AB75-SSA1-SA1,60,1715 b. The board of directors shall include at least 3 members each from the
16counties of Ashland and Bayfield, appointed by the county executive and approved
17by the county board.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,60,2018 c. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the most
19populous city of each county that is a member, appointed by the mayor of the city and
20approved by the common council of the city.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,60,2221 d. The board of directors shall include at least one member from the authority's
22jurisdictional area, appointed by the governor.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,223 2. If the governing bodies of the counties of Ashland and Bayfield are unable
24to agree upon a composition of the board of directors as specified in subd. 1., the board

1of directors of the authority shall be limited to the minimum members specified in
2subd. 1. b. to d.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,3 3239. Page 724, line 12: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,5 4"4. The composition of the board of directors of the authority, as determined
5under par. (f).".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,6 6240. Page 727, line 6: delete "an advisory" and substitute "a".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,8 7241. Page 727, line 8: after "77" insert "and the referendum is decided in the
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,9 9242. Page 727, line 8: delete "should" and substitute "may".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,10 10243. Page 728, line 8: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,15 11"4. Notwithstanding subd. 1., an authority created under sub. (2) (e) may not
12impose the taxes authorized under subd. 1. unless the authorizing resolution under
13sub. (2) (e) 1., as well as the referendum question on the referendum ballot specified
14in sub. (2) (e) 1., clearly identifies the maximum rate of the taxes that may be imposed
15by the authority under subd. 1.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,16 16244. Page 728, line 9: delete lines 9 to 11.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,17 17245. Page 729, line 3: delete "subs. (4) and (4m)," and substitute "sub. (4),".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,19 18246. Page 734, line 13: delete "sub. (15)," and substitute "subs. (15) and
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,21 20247. Page 734, line 13: delete the material beginning with "Except" and
21ending with "rates" on line 14 and substitute "Rates".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,22 22248. Page 735, line 13: delete lines 13 to 21.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,61,23 23249. Page 735, line 21: after that line insert:
1"(15m) Dane County highway projects. An authority created under sub. (2)
2(b) may transfer revenues from taxes imposed by the authority under sub. (4) (s) to
3any political subdivision within the authority's jurisdictional area to fund highway
4projects within the authority's jurisdictional area. If any transfer is made under this
5subsection, the authority's board shall determine the recipients and amounts of all
6such transfers.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,7 7250. Page 736, line 2: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,8 8" Section 1488s. 66.1103 (2) (k) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,139 66.1103 (2) (k) 20. A shopping center, or an office building, convention or trade
10center, hotel, motel or other nonresidential facility, which is located in or adjacent to
11a blighted area as defined by s. 66.1105 (2) (a) (ae), 66.1331 (3) (a) or 66.1333 (2m)
12(b) or in accordance with a redevelopment plan or urban renewal plan adopted under
13s. 66.1331 (5) or 66.1333 (6).
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1488u 14Section 1488u. 66.1105 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 66.1105 (2) (ae).
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1488uc 15Section 1488uc. 66.1105 (2) (ab) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,1716 66.1105 (2) (ab) "Affordable housing" means housing that costs a household no
17more than 30 percent of the household's gross monthly income.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1488ue 18Section 1488ue. 66.1105 (2) (bq) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,2019 66.1105 (2) (bq) "Household" means an individual and his or her spouse and all
20minor dependents.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,21 21251. Page 736, line 7: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,62,22 22" Section 1489e. 66.1105 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,63,1923 66.1105 (6) (c) Except for tax increments allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or
24(f), or (g) all tax increments received with respect to a tax incremental district shall,

1upon receipt by the city treasurer, be deposited into a special fund for that district.
