Authorized officers, 706.03 (2), (3)
Curative act, 992.06
Cooperatives, see Cooperatives
Corporate existence, when presumed, 891.31
Counties are, 59.01
Criminal judgments, punishment, 973.17
Curative provisions, 992.06, 992.07
Default, criminal case, 973.17
Deposition of, 804.05 (2) (e)
Detective agencies, licensing, 440.26
Discriminating against cooperative, penalty, 185.95
Discrimination by, 182.01 (6)
Dissolution, property title to stockholders, 182.104
Educational, see Educational Corporations
Electrical companies, see Public Utilities—2. Electric Utilities
Examination by attorney general, 182.220
False statements or falsifying records, 943.39
Farming operations, 182.001
Fiduciary, when court may appoint as, 223.10
Fiduciary organizations, regulation of, 223.105
Fire companies, municipal, 213.05 to 213.08
Fire fighters' relief, 213.10
Foreign trade zones, establishment, 182.50
Forfeiture, penalties, imposed by, recovery, 778.10
Fraudulent destruction of books or records, 943.40
Garnishee fees, 812.06
Gun clubs, rights and powers, 182.021
Harbor railways, 30.33
Historical societies, 44.03 (1)
Horse driving park, 182.020
Hospitals, 58.01, 58.05
Housing corporations, 182.004
How formed, special laws, when, XI, 1
Improvement companies, maintenance liens, 779.70
Insolvent, creditors' actions, 128.08
Interlocking directorates, prohibited when, 133.06
Investment companies, Ch. 216
Joint tenants, security transfers from, 182.24
Judgment against, criminal, 973.17
Jurisdiction, personal, grounds for, 801.05
Landlord and tenant, service of process in residential tenancy on nonresident corporation, 704.22
Legislature, may examine, 182.220
Liability, of officers, worker's compensation award, 102.28 (5)
Libraries, may organize, 182.027
Liens, for maintenance, 779.70
Livestock breeding, improvement, 95.14
Loans, mortgage or trust deed, public utilities, 182.025
Lyceums, may organize, 182.027
Maintenance liens, 779.70
Medical practices, billing permitted, 448.08 (4)
Formed under 1919 act, 45.74
Nonprofit, 45.72 (5)
Milwaukee county, 45.75 (1)
Mentally ill or retarded, formed to care for, 58.05
Military and veterans' organizations, Ch. 188
Changing or discontinuing, filing, 134.17
Fraudulent use, 134.17, 134.18
Notary public employees, permitted acknowledgments, 220.18
Facsimile signature on bonds, notes, 182.23
Jurisdiction, personal, grounds for, 801.05 (8)
Liability in consumer credit action, 425.310
Worker's compensation, election not to be subject, 102.076
Police relief, 213.11
Political contributions and disbursements by, 11.38
Powers, 182.011
Prior organizations validated, 992.07
Property, transfer of nonstock, 182.012
Public utility, see Public Utilities
Railroad, see Railroads
Railway equipment, 182.031
Real estate licensee, 452.12 (2)
Real property, title after dissolution, 182.104
Receivers, appointment, 813.16
Repeal of laws as to, XI, 1
Sales tax, personal liability of officers, employees and persons for failure to file or pay tax, 77.60 (9)
Security transfer, from joint tenants, 182.24
Seller of checks law, Ch. 217
Service of summons on, 801.11 (5)
Sleeping car companies, definitions, 76.02 (7)