Offices in capitol, 16.835
Official acts countersigned, sealed by secretary of state, 14.38 (2)
Operating notes for financial obligations, signature on requests, 16.405 (2)
Pardoning power, V, 6
See also Pardons
Application, notice of, 304.09
Parolee honorably discharged from armed forces, 304.071
Procedure, 304.08 to 304.12
Victim's, statement, 304.10
Parolee, prisoners on extended supervision and probationers supervision, compacts with other states, 304.13
Portraits of governors, 44.02 (12)
Appropriation, 20.215 (1) (c), 44.53 (1) (g)
Position, creation or abolishment, 16.505
Powers and duties, V, 4
Printing requisition, may withdraw, 35.53 (2)
Prison industries, purchases for, notification, 16.75 (2g)
Prisoners, discharge after minimum term, 973.013 (2)
Private activity bonds, see Bonds, under this head
Public assistance, state supplemental payments, approval of payment or agreement modifications, 49.77
Public institutions:
Investigator, 14.05
May visit or inspect, 14.05
Public lands, to approve sale of, 23.15
Public records board, report, 16.61 (3)
Purchase of state lands, approval, 20.914
Radioactive waste commission, midwest interstate low-level, 14.81
County officers, 17.09, 17.10
Judges, 17.09
Procedure, 17.16
State officers, legislative and appointive, 17.07
Reports to legislature as to expenditures and institutions, 14.04
Revenue shortfall, action, 16.50 (7)
Rewards for detecting crime, 14.15
Salary, 20.923
Satisfaction of lien or obligation, 14.12
Secretary of state to act as, V, 8
Service agencies, coordinate, 14.03
Removal, 17.09
Suspension, 17.11
Sovereignty of state, to maintain, 1.01
Special counsel, may employ, 14.11 (2)
Special election, may authorize, 8.50 (4) (i)
Standards development council, 14.017 (3), 14.23
State capitol and executive residence board, see State Capitol and Executive Residence Board
State defense force, powers and duties, 321.51
State-local relations problems, state development dept. to identify, 560.04 (2) (h)
State office hours, adjustments, 230.35 (4)
State offices may be ordered closed, 230.35 (5) (c)
Structure of executive branch, see State—13. Executive Branch
Sulfur dioxide emission, rates, state-owned facilities, noncompliance report, 285.43
Suspension of certain officers:
District attorney or sheriff, 17.11
Receivers of public moneys, 17.08
Term of office, V, 1
Transportation department:
Conveyances to by state agency, approval, 84.09 (6)
Lands, approve sale, 84.09 (5)
Travel outside state by state employees, approval of, 16.53 (1) (c)
Turnpike project, use of state lands, approval, 182.39
Turnpike routes, consent, 182.33 (1)
Turnpike traffic officers, approval, 182.47
Unemployment reserve financial statement, 16.48
United States property and fiscal officer, nominate, 321.11
University medical school, report to, 13.106
Declare on breach of bond, 17.05
How filled during disability, 17.025 (4) (a)
Vacancies in office:
Filling, 17.19 to 17.21
Salary of temporary successors, 20.925
Temporary disability, 17.025
Vehicle fleet management and maintenance report, 16.04
Alternate fuel use and hybrid electric vehicles, 16.045, 100.265
Veto power, V, 10
Wildlife refuge, consent to acquisition by U. S., 1.036
Wisconsin investments, 25.17 (70), 560.08 (2) (m)
Worker's compensation actions by state, appoint attorney, 102.64
Writs of election, legislative vacancies, to issue, IV, 14
grade crossings GRADE CROSSINGS
See Crossings
graft GRAFT
grain dealers GRAIN DEALERS
grand jury GRAND JURY
Generally, 968.40