MPCP revisions re teacher licensure; standards and hours of pupil instruction; enrollment cap; pupil assessments and academic standards; high school diplomas, grade promotion, and maintenance of pupil records; religious activities; nondiscrimination; disclosure requirements - AB919
Open Enrollment Program application extended to certain pupils of the closed St. Mary's Catholic School in Auburndale re the Auburndale School District -  AB476
Open Enrollment Program application extended to certain pupils of the closed St. Mary's Catholic School in Auburndale re the Auburndale School District -  SB242
Pupils attending private schools: calculation of transportation costs revised re contract between school board and parents or guardians -  AB398
Right to purchase season admission to athletic events re institutions of higher education: income and franchise tax credits created for sales and use taxes paid  - AB559
Right to purchase season admission to athletic events re institutions of higher education: income and franchise tax credits created for sales and use taxes paid  - SB313
School bus and alternative school vehicle annual inspections: DOT duties modified and fee provisions  - AB644
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  AB395
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  SB195
Sex offender registrants prohibited from being in any school building or on any school property unless the registrant notifies the school; penalty provisions - AB326
Sex offender registry revisions re release of specified information to law enforcement officers, child safety zones, registration requirements, information provided to director of security of postsecondary schools, and information on Corr.Dept Web site - AB332
State of emergency: state agency status for health care facilities and certain health care providers revised; governing bodies of counties allowed to make declarations of emergencies; civil liability immunity for donating or selling qualified food and household products modified; State Interoperability Council made a statutory council and renamed the Interoperability Council; tornado or other hazardous drill requirement in public and private schools revised [A.Amdt.1: mass clinic provision added; A.Amdt.2: schools to report on fire and tornado drills to fire department; S.Amdt.2: qualified emergency household products revision] -  AB321
Student health benefit purchasing cooperative: organization authorized; OCI and report provisions  - AB779
Suicide prevention: school boards and governing bodies of private schools to annually inform professional staff of certain resources -  AB878
Suicide prevention: school boards and governing bodies of private schools to annually inform professional staff of certain resources -  SB493
Telecommunications access grants to school districts and private schools: DOA authority eliminated [Sec. 129, 531, 532, 2930] - SB40
Textbook publisher soliciting an instructor at a higher education institution required to disclose certain information  - AB883
Tribal schools and pupils: providing benefits similar to those provided to private schools and pupils; some benefits apply generically to all schools -  AB199
Tribal schools and pupils: providing benefits similar to those provided to private schools and pupils; some benefits apply generically to all schools -  SB98
``Veteran Recognition Week" and ``Hire a Veteran Week" observation dates modified; DVA to award certificate of achievement and appreciation to veterans who volunteer in private or public schools -  AB63
WHEFA bonds: nonrefundable individual and corporate income and franchise tax credits created re interest income; educational institution and facilities definitions revised re Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities  - AB65
parole or probationParole or probation
Community service work option for certain defendants: county may establish -  AB216
Conditional release revocation: time for DHFS to file petition revised [Sec. 3875, 9309 (1)] -  SB40
Escape by person on probation, parole, or extended supervision; ``custody" definition revised [Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - MR8 AB1
Escaping from probation, parole, or extended supervision officer for adults or caseworker or intake or dispositional services worker for juveniles if person is detained for certain violations: prohibition created; penalties provided  - AB144
Felony victim's prior testimony: admissibility of in revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision proceedings - AB431
First-degree intentional homicide of a law enforcement officer: penalty is life imprisonment without eligibility for parole or extended supervision -  AB405
Forfeiture of computers used in committing a serious child sex offense permitted, conditions and innocent security interest holders provisions; use of computer by child sex offender on parole, probation, or extended supervision restricted, Corr.Dept required to monitor -  AB22
GPS tracking of certain child sex offenders: provisions revised; Corr.Dept may contract for escorts re supervised release [Sec. 319, 3134-3166, 3929, 3930, 9409 (1), (2); Enrolled SB-40: further revisions, 3134m-3165m, deletes 3134-3166]  - SB40
Law enforcement agency and bargaining unit to be notified when person who (in committing a crime) killed a law enforcement officer is released from a correctional facility, mental health facility, extended supervision, or parole  - AB537
New Hope Project, Inc. re transitional employment program for criminal offenders: Corr.Dept required to fund [Sec. 9109 (1); misnumbered: should be 9109 (2)] - SB40
Offenders applying for food stamp program prior to release: Corr.Dept required to assist; authorized correctional employees may receive telephone calls on offender's behalf [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1667f] -  SB40
