Five-year-old kindergarten made a prerequisite to first grade in public and charter schools; exemption provision; school board and charter school operator duties; enrolling eligible child in 1st grade who did not complete kindergarten because of exemption or recent move to Wisconsin -  Act 41
High school agriculture courses that meet certain DPI criteria count as science credit -  Act 114
High school diploma awarded to veterans expanded to include person 55 years or older with service-connected disability -  Act 208
History of organized labor and the collective bargaining process incorporated into model academic standards for social studies -  Act 99
Lifesaving skills instruction in CPR and CCR and about AEDs in the high school grades: public, private, and charter schools required to offer -  Act 273
Low-performing school districts and schools: State Superintendent to determine and may intervene under certain conditions; school board authority specified; tenure and permanent employment for principals and assistant principals prohibited; performance evaluations, professional development, instructional design, master facilities plan, alternative routes to graduation, parent survey, and STEM pilot program for grades K-5 provisions; school district may request a hearing if state aid is withheld -  Act 215
MPCP laws revised [Sec. 2259, 2265, 2266, 2267-2269, 2271, 2272, 2273, 2276v-2277, 2279-2285c, 2286-2290k, 3335, 9139 (4r), 9339 (4q)-(5u)] -  Act 28
Project Lead the Way grants: award date extended [Sec. 250] -  Act 28
Standardized examinations of pupils: results used to evaluate teacher performance permitted; school board to develop a teacher evaluation plan, collective bargaining provision -  Act 60
school _ buildingSchool — Building
Energy conservation standards for the construction of certain buildings, LEED certification for public building projects, graywater and rainwater systems; DOA, Building Commission, and Comm.Dept duties; report and lease provisions [vetoed] -  SB-616
Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools Task Force: State Superintendent directed to establish; DPI, school boards, and MPCP duties -  Act 96
MPS school construction projects: requirements re federal economic stimulus funds [Sec. 9139 (7u)] [partial veto]  -  Act 28
Revenue limits adjusted re school safety equipment, security officers, school nurses, energy efficiency, and pupil transportation costs [Sec. 2258m, n, 2276m, 2297m, n, 2315z-2318, 9139 (2x), 9339 (6)] -  Act 28
school _ consolidation or reorganizationSchool — Consolidation or reorganization
Equalization aid calculation for consolidation districts [Sec. 2299g, r, 9339 (7i)] -  Act 28
Revenue limit of consolidated school district: calculation revision [Sec. 2315m, 9339 (2)] -  Act 28
School district consolidation: alternative timelines provided -  Act 307
school _ conveyance of pupilSchool — Conveyance of pupil
Private school transportation provided through parent contracts [Sec. 2302p, t, 9339 (8x)] -  Act 28
Revenue limits adjusted re school safety equipment, security officers, school nurses, energy efficiency, and pupil transportation costs [Sec. 2258m, n, 2276m, 2297m, n, 2315z-2318, 9139 (2x), 9339 (6)] -  Act 28
school _ disciplineSchool — Discipline
School safety plan criteria specified and required of public and private schools; DPI to develop model policy on bullying, school board requirements; Bullying Awareness Day designated; pupil records confidentiality and disclosure provisions -  Act 309
school _ employeeSchool — Employee, see also Teacher
Educational support personnel retirement benefits under WRS revised; JSCRS appendix report [Sec. 795, 796, 9315 (1e), (1f)] -  Act 28
Low-performing school districts and schools: State Superintendent to determine and may intervene under certain conditions; school board authority specified; tenure and permanent employment for principals and assistant principals prohibited; performance evaluations, professional development, instructional design, master facilities plan, alternative routes to graduation, parent survey, and STEM pilot program for grades K-5 provisions; school district may request a hearing if state aid is withheld -  Act 215
Preparation time during school day made a mandatory subject of collective bargaining under MERA in school districts  -  Act 34
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law: ``institutional investor" definition limited re securities transaction exemption for certain school district employee benefit plans  -  Act 345
school _ financeSchool — Finance, see also School — State aid
BCPL loan program changes [Sec. 20-28, 72] -  Act 2
Chequamegon School District: grant for distance learning lab [Sec. 244r, 9139 (6i)] -  Act 28
Global Academy school consortium in Dane County: program planning and development grant [Sec. 244g, 9139 (5i)]  -  Act 28
Low-performing school districts and schools: State Superintendent to determine and may intervene under certain conditions; school board authority specified; tenure and permanent employment for principals and assistant principals prohibited; performance evaluations, professional development, instructional design, master facilities plan, alternative routes to graduation, parent survey, and STEM pilot program for grades K-5 provisions; school district may request a hearing if state aid is withheld -  Act 215
Normal school fund income designated for environmental programs and financial aid [Sec. 240b, 261w, 665s, 747rm, 9139 (2c)] -  Act 28
