AB649-ASA1,114,2318 (a) "Annual net greenhouse gas emissions" means the amount of greenhouse
19gasses, measured as tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, emitted to the atmosphere by
20all sources and activities in this state in a year minus the amount of greenhouse
21gasses, measured as tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, removed from the atmosphere
22by all sources and activities , including by carbon sequestration, in this state in the
AB649-ASA1,115,224 (b) "Carbon dioxide equivalent" means the amount of carbon dioxide that has
25the equivalent radiative effect as a specified amount of a greenhouse gas, calculated

1by multiplying the specified amount of the greenhouse gas by its global warming
AB649-ASA1,115,43 (bm) "Carbon sequestration" means the long-term storage of carbon in water
4bodies, soil, vegetation, or geologic formations.
AB649-ASA1,115,65 (c) "Global warming potential" means the relative radiative effect of a
6greenhouse gas compared to the radiative effect of carbon dioxide.
AB649-ASA1,115,97 (d) "Greenhouse gas" means carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur
8hexafluoride, nitrogen trifluoride, a hydrofluorocarbon, a perfluorocarbon, or any
9other gas identified by the department under sub. (4).
AB649-ASA1,115,1110 (dm) "Radiative effect" means the capability of a gas in the atmosphere to
11absorb infrared radiation that is emitted from the earth's surface.
AB649-ASA1,115,1312 (e) "Renewable energy generation" means the generation of energy using a
13renewable resource, as defined in s. 196.374 (1) (j).
AB649-ASA1,115,1414 (f) "Zero net energy building" means one of the following:
AB649-ASA1,115,1615 1. A building that annually, based on a 3-year average, uses no more energy
16than is provided by on-site renewable energy generation.
AB649-ASA1,115,2017 2. One of 2 or more buildings that have an integrated system of energy supply
18and use and that together annually, based on a 3-year average, use no more energy
19than is provided by renewable energy generation that is part of the integrated
AB649-ASA1,115,23 21(2) Greenhouse gas emission reduction goals. (a) It is the goal of this state
22that annual net greenhouse gas emissions in 2014 are no greater than annual net
23greenhouse gas emissions in 2005.
AB649-ASA1,115,2524 (b) It is the goal of this state that annual net greenhouse gas emissions in 2022
25are at least 22 percent less than annual net greenhouse gas emissions in 2005.
1(c) It is the goal of this state that annual net greenhouse gas emissions in 2050
2and each year thereafter are at least 75 percent less than annual net greenhouse gas
3emissions in 2005.
AB649-ASA1,116,54 (d) It is the goal of this state to make continuous progress in reducing net
5greenhouse gas emissions in order to achieve the goals in pars. (a), (b), and (c).
AB649-ASA1,116,8 6(3) New building energy use goal. It is the goal of this state that, by 2030, all
7newly constructed residential and commercial buildings are zero net energy
AB649-ASA1,116,12 9(3m) Statewide energy conservation goals. (a) Electricity. It is the goal of
10this state to reduce the statewide consumption of electricity in each year by an
11amount not less than the product of the public service commission's projection of the
12statewide consumption of electricity for the year and the following percentages:
AB649-ASA1,116,1313 1. In 2011, 1 percent.
AB649-ASA1,116,1414 2. In 2012, 1.25 percent.
AB649-ASA1,116,1515 3. In 2013, 1.5 percent.
AB649-ASA1,116,1616 4. In 2014, 1.75 percent.
AB649-ASA1,116,1717 5. In 2015 and each year thereafter, 2 percent.
AB649-ASA1,116,2118 (am) Small scale renewable facilities. It is the goal of this state that by 2025
19at least 1 percent of the renewable energy, as defined in s. 196.378 (1r) (fg), produced
20in this state annually is derived from renewable facilities, as defined in s. 196.378
21(1r) (g), that are designed for nominal operation at a capacity of 10 megawatts or less.