2The city treasurer may deposit additional moneys into such fund pursuant to an
3appropriation by the common council. No moneys may be paid out of such fund
4except to pay project costs with respect to that district, to reimburse the city for such
5payments, to pay project costs of a district under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g) or to
6satisfy claims of holders of bonds or notes issued with respect to such district. Subject
7to par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g), moneys paid out of the fund to pay project costs with
8respect to a district may be paid out before or after the district is terminated under
9sub. (7). Subject to any agreement with bondholders, moneys in the fund may be
10temporarily invested in the same manner as other city funds if any investment
11earnings are applied to reduce project costs. After all project costs and all bonds and
12notes with respect to the district have been paid or the payment thereof provided for,
13subject to any agreement with bondholders, if there remain in the fund any moneys
14that are not allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), or (g), they shall be paid over to
15the treasurer of each county, school district or other tax levying municipality or to
16the general fund of the city in the amounts that belong to each respectively, having
17due regard for that portion of the moneys, if any, that represents tax increments not
18allocated to the city and that portion, if any, that represents voluntary deposits of the
19city into the fund.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1489i 20Section 1489i. 66.1105 (6) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,63,2421 66.1105 (6) (g) 1. After the date on which a tax incremental district created by
22a city pays off the aggregate of all of its project costs, and notwithstanding the time
23at which such a district would otherwise be required to terminate under sub. (7), a
24city may extend the life of the district for one year if the city does all of the following:
1a. The city adopts a resolution extending the life of the district for a specified
2number of months. The resolution shall specify how the city intends to improve its
3housing stock, as required in subd. 3.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,64 b. The city forwards a copy of the resolution to the department of revenue,
5notifying the department that it must continue to authorize the allocation of tax
6increments to the district under par. (a).
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,127 2. If the department of revenue receives a notice described under subd. 1. b.,
8it shall continue authorizing the allocation of tax increments to the district under
9par. (a) during the district's life, as extended by the city, as if the district's costs had
10not been paid off and without regard to whether any of the time periods specified in
11par. (a) 2. to 8. would otherwise require terminating the allocation of such
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,1613 3. If a city receives tax increments as described in subd. 2., the city shall use
14at least 75 percent of the increments received to benefit affordable housing in the city.
15The remaining portion of the increments shall be used by the city to improve the city's
16housing stock.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,17 17252. Page 750, line 5: delete "the occupied" and substitute "the".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,19 18253. Page 752, line 10: after "is" insert "owned by a benevolent association
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,21 20254. Page 752, line 10: delete "Retirement" and substitute "Benevolent
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,22 22255. Page 752, line 14: delete "160" and substitute "100".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,64,24 23256. Page 752, line 20: delete the material beginning with "For" and ending
24with "excluded." on line 22.
1257. Page 753, line 13: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,2 2" Section 1520f. 70.32 (2) (c) 1g. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,63 70.32 (2) (c) 1g. "Agricultural land" means land, exclusive of buildings and
4improvements and the land necessary for their location and convenience, that is
5devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined by rule, not including any land that
6is platted or zoned for residential, commercial, or industrial use
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,7 7258. Page 753, line 14: delete lines 14 to 18.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,9 8259. Page 772, line 18: delete "KRM" and substitute "southeastern regional
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,10 10260. Page 773, line 21: delete lines 21 to 25 and substitute:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,11 11" Section 1543. 71.05 (6) (b) 9. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,2212 71.05 (6) (b) 9. On farm assets held more than one year and on all farm assets
13acquired from a decedent, to the extent that they are not subtracted under subd. 10.,
1460% of the capital gain as computed under the internal revenue code Internal
15Revenue Code
, not including capital gains for which the federal tax treatment is
16determined under section 406 of P.L. 99-514; not including amounts treated as
17ordinary income for federal income tax purposes because of the recapture of
18depreciation or any other reason; and not including amounts treated as capital gain
19for federal income tax purposes from the sale or exchange of a lottery prize. In this
20subdivision, "farm assets" mean livestock, farm equipment, farm real property, and
21farm depreciable property.
