560.61 Wisconsin development fund.
560.68 Administration.
560.685 Rules.
560.70 Definitions.
560.71 Designation of development zone.
560.715 Invitation to nominate area.
560.72 Application by local governing bodies.
560.725 Evaluation by department.
560.735 Boundaries and size of development zones.
560.737 Business incubators.
560.74 Change in boundary and size of development zones.
560.745 Duration, renewal and expiration.
560.75 Additional duties of the department.
560.763 Duties of local governing bodies.
560.765 Certification for tax benefits.
560.768 Limits on tax benefit to certified person.
560.77 Revocation of certification.
560.78 Certification prohibited in certain cases.
560.785 Rules on eligibility for tax benefits.
560.795 Development opportunity zones.
560.797 Enterprise development zone program.
560.798 Agricultural development zone.
560.799 Enterprise zone.
560.7995 Airport development zones.
560.80 Definitions.
560.82 Minority business grants and loans.
560.84 General criteria.
560.85 Administration.
560.86 Definitions.
560.87 Economic liaison program.
560.875 Technical assistance.
560.90 Definitions.
560.905 Administration.
560.92 Promotion.
560.93 Statewide advanced technology.
560.96 Technology zones.
560.9801 Definitions.
560.9802 State housing strategy plan.
560.9803 Housing cost grants and loans.
560.9804 Designated agents.
560.9805 Grants to local housing organizations.
560.9806 Transitional housing grants.
560.9807 Grants to alleviate homelessness.
560.9808 Grants for the provision of shelter for homeless individuals and families.
560.9809 Community development block grant housing programs.
560.9810 Use of surplus state-owned real property.
560.9811 Mental health services.
560.9815 Federal housing assistance programs.
subch. I of ch. 560 SUBCHAPTER I
560.001 560.001 Definitions. In this chapter:
560.001(1) (1) "Department" means the department of commerce.
560.001(1m) (1m) "Economic development program" means a program or activity having the primary purpose of encouraging the establishment and growth of business in this state, including the creation and retention of jobs, and that satisfies all of the following:
560.001(1m)(a) (a) The program receives funding from the state or federal government that is allocated through an appropriation under ch. 20.
560.001(1m)(b) (b) The program provides financial assistance, tax benefits, or direct services to specific industries, businesses, local governments, or organizations.
560.001(2) (2) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department.
560.001 History History: 1971 c. 321; 1979 c. 361; 1995 a. 27 s. 9116 (5); 2007 a. 125.
560.01 560.01 Organization of the department.
560.01(1) (1)Purposes. The functions of the department are of an advocacy, regulatory, consultative, advisory, informational, coordinative, and promotional nature. Through research, planning, consultation, and promotion of the development and maximum wise use of the natural and human resources of the state, it shall foster the growth and diversification of the economy of the state. It shall serve as the central agency and clearinghouse for developmental activities concerning the economy of the state. It shall make recommendations to the governor for the purpose of guiding a coordinated and economically efficient development of the state and shall seek closer cooperation and coordination between units of state government, educational institutions, local governments, local planning agencies, including regional planning commissions, and business and industry to foster and encourage a pattern of community development and of state-local and business relationships so that the economy of the state may continue to develop fully and meet citizen and community needs. It shall make continuing studies of the problems affecting economic and community development and recommendations for relieving those problems, and function in any other reasonable manner that will accomplish the stated purposes of this chapter. The department may also coordinate training for local government officials provided by state agencies including, but not limited to, the University of Wisconsin-Extension and the technical college system.
560.01(2) (2)Duties.
560.01(2)(a)(a) State economic policy. The department shall develop a state economic policy. The department shall promote and provide technical assistance, consultative services and other assistance to commercial, industrial and recreational development and expansion; facilitate the establishment and retention of business enterprises in this state, including small and minority business enterprises; encourage cooperation between financial institutions and business persons to encourage commercial, industrial and recreational business expansion in this state; encourage creation of jobs throughout the state and especially in urban and rural economically depressed areas; develop and coordinate state public and private economic development plans and federal economic development assistance programs affecting local governments and business and industry; encourage the growth of tourism in the state; promote state products and industries in both foreign and domestic markets; provide informational clearinghouses for businesses and communities in their dealings with other state and federal agencies; advise the governor and legislature on the role of the state in state-local affairs; study the problems affecting local government relations as they impact on economic development and make recommendations for relieving these problems; develop a state-local relations policy to facilitate closer coordination and cooperation between state and local governments; advise the governor and the legislature regarding problems faced by local governments; develop an improved pattern of state-local relations; and develop recommendations for legislative or administrative action as may appear necessary.
560.01(2)(ae) (ae) Goals and accountability measures for economic development programs. The department shall do all of the following for each economic development program administered by the department:
560.01(2)(ae)1. 1. Establish clear and measurable goals for the program that are tied to statutory policy objectives.
560.01(2)(ae)2. 2. Establish at least one quantifiable benchmark for each program goal described in subd. 1.
560.01(2)(ae)3. 3. Require that each recipient of a grant or loan under the program submit a report to the department. Each contract with a recipient of a grant or loan under the program shall specify the frequency and format of the report to be submitted to the department and the performance measures to be included in the report.
560.01(2)(ae)4. 4. Establish a method for evaluating the projected results of the program with actual outcomes as determined by evaluating the information described in subds. 1. and 2.
560.01(2)(ae)5. 5. Annually and independently verify, from a sample of grants and loans, the accuracy of the information required to be reported under subd. 3.
560.01(2)(ae)6. 6. Establish by rule a requirement that the recipient of a grant or loan under the program of at least $100,000 submit to the department a verified statement signed by both an independent certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442 and the director or principal officer of the recipient to attest to the accuracy of the verified statement, and make available for inspection the documents supporting the verified statement. The department shall include the requirement established by rule under this subdivision in the contract entered into by a grant or loan recipient.
560.01(2)(ae)7. 7. Establish by rule policies and procedures permitting the department to do all of the following if a recipient of a grant or loan or tax benefits under the program submits false or misleading information to the department or fails to comply with the terms of a contract entered into with the department under the program and fails to provide to the satisfaction of the department an explanation for the noncompliance:
560.01(2)(ae)7.a. a. Recoup payments made to the recipient.
560.01(2)(ae)7.b. b. Withhold payments to be made to the recipient.
560.01(2)(ae)7.c. c. Impose a forfeiture on the recipient.
560.01(2)(am) (am) Economic development assistance reporting. Annually, no later than October 1, the department shall submit to the joint legislative audit committee and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) a comprehensive report assessing economic development programs administered by the department. The department shall make readily accessible to the public on an Internet-based system the information required under this paragraph. The report shall include all of the following information:
560.01(2)(am)1. 1. A description of each program.
560.01(2)(am)2. 2. Quantifiable performance measures directly related to the purpose of the program including, when applicable, all of the following information:
560.01(2)(am)2.a. a. An accounting of the location, by municipality, of each job created or retained in the state in the previous fiscal year as a result of the program.
560.01(2)(am)2.b. b. An accounting of the industry classification, by municipality, of each job created or retained in the state in the previous fiscal year as a result of the program.
560.01(2)(am)3. 3. A comparison of expected and actual program outcomes.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2007. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?