AB649-ASA1,117,222 (b) Liquified petroleum gas, heating oil, and natural gas. It is the goal of this
23state to reduce the statewide consumption of liquified petroleum gas, heating oil, and
24natural gas in each year by an amount not less than the product of the public service

1commission's projection of statewide consumption of liquified petroleum gas, heating
2oil, and natural gas for the year and the following percentages:
AB649-ASA1,117,33 1. In 2011, 0.5 percent.
AB649-ASA1,117,44 2. In 2012, 0.75 percent.
AB649-ASA1,117,55 3. In 2013 and each year thereafter, 1 percent.
AB649-ASA1,117,7 6(4) Rule making. The department may promulgate rules identifying additional
7gasses as greenhouse gasses.
AB649-ASA1,117,10 8(5) Information and analyses. (a) Emission and sequestration information.
9The department shall periodically collect or estimate information concerning all of
10the following:
AB649-ASA1,117,1311 1. Amounts of greenhouse gas emissions from sectors of this state's economy,
12including from stationary and mobile sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and from
13natural systems in this state associated with various types of land uses.
AB649-ASA1,117,1514 2. Amounts of carbon sequestered by natural systems in this state associated
15with various types of land uses.
AB649-ASA1,117,2216 (b) Comprehensive accounting system. 1. As part of its activities under par. (a),
17the department shall develop and maintain a comprehensive accounting system to
18estimate the net annual emissions of greenhouse gases from natural systems in this
19state in 2005 and changes in these emissions in subsequent years due to significant
20changes in land cover or in the management of land. The department shall ensure
21that the system identifies greenhouse gas emissions for at least agricultural,
22forestry, grassland, wetland, urban, and suburban land uses.
AB649-ASA1,118,223 2. The department shall design and operate the system under subd. 1. to
24produce statistically valid data, for use in each of the assessments under sub. (6), that
25can be used to estimate the emissions and changes in emissions specified in subd. 1.

1and to provide information for the smallest land areas consistent with economic
2practicality, but in no case larger than a county.
AB649-ASA1,118,43 3. The department shall include a land cover database in the system under
4subd. 1.
AB649-ASA1,118,85 4. The department may design and operate the system under subd. 1. to serve
6other purposes, including use in climate change programs related to public
7education, the management and supply of bioenergy feedstocks, and sustainable
8forest management.
AB649-ASA1,118,149 (c) Inventories and analyses. The department shall periodically prepare
10inventories and analyses of the information collected or estimated under par. (a) that
11include inventories of greenhouse gas emissions from man-made sources in 2005
12and of net greenhouse gas emissions from natural systems in 2005 and trends in
13greenhouse gas emissions from man-made sources and of net greenhouse gas
14emissions from natural systems adjusted for all of the following:
AB649-ASA1,118,1615 1. Meteorological, economic, and other variable factors that cause significant
16deviations from normal trends.
AB649-ASA1,118,1817 2. Changes in energy use, fuel composition, and other factors likely to
18permanently affect future emissions, or sequestration, of greenhouse gases.
AB649-ASA1,118,2519 (d) Emission reporting requirements. 1. The department shall promulgate a
20rule to revise the air contaminant emissions reporting requirements under ss. 285.17
21and 299.15 (1) and (2) in effect on the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB
22inserts date], to set the reporting level for carbon dioxide at 10,000 tons per year and
23to require a person owning or operating a stationary source who is required to report
24carbon dioxide emissions to also report methane and nitrous oxide emissions from
25the combustion of a solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel.
12. After it complies with subd. 1., the department may promulgate a rule that
2modifies the reporting requirements described in subd. 1.
AB649-ASA1,119,3 3(5m) Emissions from transportation use. (a) In this subsection:
AB649-ASA1,119,54 1. "Metropolitan planning organization" has the meaning given in 23 USC 134
5(b) (2).
AB649-ASA1,119,76 2. "Transportation use" does not include the construction or maintenance of
7vehicles or of infrastructure related to any mode of transportation.
