28,2012 Section 2012. 94.43 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
94.43 (3) (e) For gross sales that are $200,000 $250,000 or more: $200 but less than $500,000: $500.
28,2013 Section 2013. 94.43 (3) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
94.43 (3) (f) For gross sales that are $500,000 or more but less than $1,000,000: $750.
28,2014 Section 2014. 94.43 (3) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
94.43 (3) (g) For gross sales that are $1,000,000 or more but less than $10,000,000: $1,000.
28,2015 Section 2015. 94.43 (3) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
94.43 (3) (h) For gross sales that are $10,000,000 or more but less than $100,000,000: $1,500.
28,2016 Section 2016. 94.43 (3) (i) of the statutes is created to read:
94.43 (3) (i) For gross sales that are $100,000,000 or more: $2,500.
28,2017 Section 2017. 94.44 of the statutes is amended to read:
94.44 Records. Each person whose name is required to appear on the label as the labeler of agricultural or vegetable seeds pursuant to s. 94.39 under rules of the department shall maintain complete records of each lot of seed sold or labeled for a period of 2 years after final sale or disposition thereof of the seed, except that a file sample of such the seed need be kept for only one year. This and except that this section shall not be construed as requiring does not require a record of the sale or disposal of each portion of a lot sold at retail in quantities of less than 40 pounds. All records and samples pertaining to any lot of seed shall be accessible for inspection by the department during customary business hours.
28,2018 Section 2018. 94.45 (intro.) and (1) to (5) of the statutes are renumbered 94.45 (1) (intro.) and (a) to (e).
28,2019 Section 2019. 94.45 (6) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
94.45 (6) The department shall promulgate rules that do all of the following:
(a) Prescribe standards for the labeling, distribution, and sale of agricultural seed and vegetable seed.
(b) Govern methods of sampling, inspecting, analyzing, testing, and examining agricultural seed and vegetable seed.
(c) Prescribe tolerances for purity and rate of germination of agricultural seed and vegetable seed.
(d) Prescribe tolerances for the occurrence of noxious weed seeds in agricultural seed and vegetable seed.
(e) Identify noxious weeds and prohibited noxious weeds.
(f) Govern the issuance of seed labeler licenses.
(g) Govern the administration and enforcement of ss. 94.38 to 94.46.
28,2021 Section 2021. 95.55 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.55 (2) Application. A person shall register under this section using a form provided by the department. The form shall be accompanied by the fee applicable fees specified under sub. (3). Upon registration, the department shall issue the person a registration certificate.
28,2022 Section 2022. 95.55 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
95.55 (3) (title) Registration fee; reinspection fee.
28,2023 Section 2023. 95.55 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 95.55 (3) (a).
28,2024 Section 2024. 95.55 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
95.55 (3) (b) 1. If the department reinspects the premises where farm-raised deer are kept because the department has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, the department shall charge the person registered under this section the reinspection fee specified under subd. 2.
2. The department shall specify the reinspection fee to be charged under subd. 1. by rule. The reinspection fee may not exceed the reasonable costs to reinspect the premises. The department may specify different reinspection fees for different premises.
3. A reinspection fee under this paragraph is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department. The department may issue a demand for payment when it issues a registration renewal application form to the person registered to keep farm-raised deer under this section.
28,2025 Section 2025. 95.60 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.60 (4) (a) The department shall may inspect a fish farm upon initial registration under sub. (3m). The department may inspect a fish farm and at any other time.
28,2026 Section 2026. 95.60 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.60 (5) The department shall, by rule, specify the fees for permits, certificates, registration and inspections under this section, including any reinspection fees required under sub. (5m).
28,2027 Section 2027. 95.60 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
95.60 (5m) (a) If the department reinspects a fish farm because the department has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, the department shall charge the fish farm operator the reinspection fee specified under par. (b).
(b) The department shall specify the reinspection fee to be charged under par. (a) by rule. The reinspection fee may not exceed the reasonable costs to reinspect the fish farm. The department may specify different reinspection fees for different fish farms.
(c) A reinspection fee under this subsection is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department. The department may issue a demand for payment when it issues a registration renewal application form to the fish farm operator.
28,2028 Section 2028. 95.68 (4) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
95.68 (4) License fee; reinspection fee. (a) The department shall, by rule, specify the fee for an animal market license issued under this section.
(b) 1. If the department reinspects an animal market because the department has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, the department shall charge the animal market operator the reinspection fee specified under subd. 2.
2. The department shall specify the reinspection fee to be charged under subd. 1. by rule. The reinspection fee may not exceed the reasonable costs to reinspect the animal market. The department may specify different reinspection fees for different animal markets.
3. A reinspection fee under this paragraph is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department. The department may issue a demand for payment when it issues a license renewal application form to the animal market operator.
28,2029 Section 2029. 95.68 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.68 (8) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to specify license fees under sub. (4) or to regulate the operation of animal markets, including rules related to market operator qualifications, market construction and maintenance, construction and maintenance of animal transport vehicles, identification of animal transport vehicles, disease sanitation, humane treatment of animals, identification of animals, record keeping, reports to the department and compliance with applicable financial security requirements under state or federal law.
28,2030 Section 2030. 95.69 (4) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
95.69 (4) (title) License fee; reinspection fee.
28,2031 Section 2031. 95.69 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 95.69 (4) (a) and amended to read:
95.69 (4) (a) Unless the The department specifies a different fee shall, by rule, specify the fee for an animal dealer license is $75 issued under this section.
28,2032 Section 2032. 95.69 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
95.69 (4) (b) 1. If the department reinspects an animal dealer operation because the department has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, the department shall charge the animal dealer the reinspection fee specified under subd. 2.
