juvenile delinquencyJuvenile delinquency, see also Juvenile court
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
Indian juvenile out-of-home placements: funding from tribal gaming revenue [Sec. 319e, 586v, 3334p]  -  Act 28
Indian juveniles adjudicated delinquent: moneys for reimbursement for unexpected or unusually high-cost out-of-home care placements limited to adjudications by tribal courts  -  Act 233
juvenile detention facilityJuvenile detention facility
Corr.Dept rates for juvenile alternate care services revised [Sec. 2675, 2677] -  Act 28
Juvenile correctional services deficit reduction; DOA and Corr.Dept report on alternate statutory mechanism [Sec. 313-315, 317-319, 9111 (2i), 9211 (1), 9411 (1)] [9111 (2i) — vetoed] -  Act 28
Juvenile correctional services provided by counties and nonprofit organizations: DOA and Corr.Dept to conduct comprehensive review; to include description of AODA and mental health services; youth counselors from the state's three schools to participate [Sec. 9111 (2k)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center funding [Sec. 832] -  Act 28
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in private clubs, sports arenas, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required; definitions; local ordinance provision re public property and entrance to certain establishments, such as restaurants  -  Act 12
Youth aids funding for 2009-11 fiscal biennium set; discretionary federal economic stimulus funds added as funding source [Sec. 319j, 845d, 853d, 2674d, 2681d-2689, 9111 (2j)]  -  Act 28
juvenile in need of protection or services _jips_Juvenile in need of protection or services (JIPS), see Juvenile court
k_l - K+L -
kennedy, sen. edward mooreKennedy, Sen. Edward Moore
Life and public service as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts commended [AJR-72] -  JR-21
kenosha, city ofKenosha, City of
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Inc.: grants for facilities in Green Bay, Kenosha, or Milwaukee; DOA to review plans for construction and renovation [Sec. 19h, 640, 655q, 657g, 9106 (1)(i), (9)] -  Act 28
Kenosha development opportunity zone designated; tax credit provisions [Sec. 3092g, r, 3110e, h, p-y]  -  Act 28
Southeastern RTA (SERTA) created; duties re federal transit funding and long-term plans; KRM commuter rail and stops at certain locations; vehicle rental fee provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  -  Act 28
kenosha countyKenosha County
Assisted living facility in Kenosha County: feasibility study; DVA Secretary duty re county's share of costs [Sec. 551w, 9155 (2q)] -  Act 28
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -  Act 28
``Lee and Lynn Copen Memorial Highway": portion of STH 50 in Kenosha County designated as, contributions from interested parties provision -  Act 193
MA dental service delivery in certain southeast Wisconsin counties: DHS to use fee-for-service model [Sec. 1317n] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Overweight trucks re STH 31 and local access highways in Kenosha and Racine counties: permits for specified purposes [Sec. 2992w, 2993c, 9450 (14f)] -  Act 28
Southeast Wisconsin Transit Capital Assistance Program grants; major transit capital assistance projects enumerated (Dane County and KRM commuter rail and any project re Milwaukee Downtown Transit Connector Study) [Sec. 5, 305m, 649, 1928m-t, 1932, 1937m, 2478] [1932 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Southeastern RTA (SERTA) created; duties re federal transit funding and long-term plans; KRM commuter rail and stops at certain locations; vehicle rental fee provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Regional planning"]  -  Act 28
Transitional jobs for low-income adults: DCF to conduct demonstration project; job allocation specified [Sec. 1216k] -  Act 28
Youth Diversion Program grant reductions [Sec. 9101 (6)] -  Act 28
Five-year-old kindergarten made a prerequisite to first grade in public and charter schools; exemption provision; school board and charter school operator duties; enrolling eligible child in 1st grade who did not complete kindergarten because of exemption or recent move to Wisconsin -  Act 41
kinship careKinship care, see Day care
kleczka, jerome jKleczka, Jerome J.
Life and service to the Milwaukee community commended upon his death [AJR-5] -  JR-6
krueger, amy sKrueger, Amy S.