AB649-ASA1,119,108 (b) The department of natural resources and the department of transportation
9jointly, with the assistance of metropolitan planning organizations, shall do all of the
AB649-ASA1,119,1511 1. Periodically estimate annual amounts of greenhouse gas emissions
12generated by transportation use in this state, by mode of transportation, and predict
13amounts of greenhouse gas emissions that will be generated by transportation use
14in this state, by mode of transportation, 5, 10, and 15 years after the year for which
15the estimate is made.
AB649-ASA1,119,2016 2. Base the estimate and predictions under subd. 1. on transportation plans of
17this state and metropolitan planning organizations, state and federal laws, trends
18in the use of each mode of transportation, other factors used in emission modeling
19conducted for the purpose of preparing state implementation plans under 42 USC
, and other relevant factors identified by the departments.
AB649-ASA1,119,2221 3. Select the most appropriate method for making the estimate and predictions
22under subd. 1.
AB649-ASA1,119,2523 4. No later than July 1, 2011, and every 2 years thereafter, submit a report on
24the estimates and predictions under subd. 1. to the climate change coordinating
1(c) The department of transportation shall make available on its Internet site
2the reports under par. (b) 4. or a link to those reports on the Internet site under sub.
AB649-ASA1,120,9 4(6) Quadrennial assessment. No later than March 1, 2014, and every 4 years
5thereafter, the department shall prepare an assessment of the changes in net
6greenhouse gas emissions in this state and of public and private climate change goals
7and programs, based on the inventories and analyses under sub. (5) (c) and other
8relevant information. In the assessment, the department shall address at least all
9of the following:
AB649-ASA1,120,1110 (a) Whether this state is achieving the applicable greenhouse gas emission
11reduction goal under sub. (2) (a), (b), or (c).
AB649-ASA1,120,1312 (b) Whether this state is making continuous progress in reducing net
13greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the goal in sub. (2) (d).
AB649-ASA1,120,1614 (c) If this state is not achieving the applicable greenhouse gas emission
15reduction goal or is not likely to achieve its future greenhouse gas emission reduction
16goals, proposals for alternative programs for meeting the goals.
AB649-ASA1,120,2017 (d) Whether any state or local governmental climate change goal or
18nonregulatory program should be modified to make the program more effective at
19reducing net greenhouse gas emissions or mitigating the effects of climate change or
20less costly to implement.
AB649-ASA1,120,2421 (e) Whether any state or local governmental climate change goal or
22nonregulatory program should be modified or created to respond to a new federal
23initiative relating to climate change or a new scientific understanding of climate
24change processes or effects.
1(f) Estimates of the likely reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions and of
2the effects on energy use in this state and on the state's economy associated with each
3new program or program change analyzed under pars. (c) to (e).
AB649-ASA1,121,6 4(7) Consultation and assistance. (a) The department shall consult with the
5climate change coordinating council in fulfilling its duties under subs. (4), (5), and
AB649-ASA1,121,87 (b) Other state agencies shall assist the department to the fullest extent
8possible in fulfilling its duties under subs. (4), (5), (6), and (10).
AB649-ASA1,121,10 9(8) Public review. The department shall provide an opportunity for public
10review and comment on all of the following:
AB649-ASA1,121,1111 (a) The inventories under sub. (5) (c).
AB649-ASA1,121,1312 (b) The methodologies used under sub. (6) to estimate the effects of policies and
13other factors on changes in net emissions of greenhouse gases.
AB649-ASA1,121,1414 (c) The assessments under sub. (6).
AB649-ASA1,121,17 15(9) Policy review and report. (a) No later than June 1, 2014, and every 4 years
16thereafter, the climate change coordinating council shall submit a report to the
17legislature, under s. 13.172 (2), and to the governor on all of the following:
AB649-ASA1,121,2318 1. Whether this state is achieving the applicable greenhouse gas emission
19reduction goal in sub. (2) (a), (b), or (c), whether the state is making continuous
20progress in reducing net greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with sub. (2) (d),
21and whether this state is likely to achieve its future greenhouse gas emission
22reduction goals in sub. (2) and, if not, recommended changes in programs needed to
23achieve the goals.
