66.0923 County-city auditoriums.
66.0925 County-city safety building.
66.0927 County-city hospitals; village and town powers.
66.1001 Comprehensive planning.
66.1003 Discontinuance of a public way.
66.1005 Reversion of title.
66.1006 Department of natural resources approval of discontinuance.
66.1007 Architectural conservancy districts.
66.1009 Agreement to establish an airport affected area.
66.1011 Local equal opportunities.
66.1013 Urban homestead programs.
66.1015 Municipal rent control prohibited.
66.1017 Family day care homes.
66.1019 Housing codes to conform to state law.
66.1021 City, village and town transit commissions.
66.1023 Transit employees; Wisconsin retirement system.
66.1024 Effect of reservation or exception in conveyance.
66.1025 Relief from conditions of gifts and dedications.
66.1027 Traditional neighborhood developments and conservation subdivisions.
66.1031 Widening of highways; establishment of excess widths.
66.1033 Curative provisions.
66.1035 Rights of abutting owners.
66.1037 Beautification and protection.
66.1101 Promotion of industry; industrial sites.
66.1102 Development of land, notification.
66.1103 Industrial development revenue bonding.
66.1105 Tax increment law.
66.1106 Environmental remediation tax incremental financing.
66.1107 Reinvestment neighborhoods.
66.1109 Business improvement districts.
66.1110 Neighborhood improvement districts.
66.1111 Historic properties.
66.1113 Premier resort areas.
66.1201 Housing authorities.
66.1203 Housing authorities; operation not for profit.
66.1205 Housing authorities; rentals and tenant selection.
66.1207 Penalties; evidence.
66.1209 Housing authorities; cooperation in housing projects.
66.1211 Housing authorities; contracts with city; assistance to counties and municipalities.
66.1213 Housing authorities for elderly persons.
66.1301 Urban redevelopment.
66.1303 Urban redevelopment; plans, approval.
66.1305 Redevelopment corporations; limitations; incubator.
66.1307 Urban redevelopment; regulation of corporations.
66.1309 Urban redevelopment; transfer of land.
66.1311 Urban redevelopment; acquisition of land.
66.1313 Urban redevelopment; condemnation for.
66.1315 Urban redevelopment; continued use of land by prior owner.
66.1317 Urban redevelopment; borrowing; mortgages.
66.1319 Urban redevelopment; sale or lease of land.
66.1321 Urban redevelopment; city lease to, terms.
66.1323 Urban redevelopment; aids and appropriations.
66.1325 Urban redevelopment; city improvements.
66.1327 Urban redevelopment; construction of statute; conflict of laws; supplemental powers.
66.1329 Urban redevelopment; enforcement of duties.
66.1331 Blighted area law.
66.1333 Blight elimination and slum clearance.
66.1335 Housing and community development authorities.
66.1337 Urban renewal.
66.1339 Villages to have certain city powers.
66.1341 Towns to have certain city powers.
Ch. 66 Note NOTE: Chapter 66 was substantially renumbered and revised by 1999 Wis. Act 150. Extensive explanatory notes are contained in the act.
subch. I of ch. 66 SUBCHAPTER I
66.0101 66.0101 Home rule; manner of exercise.
66.0101(1) (1) Under article XI, section 3, of the constitution, the method of determination of the local affairs and government of cities and villages shall be as prescribed in this section.
66.0101(1m) (1m) In this section, "charter ordinance" means an ordinance that enacts, amends or repeals the charter, or any part of the charter, of a city or village or that makes the election under sub. (4).
66.0101(2) (2)
66.0101(2)(a)(a) A city or village may enact a charter ordinance. A charter ordinance shall be designated as a charter ordinance, requires a two-thirds vote of the members-elect of the legislative body of the city or village, and is subject to referendum as provided in this section.
66.0101(2)(b) (b) A charter ordinance that amends or repeals a city or village charter shall designate specifically the portion of the charter that is amended or repealed. A charter ordinance that makes the election under sub. (4) shall designate specifically each enactment of the legislature or portion of the enactment that is made inapplicable to the city or village by the election.
66.0101(3) (3) A charter ordinance shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and shall be recorded by the clerk in a permanent book kept for that purpose, with a statement of the manner of its adoption. A certified copy of the charter ordinance shall be filed by the clerk with the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall keep a separate index of all charter ordinances, arranged alphabetically by city and village and summarizing each ordinance, and annually shall issue the index of charter ordinances filed during the 12 months prior to July 1.
66.0101(4) (4) A city or village may elect under this section that any law relating to the local affairs and government of the city or village other than those enactments of the legislature of statewide concern as shall with uniformity affect every city or every village shall not apply to the city or village, and when the election takes effect, the law ceases to be in effect in the city or village.
66.0101(5) (5) A charter ordinance does not take effect until 60 days after its passage and publication. If within the 60-day period a petition conforming to the requirements of s. 8.40 and signed by a number of electors of the city or village equal to not less than 7% of the votes cast in the city or village for governor at the last general election is filed in the office of the clerk of the city or village demanding that the ordinance be submitted to a vote of the electors, it may not take effect until it is submitted to a referendum and approved by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum. The petition and the proceedings for its submission are governed by s. 9.20 (2) to (6).
66.0101(6) (6) A charter ordinance may be initiated under s. 9.20 (1) to (6), but alternative adoption of the charter ordinance by the legislative body is subject to referendum under sub. (5).
66.0101(7) (7) A charter ordinance may be submitted to a referendum by the legislative body, under s. 9.20 (4) to (6), without initiative petition, and becomes effective when approved by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum.
66.0101(8) (8) A charter ordinance enacted or approved by a vote of the electors controls over any prior or subsequent act of the legislative body of the city or village. If the electors of any city or village by a majority vote have adopted or determined to continue to operate under either ch. 62 or 64, or have determined the method of selection of members of the governing board, the question shall not again be submitted to the electors, nor action taken on the question, within a period of 2 years. Any election to change or amend the charter of any city or village, other than a special election as provided in s. 9.20 (4), shall be held at the time provided by statute for holding the spring election.
66.0101(9) (9)
66.0101(9)(a)(a) The legislative body of a city or village, by resolution adopted by a two-thirds vote of its members-elect may, and upon petition complying with s. 9.20 shall, submit to the electors under s. 9.20 (4) to (6) the question of holding a charter convention under one or more plans proposed in the resolution or petition.
66.0101(9)(b) (b) The ballot shall be in substantially the following form:
Shall a charter convention be held?
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