Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Program funding from environmental improvement fund; provision re Land Recycling Loan Program [Sec. 264, 677] -  Act 28
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, public school, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfill and incineration prohibited  -  Act 50
Environmental cleanup cost recovery: interest provisions [Sec. 2663-2665] -  Act 28
Environmental contamination grants: eligibility of applicants and criteria for awards; grant to Town of Beloit to construct a children's playground at Preservation Park [Sec. 215d, 3015, 3017-3026, 9110 (12h)] [215d, 9110 (12h) — vetoed] -  Act 28
Environmental Results Program revisions and name changed to Green Tier Program, Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program provisions; Environmental Improvement Program revisions and name changed to Environmental Compliance Audit Program; DNR duties -  Act 30
Environmental surcharge rate increased and allocation revised; EEB funding [Sec. 261t, 2665r, s] -  Act 28
Hazardous waste environmental repair fee increased; wastes recovered for recycling and reuse excluded [Sec. 2659-2662, 9137 (2)] -  Act 28
Invasive species and aquatic plants and animals: laws revised and new restrictions imposed; DNR authority, emergency rules, noxious weeds, and solid waste disposal facility provisions -  Act 55
Land Recycling Loan Program: funding cap eliminated [Sec. 2588, 2589] -  Act 28
Normal school fund income designated for environmental programs and financial aid [Sec. 240b, 261w, 665s, 747rm, 9139 (2c)] -  Act 28
PCB contaminated sediment disposal: program for reimbursement modified [Sec. 2665e] -  Act 28
Petroleum inspection fund transfers to the general, recycling and renewable energy, environmental, and transportation funds [Sec. 9210 (1f)-(2f), (3q)] -  Act 28
Phosphorus in machine dishwashing products for household use: limit reduced -  Act 63
Root River Environmental Education Community Center: one-time granted provided to City of Racine [Sec. 632g, 9157 (2u)] -  Act 28
STH 13 between City of Marshfield and STH 29: DOT recommendation re environmental assessment required [Sec. 9150 (8j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Tipping fees re PCB contaminated sediment removed from bed of navigable river [Sec. 2657u-2658e]  -  Act 28
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Sec. 1918i] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]  -  Act 28
Wisconsin River bridge connecting CTH Z to STH 54/73 (City of Wisconsin Rapids and Village of Port Edwards): DOT required to prepare an environmental assessment [Sec. 1918j] [vetoed] -  AB-75
environmental remediation tax incremental district _ertid_Environmental remediation tax incremental district (ERTID), see Property tax
epamd _electric personal assistive mobility device_EPAMD (Electric personal assistive mobility device), see Recreation vehicle
ertid _environmental remediation tax incremental district_ERTID (Environmental remediation tax incremental district), see Property tax
estate of deceased personEstate of deceased person
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only -  Act 341
estate taxEstate tax
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only -  Act 341
ethanolEthanol, see Gasoline
GAB federal aid moneys: use expanded re lobbying regulation and ethics laws [Sec. 591, 592] -  Act 28
U.W. contracts with research companies: approval process and conflict of interest revisions; sunset provided [Sec. 738s, 2443d, 3350d-s] -  Act 28
evidenceEvidence, see also Lie detector
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances -  Act 27
Communications in media as evidence (Wis.Stats, s.904.085 (4)(e)), 4/29/10 [SCO no.09-12] -  SCO
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Evidence originating in language other than English: submission of (Wis.Stats, s. 887.27, 901.09), 7/27/10 [SCO no.09-03] -  SCO
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence -  Act 187
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -  Act 118
Urine collection for drug testing purposes: restrictions created [Sec. 156n] -  Act 28
Governor lapse of appropriations to general fund re pay increase and furlough days specified [Sec. 9220 (1c)]  -  Act 28
executive orderExecutive order, see Governor
expenditure restraint programExpenditure Restraint Program, see Shared revenue
extraordinary session, 2009 _ februaryExtraordinary session, 2009 — February
State finances and appropriations and other changes (budget adjustment bill) -  Act 2
extraordinary session, 2009 _ mayExtraordinary session, 2009 — May
Federal economic stimulus funds allocation provisions re ARRA -  Act 11
f - F -
County and district fair aids revised [Sec. 180n, s, sc, 1973e-i, 9103 (3g), 9403 (1f)] -  Act 28
County fair coordinator: DATCP to designate an employee as -  Act 108
false statementFalse statement, see Fraud
