(b) Seller responsibilities. A person who sells or offers to sell a dog at a temporary dog market shall provide all of the following information to the operator of the temporary dog market:
1. The person's name and address.
2. If the person is required to be licensed under sub. (2), the person's license number.
3. A description of each dog sold or being offered for sale, including the dog's breed or type, sex, date of birth or approximate age, color, and any distinctive markings, and either a statement that the dog was born in the person's possession or the name and address of the person from whom the dog was acquired.
4. Documentation showing that the person complied with s. 95.21 (2) and with any applicable rules of the department relating to bringing dogs into this state.
(c) Inspection. The department may inspect a temporary dog market and the information provided under par. (b) at any time during normal business hours.
(13) Reporting mistreatment of dogs. If the department has reasonable grounds to believe that a dog in the possession of a person required to be licensed under sub. (2) is being mistreated in violation of ch. 951, the department shall report the information that supports its belief to a humane officer or law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the area in which the dog is located.
(14) Rules. (a) The department, in consultation with the advisory committee established under par. (b), shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.
(b) Before the department promulgates rules under par. (a), it shall establish an advisory committee to assist in writing the rules that consists of at least one representative from each of the following groups but that does not consist of more than 12 members:
1. Persons selling dogs at retail.
2. Dog breeders that sell large dogs and that sell fewer than 50 dogs per year.
3. Dog breeders that sell small dogs and that sell fewer than 50 dogs per year.
4. Dog breeders that sell large dogs and that sell 50 or more dogs per year.
5. Dog breeders that sell small dogs and that sell 50 or more dogs per year.
6. Sporting associations whose primary activities involve dogs.
7. Humane societies providing shelter to fewer than 500 dogs per year.
8. Humane societies providing shelter to 500 or more dogs per year.
9. Veterinarians.
10. Animal control facilities.
11. Breed rescue groups.
(c) The department shall select any member of an advisory committee under par. (b) who represents veterinarians from nominations made by the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and shall select each other member from nominations made by one or more organizations representing the group that the member represents.
(d) An advisory committee under par. (b) does not expire until 12 months after the rules are promulgated and shall make recommendations to the department for amendments to the rules.
(15) Penalties. (a) A person who operates without a license required under sub. (2) may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both.
(b) 1. Except as provided under par. (a), a person who violates this section or a rule promulgated under this section may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000 for the first offense and may be required to forfeit not less than $200 nor more than $2,000 for the 2nd or any subsequent offense within 5 years.
2. If a violation under subd. 1. involves the keeping of animals, each animal with respect to which the statute or rule is violated constitutes a separate violation.
(c) In addition to the penalties under pars. (a) and (b), a court may order a person who violates this section to pay the expenses of caring for dogs that are removed from the person's possession because of mistreatment.
90,4 Section 4. 778.25 (1) (a) 8. of the statutes is created to read:
778.25 (1) (a) 8. Under s. 173.41 (15) (b).
90,5 Section 5. Nonstatutory provisions.
(1) Position authorization. The authorized FTE positions for the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection are increased by 6.0 PR positions to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.115 (2) (j) of the statutes to inspect and respond to complaints concerning dog facilities.
(2) Temporary license. The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may issue a temporary license to a person applying for a license under section 173.41 of the statutes, as created by this act, before the first day of the 30th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection. Notwithstanding section 173.41 (6) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, the department is not required to conduct an inspection of the premises at which the person operates before issuing a temporary license under this subsection. A temporary license remains in force until the department takes final action on the person's license application, including conducting an inspection of the premises. The time limit in section 173.41 (2) (d) of the statutes, as created by this act, does not apply to the department in taking final action on a license application from a person to whom the department issues a temporary license under this subsection. The holder of a temporary license acquires no rights beyond those conferred by the temporary license under this subsection.