For purposes of this subdivision, the capital gains and
22capital losses for all assets shall be netted before application of the percentage.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,23 23261. Page 774, line 1: delete lines 1 to 5.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,65,24 24262. Page 774, line 5: after that line insert:
1" Section 1543c. 71.05 (6) (b) 32. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,66,72 71.05 (6) (b) 32. (intro.) An amount paid into a college savings account, as
3described in s. 14.64, if the beneficiary of the account is one of the following: the
4claimant; the claimant's child and the claimant's dependent who is claimed under
5section 151 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code
; the claimant's grandchild; the
6claimant's great-grandchild; or the claimant's niece or nephew; calculated as
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1543cc 8Section 1543cc. 71.05 (6) (b) 32. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,66,219 71.05 (6) (b) 32. a. An amount equal to not more than $3,000 per beneficiary,
10by each contributor, or $1,500 by each contributor who is married and files
to an account for each year to which the claim relates, except that the total
12amount for which a deduction may be claimed under this subdivision and under
13subd. 33., per beneficiary by any claimant may not exceed $3,000 each year, or $1,500
14each year by any claimant who is married and files separately
. In the case of a
15married couple filing a joint return, the total deduction under this subdivision and
16under subd. 33., per beneficiary by the married couple may not exceed $3,000 each
17year. In the case of divorced parents, the total deduction under this subdivision and
18under subd. 33., per beneficiary by the formerly married couple, may not exceed
19$3,000, and the maximum amount that may be deducted by each former spouse is
20$1,500, unless the divorce judgment specifies a different division of the $3,000
21maximum that may be claimed by each former spouse.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1543ce 22Section 1543ce. 71.05 (6) (b) 33. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,67,323 71.05 (6) (b) 33. (intro.) An amount paid into a college tuition and expenses
24program, as described in s. 14.63, if the beneficiary of the account is one of the
25following: the claimant; the claimant's child and the claimant's dependent who is

1claimed under section 151 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code
; the claimant's
2grandchild; the claimant's great-grandchild; or the claimant's niece or nephew;
3calculated as follows:
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1543cg 4Section 1543cg. 71.05 (6) (b) 33. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,67,175 71.05 (6) (b) 33. a. An amount equal to not more than $3,000 per beneficiary,
6by each contributor, or $1,500 by each contributor who is married and files
to an account for each year to which the claim relates, except that the total
8amount for which a deduction may be claimed under this subdivision and under
9subd. 32., per beneficiary by any claimant may not exceed $3,000 each year, or $1,500
10each year by any claimant who is married and files separately
. In the case of a
11married couple filing a joint return, the total deduction under this subdivision and
12under subd. 32., per beneficiary by the married couple may not exceed $3,000 each
13year. In the case of divorced parents, the total deduction under this subdivision and
14under subd. 32., per beneficiary by the formerly married couple, may not exceed
15$3,000, and the maximum amount that may be deducted by each former spouse is
16$1,500, unless the divorce judgment specifies a different division of the $3,000
17maximum that may be claimed by each former spouse.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,67,18 18263. Page 793, line 23: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,67,19 19" Section 1584p. 71.07 (9e) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,67,2320 71.07 (9e) (g) 1. If an individual claims the credit under this subsection and
21claims the federal advance earned income tax credit, the individual may request that
22his or her employer add to his or her paycheck an advance payment amount
23calculated under subd. 2.
12. The advance payment amount that an individual's employer shall add to the
2individual's paycheck, as described in subd. 1., shall be equal to a percentage of the
3amount that the individual's employer adds to the individual's paycheck as an
4advance earned income tax credit payment under federal law. The percentage shall
5be the same percentage as is specified in par. (af), based on the number of qualifying
6children that the individual has.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,68,107 3. An employer may deduct from the aggregate amount that the employer
8would otherwise be required to withhold from employee wages and forward to the
9department, under ss. 71.64 and 71.65, the total amount of any advance payments
10the employer makes under subd. 2.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,68,1411 4. The department shall prepare any forms and instructions that may be
12necessary to facilitate the addition of the advance payment amount calculated under
13subd. 2. to an individual's paycheck and any changes to the withholding procedures
14as described under subd. 3.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,68,15 15264. Page 798, line 9: delete lines 9 to 13.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,68,16 16265. Page 836, line 25: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,68,17 17" Section 1621eb. 71.255 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,69,618 71.255 (2m) Election to include every member of commonly controlled
(a) The designated agent as provided in sub. (7) may elect, without first
20obtaining written approval from the department, to include in its combined group
21every corporation in its commonly controlled group, regardless of whether such
22corporations are engaged in the same unitary business as the designated agent.