Open enrollment hold harmless payments re pupil transfers [Sec. 242d, 2274t, 2309, 9339 (7j)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Pepin Area School District: grants for distance learning lab and technology improvements [Sec. 244f, 9139 (9i)]  -  Act 28
Revenue ceiling re 2011-12 and beyond: low per pupil ceiling set [Sec. 2312d] -  Act 28
Revenue limit determination: all federal economic stimulus funds included in district's aid amount [Sec. 2309-2311, 2312, 9339 (7)] -  Act 28
Revenue limit of consolidated school district: calculation revision [Sec. 2315m, 9339 (2)] -  Act 28
Revenue limit per pupil adjustment for 2009-10 and 2010-11 [Sec. 1815m, 2313b-2315L, 2315o-y, 2318b, 3405s]  -  Act 28
Revenue limits adjusted re school safety equipment, security officers, school nurses, energy efficiency, and pupil transportation costs [Sec. 2258m, n, 2276m, 2297m, n, 2315z-2318, 9139 (2x), 9339 (6)] -  Act 28
School district grants to Pepin Area, Cochrane-Fountain City, and Plum City; DPI may not encumber after certain date [Sec. 244f, 9139 (9i)] -  Act 28
Tribal language revitalization grants created; funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 246, 580, 2257]  -  Act 28
school _ health programSchool — Health program
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer if it provides medically accurate information and addresses specified topics including marriage and parental responsibilities, the sex offender registry, and criminal penalties for crimes against children; notification required if not offered; instruction by volunteer health care provider, definitions, and State Superintendent duties  -  Act 134
Race-based team names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent and DPI duties specified -  Act 250
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure; additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils re DPI training and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian -  Act 160
``Seal-a-Smile" school-based dental sealant program: DHS duty re federal funding [Sec. 9122 (5u)]  -  Act 28
school _ lunchSchool — Lunch
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants, DPI duty set; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position  -  Act 293
school _ state aidSchool — State aid, see also School — Finance
Equalization aid calculation for consolidation districts [Sec. 2299g, r, 9339 (7i)] -  Act 28
Federal economic stimulus funds for education: new appropriation created, DPI to expend [Sec. 247, 248, 9439 (1)]  -  Act 28
General school aids: revision re federal funding and aid adjustments relating to base funding reduction [Sec. 9139 (1j)] [partial veto] -  Act 28
High-poverty school district aid and calculation revisions [Sec. 2301p-v] -  Act 28
Low-performing school districts and schools: State Superintendent to determine and may intervene under certain conditions; school board authority specified; tenure and permanent employment for principals and assistant principals prohibited; performance evaluations, professional development, instructional design, master facilities plan, alternative routes to graduation, parent survey, and STEM pilot program for grades K-5 provisions; school district may request a hearing if state aid is withheld -  Act 215
MPCP funding: DPI, MPS Board, and City of Milwaukee duties [Sec. 241d, 2295m, 2301g, j, x, 2311d]  -  Act 28
MPCP payments to schools barred from the program: laws modified [Sec. 244s, 2295g, h, 9439 (3c)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
MPCP per pupil payment: maximum set [Sec. 2273bd, 2285d-s, 2291d] -  Act 28
MPS payment for pupils from closed choice schools [Sec. 244t, 2285s, x] -  Act 28
MPS pupil membership re calculation of equalization aid revised [Sec. 2297t, 2298k-s, 2308m, 9339 (8e)]  -  Act 28
Open enrollment hold harmless payments re pupil transfers [Sec. 242d, 2274t, 2309, 9339 (7j)] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Project Lead the Way grants: award date extended [Sec. 250] -  Act 28
Revenue limit determination: all federal economic stimulus funds included in district's aid amount [Sec. 2309-2311, 2312, 9339 (7)] -  Act 28
SAGE contracts revision re reduced class size; state aid formula modified -  Act 301
Sparsity aid: per pupil amount increased [Sec. 2256t] -  Act 28
State aid to school districts from ARRA funds -  Act 11
State school aid: set amount lapsed to general fund; DPI to use additional ARRA funds to make June 2009 payment to school districts -  Act 23
school _ taxationSchool — Taxation, see Property tax
school crossingSchool crossing, see Road — Marking
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics _stem_ programScience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) program, see School — Branches of instruction
seager, russellSeager, Russell
Life and military service commended [AJR-107] -  JR-30
seaplaneSeaplane, see Aviation
securities _ commissioner, office ofSecurities — Commissioner, Office of
Securities trading fees increased [Sec. 2997-3002, 9317 (1), (2)] -  Act 28
securities _ regulationSecurities — Regulation
Securities trading fees increased [Sec. 2997-3002, 9317 (1), (2)] -  Act 28
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law: ``institutional investor" definition limited re securities transaction exemption for certain school district employee benefit plans  -  Act 345
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law violations: penalty enhancer created if victim is at least 65 years of age; Division of Securities authority re civil enforcement; JRCCP report  -  Act 196
securities, division ofSecurities, Division of