2. The department shall specify the reinspection fee to be charged under subd. 1. by rule. The reinspection fee may not exceed the reasonable costs to reinspect the animal dealer operation. The department may specify different reinspection fees for different animal dealer operations.
3. A reinspection fee under this paragraph is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department. The department may issue a demand for payment when it issues a license renewal application form to the animal dealer.
28,2033 Section 2033. 95.69 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.69 (8) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to specify license fees under sub. (4) or to regulate animal dealers, including rules related to animal dealer qualifications, construction and maintenance of animal transport vehicles, identification of animal transport vehicles, disease sanitation, humane treatment of animals, identification of animals, record keeping, reports to the department and compliance with applicable financial security requirements under state or federal law.
28,2034 Section 2034. 95.71 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.71 (5) Fees License fee; registration fee; reinspection fee. (a) Unless the The department specifies different fees shall, by rule, an applicant for an animal trucker license shall pay a specify the fee in an amount equal to $20 plus $5 for each animal transport vehicle registered with the applicant's for an animal trucker license application under sub. (3) issued under this section.
(b) The department shall, by rule, specify the fee to be paid for each animal transport vehicle registered under sub. (4). If during any license year an animal trucker registers an animal transport vehicle that was not registered with the animal trucker's annual license application under sub. (3), the animal trucker shall, pay the fee required under this paragraph at the time of the additional registration, pay a registration fee of $5 for each animal transport vehicle registered.
28,2035 Section 2035. 95.71 (5) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
95.71 (5) (c) 1. If the department reinspects an animal trucker operation because the department has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, the department shall charge the animal trucker the reinspection fee specified under subd. 2.
2. The department shall specify the reinspection fee to be charged under subd. 1. by rule. The reinspection fee may not exceed the reasonable costs to reinspect the animal trucker operation. The department may specify different reinspection fees for different animal trucker operations.
3. A reinspection fee under this paragraph is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department. The department may issue a demand for payment when it issues a license renewal application form to the animal trucker.
28,2036 Section 2036. 95.71 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
95.71 (8) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to specify license fees under sub. (5) or to regulate animal truckers, including rules related to animal trucker qualifications, construction and maintenance of animal transport vehicles, identification of animal transport vehicles, disease sanitation, humane treatment of animals, identification of animals, record keeping, reports to the department and compliance with applicable financial security requirements under state or federal law.
28,2037r Section 2037r. 97.60 of the statutes is created to read:
97.60 Meat and poultry inspection fee. The department shall promulgate a rule specifying a fee to be used to fund meat and poultry inspection under s. 97.42. In promulgating the rule, the department shall consult with representatives of industries and groups that would be affected by the fee. The department may not promulgate a rule under this section requiring a person operating a plant where animals are slaughtered to pay a fee based on the number of animals slaughtered. The department may not require payment of the fee under this section before July 1, 2010.
28,2038 Section 2038. 98.16 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
98.16 (title) Licensing of vehicle Vehicle scale operators; scale installation and testing.
28,2039 Section 2039. 98.16 (2) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
98.16 (2) (title) License for operator.
28,2040 Section 2040. 98.16 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 98.16 (2) (am) and amended to read:
98.16 (2) (am) Except as provided in subd. 2., a par. (dm), no person may not operate a vehicle scale without a an annual license from the department. A separate license is required for each scale. A license is not transferable between persons or scales. A license expires on March 31 annually.
(bm) The department shall provide a license application form for persons applying for a license. The form may shall require all of the following:
3. Other information reasonably required by the department for licensing purposes.
(cm) A license application shall be accompanied by applicable fees under pars. (b) and (c). all of the following fees and surcharges:
28,2041 Section 2041. 98.16 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 98.16 (2) (dm) and amended to read:
98.16 (2) (dm) Subdivision 1. Paragraph (am) does not apply to a person who operates a vehicle scale only as an employee of a person who is required to hold a license to operate the scale under this paragraph subsection.
28,2042 Section 2042. 98.16 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 98.16 (2) (cm) 1. and amended to read:
98.16 (2) (cm) 1. A license fee. The fee for a license under par. (a) this subsection is $60 $100, except that the department may establish a different fee by rule promulgated under sub. (4).
28,2043 Section 2043. 98.16 (2) (bm) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
98.16 (2) (bm) 1. The applicant's correct legal name and business address and any trade name under which the applicant proposes to operate the vehicle scale.
28,2044 Section 2044. 98.16 (2) (bm) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
98.16 (2) (bm) 2. A description of the nature and location of the vehicle scale.
28,2045 Section 2045. 98.16 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 98.16 (2) (cm) 2. and amended to read:
98.16 (2) (cm) 2. An applicant for a license under par. (a) shall pay a A license fee surcharge of $200 in addition to the license fee, if the department determines that within one year prior to submitting the license application the applicant operated a vehicle scale without a license as required by par. (a) (am). The license fee surcharge is $200, except that the department may establish a different surcharge by rule promulgated under sub. (4). The department may not issue a license under this subsection to an operator if the operator has failed to pay a license fee surcharge assessed against the operator. Payment of the license fee surcharge does not relieve the applicant of any other civil or criminal liability for the operation of a vehicle scale without a license but shall not constitute evidence of violation of a law.
28,2046 Section 2046. 98.16 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
28,2047 Section 2047. 98.16 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
98.16 (2m) Permit for scale installation or construction; variance. (a) No person may install or relocate a vehicle scale without a permit from the department. The department shall provide a permit application form for a person applying for a permit under this paragraph. An application for a permit under this paragraph shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit application fee in an amount established by the department by rule promulgated under sub. (4).