Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law violations: penalty enhancer created if victim is at least 65 years of age; Division of Securities authority re civil enforcement; JRCCP report  -  Act 196
securities, division ofSecurities, Division of
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law violations: penalty enhancer created if victim is at least 65 years of age; Division of Securities authority re civil enforcement; JRCCP report  -  Act 196
Seed labeling, amount of noxious weed seed in agricultural and vegetable seeds, and designation of noxious weeds: laws revised; Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association certification of weed free mulch, hay, and straw [Sec. 184, 1978-2019, 9103 (3), 9403 (1)] -  Act 28
seized propertySeized property, see Forfeiture
sellers_ permitSellers' permit, see Sales
selra _state employment labor relations act_SELRA (State Employment Labor Relations Act), see Public employee — Labor union
Airgun and crossbow use for hunting under certain licenses authorized -  Act 119
Assisted living facility in Kenosha County: feasibility study; DVA Secretary duty re county's share of costs [Sec. 551w, 9155 (2q)] -  Act 28
CBRF, adult family homes, and adult day care centers: licensing and certification fee revisions [Sec. 1314, 1393, 1400, 1401] -  Act 28
Conduit revenue bonds: two or more political subdivisions authorized to create a commission to issue; AG duties; WHEDA and WHEFA bonds re affordable or elderly housing projects or health facility information technology projects provisions; JSCTE appendix report -  Act 205
Housing re low-income, retirement homes for the aged, WHEDA financed, or owned by nonprofit associations: property tax exemption provisions [Sec. 1515m, 1516d-h, 9143 (3d), 9343 (21cd)] -  Act 28
Independent living center appropriation base amount and other DHS funding modifications [Sec. 9122 (5w)]  -  Act 28
Minors under 12 years of age employed without a work permit by a nonprofit organization to perform snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and similar work around homes of elderly or persons with disabilities allowed under certain conditions -  Act 92
Nonresident archer hunting license: hunting with a crossbow permitted if nonresident is age 65 or older  -  Act 48
Persons serving bifurcated sentence: procedure for release on extended supervision in certain cases; notice to sentencing court, which may modify or deny; provision re elderly or terminally ill inmates [Sec. 2726, 2729j-2739p, 3222, 3286, 3360n, 3362, 3395g, r, 3400, 9311 (2), 9411 (2u)] [2739, 9411 (2u) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Residential care apartment complexes: ombudsman may advocate for residents; posting of notice re BOALTC ombudsman program required [Sec. 50, 1397] -  Act 28
Tribal elderly transportation grant program created; funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 294, 579, 587, 1938]  -  Act 28
TROs and injunctions re domestic abuse, child abuse, adult at risk, or harassment: petition law revisions  -  Act 262
WHEDA property tax deferral loan for persons over age 65: maximum loan amount increased -  Act 199
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law violations: penalty enhancer created if victim is at least 65 years of age; Division of Securities authority re civil enforcement; JRCCP report  -  Act 196
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  Act 261
Child safety alarm required in certain vehicles used to transport children to and from a child care provider; DCF duties, emergency rule, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  -  Act 19
Child safety alarms in child care vehicles: certain effective dates re 2009 WisAct 19 modified [Sec. 3416g-j]  -  Act 28
Dog sellers, animal shelters, and animal control facilities: licensing requirements created; standard of care, penalties, and DATCP duties -  Act 90
Earned release, substance abuse treatment, and Challenge Incarceration Program revisions [Sec. 2700, 2701, 2702m-2708, 2710-2712, 9111 (12g)] [9111 (12g) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
Extended supervision discharge after two years: Corr.Dept authority created; notice to victims required; inmates sentenced to intensive sanctions excluded [Sec. 3378r, 3381, 9311 (4), 9411 (2u)] -  Act 28
Extended supervision revocation: reviewing authority to determine length of imprisonment; six-month limitation for returns to prison; rules to define ``substantial risk to public safety" [Sec. 2724h, 2726-2728, 9311 (4q)] [2726, 2728, 9311 (4q) — partial veto; 2724h, 2726h, p — vetoed]  -  Act 28
Home detention placement of prisoners: authority revised; certain exclusions provided [Sec. 2740c-w]  -  Act 28
OWI law revisions re court ordered ignition interlock device, eligibility for an occupational license, first offense provisions, increased penalties, felony crimes, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, revocation, trial court sentencing authority, and fee increases; court may not release certain persons after conviction but before sentencing -  Act 100
Persons serving bifurcated sentence: procedure for release on extended supervision in certain cases; notice to sentencing court, which may modify or deny; provision re elderly or terminally ill inmates [Sec. 2726, 2729j-2739p, 3222, 3286, 3360n, 3362, 3395g, r, 3400, 9311 (2), 9411 (2u)] [2739, 9411 (2u) — partial veto] -  Act 28
Pre-release transition facility: Corr.Dept to designate Felmers Chaney Correctional Center [Sec. 2671m] [vetoed]  -  AB-75
Reckless bodily harm to a child: penalty revised; JRCCP report  -  Act 308
Sentence adjustment for certain felonies; Parole Commission renamed the Earned Release Review Commission [Sec. 25, 27, 34, 161, 311, 312, 661, 2487, 2666, 2668, 2672, 2673, 2699m, 2702, 2709, 2714-2725, 2729, 2740, 2742-2748, 2750-2772, 3228, 3286, 3339L-p, 3360, 3361, 3376p-3378, 3381, 3382, 3383, 3387t, 3396, 3397, 9311 (2), (4), 9411 (2u)] [2699m, 2722, 2751, 3377, 9311 (4), 9411 (2u) — partial veto; 2724h, 3376p, 3382, 3383 — vetoed] -  Act 28
Sentencing guidelines adopted by the Sentencing Commission and court explanation of sentences to offenders: requirements revised [Sec. 3381m, 3386m, 3387m]  -  Act 28
Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law violations: penalty enhancer created if victim is at least 65 years of age; Division of Securities authority re civil enforcement; JRCCP report  -  Act 196
