Ejectment, see Possession, action for, under this subhead
Eviction, see Landlord and Tenant
Execution against, see Executions
In rem and in personam actions, may be joined, 840.05
Injury to and interference with property:
Abatement, 844.21
Complaint, 844.16
Damages, 844.19
Defendants, 844.17
Defined, 844.01, 844.10
Intervenors, 844.18
Judgment, 844.20
Plaintiffs, 844.15
Waste, 844.05, 844.06
Interest in property, defined, 840.01
Judicial sales:
Generally, 840.16
Incapacity and death of sheriff, 840.17, 840.18
Land contract foreclosure, redemption period, 846.30
Lis pendens:
Generally, 840.10
Condemnation proceedings, 32.05 (4), 32.06 (3), (7)
Highways, parks, etc., citizen application for action, 840.11
Mortgage foreclosure judgment, condition precedent, 846.01
Nuisances, actions to abate, 823.14
Register of deeds keeps record, 59.43 (11)
Restrictive covenants, removal, 847.03
Slander of title:
By filing, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Mortgage foreclosure, see Mortgages— 2. Foreclosure
Necessary parties, joinder, 840.06
Notice of interest required, or action barred, 706.09
Nuisances, see Nuisances
Possession, action for:
Complaint, what to allege, 843.03
Conveyance after commencement, effect, 843.02
Cotenants, 843.12
Counterclaims, for improvements and taxes paid, 843.09, 843.10
Damages, measure of, 843.13
Death of parties, 843.06
Defendants, 843.05
Defenses, how pleaded, 843.07, 843.08
Future interests, recovery of possession subject to, 843.04
Judgment, 843.14
Possession under judgment withheld, contempt, 843.15
Plaintiffs, 843.01
Presumption of possession from legal title, 893.30
Proof required, 843.11
Removal of possessor, 710.10
Separate trials, 843.05
State lands detained unlawfully, 24.37
Stay of proceedings pending condemnation, 843.08
Tax deeds, recovery by delinquent taxpayer, generally, 75.26 to 75.31
U.S. lands, action by settler, 847.01
Vacation of judgment, possession unaffected, 843.16
Writ of assistance, 843.17
Practice rules which apply, 840.02
Public officials, liens against property of for breach of duty, 706.15
Reformation of conveyance, 847.07
Generally, 840.03
Possession, remedy not denied for lack of, 840.04
Provisional, 840.035
Right to, I, 9
Restrictive covenants, removal, 847.03
Slander of title, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Specific performance:
Decedents' contracts, 860.09
Incompetents' contracts, 786.04, 786.05
Statute of limitations, actions generally, 893.33
Adverse possession, see Adverse possession, under this subhead
Surveys, court leave to make, 840.12
Survival of actions, 895.01
Tax deeds and certificates, actions relating to, see Taxation—14. Property Tax, Collection and Settlement
Tax lien, foreclosure, 75.521
Unknown owner, suit against, 807.12
Enjoined by foreclosure judgment, 846.12
Injunction to restrain, 813.02 (2)
Lands conveyed by tax deed, 75.29
Lands subject to tax certificate, 75.37, 75.375
Purchaser at tax or judicial sale, action by, 844.05