Parole Commission members and state employees at correctional institutions, certain mental health institutes, the Wisconsin Resource Center, and secure mental health units or facilities for sexually violent persons classified as protective occupation participants under WRS -  AB354
Parole Commission renamed Earned Release Review Commission; duties expanded [Sec. 24, 28, 37, 130, 321, 322, 615, 3012, 3100-3102, 3106, 3107, 3167, 3169-3176, 3181-3204, 3862, 3877, 3878, 3888-3890, 3907, 3908]  - SB40
Parole, probation, or extended supervision following conviction of certain sex offenses: inmate prohibited from contacting the victim and certain other persons as a condition of release - AB790
Parole, probation, or extended supervision following conviction of certain sex offenses: inmate prohibited from contacting the victim and certain other persons as a condition of release - SB468
Person convicted of certain sexual assault felonies: trial judge may not release from imprisonment before sentencing or the granting of probation -  SB290
Right to vote barred re felony conviction: right restored to persons on extended supervision, parole, or probation but barred again if person is returned to prison, jail, or house of correction; Corr.Dept notice provision -  AB390
Right to vote barred re felony conviction: right restored to persons on extended supervision, parole, or probation but barred again if person is returned to prison, jail, or house of correction; Corr.Dept notice provision -  AB630
State ID card for persons released from prison and not having another form of identification: Corr.Dept to provide [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3128m] -  SB40
Substance abuse program for purposes of the earned release program: Corr.Dept and DHFS may provide [Sec. 3168]  - SB40
Treatment alternatives and diversion program: report to JCF on impact to Corr.Dept's 2009-11 budget; evaluation of impact of increased community programs specified [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9109 (2k)] -  SB40
parys, ronald gParys, Ronald G.
Life and public service - SJR64
patient_s compensation fundPatient's compensation fund, see Medical malpractice
payday loan providerPayday loan provider, see Small loan
pcbs _polychlorinated biphenyls_PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls), see Environmental protection
pecfa _petroleum storage environmental cleanup program_PECFA (Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program), see Petroleum
pedestrianPedestrian, see Bridge; Street
peeping tomPeeping Tom, see Privacy
pensaukee, city ofPensaukee, City of, see Oconto County
perez, emily jazmin tatumPerez, Emily Jazmin Tatum
Life and military service commended -  SR12
permanent endowment fundPermanent endowment fund, see Tobacco
personal flotation devicePersonal flotation device, see Boat
personal propertyPersonal property
Coins, currency, and bullion: sales and use tax exemption for [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Home exchange service operated by DVA: sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property and taxable services [Sec. 2419, 9441 (1); Enrolled SB-40: further revisions, 2418m, deletes 2419] -  SB40
Home exchange service owned by DVA: sales and use tax exemption for sale of personal property and taxable services - AB202
Landlord and tenant revisions re rental practices; ordinance provisions -  AB967
Manufacturer's rebate on tangible personal property: sales or use tax paid on reduced price -  AB10
Tangible personal property damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, or natural disaster: refundable individual income tax credit created re sales and use tax on replacements  - AB283
personal watercraftPersonal watercraft, see Boat
personnel recordPersonnel record, see Employment
Autism benefit under MA appropriation increased; DHFS to develop and distribute a brochure re activities a child with autism may engage in at home; health care provider that diagnoses certain conditions, injuries, or illnesses in a patient required to provide a treatment plan and referrals  - AB901
Autism scholarship program created; LAB and DPI duties set [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  AB417
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required [Sec. 776, 777, 1875, 2680, 2737, 2923, 2924, 3660, 3688, 9325 (2), 9425 (1)]  - SB40
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  SB178
Certified advanced practice nurse prescribers authority re diagnosing an illness or injury for DVA purposes, certifying a special examination required by DOT for an operator's license, and writing a recommendation for a specialized hunting permit applicant with a physical disability  - AB497
Children with severe disabilities involved in multiple systems of care: integrated services programs revised and expanded; ``coordinated service" replaces ``integrated service"; tribes provisions -  AB700
Community rehabilitation program tax credit created re vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with disabilities [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1948, 1990m, 1992m, 1997, 2022, 2060m, n, 2066, 2088, 2116m, n, 2483]  - SB40
Developmental Disabilities, Council on, transferred to DOA from DHFS [Sec. 52, 528, 1824, 9121 (2)]  - SB40
Disability ombudsman program for Family Care recipients [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 954m] -  SB40
Disabled children's long-term support services: county may retain certain fee [Sec. 409, 416, 795, 814, 835, 1590, 2882] - SB40
DNR and Conservation Congress required to provide a method for persons with disabilities to vote from home on issues under consideration by the Conservation Congress  - AB323
Family Care benefit entitlement and eligibility revisions [Sec. 952, 981, 982, 1005-1016, 1018] - SB40