2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
February 10, 2010 - Offered by Senator Lassa.
SB447-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB447-SA1,1,2 21. Page 7, line 13: delete "and 4.".
SB447-SA1,1,7 32. Page 7, line 14: delete the material beginning with "preparing" and ending
4with "accuracy" on line 16 and substitute "that contracts for services under this
5section perform periodic audits on cost-benefit analyses or continued
6appropriateness reviews and contracts that required a cost-benefit analysis or
7continued appropriateness review".
SB447-SA1,1,8 83. Page 7, line 17: delete lines 17 to 20.
SB447-SA1,1,10 94. Page 7, line 23: delete the material beginning with "services that" and
10ending with "does not perform;" on line 24.
SB447-SA1,1,12 115. Page 8, line 7: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
12page 9, line 2, and substitute:
SB447-SA1,1,13 13" Section 7m. 16.705 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
116.705 (3) (intro.) The director of the office of state employment relations
2department, prior to award, under conditions established by rule of the department,
3shall review contracts for contractual services in order to ensure that agencies:".
SB447-SA1,2,7 46. Page 9, line 4: delete the material beginning with ", or any representative"
5and ending with "by a solicitation" on line 6 and substitute "or a labor organization
6that is certified under subch. V of ch. 111 to be the representative of the appropriate
7collective bargaining unit that is aggrieved by a solicitation".
SB447-SA1,2,9 87. Page 9, line 8: after "with" insert ", or send an electronic notice of intent to
9protest to,".
SB447-SA1,2,10 108. Page 9, line 10: after "written" insert " or send an electronic".
SB447-SA1,2,11 119. Page 9, line 23: after that line insert:
SB447-SA1,2,13 12"(c) Signing bonuses, reimbursements, and per diem costs included in all
13contracts for contractual services.".
SB447-SA1,2,15 1410. Page 10, line 1: after "secretary" insert ", using only the information
15provided by the agency for which the contractual services are performed,".
SB447-SA1,2,16 1611. Page 12, line 20: after that line insert:
SB447-SA1,2,17 17" Section 17g. 16.75 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB447-SA1,3,818 16.75 (1) (b) When the estimated cost exceeds $25,000, the department shall
19invite bids to be submitted. The department either shall either solicit sealed bids to
20be opened publicly at a specified date and time, or shall solicit bidding by auction to
21be conducted electronically at a specified date and time. Whenever bids are invited,
22due notice inviting bids shall may be published as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985 or,
23and notice inviting bids, including a copy of all documents soliciting bids, shall be

24posted on the Internet at a site determined or approved by the department. The bid

1opening or auction shall occur at least 7 days after the date of the last insertion of
2the notice or
at least 7 days after the date of posting on the Internet. The notice under
3ch. 985, if applicable, and the Internet site
shall specify whether sealed bids are
4invited or bids will be accepted by auction, and shall give a clear description of the
5materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services to be purchased, the amount
6of any bond, share draft, check, or other draft to be submitted as surety with the bid
7or prior to the auction, and the date and time that the public opening or the auction
8will be held.
SB447-SA1, s. 17p 9Section 17p. 16.75 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB447-SA1,3,1910 16.75 (2m) (b) When the estimated cost exceeds $25,000, the department may
11invite competitive sealed proposals by publishing a class 2 notice under ch. 985 or by
and shall post notice, including all documents soliciting proposals, on the
13Internet at a site determined or approved by the department. The notice under ch.
14985, if applicable, and the notice on the Internet site
shall describe the materials,
15supplies, equipment, or contractual services to be purchased, the intent to make the
16procurement by solicitation of proposals rather than by solicitation of bids, any
17requirement for surety, and the date the proposals will be opened, which shall be at
18least 7 days after the date of the last insertion of the notice or
at least 7 days after
19the date of posting on the Internet.
SB447-SA1, s. 17s 20Section 17s. 16.75 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB447-SA1,4,821 16.75 (6) (c) If the secretary determines that it is in the best interest of this state
22to do so, he or she may, with the approval of the governor, waive the requirements
23of subs. (1) to (5) and may purchase supplies, material, equipment, or contractual
24services, other than printing and stationery, from a private source other than a
25source specified in par. (b). Except as provided in sub. (2g) (c), if the cost of the

