Elected town officers also serving as town employee: compensation modified [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 1860m]  - SB40
Employee of a 1st class city: intentionally causing or threatening to cause bodily harm to the employee made a crime [A.Amdt.1: 1st class city removed; county, city, town, and village added; ``threat" provisions removed, inspection provisions added] - AB525
Employee required contributions under WRS: payment by employer covered by MERA revised - AB449
Employee required contributions under WRS: payment by employer covered by MERA revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Employer monitoring of employee electronic mail: prohibitions created; DWD to hear discrimination or discharge complaints - AB533
Employment discrimination based on status as a veteran prohibited; civil service limitation on certifying names with veteran preference points eliminated; school board and political subdivisions required to interview each veteran who seeks employment and is qualified for the position  - AB70
False claims submitted by contractor or vendor to state or local government: penalty created; treble damages in certain cases; qui tam [whistleblower] provisions; AG duties [for section numbers, see entry under ``Fraud"]  - SB40
Final offer limits under MERA re compensation and fringe benefits submitted to WERC -  AB448
Final offer limits under MERA re compensation and fringe benefits submitted to WERC [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
FTE positions authorized in state government limited; DOA Secretary duties specified -  SB164
GPR positions vacant 12 months or more eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  - AB451
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  - SB121
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - AB110
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions [A.Sub. Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - SB46
Healthy lifestyles: employers and employees encouraged to develop programs; health care providers encouraged to endorse and adopt certain initiatives; schools encouraged to examine curricula and programming; economic incentives encouraged - SR3
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  AB576
Indigency determination criteria for purposes of SPD representation changed; Public Defender Board FTE positions increased -  SB321
Investigation or prosecution records of a violation of elections, ethics, or lobbying regulation laws or similar records not subject to public access: penalty for disclosure revised; procedures for investigating a state employee for disclosing information; collective bargaining provision - AB437
MA false claim recoveries; treble damages in certain cases; qui tam [whistleblower] provisions; AG duties [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 635, 1629m, 2902, 2904, 3751, 3753-3756, 3775, 9329 (2)] -  SB40
Medical malpractice claim re state officer, employee, or agent: notice to AG revised -  AB247
Medical malpractice claim re state officer, employee, or agent: notice to AG revised -  SB126
Motor vehicle operator's license and ID card issuance: implementation of federal requirements; identification documents, non-citizens, photographs, SSN, verification and electronic storage of application documentation, security features, background checks of certain personnel, and privacy provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Motor vehicle — Driver's license"] -  SB40
Pension benefits of federal employees covered under the U.S. Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) made exempt from taxation -  AB681
Permissive subject of collective bargaining under MERA re municipal employer's decision to contract for certain services - AB447
Permissive subject of collective bargaining under MERA re municipal employer's decision to contract for certain services [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Post-employment benefits: school district funds held in trust must be held in segregated accounts; provisions expanded to include local governmental units and technical college districts - AB184
Post-employment benefits: school district funds held in trust must be held in segregated accounts; provisions expanded to include local governmental units and technical college districts - SB93
Power and waste water treatment plants (state-owned): certain FTE positions renewed [Sec. 9101 (1), 9109, 9121, 9137, 9152, 9153] -  AB72
Power and waste water treatment plants (state-owned): certain FTE positions renewed [Sec. 9101 (1), 9109, 9121, 9137, 9152, 9153] -  SB39
Preparation time during school day made a mandatory subject of collective bargaining under MERA in school districts  - SB243
Private sewage systems: local governmental employees with responsibilities for regulation of prohibited from performing certain duties; Comm.Dept authority specified  - AB532
Private sewage systems: local governmental employees with responsibilities for regulation of prohibited from performing certain duties; Comm.Dept authority specified  - SB274
Public Intervenor, Office of, created in DOJ; AG and DNR provisions; advisory committee created; FTE positions  - AB866
QEO provisions in MERA eliminated [Sec. 2662-2664, 2666-2679, 2718, 9315 (1)] -  SB40
Sheriff's decision to have persons other than municipal employees provide meals to inmates made a prohibited subject of collective bargaining under MERA -  AB650
State prohibited from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ancestry, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting; constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR120
State prohibited from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ancestry, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting; constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR96
public employee _ group insurancePublic employee — Group insurance, see also Insurance — State
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  AB417
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required [Sec. 776, 777, 1875, 2680, 2737, 2923, 2924, 3660, 3688, 9325 (2), 9425 (1)]  - SB40
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required -  SB178
DETF information technology system reengineering: funding, planning, and report requirements [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 9114 (1c)] -  SB40
Domestic partner benefits for state employees and annuitants [Sec. 751-754, 9314 (1)] -  SB40
Domestic partner inclusion in certain local government health insurance coverage plans permitted [S.Sub.Amdt.1 as amended by Senate; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required  - AB922
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required  - SB375
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - AB110
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions [A.Sub. Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Health care coverage for employees covered by MERA: collective bargaining prohibited; GIB and OCI provisions  - SB46
Health insurance contributions increased for non-protective status state employees [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  AB280
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  SB40
Health insurance for full-time student on medically necessary leave of absence: insurer required to continue until certain events occur -  SB154
Health insurance premiums for all state employees: state to pay employer contributions beginning the day the employee becomes insured -  AB951
Health insurance premiums for state employees: beginning date for state pickup revised [Sec. 763, 9414 (1)]  - SB40
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for infants and young children: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions provided -  AB133
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for infants and young children: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions provided -  SB88
Maternity coverage for surrogate mothers required -  AB631
Rare disease or condition: health insurance policies and plans required to cover prescription drugs; OCI duty specified; definition provided -  AB16
Sick leave for new state employees revised; exemption provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]  - SB40
Small employers may elect to have employees covered under state employees' health care plans; conditions specified - AB392
Value-based health care purchasing initiatives; Wisconsin Health Information Organization and centralized data repository provisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 543t, 2898h]  - SB40
Wigs for cancer patients: health care plans required to cover  - AB179
public employee _ hours of laborPublic employee — Hours of labor, see also Hours of labor
Accumulated sabbatical leave and termination leave for state employees who earn 184 hours per year (remedial legislation) - SB314
Overtime in correctional institutions: funding provided; report to JCF required [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3100g]  - SB40
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  AB395
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow -  SB195
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB972
Administrative support bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB574
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB973
Blue collar and nonbuilding trades bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB575
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB986
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB588
Corr.Dept classified supervisors with specific duties entitled to collective bargaining re SELRA - SB427
Election day: hours of leave an employer must grant to employees to vote increased; offices of state government to close; paid holidays for nonrepresented employees increased, collective bargaining provision -  AB530
Law enforcement bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification  - AB977
Law enforcement bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification  - SB579
Professional education bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB979
Professional education bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB581
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB980
Professional fiscal and staff services bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB582
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification  - AB985
Professional legal bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification  - SB587
Professional patient care bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  AB978
Professional patient care bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  SB580