision not part of the bill or resolution that is before the committee [Joint rule 3 (1)(a)]  - SJR76
Conference committee on SB-40, executive budget bill, abolished and a new conference committee created; joint rules cited - AJR70
Fund-raising social events and related campaign contributions by legislative leaders and members before enactment of the executive budget bill prohibited [Joint rule 94]  - AJR4
Fund-raising social events and related campaign contributions by legislative leaders and members prohibited during specific dates [Joint rule 94] -  AJR3
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings law deleted; legislative rules made invalid  - AB273
Revisor of Statutes duties transferred to LRB: joint rules changes [Joint rules 52 (1)(e), (5)(a), 59, 60 (1), 64 (1)(a), 81m (2)(a), 82 (1)(c)] -  SJR69
legislature _ rules _ senateLegislature — Rules — Senate, see also Administrative rules
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings law deleted; legislative rules made invalid  - AB273
Senate rules revised; new rules created [Senate rules 5 (2)(a), 8 (5), 11 (title), (8), (9), 13, 14, 17 (1)(c) and (j), (6), 18 (1), (1m), 20 (7), 25 (4), 27 (6), 34 (1), 36 (1m), 41 (1)(a) and (c), 46 (2)(c), 96 (1m)] -  SR2
lemke, jason fLemke, Jason F.
Life and military service commended -  SJR86
leonard, jerrisLeonard, Jerris
Life and public service - SJR7
leopold, aldoLeopold, Aldo
State trail system named the ``Aldo Leopold Legacy Trail System" -  AB284
State trail system named the ``Aldo Leopold Legacy Trail System" -  SB161
lewd behaviorLewd behavior, see Obscenity
librariesLibraries, see also Supreme Court
Belmont School District: appropriation for an online school library catalog [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 236nd]  - SB40
County tax levy for library services: exemption created for city, town, village, or school district that levies a tax for library services and meets certain spending criteria  - AB420
Library board may transfer donations to a charitable organization exempt from federal income tax under certain condition - SB1
Public library required to disclose surveillance device records to law enforcement officer conducting a criminal investigation - AB433
Public library required to disclose surveillance device records to law enforcement officer conducting a criminal investigation [S.Amdt.2: library may request law enforcement assistance and turn over surveillance device records to assist the officer] - SB214
Public library system aid changed from general fund to universal service fund for the 2008-09 fiscal year  - MR8 AB1
Public library system funding from the universal service fund [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9139 (1f)] - SB40
Public library system participation requirements: delete provisions that county must maintain financial support at a set level [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
School library aid: portion may be used to purchase library computers and software [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 781x]  - SB40
license and permitLicense and permit, see specific subject
lienLien, see also Mortgage
Award to dependents when crime victim or person aiding police is killed re certain crimes: payment prohibition re victim listed on child support lien docket eliminated  - AB536
Interstate child support cases: lien enforcement provisions [Sec. 1706-1709] -  SB40
``Time-share license" permitted, definition created [A.Amdt.1: exceptions, lien enforcement, and advertising provisions added] -  SB11
Underground petroleum storage tank: Comm.Dept authority to contract for removal; lien provision [Sec. 209, 691, 2633] - SB40
Wage claim lien takes precedence over a lien of a commercial lending institution -  AB403
Wage claim lien takes precedence over a lien of a commercial lending institution -  SB123
lieutenant governorLieutenant governor