Bingo: minor may play if adult relative or guardian is present in the building or on the premises -  Act 328
Chaperoning a sex offender: individual required to sign agreement notifying, in writing, any other person with whom the individual has a child of his or her intent to chaperone a sex offender; Corr.Dept civil liability immunity  -  Act 257
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  Act 81
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [Sec. 771, 772, 773-775, 776, 793, 794, 797-802, 804, 806-812, 816, 1391, 1392, 1394, 1396, 1399, 1402, 1411-1416, 1418, 1422-1424, 1429-1431, 1464, 1465, 1501g-n, 1510g, h, 1830, 2158, 2159-2166, 2170, 2171, 2172, 2174—2186, 2211-2213, 2430, 2437-2443, 2505, 2506, 2532, 2536, 2537, 2539, 2667, 2669, 2690, 2691, 2713, 2749, 2773, 2774, 2901, 2905, 3140, 3200, 3218, 3244-3269, 3284, 3285, 3357, 3358, 3374, 3375, 3405, 9315 (2j), 9343 (16), 9415 (1j)] -  Act 28
Fire fighter who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: municipality to pay health care premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children under certain conditions  -  Act 285
Foster care and kinship care revisions re monthly rates, payments, certification, licensing, and levels of care  -  Act 71
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer if it provides medically accurate information and addresses specified topics including marriage and parental responsibilities, the sex offender registry, and criminal penalties for crimes against children; notification required if not offered; instruction by volunteer health care provider, definitions, and State Superintendent duties  -  Act 134
Integrated service programs for children with severe disabilities expanded to cover children and their families involved in two or more systems of care, name changed to ``initiatives to provide coordinated services for children and families"; definitions, Indian tribes, and funding provisions  -  Act 334
Military family relief fund created; individual income tax checkoff for donations created [Sec. 540s, 602s, 665ss, 668s, 1593e, 2773s, 9136 (2c), 9343 (5c)] -  Act 28
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Proof of financial responsibility requirement re motor vehicle accident: liability release executed by a parent or guardian ad litem on behalf of a minor is acceptable (remedial legislation) -  Act 242
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure; additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils re DPI training and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian -  Act 160
Academic fee increase grants to certain U.W. students; eligibility re amount of award, family income, and continuous enrollment; exception re delinquent child support [Sec. 261m, 740] -  Act 28
Child or juvenile taken into custody: notice to relatives and disclosure of information to facilitate a relationship or placement; parent to provide names of relatives re potential placement; permanency planning; exception to confidentiality requirements [Sec. 919p, 921h, 958p, 1086f, 1101c, 3290n, p, 3292h, 3327p, 3339j] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Child support distribution change and pass-through; SSI and caretaker supplement [Sec. 1155c, 1156, 1369c, 1370, 1371, 9308 (8d), (9), 9322 (7), 9408 (13d), (14), 9422 (12)]  -  Act 28
Child support distribution changes for pre-assistance arrearages [Sec. 997, 1000, 1155, 1369, 9108 (1), 9408 (1)]  -  Act 28
Child support statements of account [Sec. 3211p] -  Act 28
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence -  Act 187
Permanency planning for children in out-of-home care, right to be heard in proceedings involving children in out-of-home care, notice to relatives when child is removed from home, placement with siblings re foster home or adoption, plan for transition to independent living, reporting of infants affected by controlled substances, circuit court commissioner review of permanency plans, TPR filing requirements, reasonable efforts to achieve goals of permanency plan, informal disposition, confidentiality of records; effective date changed re paying support of maintenance arrears to certain public assistance recipients -  Act 79
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updates -  Act 321
family planningFamily planning, see Birth control
Agricultural grants re soybean crushing facilities, certain dairy cooperative for additional cheese-making facilities, manufacture of anaerobic digesters, and diversification of cheese-making capabilities [Sec. 180p, 9103 (3f)]  -  Act 28
Beginning farmer and farm asset owner refundable tax credits created; requirements set [Sec. 627, 1540d, 1584, 1589b, 1593b, 1598d, 1625d, 1667, 1677b, 1686, 1702d, 1733, 1741b, 1873d, 1974] -  Act 28
Capital gains exclusion percentage decreased; provision re sale of farm assets [Sec. 1543, 1543b, 9343 (13)]  -  Act 28
Dairy and livestock farm investment credit extended and amount claimed increased -  Act 294