AB649-ASA1,121,2524 2. Other recommended changes in state and local governmental climate change
25goals and programs.
13. The likely reductions in net greenhouse gas emissions and effects on energy
2use in this state and on the state's economy associated with each program change
3recommended under subds. 1. and 2.
AB649-ASA1,122,54 4. Whether any climate change goals should be modified and whether any new
5climate change goals should be created.
AB649-ASA1,122,106 (b) The climate change coordinating council shall base its report under par. (a)
7on the assessment under sub. (6) and other information received by the council and
8shall include in the report a summary of the assessments and reports related to
9climate change that state agencies are required to submit to the department or the
AB649-ASA1,122,16 11(10) Internet site. (a) The department, in consultation with the climate
12change coordinating council, and the administrator of the statewide energy
13efficiency and renewable resource programs under s. 196.374 (2) (a) 1., and other
14appropriate public and private entities providing educational and training programs
15on climate change to the public shall establish and maintain an Internet site on
16climate change.
AB649-ASA1,122,1817 (b) The department shall make all of the following available on the Internet site
18under par. (a):
AB649-ASA1,122,1919 1. The information under sub. (5) (a).
AB649-ASA1,122,2020 2. The inventories and analyses under sub. (5) (c).
AB649-ASA1,122,2121 3. The assessments under sub. (6).
AB649-ASA1,122,2222 4. The reports under sub. (9).
AB649-ASA1,122,2423 5. The assessments and reports related to climate change that state agencies
24are required to submit to the department or the climate change coordinating council.
AB649-ASA1, s. 299 25Section 299. 299.035 of the statutes is created to read:
1299.035 Climate change coordinating council. (1) Definition. In this
2section, "council" means the climate change coordinating council.
AB649-ASA1,123,3 3(2) Duties. (a) The council shall prepare reports under s. 299.03 (9).
AB649-ASA1,123,54 (b) The council shall assist state agencies in improving and coordinating their
5programs relating to climate change.
AB649-ASA1,123,116 (c) The council, in consultation with the administrator of the statewide energy
7efficiency and renewable resource programs under s. 196.374 (2) (a) 1., and other
8appropriate public and private entities providing educational and training programs
9on climate change to the public, shall promote and coordinate state educational and
10training programs related to climate change, including programs that provide
11information on all of the following:
AB649-ASA1,123,1312 1. State goals for the reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions and other
13related state goals for reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
AB649-ASA1,123,1514 2. Assessments, under s. 299.03 (6) and (9), of changes in net greenhouse gas
15emissions in this state and of state climate change goals and programs.
AB649-ASA1,123,1816 3. Activities by state agencies to meet goals for the reductions of their
17greenhouse gas emissions and to meet their related goals for energy efficiency and
18the use of energy derived from renewable sources.
AB649-ASA1,123,2019 4. State, local, and federal governmental programs related to or affecting
20climate change.
AB649-ASA1,123,2221 5. Actions that persons can take to reduce the amount of their greenhouse gas
AB649-ASA1,123,2423 6. Other significant mitigation and adaptation strategies that address climate
AB649-ASA1,123,2525 7. The causes and effects of climate change.
1(d) The council shall give priority under par. (a) to promoting and coordinating
2programs for students in kindergarten through 12th grade and to undergraduate
3and graduate students and their teachers.
AB649-ASA1,124,9 4(3) Subcommittees. The council may create subcommittees to assist in its
5work. The council may appoint to its subcommittees members of the council,
6employees of the agencies with members on the council, employees of other state
7agencies, representatives of counties and municipalities, and others. The council
8shall consider the need for subcommittees on the subjects within the scope of its
9duties under sub. (2) and other subjects determined to be appropriate by the council.
AB649-ASA1,124,11 10(4) Support. The state agencies with membership on the council and its
11subcommittees shall provide adequate staff to conduct the functions of the council.