sentencing commissionSentencing Commission
Sentencing guidelines adopted by the Sentencing Commission and court explanation of sentences to offenders: requirements revised [Sec. 3381m, 3386m, 3387m]  -  Act 28
service of process and papersService of process and papers, see also Subpoena
Proof of financial responsibility re motor vehicle accident: policy or bond issued by insurer not authorized to do business in this state does not have to execute a power of attorney authorizing DOT to accept service of process (remedial legislation) -  Act 244
sex crimesSex crimes
Appellate procedures integrated re commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect and commitments of sexually violent persons  -  Act 26
Chaperoning a sex offender: individual required to sign agreement notifying, in writing, any other person with whom the individual has a child of his or her intent to chaperone a sex offender; Corr.Dept civil liability immunity  -  Act 257
Child abuse or neglect cases: public disclosure of certain information required re child fatality or near fatality, suicide, egregious abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse by caregiver; exceptions and report provision -  Act 78
Child care provider: prohibition from being licensed, certified, or contracted with re conviction or adjudicated delinquent of specified crimes; frequency of criminal history search increased, sex offender registry provision; revocation or suspension of license, certification, or contract required re conviction of or pending serious criminal charges, W-2 payment provision; fraudulent W-2 activity reporting requirements; ineligibility for Wisconsin Shares child care subsidies and use of recovered funds to detect fraud  -  Act 76
Chiropractor examinations and regulation of technicians and radiological technicians modified; provisions re fees, loan default, sexual misconduct, continuing education, and claims for waived insurance [Sec. 226, 226m, 2994eg, er, mnag, mnar, 2995ib-igm, ihm-ir, 9142 (1f), (1g), 9342 (1m), 9442 (1f), (1g)] [2994mnag, mnar, 2995iem, iom — partial veto; 2995if, inm, ip-ir — vetoed] -  Act 28
Crime victim compensation award funding re victim and witness assistance, sexual assault victim services, and county programs [Sec. 537-538c, 3388-3391c, 9430 (1j)]  -  Act 28
DNA evidence connected to certain felonies: time limit for commencing prosecution revised; reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 60 and 276 -  Act 203
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child or under 19 years of age and not more than 4 years older than the child; JRCCP report -  Act 202
GPS lifetime tracking of sex offenders [Sec. 2693-2699] -  Act 28
Housing discrimination based on person's status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking prohibited; defense to action for eviction provision -  Act 95
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer if it provides medically accurate information and addresses specified topics including marriage and parental responsibilities, the sex offender registry, and criminal penalties for crimes against children; notification required if not offered; instruction by volunteer health care provider, definitions, and State Superintendent duties  -  Act 134
Martial arts instruction to a minor for a fee without a license prohibited; DRL licensing duties; DOJ to conduct background checks on applicants, disqualifying offenses specified  -  Act 130
Sex offender registrants required to provide email accounts and Internet addresses of every Web site maintained by the registrant for personal or household use and all Internet user names -  Act 131
Sexual assault victims: court prohibited from ordering a psychiatric evaluation as a condition of giving testimony, defense cannot compel a pretrial interview or deposition, admissibility of sexual conduct in civil action seeking damages  -  Act 138
``Sexual intercourse" definition expanded re the crime of incest; JRCCP report -  Act 13
Sexually violent person in DHS custody: court appointed examiner for annual examination and DHS escort specified re supervised release (remedial legislation)  -  Act 248
Visual representation of nude person without person's consent: court may order person convicted of to register with Corr.Dept as a sex offender; juvenile and person found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect provisions  -  Act 137
sexual assaultSexual assault, see Sex crimes
sexually transmitted disease _std_Sexually transmitted disease (STD), see Venereal disease
shared revenueShared revenue
Expenditure Restraint Program: ARRA moneys excluded from municipal budget comparisons -  Act 11
Expenditure Restraint Program: budget test modifications [Sec. 1900d, h, 9143 (2q)] -  Act 28
Shared revenue reduction allocation [Sec. 1893, 1894, 1898-1900] -  Act 28
Stanley, City of: supplemental aid payment provided [Sec. 1893, 9143 (3c)] -  Act 28
Wireless 911 fund revisions re shared revenue and certain distributions [Sec. 617, 619, 1895, 2573]  -  Act 28
sheboygan, city ofSheboygan, City of
Eisner Avenue project in Sheboygan County: DOT to award discretionary grants from local roads improvement program; local match provision [Sec. 9150 (10g)] -  Act 28
TID number 6 in City of Sheboygan and TID number 18 in City of Waukesha: provisions modified and DOR duties  -  Act 176
sheboygan countySheboygan County
Eisner Avenue project in Sheboygan County: DOT to award discretionary grants from local roads improvement program; local match provision [Sec. 9150 (10g)] -  Act 28
sheboygan, town ofSheboygan, Town of, see Sheboygan County
Home detention placement of prisoners: authority revised; certain exclusions provided [Sec. 2740c-w]  -  Act 28
Sheriff or undersheriff authorized to depute a DMA security officer for certain purposes with approval of the Adjutant General; state employee status provisions -  Act 154
Structural collapse emergency response: establishment of regional structural collapse teams, standards specified; DEM duties set -  Act 43
TROs and injunctions re domestic abuse, child abuse, adult at risk, or harassment: petition law revisions  -  Act 262
Unclaimed personal property: sheriff may sell at public auction or on an Internet site -  Act 253
shetler, harrietShetler, Harriet