AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,623 4. In an action that is commenced after the end of any period specified by the
24department under subd. 2., if the court finds that a contractor, subcontractor, or
25contractor's or subcontractor's agent has failed to pay the prevailing wage rate

1determined by the department under sub. (4) or has paid less than 1.5 times the
2hourly basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of the prevailing hours of labor,
3the court shall order the contractor, subcontractor, or agent to pay to any affected
4employee the amount of his or her unpaid wages or his or her unpaid overtime
5compensation and an additional amount equal to 200 percent of the amount of those
6unpaid wages or that unpaid overtime compensation as liquidated damages.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,117 5. No employee may be a party plaintiff to an action under subd. 3. or 4. unless
8the employee consents in writing to become a party and the consent is filed in the
9court in which the action is brought. Notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), the court shall,
10in addition to any judgment awarded to the plaintiff, allow reasonable attorney fees
11and costs to be paid by the defendant.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,13 12385. Page 717, line 23: delete "both on a" and substitute "both on a publicly
13funded private construction".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,15 14386. Page 718, line 8: delete "both on a" and substitute "both on a publicly
15funded private construction".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,16 16387. Page 720, line 11: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,17 17" Section 1487t. 66.1038 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,19 1866.1038 Milwaukee Transit Authority. (1) Definitions. In this section,
19"authority" means the Milwaukee Transit Authority created under this section.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,83,24 20(2) Creation. (a) There is created a Milwaukee Transit Authority, a public body
21corporate and politic and a separate governmental entity. The authority may
22transact business and exercise any powers granted to it under this section. The
23jurisdictional area of this authority is the geographic area formed by the territorial
24boundaries of Milwaukee County.
1(b) The Milwaukee County board, by resolution by a majority vote, may
2authorize Milwaukee County to be a member of the authority.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,8 3(3) Governance. (a) The powers of the authority shall be vested in its board
4of directors. Directors shall be appointed for 2-year terms. A majority of the board
5of directors' full authorized membership constitutes a quorum for the purpose of
6conducting the authority's business and exercising its powers. Action may be taken
7by the board of directors upon a vote of a majority of the directors present and voting,
8unless the bylaws of the authority require a larger number.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,99 (b) The board of directors of the authority consists of the following members:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,1110 1. Three members from Milwaukee County who are elected county officials,
11appointed by the Milwaukee County board chairperson.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,1312 2. Two members from the city of Milwaukee who are elected city officials,
13appointed by the mayor of the city of Milwaukee.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,1414 3. Two members from Milwaukee County, appointed by the governor.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,1615 (c) The bylaws of the authority shall govern its management, operations, and
16administration, consistent with the provisions of this section.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,84,25 17(4) Powers. (a) Notwithstanding s. 59.84 (2) and any other provision of this
18chapter or ch. 59 or 85, but subject to sub. (5), the authority may contract with
19Milwaukee County for the authority's provision of transit services within Milwaukee
20County if the contract is a long-term and ongoing contract. The authority shall have
21all powers necessary and convenient to carry out this purpose. Both the authority
22and Milwaukee County shall provide copies of all of their annual and long-term
23transit plans to the southeastern regional transit authority as these plans become
24available. The authority's powers shall be limited to those specified in this
25subsection and sub. (5).
1(5) Receipt of tax revenues. (a) Subject to par. (b), the authority may receive
2the tax revenues authorized under s. 77.70 (2).
