U.W. System funding for Wisconsin Bioenergy Initiative, Wisconsin Institute of Sustainable Technology, and Innovation Entrepreneurship Institute; moneys from recycling and renewable energy fund; FTE authority [Sec. 262, 9154 (3g), (3q)] -  Act 28
public employee _ group insurancePublic employee — Group insurance
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified: insurance coverage required; definitions and minimum coverage provisions [Sec. 3138i, 3197r, w, 9326 (8L)]  -  Act 28
Colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; conditions and OCI and DHS duties -  Act 346
Contraceptives and related services: coverage by disability insurance policies required [Sec. 801t, 1463w, 2251w, 2297q, 2453tm, u, 3138g, 3198d, 9326 (9f), 9426 (3f)]  -  Act 28
Domestic partnership: requirements for forming a legal relationship created; retirement and group insurance benefits; legislative public policy statement cited; JSCTE and JSCRS appendix reports [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family"] -  Act 28
Group health coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; referrals to nonphysicians, deductibles, out-of-pocket limit, and providing certain information to insured upon request provisions; equal coverage requirement exceptions -  Act 218
Health care providers and insurers required to disclose to consumer upon request information re median billed charge for certain health services, specified charge information for the most frequent presenting conditions, and public information regarding quality of health care services; DHS duties and hospital and forfeiture provisions -  Act 146
Insurance coverage of services provided by licensed mental health professionals: laws modified; provisions re grievance resolution, patient rights, and treatment records [Sec. 1424g, 1427r, 1431d, 1443f-k, 2995p, 3137r, 3197r-t, 9326 (9q), (10q)] [2995p — vetoed] -  Act 28
public employee _ hours of laborPublic employee — Hours of labor, see also Hours of labor
Contractual services during a hiring freeze or furloughed period: restrictions created; exception re SPD use of private attorneys [Sec. 104L] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Furlough of U.W. System faculty and academic staff during 2009-11 biennium required [Sec. 9154 (3r)]  -  Act 28
Mandatory temporary reduction of public employees' work hours or days (July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011): treatment of earnings for WRS purposes stipulated [Sec. 772r, 775h, 779d] -  Act 28
public employee _ labor unionPublic employee — Labor union, see also Collective bargaining
Assistant district attorneys bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 51
Grievance arbitration or fair-share agreement ended during contract negotiation made a prohibited practice under MERA  -  Act 21
Professional engineering bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 194
Professional research, statistics, and analysis bargaining unit: 2007-09 contract ratification -  Act 52
State employees covered by SELRA and U.W. System faculty and academic staff: unfair labor practice for employers to use moneys received to discourage employees from exercising their collective bargaining rights; academic freedom provision -  Act 289
U.W. Madison and Extension program, project, and teaching assistants: 2007-09 contract ratification  -  Act 53
U.W. System faculty and academic staff provided collective bargaining rights similar to SELRA [Sec. 4, 9, 84, 102, 165-167, 320, 321, 598, 633-638, 660, 662, 663, 738, 777, 784-792, 805, 813-815, 2255, 2481, 2484, 2488-2490, 2493] [2255 — partial veto] -  Act 28
U.W. System research assistants: collective bargaining rights under SELRA provided [Sec. 2242s, 2243d-t, 2254L, 9416 (1g)] [2254L — partial veto]  -  Act 28
public employee _ salaryPublic employee — Salary, see also Public employee — Labor union
Assistant DAs and assistant SPDs: compensation provisions [Sec. 535s, 542m, 598m, 2252m, 2443m, 3400p-v, 9413 (1u), 9430 (2u), 9438 (1u)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
public employee _ travel provisionsPublic employee — Travel provisions
Court interpreter mileage reimbursement raised [Sec. 3205, 3234-3236] -  Act 28
Legislative service agency employees' out-of-state travel prohibited without written approval of Senate Committee on Organization and Speaker of the Assembly [Sec. 9131 (3q)]  -  Act 28
Customer access to toilet facility for use by employees of a retail establishment: persons with certain medical conditions allowed to use under set conditions; forfeiture, civil liability immunity, forged statement, and ID card provisions  -  Act 198
HIV testing consent provisions and disclosure of results revised; penalty and DHS duties -  Act 209
public inland lake managementPublic inland lake management, see Lakes
Adult literacy grants: maximum amount eliminated [Sec. 2255m] -  Act 28
Cooperative research on education programs and statewide student data system: DPI, U.W. System, TCS, and Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to enter into written agreement; privacy and exception provisions -  Act 59
Driver education grant program: DPI to submit proposal with 2011-13 budget request [Sec. 9139 (5x)]  -  Act 28
Federal economic stimulus funds for education: new appropriation created, DPI to expend [Sec. 247, 248, 9439 (1)]  -  Act 28
General school aids: revision re federal funding and aid adjustments relating to base funding reduction [Sec. 9139 (1j)] [partial veto] -  Act 28
Grants for improving pupil academic achievement: MPS to apply to DPI instead of DOA -  Act 58
High school agriculture courses that meet certain DPI criteria count as science credit -  Act 114
Human resources functions in executive branch agencies: DOA to evaluate; consolidation procedures; transfers to OSER, certain exceptions provided; report required [Sec. 596, 597, 2483, 2485, 9101 (8c)] [2483 — partial veto]  -  Act 28
Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools Task Force: State Superintendent directed to establish; DPI, school boards, and MPCP duties -  Act 96
Library aid funding from universal service fund; use for contracts with providers for specialized library services authorized [Sec. 251-253, 818-822, 2461, 2463]  -  Act 28
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants, DPI duty set; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position  -  Act 293
MPCP funding: DPI, MPS Board, and City of Milwaukee duties [Sec. 241d, 2295m, 2301g, j, x, 2311d]  -  Act 28
MPCP: private schools to pay nonrefundable fee when applying to participate; DPI use of fees specified [Sec. 239, 2278, 2291, 9139 (3), (4)] -  Act 28
Normal school fund income designated for environmental programs and financial aid [Sec. 240b, 261w, 665s, 747rm, 9139 (2c)] -  Act 28
Project Lead the Way grants: award date extended [Sec. 250] -  Act 28
Pupil records: DPI confidentiality requirement eliminated; federal regulations permit disclosure of certain information to the educational agency that disclosed the information to DPI -  Act 11
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent and DPI duties specified -  Act 250
SAGE contracts revision re reduced class size; state aid formula modified -  Act 301
School closings and reopenings: school board required to notify DPI -  Act 305
School district grants to Pepin Area, Cochrane-Fountain City, and Plum City; DPI may not encumber after certain date [Sec. 244f, 9139 (9i)] -  Act 28
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure; additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils re DPI training and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian -  Act 160
School safety plan criteria specified and required of public and private schools; DPI to develop model policy on bullying, school board requirements; Bullying Awareness Day designated; pupil records confidentiality and disclosure provisions -  Act 309
State aid to school districts from ARRA funds -  Act 11
State school aid: set amount lapsed to general fund; DPI to use additional ARRA funds to make June 2009 payment to school districts -  Act 23
Tribal language revitalization grants created; funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 246, 580, 2257]  -  Act 28
Tribal schools, pupils, and staff: providing benefits and protections similar to those provided to private schools, pupils, and staff -  Act 302
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars Program modifications [Sec. 763-770, 3411, 9101 (5), 9301 (2)]  -  Act 28
public landPublic land, see also State park
ATV and snowmobile operation on public property prohibited if posted as closed to those vehicles; consent to use certain off-highway vehicles on private or public property created, definition provision -  Act 252
Movable soccer goal safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish -  Act 390
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and places of employment, exceptions specified; certain existing exceptions eliminated; smoking in private clubs, sports arenas, and bus shelters specifically prohibited; enforcement by person in charge required; definitions; local ordinance provision re public property and entrance to certain establishments, such as restaurants  -  Act 12
Stewardship program directory by DNR of lands purchased: requirement deleted, made an Internet application; report on newly purchased lands which restrict access (and reason for restriction) continued and changed to annual [Sec. 664xg-xw] -  Act 28
public land _ salePublic land — Sale
Sale of certain state-owned property: provisions re 2005 WisAct 25 and 2007 WisAct 20 modified; sunset provided [Sec. 3406] -  Act 28
public lands, board of commissioners ofPublic Lands, Board of Commissioners of
BCPL loan program changes [Sec. 20-28, 72] -  Act 2
Local Professional Baseball Park District: loans by BCPL authorized [Sec. 665b-r] -  Act 28
Normal school fund income designated for environmental programs and financial aid [Sec. 240b, 261w, 665s, 747rm, 9139 (2c)] -  Act 28
public liabilityPublic liability, see also Claims; Worker's compensation
City and village laws revisions -  Act 173
Enhanced 911 grant program, surcharge, and advisory council created; requirements set [Sec. 40w, 225d, 665su, 681i, 1835dr, 1836er, 1849w, 2572hb-hy, 2573b-h, 9141 (1j), (2j), 9341 (1j), 9441 (1j)(b), (2j)] [vetoed] -  AB-75
Minnesota employees re Executive Order #272: liability and legal protections; sunset provided [Sec. 9157 (2f)]  -  Act 28
public libraryPublic library, see Libraries
public notaryPublic notary, see Notary public
public officersPublic officers, see also Legislature — Member; specific title
John Doe proceedings re state officer or employee: procedures revised; DA authority; judicial discretion over scope of examination and special prosecutors; protections and payment of attorney fees and costs -  Act 24
Medical malpractice: notice requirement revised re civil actions against local governments, political corporations, volunteer fire companies, and their officers, agents, or employees, and state officers -  Act 278
public ownershipPublic ownership, see Public utility
public recordPublic record
Public records: revisions re obtaining copies and fees charged by private person under contract with a governmental unit; land information record requests provision  -  Act 370
Asbestos claims filed against a successor corporation; liability provisions [Sec. 3283g, 9309 (3f), 9409 (2f)]  -  Act 28
Asbestos inspection fee changes [Sec. 2644-2648] -  Act 28
Bittering agent added to engine coolant and antifreeze required; exceptions, penalty, and civil liability immunity provisions -  Act 381
Carbon monoxide detector requirements for buildings with one or two dwelling units, exceptions and building inspector provisions -  Act 158