632.835 (3m) (a) A decision of an independent review organization regarding an adverse determination or a preexisting condition exclusion denial determination must be consistent with the terms of the health benefit plan under which the adverse determination or preexisting condition exclusion denial determination was made.
28,3192 Section 3192. 632.835 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
632.835 (7) (b) A health benefit plan that is the subject of an independent review and the insurer that issued the health benefit plan shall not be liable to any person for damages attributable to the insurer's or plan's actions taken in compliance with any decision regarding an adverse determination or an experimental treatment determination rendered by a certified independent review organization.
28,3193 Section 3193. 632.835 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 632.835 (8) (a) and amended to read:
632.835 (8) (a) Adverse and experimental treatment determinations. The commissioner shall make a determination that at least one independent review organization has been certified under sub. (4) that is able to effectively provide the independent reviews required under this section for adverse determinations and experimental treatment determinations and shall publish a notice in the Wisconsin Administrative Register that states a date that is 2 months after the commissioner makes that determination. The date stated in the notice shall be the date on which the independent review procedure under this section begins operating with respect to adverse determinations and experimental treatment determinations.
28,3194 Section 3194. 632.835 (8) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
632.835 (8) (b) Preexisting condition exclusion denials and rescissions. The commissioner shall make a determination that at least one independent review organization has been certified under sub. (4) that is able to effectively provide the independent reviews required under this section for preexisting condition exclusion denial determinations and rescissions and shall publish a notice in the Wisconsin Administrative Register that states a date that is 2 months after the commissioner makes that determination. The date stated in the notice shall be the date on which the independent review procedure under this section begins operating with respect to preexisting condition exclusion denial determinations and rescissions.
28,3195 Section 3195. 632.835 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 632.835 (9) (a) and amended to read:
632.835 (9) (a) Adverse and experimental treatment determinations. The independent review required under this section with respect to an adverse determination or an experimental treatment determination shall be available to an insured who receives notice of the disposition of his or her grievance under s. 632.83 (3) (d) on or after December 1, 2000. Notwithstanding sub. (2) (c), an insured who receives notice of the disposition of his or her grievance under s. 632.83 (3) (d) on or after December 1, 2000, but before June 15, 2002, with respect to an adverse determination or an experimental treatment determination must request an independent review no later than 4 months after June 15, 2002.
28,3196 Section 3196. 632.835 (9) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
632.835 (9) (b) Preexisting condition exclusion denials and rescissions. The independent review required under this section with respect to a preexisting condition exclusion denial determination or a rescission shall be available to an insured who receives notice of the disposition of his or her grievance under s. 632.83 (3) (d) on or after the date stated in the notice published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register by the commissioner under sub. (8) (b).
28,3197 Section 3197. 632.845 of the statutes is created to read:
632.845 Prohibiting refusal to cover services because liability policy may cover. (1) In this section, "health care plan" has the meaning given in s. 628.36 (2) (a) 1.
(2) An insurer that provides coverage under a health care plan may not refuse to cover health care services that are provided to an insured under the plan and for which there is coverage under the plan on the basis that there may be coverage for the services under a liability insurance policy.
28,3197n Section 3197n. 632.87 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
632.87 (4) No policy, plan or contract may exclude coverage for diagnosis and treatment of a condition or complaint by a licensed dentist within the scope of the dentist's license, if the policy, plan or contract covers diagnosis and treatment of the condition or complaint by another health care provider, as defined in s. 146.81 (1) (a) to (p).
28,3197p Section 3197p. 632.885 of the statutes is created to read:
632.885 Coverage of dependents. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Disability insurance policy" has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
(b) "Insured" includes an enrollee.
(c) "Self-insured health plan" has the meaning given in s. 632.745 (24).