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,43 (b) Milwaukee County may impose the taxes under s. 77.70 (2) if all of the
4following apply:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,65 1. The Milwaukee County board adopts a resolution under sub. (2) (b) to become
6a member of the authority.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,87 2. The Milwaukee County board contracts with the authority for the authority
8to provide transit services in Milwaukee County.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,14 9(6) Budgets; revenues; audit. The board of directors of the authority shall
10annually prepare a budget for the authority. Revenues of the authority shall be used
11only for the expenses and specific purposes of the authority. The authority shall
12maintain an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting
13principles and shall have its financial statements audited annually by an
14independent certified public accountant.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,19 15(7) Other statutes. This section does not limit the powers of political
16subdivisions to enter into intergovernmental cooperation or contracts or to establish
17separate legal entities under s. 66.0301 or 66.1021 or any other applicable law, or
18otherwise to carry out their powers under applicable statutory provisions. Section
1966.0803 (2) does not apply to the authority.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,20 20388. Page 721, line 20: delete lines 20 to 25.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,22 21389. Page 722, line 1: before "(b)" insert "(2) Creation of Transit
AB75-SSA1-CA1,85,23 23390. Page 723, line 4: after that line insert:
1"(c) Chippewa Valley regional transit authority. 1. The Chippewa Valley
2regional transit authority, a public body corporate and politic and a separate
3governmental entity, is created if the governing body of Eau Claire County adopts a
4resolution authorizing the county to become a member of the authority and the
5resolution is ratified by the electors at a referendum held in Eau Claire County. Once
6created, this authority may transact business and exercise any powers granted to it
7under this section.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,86,98 2. If an authority is created under subd. 1., any municipality located in whole
9or in part within Eau Claire County shall be a member of the authority.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,86,1310 3. After an authority is created under subd. 1., Chippewa County may join the
11authority created under subd. 1. if the governing body of Chippewa County adopts
12a resolution to join the authority and the resolution is ratified by the electors at a
13referendum held in Chippewa County.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,86,1614 4. If Chippewa County joins an authority as provided in subd. 3., any
15municipality located in whole or in part within Chippewa County shall be a member
16of the authority.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,86,2017 5. The jurisdictional area of the authority created under this subsection is the
18territorial boundaries of Eau Claire County or, if Chippewa County also joins the
19authority as provided in subd. 3., the combined territorial boundaries of Eau Claire
20County and Chippewa County.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,86,21 21391. Page 723, line 4: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,87,6 22"(e) Chequamegon Bay regional transit authority. 1. The Chequamegon Bay
23regional transit authority, a public body corporate and politic and a separate
24governmental entity, is created if the governing bodies of the counties of Ashland and

1Bayfield each adopt a resolution authorizing that county to become a member of the
2authority and each resolution is ratified by the electors at a referendum held in each
3county. Except as provided in subd. 2., once created, this authority shall consist of
4the counties of Ashland and Bayfield and any municipality located in whole or in part
5within these counties. Once created, this authority may transact business and
6exercise any powers granted to it under this section.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,87,137 2. After an authority is created under subd. 1., any county other than Ashland
8County or Bayfield County may join this authority if the governing body of the county
9adopts a resolution authorizing the county to become a member of the authority, the
10resolution is ratified by the electors at a referendum held in the county, and the board
11of directors of the authority approves the county's joinder. If a county becomes a
12member of an authority under this subdivision, any municipality located in whole
13or in part within the county shall also be a member of the authority.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,87,1614 3. The jurisdictional area of the authority created under this subsection is the
15combined territorial boundaries of the counties of Ashland and Bayfield and any
16county that joins the authority under subd. 2.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,87,2417 4. If a county joins the authority under subd. 2. after it is created, the authority
18shall provide the department of revenue with a certified copy of the resolution that
19approves the joining, a certification of the referendum results ratifying this
20resolution, and a certified copy of the authority's board of directors approval. The
21county's joining of the authority shall take effect on the first day of the calendar
22quarter that begins at least 120 days after the department receives this information.
23The authority shall also provide the department with a description of the new
24boundaries of the authority's jurisdictional area, as provided under sub. (4) (s) 2.".
1392. Page 723, line 6: delete the material beginning with "terms," and ending
2with "2-year" on line 7.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,3 3393. Page 723, line 7: delete "par. (b)" and substitute "pars. (b) and (c) 5.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,4 4394. Page 723, line 12: delete lines 12 to 18.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,7 5395. Page 724, line 4: after "authority," insert "or from a city within the
6jurisdictional area of the authority other than a city from which a member is
7appointed under subd. 2. or 4.,".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,13 8396. Page 724, line 5: after "Association." insert "A member appointed under
9this subdivision may not serve more than one consecutive term. Board membership
10under this subdivision shall follow a rotating order of succession and every village
11or city eligible to have a member appointed from that village or city shall have such
12a member appointed before any village or city has an opportunity to have another
13member appointed under this subdivision.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,14 14397. Page 724, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,19 15"(d) 1. If an authority is created under sub. (2) (c), the board of directors of the
16authority shall be determined by resolution of the governing body of Eau Claire
17County or, if Chippewa County also joins the authority as provided in sub. (2) (c) 3.,
18by resolution of the governing bodies of Eau Claire County and Chippewa County,
19except that all of the following shall apply:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,2020 a. The board of directors shall consist of not more than 17 members.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,88,2221 b. The board of directors shall include at least 3 members from Eau Claire
22County, appointed by the county executive and approved by the county board.
