sexual harassment SEXUAL HARASSMENT
sexually transmitted diseases SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES
Generally, 252.11
See also Aids Virus
shelter care facilities SHELTER CARE FACILITIES
sheriffs SHERIFFS
sheriff_s deeds SHERIFF'S DEEDS
ships SHIPS
shoplifting SHOPLIFTING
Generally, 943.50, 943.51
Protection against, 939.49
sidewalks SIDEWALKS
Generally, 66.0907
Bicycles on, 346.804
Obstruction by contractor, liability, 62.15 (11)
Repair after excavation, 62.14 (6)
County construction, 27.065 (3)
Curb ramps for handicapped persons, 66.0909
Electric personal assistive mobility devices on, 346.805, 346.94 (18)
Towns, may build, 60.50 (3)
Villages, 61.36
Tax for improvement, 61.47
signatures SIGNATURES
Bank deposits and collections, customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature, 404.406
Burden of establishing, defenses, 403.307
Commercial paper:
Ambiguous capacity, 403.402
Liability, 403.401
Signature by agent, 403.403
Construction of laws, 990.01 (38)
Electronic signatures, see Electronic Transactions and Records
Letters of credit, 405.104
Presumed genuine, limitation, 891.25
Warehouse receipts, 407.202 (2) (g)
Wills, execution, 853.03 (2)
signs SIGNS
Billboards, county regulation, 59.70 (22)
Electric transmission lines, warning, 196.67
Fire and trespass notices, destruction, 26.19
Advertising adjacent to, 84.30
Removal of obstructing vegetation, 84.305
Directional signs for city or village, 86.19 (6)
Informational, 86.195
Injury or defacement, state or municipal signs, 86.192
Regulation, 86.19
Rustic road marking signs, state payment, 83.42 (8m)
School zones to be marked, 118.08
Tourist-oriented directional, 86.196
Unauthorized erection, 86.191
Historical markers, 44.15
Managed forest land, designation, restrictions, 77.83 (3)
Neighborhood watch signs, 66.0429 (2)
Political messages on residential property, 12.04
Posting property against trespass, 943.13
silver articles SILVER ARTICLES
Misbranding, testing, 134.26 to 134.32
slander SLANDER
slander of title SLANDER OF TITLE
Generally, 706.13
slaughterhouses SLAUGHTERHOUSES
Diseased animals, 97.43
Humane killing methods required, 95.80
License, inspection, regulation, 97.42
Poultry slaughtering regulations, 93.07 (14)
slavery SLAVERY
Prohibited, I, 2
slot machines SLOT MACHINES
small business SMALL BUSINESS
Boards and councils:
Small business environmental council:
Creation, membership, 15.157 (10)
Duties, 560.11
General Provisions, 15.09
Small business, veteran-owned business and minority business opportunities council:
Creation, membership, 15.107 (2)
Duties, 16.755
General Provisions, 15.09
Development loan guarantee program, 234.83