Common law trusts, regulated, 226.14
Constructive establishment, 701.04 (3)
Conveyances, disclosure of trust omitted, effect on title, 706.08 (3)
Court procedure, trust proceedings, 701.14
Creditors of beneficiaries, rights of, 701.06
Creditors, purchase money resulting trusts, enforcement, 701.04 (2)
Custodial trusts, uniform act:
Application, 54.986, 54.988
Methods and forms, 54.984
Upon future event, 54.954
Definitions, 54.850, 54.950
General provisions, 54.952
Incapacitated beneficiary, 54.968
Of third person, 54.970
Of trust, trustee, beneficiaries, 54.972
Multiple beneficiaries; separate trusts; survivorship, 54.960
Termination, distribution, 54.982
Acceptance of property, effect, 54.956
Accounting and reporting, 54.978
Actions against, limitations, 54.980
Duties, 54.962
Expenses, compensation and bond, 54.976
Powers, 54.964
Replacement, 54.974
Transfer to, by fiduciary or obligor, 54.958
Use of property, 54.966
Debts of decedents, 701.065
Disclaimer of transfers at death, 701.26, 854.13
Transfers at, applicability of general rules, 701.25
Definitions, 701.01
Disabled individual, 701.06 (5m)
Distribution of assets, valuation, 701.22
Employee benefit plan:
Transfer of benefits to living trust, 701.08
Transferred to trust of employee, 701.09 (4)
Farm operations, restrictions, 182.001
Future interests in revocable trusts, 701.115
Guardian ad litem for interested persons, 701.15 (2)
Honorary, 701.11
Directed accumulation, court ordered distribution, 701.13 (1)
Payments and accumulations, 701.21
Principal and income allocation, 701.20
Income beneficiaries:
Application of principal to, 701.13 (2)
Rights of creditors, 701.06 (1)
Living trusts, 701.07
Transfers to, 701.08
Marital property, transferred to, 766.31 (5), 766.51 (3)
By court action, 701.13
With consent of settlor and beneficiaries, 701.12
Passive trust, abolished; effect on beneficiaries, 701.03
Perpetuities, rule against applies, 700.16
Principal and income allocation, 701.20
Private foundations, 701.105
Purchase money resulting trusts, abolished, 701.04
Purposes, 701.02
Removal to or from foreign jurisdiction, 701.23
Representation of others, 701.15
Revocation, with consent of settlor and beneficiaries, 701.12
Spendthrift provisions, 701.06
Suspension of power of alienation limited, 700.16
By court, 701.13
With consent of settlor and beneficiaries, 701.12
Testamentary trusts, transfers to, 706.09
Transfers to minors, uniform act, 54.854 to 54.898
Valuation in distribution of assets, 701.22
Writing required, trust transfers, 243.01
trusts_2. investments 2. Investments
Generally, Chs. 219, 881
Applicability of chapter 881, 881.04, 881.06
Authorizing instruments control:
Construction, 881.02
Employment of agents and employees, 881.016
Decedent's securities or real estate, retention, 881.05
Investments authorized, 219.01
Housing authority bonds, 219.06
Insured savings and loan accounts, 219.05
Investment companies, trusts and vehicles, investment in, 881.015
Loans, rules applicable, 219.03
Power district securities, 198.18 (5)