1c. If Chippewa County joins the authority as provided in sub. (2) (c) 3., the board
2of directors shall include at least 3 members from Chippewa County, appointed by
3the county executive and approved by the county board.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,64 d. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the most
5populous city of each county that is a member, appointed by the mayor of the city and
6approved by the common council of the city.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,87 e. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the authority's
8jurisdictional area, appointed by the governor.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,139 2. If Chippewa County joins the authority as provided in sub. (2) (c) 3. and the
10governing bodies of Eau Claire County and Chippewa County are unable to agree
11upon a composition of the board of directors as specified in subd. 1., the board of
12directors of the authority shall be limited to the minimum members specified in subd.
131. b. to e.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,14 14398. Page 724, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,20 15"(fm) If any provision of this subsection provides for the appointment of a
16member of an authority's board of directors by the mayor of a city that has no mayor,
17the appointment shall instead be made by the chairperson of the common council.
18If any provision of this subsection provides for the appointment of a member of an
19authority's board of directors by the county executive of a county that has no county
20executive, the appointment shall be made by the chairperson of the county board.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,89,21 21399. Page 724, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,2 22"(f) 1. If an authority is created under sub. (2) (e), the board of directors of the
23authority shall be determined by resolution of the governing bodies of the counties

1of Ashland and Bayfield and of any county that joins the authority under sub. (2) (e)
22., except that all of the following shall apply:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,43 a. The board of directors shall consist of not more than 17 members, unless the
4minimum number of members specified in this subd. 1. b. to d. exceeds 17.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,75 b. The board of directors shall include at least 3 members each from the
6counties of Ashland and Bayfield and from any county that joins the authority under
7sub. (2) (e) 2., appointed by the county executive and approved by the county board.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,108 c. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the most
9populous city of each county that is a member, appointed by the mayor of the city and
10approved by the common council of the city.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,1211 d. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the authority's
12jurisdictional area, appointed by the governor.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,1713 2. If the governing bodies of the counties of Ashland and Bayfield and of any
14county that joins the authority under sub. (2) (e) 2. are unable to agree upon a
15composition of the board of directors as specified in subd. 1., the board of directors
16of the authority shall be limited to the minimum members specified in subd. 1. b. to
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,18 18400. Page 724, line 12: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,20 19"4. The composition of the board of directors of the authority, as determined
20under par. (d) or (f).".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,21 21401. Page 727, line 6: delete "an advisory" and substitute "a".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,23 22402. Page 727, line 8: after "77" insert "and the referendum is decided in the
AB75-SSA1-CA1,90,24 24403. Page 727, line 8: delete "should" and substitute "may".
1404. Page 728, line 8: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,7 2"3. Notwithstanding subd. 1., an authority created under sub. (2) (c) may not
3impose the taxes authorized under subd. 1. unless the authorizing resolution under
4sub. (2) (c) 1. and, if applicable, sub. (2) (c) 3., as well as the referendum question on
5the referendum ballot specified in sub. (2) (c) 1. and, if applicable, sub. (2) (c) 3.,
6clearly identifies the maximum rate of the taxes that may be imposed by the
7authority under subd. 1.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,138 4. Notwithstanding subd. 1., an authority created under sub. (2) (e) may not
9impose the taxes authorized under subd. 1. unless the authorizing resolution under
10sub. (2) (e) 1. and, if applicable, subd. 2., as well as the referendum question on the
11referendum ballot specified in sub. (2) (e) 1. and, if applicable, subd. 2., clearly
12identifies the maximum rate of the taxes that may be imposed by the authority under
13subd. 1.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,14 14405. Page 728, line 9: delete lines 9 to 11.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,15 15406. Page 729, line 3: delete "subs. (4) and (4m)," and substitute "sub. (4),".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,16 16407. Page 734, line 13: delete "(15)," and substitute "(15m),".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,20 17408. Page 734, line 22: before "joined" insert "becomes a member of an
18authority under sub. (2) (c) 4. shall withdraw from the authority if the county in
19which the municipality is located withdraws from the authority under this
20subsection and a participating political subdivision that".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,91,21 21409. Page 734, line 22: after "3." insert ", (c) 3., or (e) 2.".