1purchase is expected to exceed $25,000, the department shall may first publish a
2class 2 notice under ch. 985 or and shall post a notice on the Internet at the site
3determined or approved by the department under sub. (1) (b) describing the
4materials, supplies, equipment, or contractual services to be purchased, stating the
5intent to make the purchase from a private source without soliciting bids or
6competitive sealed proposals and stating the date on which the contract or purchase
7order will be awarded. The date of the award shall be at least 7 days after the date
8of the last insertion or
the date of posting on the Internet.".
SB447-SA1,4,9 912. Page 13, line 3: after that line insert:
SB447-SA1,4,11 10" Section 18r. 16.87 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 16.87 (2) (a) and amended
11to read:
SB447-SA1,4,1412 16.87 (2) (a) A contract for engineering services or architectural services or a
13to be done for or furnished to the state or a department, board, commission, or officer
14of the state is exempt from the requirements of s. 16.75.
SB447-SA1,4,18 15(b) A contract involving an expenditure of $10,000 or more for construction
16work, or $30,000 or more for limited trades work, to be done for or furnished to the
17state or a department, board, commission, or officer of the state is exempt from the
18requirements of ss. 16.705 and 16.75.
SB447-SA1,4,21 19(c) The department shall attempt to ensure that 5% of the total amount
20expended under this section in each fiscal year is paid to minority businesses, as
21defined under s. 16.75 (3m) (a).".
SB447-SA1,4,22 2213. Page 22, line 21: delete "s. ss." and substitute "s.".
SB447-SA1,4,23 2314. Page 22, line 21: delete "and 16.771".
SB447-SA1,4,24 2415. Page 22, line 22: delete "Section" and substitute "Section Sections".
116. Page 22, line 22: delete "does" and substitute "does, 16.771, 16.871 and
220.932 do
SB447-SA1,5,4 317. Page 22, line 24: after "investments" insert "or arising out of the scope of
4the board's investment authority
SB447-SA1,5,5 518. Page 23, line 6: delete "s. ss." and substitute "s.".
SB447-SA1,5,6 619. Page 23, line 6: delete ", 16.771, and 16.871".
SB447-SA1,5,7 720. Page 23, line 8: delete "Section" and substitute "Section Sections".
SB447-SA1,5,9 821. Page 23, line 8: delete "does" and substitute "does, 16.771, 16.871, and
920.932 do
SB447-SA1,5,11 1022. Page 23, line 10: after "investments" insert "or arising out of the scope of
11the board's investment authority
SB447-SA1,5,12 1223. Page 23, line 15: delete "s. ss." and substitute "s.".
SB447-SA1,5,13 1324. Page 23, line 15: delete ", 16.771, and 16.871".
SB447-SA1,5,14 1425. Page 23, line 18: delete "Section" and substitute "Section Sections".
SB447-SA1,5,16 1526. Page 23, line 18: delete "does" and substitute "does, 16.771, 16.871, and
1620.932 do
SB447-SA1,5,18 1727. Page 23, line 19: after "investments" insert "or arising out of the scope of
18the board's investment authority
SB447-SA1,5,20 1928. Page 24, line 14: delete "16.75," and substitute "16.75 16.7015, 16.71 to
SB447-SA1,5,21 2129. Page 24, line 15: after "ss." insert "16.42, 16.46,".
SB447-SA1,5,22 2230. Page 24, line 15: after "16.528," insert "16.705,".
131. Page 24, line 23: after that line insert:
SB447-SA1,6,2 2" Section 26m. 84.01 (13m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB447-SA1,6,103 84.01 (13m) Contractual engagements of services reporting. On or before
4October 15 of each year, the department shall submit to the governor, the joint
5committee on finance, the joint legislative audit committee, and the chief clerk of
6each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees
7under s. 13.172 (3) a report concerning the number, value, and nature of contractual
8engagements of services authorized under sub. (13) during the preceding fiscal year.
9The report shall also include, with respect to contractual engagements of services for
10the preceding fiscal year, all of the following:
SB447-SA1,6,1211 (a) A summary of the cost-benefit analyses completed in compliance with rules
12promulgated by the department.
SB447-SA1,6,1513 (b) Recommendations for elimination of unneeded contractual engagements of
14services and for consolidation or resolicitation of existing contractual engagements
15of services.".
SB447-SA1,6,16 1632. Page 27, line 12: delete "(13)".
SB447-SA1,6,17 1733. Page 27, line 12: after "shall" insert "use department employees to".
SB447-SA1,6,19 1834. Page 27, line 13: delete "highway improvements within its jurisdiction"
19and substitute "its highway projects".
SB447-SA1,6,20 2035. Page 31, line 7: delete "section" and substitute "sections".
SB447-SA1,6,21 2136. Page 31, line 7: after "16.705" insert "(3) (intro.),".