23Corporations included in the combined group by operation of this election are
24required to use combined reporting only to the extent described in sub. (2). The

1commonly controlled group shall calculate its Wisconsin income and apportionment
2factors as provided under subs. (3), (4), and (5), and all income of all members of the
3commonly controlled group, whether or not such income would otherwise be subject
4to apportionment or allocable to a particular state in the absence of an election under
5this subsection, shall be treated as apportionable income for purposes of the
6combined report.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,69,107 (b) The election under this subsection shall be executed by the designated agent
8on an original, timely filed combined report. Any corporation that becomes
9includable in the commonly controlled group subsequent to the year of election shall
10have waived any objection to its inclusion in the combined report.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,69,1911 (c) An election under this subsection shall be binding for and applicable to the
12taxable year for which it is made and for the next 9 taxable years. An election may
13be renewed for another 10 taxable years, without prior written approval from the
14department after it has been in effect for 10 taxable years. The renewal shall be made
15on an original, timely filed return for the first taxable year after the completion of
16a 10-year period for which an election under this subsection was in place. An election
17that is not renewed shall be revoked. In the case of a revocation, a new election under
18this subsection shall not be permitted in any of the immediately following 3 taxable
AB75-SSA1-SA1,69,2320 (d) The department shall disregard the tax effect of an election under this
21subsection, or disallow the election, with respect to any controlled group member or
22members for any year of the election period, if the department determines that the
23election has the effect of tax avoidance.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,69,24 24266. Page 838, line 5: after that line insert:
1" Section 1621km. 71.255 (6) (a) of the statutes, as created by 2009 Wisconsin
2Act 2
, is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,113 71.255 (6) (a) Except as provided in par. pars. (b) and (c), no tax credit,
4Wisconsin net business loss carry-forward, or other post-apportionment deduction
5earned by one member of the combined group, but not fully used by or allowed to that
6member, may be used in whole or in part by another member of the combined group
7or applied in whole or in part against the total income of the combined group. A
8member of a combined group may use a carry-forward of a credit, Wisconsin net
9business loss carry-forward, or other post-apportionment deduction otherwise
10allowable under s. 71.26 or 71.45, that was incurred by that same member in a
11taxable year beginning before March 6 January 1, 2009.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,12 12267. Page 838, line 20: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,13 13" Section 1621Ld. 71.255 (6) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,2014 71.255 (6) (c) 1. Subject to the limitations provided under s. 71.26 (3) (n), for
15each taxable year that a corporation that is a member of a combined group has an
16unused credit or credit carry-forward under s. 71.28 (4) or (5) or 71.47 (4) or (5), the
17corporation may, after using that credit or credit carry-forward to offset its own tax
18liability for the taxable year, use that credit or credit carry-forward to offset the tax
19liability of all other members of the combined group on a proportionate basis, to the
20extent such tax liability is attributable to the unitary business.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,2321 2. Unless otherwise provided by the department by rule, if the corporation may
22no longer be included in the combined group, as determined by this section, the
23corporation's unused credits shall be available only to that corporation.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,70,24 24268. Page 971, line 12: delete lines 12 to 18.
1269. Page 972, line 18: delete the material beginning with that line and
2ending with page 973, line 10.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,4 3270. Page 987, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
4ending with page 988, line 22.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,6 5271. Page 989, line 23: delete "REGIONAL" and substitute
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,7 7272. Page 989, line 24: delete "FEE;" and substitute "FEE".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,8 8273. Page 989, line 24: delete "TRANSIT KRM" and substitute "TRANSIT".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,9 9274. Page 989, line 25: delete that line.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,10 10275. Page 990, line 1: before that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,71,11 11" Section 1829g. 77.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,72,212 77.02 (1) Petition. The owner of an entire quarter quarter section, fractional
13lot or government lot as determined by U.S. government survey plat, excluding
14public roads and railroad rights-of-way that may have been sold, may file with the
15department of natural resources a petition stating that the owner believes the lands
16therein described are more useful for growing timber and other forest crops than for
17any other purpose, that the owner intends to practice forestry thereon, that all
18persons holding encumbrances thereon have joined in the petition and requesting
19that such lands be approved as "Forest Croplands" under this subchapter. Whenever
20any such land is encumbered by a mortgage or other indenture securing any issue
21of bonds or notes, the trustee named in such mortgage or indenture or any
22amendment thereto may join in such petition, and such action shall for the purpose
23of this section be deemed the action of all holders of such bonds or notes. Land for

1which a petition is submitted under sub. (4) is exempt from the size requirements
2specified under this subsection.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1829j 3Section 1829j. 77.02 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: