8. One representative of the board on aging and long-term care.
9. Eleven individuals, each of whom is a current or former recipient of home care services through the Family Care Program or a medical assistance waiver program or an advocate for or representative of consumers of home care services.
(3) Chairperson. Annually, the governor shall appoint one member of the board to serve as the chairperson.
(4) Executive committee. (a) The board shall elect an executive committee. The executive committee shall consist of the chair of the board, the secretary of the department of health services or his or her designee, the secretary of the department of workforce development or his or her designee, and 3 persons selected from board members appointed under sub. (1) (c) 9.
(b) The executive committee may do the following:
1. Hire an executive director who is not a member of the board and serves at the pleasure of the board.
2. Hire employees to carry out the duties of the authority.
3. Engage in contracts for services to carry out the duties of the authority.
(5) Term. The terms of members of the board appointed under sub. (1) (c) shall expire on July 1.
(6) Quorum. A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes, notwithstanding the existence of any vacancies. Action may be taken by the board upon a vote of a majority of the members present. Meetings of the members of the board may be held anywhere within the state.
(7) Vacancies. Each member of the board shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified unless the member vacates or is removed from his or her office. A member who serves as a result of holding another office or position vacates his or her office as a member when he or she vacates the other office or position. A member who ceases to qualify for office vacates his or her office. A vacancy on the board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the board for the remainder of the unexpired term, if any.
(8) Compensation. The members of the board are not entitled to compensation for the performance of their duties. The authority may reimburse members of the board for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties as provided by the board.
(9) Employment of board member. It is not a conflict of interest for a board member to engage in private or public employment or in a profession or business, except to the extent prohibited by law, while serving as a member of the board.
52.10 Powers of authority. The authority shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter and s. 46.2898. In addition to all other powers granted the authority under this chapter, the authority may:
(1) Adopt policies and procedures to govern its proceedings and to carry out its duties as specified in this chapter.
(2) Employ, appoint, engage, compensate, transfer, or discharge necessary personnel.
(3) Make or enter into contracts, including contracts for the provision of legal or accounting services.
(4) Award grants for the purposes set forth in this chapter.
(5) Buy, lease, or sell real or personal property.
(6) Sue and be sued.
(7) Accept gifts, grants, or assistance funds and use them for the purposes of this chapter.
(8) Collect fees for its services.
52.20 Duties of authority. The authority shall:
(1) Establish and maintain a registry of eligible home care providers who choose to be on the registry for purposes of employment by consumers and provide referral services for consumers in need of home care services.
(2) Determine the eligibility of individuals for placement on the registry. For purposes of determining eligibility, the authority shall apply the criteria described in s. 46.2898 (1) (f), including any qualifying criteria established by the department under s. 46.2898 (7). The authority shall also develop an appeal process for denial of placement on or removal of a provider from the registry consistent with the terms of the medical assistance waiver programs, the Family Care Program, an amendment to the state medical assistance plan under 42 USC 1396n (j), or the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, as determined by the department.
(3) Comply with any conditions necessary for consumers receiving home care services to receive federal medical assistance funding through a medical assistance waiver program, the Family Care Program, an amendment to the state medical assistance plan under 42 USC 1396n (j), or the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.
(4) Develop and operate recruitment and retention programs to expand the pool of home care providers qualified and available to provide home care services to consumers.
(5) Maintain a list of home care providers included in a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (2g) and provide the list of home care providers to the department at the department's request.
(6) Notify home care providers providing home care services of any procedures for remaining a qualified provider under s. 46.2898 (1) (f) set forth by the department or the authority.
(7) Provide orientation activities and skills training for home care providers.
(8) Provide training and support for consumers hiring a home care provider regarding the duties and responsibilities of employers and skills needed to be effective employers.
(9) Inform consumers of the experience and qualifications of home care providers on the registry and home care providers identified by consumers of home care services for employment.
(10) Develop and operate a system of backup and respite referrals to home care providers and a 24-hour per day call service for consumers of home care services.
(11) Report annually to the governor on the number of home care providers on the registry and the number of home care providers providing services under the authority.
(12) Conduct activities to improve the supply and quality of home care providers.
52.30 Liability limited. (1) The state, any political subdivision of the state, or any officer, employee, or agent of the state or a political subdivision who is acting within the scope of employment or agency is not liable for any debt, obligation, act, or omission of the authority.
(2) All expenses incurred by the authority in exercising its duties and powers under this chapter shall be payable only from funds of the authority.
52.40 Health data. Any health data or identifying information collected by the authority is collected for the purpose of government regulatory and management functions.
28,1444m Section 1444m. 55.16 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
55.16 (2) (a) Filing; services. An Subject to par. (d), an individual under protective placement or receiving protective services, the individual's guardian, the individual's legal counsel or guardian ad litem, if any, the department, the county department that placed the individual or provided the protective services under an order of the court, an agency with which the county department contracts under s. 55.02 (2), or any interested person may file a petition at any time for modification of an order for protective services or protective placement. The petition shall be served on the individual, the individual's guardian, the individual's legal counsel and guardian ad litem, if any, and the county department.
28,1444n Section 1444n. 55.16 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
55.16 (2) (d) Residents of southern center. The department may not file a petition under par. (a) for modification of an order for protective placement to transfer a resident of the southern center for the developmentally disabled to a less restrictive setting unless the resident's guardian provides explicit written approval and consent for the transfer under s. 51.35 (1) (dm).
28,1444v Section 1444v. 59.52 (30) of the statutes is created to read:
59.52 (30) Limitation on performance of construction work. A county may not perform construction work, including road work, for a project that is directly or indirectly owned, funded, or reimbursed, in whole or in part, by a private person.
28,1445 Section 1445. 59.58 (6) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
59.58 (6) (a) 1. "Authority" means the regional transit authority created under this subsection.
28,1446m Section 1446m. 59.58 (6) (cg) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
59.58 (6) (cg) No later than the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], the authority shall transfer to the southeastern regional transit authority under sub. (7) all revenues received under s. 59.58 (6) (cg) 1., 2007 stats., retained by the authority.
28,1449 Section 1449. 59.58 (6) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
59.58 (6) (f) The authority shall terminate on the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
28,1449m Section 1449m. 59.58 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
59.58 (7) Southeastern regional transit authority. (a) In this subsection:
1. "Authority" means the southeastern regional transit authority created under this subsection.
2. "Bonds" means any bonds, interim certificates, notes, debentures, or other obligations of the authority issued under this subsection.
3. "KRM commuter rail line" means a commuter rail transit system connecting the cities of Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee.
(b) There is created the southeastern regional transit authority, a public body corporate and politic and a separate governmental entity, consisting of the counties of Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee. This authority may transact business and exercise any powers granted to it under this subsection. The jurisdictional area of this authority is the geographic area formed by the combined territorial boundaries of the counties of Kenosha, Racine, and Milwaukee.
(c) 1. The powers of the authority shall be vested in its board of directors, consisting of the following members:
a. Two members from Milwaukee County, appointed by the Milwaukee County board chairperson.
b. Two members from the city of Milwaukee, appointed by the mayor of the city of Milwaukee.
c. One member from Racine County, appointed by the Racine County board chairperson.
d. One member from the city of Racine, appointed by the mayor of the city of Racine.
e. One member from Kenosha County, appointed by the Kenosha County board chairperson.
f. One member from the city of Kenosha, appointed by the mayor of the city of Kenosha.
g. One member from the authority's jurisdictional area, appointed by the governor.
2. A majority of the board of directors' full authorized membership constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting the authority's business and exercising its powers. Action may be taken by the board of directors upon a vote of a majority of the directors present and voting, unless the bylaws of the authority require a larger number.
(d) The authority shall have all powers necessary and convenient to create, construct, and manage a KRM commuter rail line and to contract for and provide transit service in Kenosha County and Racine County as specified in par. (k) . A KRM commuter rail line shall include a stop at the point where the KRM commuter rail line intersects National Avenue in the city of Milwaukee and a stop at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Bay Street in the city of Milwaukee.
(dm) A KRM commuter rail line may not include a stop in any municipality in the counties of Racine and Kenosha, other than in the city of Racine or the city of Kenosha, unless the municipality in which the stop is to be located provides for a sustainable mechanism to generate additional moneys for transit systems receiving funding under s. 85.20 that operate in Kenosha County or Racine County, as applicable.
(e) The authority may impose the fees under subch. XIII of ch. 77. From these fees, the authority shall transfer $1 for each transaction to each of the cities of Racine and Kenosha, to support their respective transit systems, if each city, respectively, demonstrates that it has established a new funding source sufficient to generate revenues equal to or greater than the amounts to be transferred to each city under this subdivision. From the remaining fees, the authority may do all of the following:
1. Retain not more than $2 for each transaction for administration of the authority.
2. Retain the difference between the amount of the fees imposed under subch. XIII of ch. 77 and the amount of those fees transferred under this paragraph or retained under subd. 1. for expenditures related to the KRM commuter rail line, including planning, construction, maintenance, operations, and engineering expenditures.
(f) 1. The authority may issue bonds, the principal and interest on which are payable exclusively from all or a portion of any revenues received by the authority. The authority may secure its bonds by a pledge of any income or revenues from any operations, rent, aids, grants, subsidies, contributions, or other source of moneys whatsoever.
2. The authority may issue bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000, excluding bonds issued to refund outstanding bonds issued under this subdivision, for the purpose of providing funds for the anticipated local funding share required for initiating KRM commuter rail line service.
3. Neither the authority's board of directors nor any person executing the bonds is personally liable on the bonds by reason of the issuance of the bonds.
4. The bonds of the authority are not a debt of the counties that comprise the authority. Neither these counties nor the state are liable for the payment of the bonds. The bonds of the authority shall be payable only out of funds or properties of the authority. The bonds of the authority shall state the restrictions contained in this subdivision on the face of the bonds.
5. Bonds of the authority shall be authorized by resolution of the authority's board of directors. The bonds may be issued under such a resolution or under a trust indenture or other security instrument. The bonds may be issued in one or more series and may be in the form of coupon bonds or registered bonds under s. 67.09. The bonds shall bear the dates, mature at the times, bear interest at the rates, be in the denominations, have the rank or priority, be executed in the manner, be payable in the medium of payment and at the places, and be subject to the terms of redemption, with or without premium, as the resolution, trust indenture, or other security instrument provides. Bonds of the authority are issued for an essential public and governmental purpose and are public instrumentalities and, together with interest and income, are exempt from taxes. The authority may sell the bonds at public or private sales at the price or prices determined by the authority. If a member of the authority's board of directors whose signature appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be a member of the authority's board of directors before the delivery of such obligations, the member's signature shall, nevertheless, be valid for all purposes as if the member had remained a member until delivery of the bonds.
6. The authority may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of paying any of its bonds at or prior to maturity or upon acceleration or redemption. The authority may issue refunding bonds at such time prior to the maturity or redemption of the refunded bonds as the authority deems to be in the public interest. The refunding bonds may be issued in sufficient amounts to pay or provide the principal of the bonds being refunded, together with any redemption premium on the bonds, any interest accrued or to accrue to the date of payment of the bonds, the expenses of issue of the refunding bonds, the expenses of redeeming the bonds being refunded, and such reserves for debt service or other capital or current expenses from the proceeds of such refunding bonds as may be required by the resolution, trust indenture, or other security instruments. To the extent applicable, refunding bonds are subject to subd. 5.
(g) All moneys transferred under s. 59.58 (6) (cg) shall be used by the authority to assist in the planning of the KRM commuter rail line project.
(h) The authority's powers shall be limited to those specified in this subsection.
(i) The authority is the only entity in the counties of Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha that may submit an application to the federal transit administration in the U.S. department of transportation under the federal new starts grant program for funding for the KRM commuter rail line.
(j) The Milwaukee Transit Authority under s. 66.1038, and the operator of any transit system in Kenosha County or Racine County receiving funding under s. 85.20, shall provide copies of all of their annual and long-term transit plans to the southeastern regional transit authority as these plans become available.
(k) Upon a vote of approval by its governing body, any municipality in Kenosha County or Racine County in which a transit system eligible to receive funding under s. 85.20 is operated may contract with the authority for the authority to provide transit services within the municipality.
28,1449s Section 1449s. 59.69 (4c) of the statutes is amended to read:
59.69 (4c) Construction site ordinance limits. Except as provided in s. 101.1205 (5m) 281.33 (3m) (f), an ordinance that is enacted under sub. (4) may only include provisions that are related to construction site erosion control if those provisions are limited to sites where the construction activities do not include the construction of a building.
28,1450 Section 1450. 59.69 (15) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
59.69 (15) Community and other living arrangements. (intro.) For purposes of this section, the location of a community living arrangement for adults, as defined in s. 46.03 (22), a community living arrangement for children, as defined in s. 48.743 (1), a foster home, as defined in s. 48.02 (6), a treatment foster home, as defined in s. 48.02 (17q), or an adult family home, as defined in s. 50.01 (1) (a) or (b), in any municipality, shall be subject to the following criteria:
28,1451 Section 1451 . 59.69 (15) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 2009 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
59.69 (15) Community and other living arrangements. (intro.) For purposes of this section, the location of a community living arrangement for adults, as defined in s. 46.03 (22), a community living arrangement for children, as defined in s. 48.743 (1), a foster home, as defined in s. 48.02 (6), a treatment foster home, as defined in s. 48.02 (17q), or an adult family home, as defined in s. 50.01 (1) (a) or (b), in any municipality, shall be subject to the following criteria:
28,1452 Section 1452. 59.69 (15) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
59.69 (15) (bm) A foster home or a treatment foster home that is the primary domicile of a foster parent or treatment foster parent and that is licensed under s. 48.62 or an adult family home certified under s. 50.032 (1m) (b) shall be a permitted use in all residential areas and is not subject to pars. (a) and (b) except that foster homes and treatment foster homes operated by corporations, child welfare agencies, religious associations, as defined in s. 157.061 (15), associations, or public agencies shall be subject to pars. (a) and (b).