(2) Requirement to offer dependent coverage. (a) Subject to ss. 632.88 and 632.895 (5), every insurer that issues a disability insurance policy, and every self-insured health plan, shall offer and, if so requested by an applicant or an insured, provide coverage for an adult child of the applicant or insured as a dependent of the applicant or insured if the child satisfies all of the following criteria:
1. The child is over 17 but less than 27 years of age.
2. The child is not married.
3. The child is not eligible for coverage under a group health benefit plan, as defined in s. 632.745 (9), that is offered by the child's employer and for which the amount of the child's premium contribution is no greater than the premium amount for his or her coverage as a dependent under this section.
(b) Notwithstanding par. (a) 1., the coverage requirement under this section applies to an adult child who satisfies all of the following criteria:
1. The child is a full-time student, regardless of age.
2. The child satisfies the criteria under par. (a) 2. and 3.
3. The child was called to federal active duty in the national guard or in a reserve component of the U.S. armed forces while the child was attending, on a full-time basis, an institution of higher education.
4. The child was under the age of 27 years when called to federal active duty under subd. 3.
(3) Premium determination. An insurer or self-insured health plan shall determine the premium for coverage of a dependent who is over 18 years of age on the same basis as the premium is determined for coverage of a dependent who is 18 years of age or younger.
(4) Documentation of criteria satisfaction. An insurer or self-insured health plan may require that an applicant or insured seeking coverage of a dependent child provide written documentation, initially and annually thereafter, that the dependent child satisfies the criteria for coverage under this section.
28,3197r Section 3197r. 632.89 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
632.89 (1) (dm) "Licensed mental health professional" means a clinical social worker who is licensed under ch. 457, a marriage and family therapist who is licensed under s. 457.10, or a professional counselor who is licensed under s. 457.12.
28,3197s Section 3197s. 632.89 (1) (e) 3. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
632.89 (1) (e) 3. A psychologist licensed under ch. 455.
28,3197t Section 3197t. 632.89 (1) (e) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
632.89 (1) (e) 4. A licensed mental health professional practicing within the scope of his or her license under ch. 457 and applicable rules.
28,3197w Section 3197w. 632.895 (12m) of the statutes is created to read:
632.895 (12m) Treatment for autism spectrum disorders. (a) In this subsection:
1. "Autism spectrum disorder" means any of the following:
a. Autism disorder.
b. Asperger's syndrome.
c. Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified.
2. "Insured" includes an enrollee and a dependent with coverage under the disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan.
3. "Intensive-level services" means evidence-based behavioral therapy that is designed to help an individual with autism spectrum disorder overcome the cognitive, social, and behavioral deficits associated with that disorder.
4. "Nonintensive-level services" means evidence-based therapy that occurs after the completion of treatment with intensive-level services and that is designed to sustain and maximize gains made during treatment with intensive-level services or, for an individual who has not and will not receive intensive-level services, evidence-based therapy that will improve the individual's condition.
5. "Physician" has the meaning given in s. 146.34 (1) (g).
(b) Subject to pars. (c) and (d), and except as provided in par. (e), every disability insurance policy, and every self-insured health plan of the state or a county, city, town, village, or school district, shall provide coverage for an insured of treatment for the mental health condition of autism spectrum disorder if the treatment is prescribed by a physician and provided by any of the following who are qualified to provide intensive-level services or nonintensive-level services:
1. A psychiatrist, as defined in s. 146.34 (1) (h).
2. A person who practices psychology, as described in s. 455.01 (5).
3. A social worker, as defined in s. 252.15 (1) (er), who is certified or licensed to practice psychotherapy, as defined in s. 457.01 (8m).
4. A paraprofessional working under the supervision of a provider listed under subds. 1. to 3.
5. A professional working under the supervision of an outpatient mental health clinic certified under s. 51.038.
6. A speech-language pathologist, as defined in s. 459.20 (4).
7. An occupational therapist, as defined in s. 448.96 (4).
(c) 1. The coverage required under par. (b) shall provide at least $50,000 for intensive-level services per insured per year, with a minimum of 30 to 35 hours of care per week for a minimum duration of 4 years, and at least $25,000 for nonintensive-level services per insured per year, except that these minimum coverage monetary amounts shall be adjusted annually, beginning in 2011, to reflect changes in the consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, for the medical care group, as determined by the U.S. department of labor. The commissioner shall publish the new minimum coverage amounts under this subdivision each year, beginning in 2011, in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the minimum coverage monetary amounts or duration required for treatment under subd. 1., need not be met if it is determined by a supervising professional, in consultation with the insured's physician, that less treatment is medically appropriate.
