Building codes, deed covenants and zoning, 48.743
Child welfare agencies:
Complaints against, 48.745
Definitions, 48.599
Inspection and investigation by state, 48.73, 48.74
License requirement:
Agency defined, 48.60
Fee, 48.615
Licensing procedure, see Licensing procedure, under this subhead
Powers and duties, 48.61
Tax exemption, 70.11 (19)
Children in need of protection and services; placement, 48.345, 938.345
County social services departments:
Child welfare agency defined, 48.60
Children's homes, Milwaukee county, 48.58
Powers and duties, 48.57
Services to children, requirement to provide, 48.56, 48.561
Shaken baby syndrome and impacted baby materials, distribution, 253.15
Court reports about children, agency and homes access to information, 48.371, 938.371
Courts, providing services to, 48.06 to 48.08, 938.06 to 938.08
Federal funds, expenditure of, 48.985
Foster and group homes:
Abuse of residents, criminal, 940.295
Civil liability immunity, 895.485
Foster care aid, 48.645
Foster home:
County and child welfare agency licensing of, 48.75
Defined, 48.02 (6)
Education for operators, 48.675
Foster parent identity, confidentiality, 48.33 (5)
License requirement, state, 48.62
Treatment foster home, defined, 48.02 (17q)
Group home:
Complaints against, 48.743 (3), 48.745
County authority to maintain, 59.53 (9)
Defined, 48.02 (7)
Licensing requirement, 48.625
Rates, 49.343
Insurance and liability, 48.627
Risk sharing plans, 619.01 (9)
Licensing, see Licensing procedure, under this subhead
Placements, supervision, appeals, 48.63, 48.64
Foster care placements, number restricted, 48.62 (7)
Interstate placements, 48.98
Sexual assault of child placed in, 948.085
State may maintain, 48.52
Health services department, see Health Services Department
Interstate compact on placement of children, 48.988, 48.989
Inspection and investigation by state, 48.73, 48.74
Licensing procedure:
Contents of license, 48.70
Information provided by state, 48.653
Injunction of licensing law violation, 48.77
Investigation of applicant:
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685
Issuance of license, 48.68
Nonissuance, appeal procedure, 48.72
Penalties, 48.76
Provisional licenses, 48.69
State authority, 46.16, 48.66
Medical reports, agency and homes access to information, 48.371, 938.371
Operation, standards for, 48.67
Records, confidential, exception, 48.78
Rules, forms, records, 48.67
Runaway homes, 48.227
Shaken baby syndrome and impacted baby materials; distribution, training, 253.15
Shelter care facilities:
Establishment, 938.22
Approval, inspection; state, 48.578
Holding children in, 48.38, 938.38
Supervision and inspection, state, 48.576
children and families department CHILDREN AND FAMILIES DEPARTMENT
Appropriation, 20.437
Boards, attached:
Child abuse and neglect prevention board:
Creation and membership, 15.205 (4)
Powers and duties, 48.98
Child abuse and neglect:
Prevention program, 48.983
Services, allocation of funds, 48.986
Creation, 15.20
Councils, attached:
Domestic abuse, council on:
Creation, membership,15.207 (16)
Duties, 49.165 (3)