Life and military service commended [AJR-105] -  JR-26
Madison to Twin Cities passenger rail route report; consideration of routes through City of La Crosse and another through City of Eau Claire required [Sec. 9150 (7j)]  -  Act 28
Myrick Hixon EcoPark, Inc., in the City of La Crosse: grant provided; DOA to review and approve plans for construction [Sec. 19L, 640, 655t, 657i, 9106 (1)(m), (16)]  -  Act 28
la crosse countyLa Crosse County
Child advocacy centers: funding reduced [Sec. 157d, s, 9101 (10)] -  Act 28
Court interpreter pilot project in seventh judicial administrative district authorized [Sec. 609, 9109 (1), 9409 (1)]  -  Act 28
la prairie, town ofLa Prairie, Town of, see Rock County
Prevailing wage applicability thresholds, records, and publicly funded private construction projects; local and municipal public works projects [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Wage — Payment"] -  Act 28
State employees covered by SELRA and U.W. System faculty and academic staff: unfair labor practice for employers to use moneys received to discourage employees from exercising their collective bargaining rights; academic freedom provision -  Act 289
WDF grants to organizations in the building trades for job training and retraining, including green building and alternative energy systems installation; conditions and Comm.Dept duties [Sec. 8, 9110 (2), (3), 9210 (2), (3)]  -  Act 2
labor and industry review commissionLabor and Industry Review Commission
Apprentice contract law revisions; Wisconsin Apprenticeship Council appointment and composition modified  -  Act 291
Employment discrimination, unfair honesty testing, and unfair genetic testing: action in circuit court to recover compensatory and punitive damages -  Act 20
Worker classification compliance re employee and nonemployee: DWD duties re promoting and achieving compliance; stop work order, penalties, and LIRC provisions  -  Act 292
Day care provider collective bargaining authorized; Memorandum of Agreement provisions [Sec. 2216g-y, 9156 (2f)]  -  Act 28
History of organized labor and the collective bargaining process incorporated into model academic standards for social studies -  Act 99
lakesLakes, see also Shoreland zoning
Aquatic invasive species grant program and lake monitoring contract revisions [Sec. 277, 2624-2626]  -  Act 28
Great Lakes Compact, water use, and water supply deadlines and requirements [Sec. 2578pb-sd, 2579e]  -  Act 28
Great Lakes contaminated sediment removal: bonding authority and program revision; requirement re EPA providing federal funds eliminated [Sec. 646, 2628] -  Act 28
Lake Koshkonong comprehensive management study: grant provided to Rock-Koshkonong Lake District [Sec. 276p, 279g, 9137 (6i)] -  Act 28
Motor vehicle use on exposed beds of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and outlying waters in order to destroy or prevent the spread of Phragmites australis permitted  -  Act 377
Slow-no-wake restriction within 100 ft. of lake shoreline for motorboats created, exception for water skiing; local governments may pass an ordinance exempting motorboats from this restriction -  Act 31
Water use: new fees established; use of funds for activities related to water use, including Great Lakes Water Resources Compact implementation [Sec. 274, 275f, 2579, 9437 (2)]  -  Act 28
lancaster, city ofLancaster, City of, see Grant County
landLand, see also Public land; Wetland
ATV and snowmobile operation on public property prohibited if posted as closed to those vehicles; consent to use certain off-highway vehicles on private or public property created, definition provision -  Act 252
Public records: revisions re obtaining copies and fees charged by private person under contract with a governmental unit; land information record requests provision  -  Act 370
Register of deeds fees for recording and filing instruments revised, SSN not viewable on the Internet, and electronic format provisions; land information council required if a county board created a land information office  -  Act 314
land and water conservation boardLand and Water Conservation Board
Land and Water Conservation Board's responsibilities and authorities: DATCP, DNR, and the board to investigate; report required [Sec. 9103 (4i)] -  Act 28
``Agricultural use" definition revised re growing of short rotation woody crops -  Act 401
Borrow sites for state highway construction projects: not subject to local zoning in certain cases; sunset provided [Sec. 1921e] -  Act 28
Comprehensive planning revisions -  Act 372
Farmland Preservation Program, credit, and tax relief revisions; planning and zoning provisions; accessory use allowed [for section numbers, see entry under ``Farmland preservation"] -  Act 28
landlord and tenantLandlord and tenant
Carbon monoxide detector requirements for buildings with one or two dwelling units, exceptions and building inspector provisions -  Act 158
Foreclosure action against rental property: tenant protections modified; WCCA provision modified [Sec. 3221d, e, 3222g, 3243c-f, 9309 (4c)] -  Act 28
Foreclosure action against residential rental property: protections for tenants created; notice, damages, and WCCA provisions [Sec. 847, 850, 9357 (3), (4), 9409 (2i)]  -  Act 2
Foreclosure reconveyance and foreclosure consultant regulations created; stay of eviction action provision; DATCP and AG duties; JRCCP report [Sec. 558, 717, 848, 849, 851, 852, 9357 (1), (2)] -  Act 2
Homeowner Eviction and Lien Protection program created in WHEDA; reports to JCF required; Comm.Dept appendix report [Sec. 7, 15, 762, 779] -  Act 2
Housing discrimination based on person's status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking prohibited; defense to action for eviction provision -  Act 95