(d) The coverage required under par. (b) may be subject to deductibles, coinsurance, or copayments that generally apply to other conditions covered under the policy or plan. The coverage may not be subject to limitations or exclusions, including limitations on the number of treatment visits.
(e) This subsection does not apply to any of the following:
1. A disability insurance policy that covers only certain specified diseases.
2. A health care plan offered by a limited service health organization, as defined in s. 609.01 (3), or by a preferred provider plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (4), that is not a defined network plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (1b).
3. A long-term care insurance policy.
4. A medicare replacement policy or a medicare supplement policy.
(f) 1. The commissioner shall by rule further define "intensive-level services" and "nonintensive-level services" and define "paraprofessional" for purposes of par. (b) 4. and "qualified" for purposes of providing services under this subsection. The commissioner may promulgate rules governing the interpretation or administration of this subsection.
2. Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the commissioner may promulgate the rules under subd. 1. for the period before the effective date of the permanent rules promulgated under subd. 1., but not to exceed the period authorized under s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2). Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), the commissioner is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subdivision as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subdivision.
28,3198b Section 3198b. 632.895 (15) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
632.895 (15) (a) Subject to pars. (b) and (c), every disability insurance policy, and every self-insured health plan of the state or a county, city, town, village, or school district, that provides coverage for a person as a dependent of the insured because the person is a full-time student, including the coverage under s. 632.885 (2) (b), shall continue to provide dependent coverage for the person if, due to a medically necessary leave of absence, he or she ceases to be a full-time student.
28,3198c Section 3198c. 632.895 (15) (c) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
632.895 (15) (c) 5. The Except for a person who has coverage as a dependent under s. 632.885 (2) (b), the person reaches the age at which coverage as a dependent who is a full-time student would otherwise end under the terms and conditions of the policy or plan.
28,3198d Section 3198d. 632.895 (17) of the statutes is created to read:
632.895 (17) Contraceptives and services. (a) In this subsection, "contraceptives" means drugs or devices approved by the federal food and drug administration to prevent pregnancy.
(b) Every disability insurance policy, and every self-insured health plan of the state or of a county, city, town, village, or school district, that provides coverage of outpatient health care services, preventive treatments and services, or prescription drugs and devices shall provide coverage for all of the following:
1. Contraceptives prescribed by a health care provider, as defined in s. 146.81 (1).
2. Outpatient consultations, examinations, procedures, and medical services that are necessary to prescribe, administer, maintain, or remove a contraceptive, if covered for any other drug benefits under the policy or plan.
(c) Coverage under par. (b) may be subject only to the exclusions, limitations, or cost-sharing provisions that apply generally to the coverage of outpatient health care services, preventive treatments and services, or prescription drugs and devices that is provided under the policy or self-insured health plan.
(d) This subsection does not apply to any of the following:
1. A disability insurance policy that covers only certain specified diseases.
2. A disability insurance policy, or a self-insured health plan of the state or a county, city, town, village, or school district, that provides only limited-scope dental or vision benefits.
3. A health care plan offered by a limited service health organization, as defined in s. 609.01 (3), or by a preferred provider plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (4), that is not a defined network plan, as defined in s. 609.01 (1b).
4. A long-term care insurance policy.
5. A Medicare replacement policy or a Medicare supplement policy.
28,3199 Section 3199. Chapter 648 of the statutes is created to read:
Regulation of Care
Management Organizations
648.01 Definitions. In this chapter:
(1) "Care management organization" means an entity described in s. 46.284 (3m).
(2) "Department" means the department of health services.
(3) "Enrollee" has the meaning given in s. 46.2805 (3).