1410. Page 734, line 25: after "authority" insert "and, if the political
2subdivision joined the authority under sub. (2) (e) 2., the resolution is ratified by the
3electors at a referendum held in the political subdivision".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,9 4411. Page 735, line 7: after "withdrawal." insert "If the political subdivision
5joined the authority under sub. (2) (e) 2., the authority shall also provide the
6department of revenue with a certification of the referendum results ratifying the
7withdrawal resolution and the department shall use the date that it receives this
8certification of referendum results for purposes of calculating the effective date of
9withdrawal under this paragraph.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,10 10412. Page 735, line 13: delete lines 13 to 21.
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,11 11413. Page 735, line 21: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,19 12"(15m) Dane County highway projects. An authority created under sub. (2)
13(b) may transfer revenues from taxes imposed by the authority under sub. (4) (s) to
14any political subdivision within the authority's jurisdictional area to fund highway
15projects within the authority's jurisdictional area. If any transfer is made under this
16subsection, the authority's board shall determine the recipients and amounts of all
17such transfers, except that the authority may not transfer under this subsection
18more than 25 percent of revenues from taxes imposed by the authority under sub. (4)
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,20 20414. Page 736, line 2: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,92,21 21" Section 1488s. 66.1103 (2) (k) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,93,222 66.1103 (2) (k) 20. A shopping center, or an office building, convention or trade
23center, hotel, motel or other nonresidential facility, which is located in or adjacent to
24a blighted area as defined by s. 66.1105 (2) (a) (ae), 66.1331 (3) (a) or 66.1333 (2m)

1(b) or in accordance with a redevelopment plan or urban renewal plan adopted under
2s. 66.1331 (5) or 66.1333 (6).
AB75-SSA1-CA1, s. 1488u 3Section 1488u. 66.1105 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1105 (2) (ae).
AB75-SSA1-CA1, s. 1488uc 4Section 1488uc. 66.1105 (2) (ab) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,93,65 66.1105 (2) (ab) "Affordable housing" means housing that costs a household no
6more than 30 percent of the household's gross monthly income.
AB75-SSA1-CA1, s. 1488ue 7Section 1488ue. 66.1105 (2) (bq) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,93,98 66.1105 (2) (bq) "Household" means an individual and his or her spouse and all
9minor dependents.".
AB75-SSA1-CA1,93,10 10415. Page 736, line 7: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,93,11 11" Section 1489e. 66.1105 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,94,812 66.1105 (6) (c) Except for tax increments allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or
13(f), or (g) all tax increments received with respect to a tax incremental district shall,
14upon receipt by the city treasurer, be deposited into a special fund for that district.
15The city treasurer may deposit additional moneys into such fund pursuant to an
16appropriation by the common council. No moneys may be paid out of such fund
17except to pay project costs with respect to that district, to reimburse the city for such
18payments, to pay project costs of a district under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g) or to
19satisfy claims of holders of bonds or notes issued with respect to such district. Subject
20to par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g), moneys paid out of the fund to pay project costs with
21respect to a district may be paid out before or after the district is terminated under
22sub. (7). Subject to any agreement with bondholders, moneys in the fund may be
23temporarily invested in the same manner as other city funds if any investment
24earnings are applied to reduce project costs. After all project costs and all bonds and

1notes with respect to the district have been paid or the payment thereof provided for,
2subject to any agreement with bondholders, if there remain in the fund any moneys
3that are not allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g), they shall be paid over to
4the treasurer of each county, school district or other tax levying municipality or to
5the general fund of the city in the amounts that belong to each respectively, having
6due regard for that portion of the moneys, if any, that represents tax increments not
7allocated to the city and that portion, if any, that represents voluntary deposits of the
8city into the fund.
AB75-SSA1-CA1, s. 1489i 9Section 1489i. 66.1105 (6) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,94,1310 66.1105 (6) (g) 1. After the date on which a tax incremental district created by
11a city pays off the aggregate of all of its project costs, and notwithstanding the time
12at which such a district would otherwise be required to terminate under sub. (7), a
13city may extend the life of the district for one year if the city does all of the following:
AB75-SSA1-CA1,94,1614 a. The city adopts a resolution extending the life of the district for a specified
15number of months. The resolution shall specify how the city intends to improve its
16housing stock, as required in subd. 3.