Neighborhood electric vehicle: municipal ordinance may allow use of on county trunk highways within municipality's boundaries under certain conditions - AB402
Office sports pool: managing or participating in does not constitute betting or conducting a lottery, conditions specified - SB156
Olson, Russell A.: life and public service -  SJR83
Opicka, (LCpl) Dean: life and military service commended - SJR48
OWI violation: DOT required to purge record of conviction, suspension, or revocation after 10 years unless a person has a CDL or was operating a commercial motor vehicle at time of offense - AB50
Parcel of land in Marinette County: DNR to sell to the Wied Trust of 1996, exemption from certain NRB determination and Governor's approval -  SB360
Partisan caucus of Senate or Assembly: exception to open meetings law deleted; legislative rules made invalid  - AB143
Peninsula State Park centennial recognized -  AJR56
Rail passenger service extension project: DOT prohibited from expending any federal, state, or local funds unless the Legislature approves by statutory enumeration, definition provided - SB680
Railroads, Office of the Commissioner of, eliminated; duties transferred to DOT, DFI, and DHA; railroads and water carriers assessments provisions -  AB977
Religious organization investigation of sexual contact with a child: reporting results to DCF and release of summary to the public -  AB784
Secretary of State office deleted from the constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR26
Shipbuilding: income and franchise tax credit created re employee payroll -  AB868
SSN prohibited on instruments under the corporate registration system and Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code  - SB581
State aid to school districts: formula for determining changed - AB593
State park admissions: DNR to issue annual stickers to motor buses; fee provision -  AB94
State park admissions: DNR to issue annual stickers to motor buses; fee provision -  SB38
State park vehicle admission fee: members of U.S. armed forces, a reserve unit, or the Wisconsin National Guard on active duty charged the same as a vehicle with Wisconsin registration plates - AB493
Stephan, Edwin C.: life and public service as a circuit court judge commended -  AJR68
Technical college district board members: appointment system replaced with nonpartisan election; term changed to four years - SB249
USH 12 in Village of Sauk City: if DOT reconstruction requires utilities to be relocated, DOT is required to pay all costs - SB545
WC law revisions re number of employees, emergency responders, compensation amounts, payment of benefits, and administration -  SB522
Wetland map review, wetland identification, or wetland confirmation: DNR to provide, for a fee, upon request of person who owns or leases the land; building permits or other construction approvals required to include information re construction on or near wetlands; memorandum of agreement with Army Corps of Engineers provision; DNR informational brochure on laws that apply to wetlands -  SB557
``Year of the Niagara Escarpment" proclaimed for 2010; May 2010 proclaimed the ``Month of the Niagara Escarpment"  - AJR1
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Lasee:
Senate Bills: 5, 14, 33, 45, 50, 65, 66, 69, 75, 76, 79, 90, 111, 129, 137, 164, 166, 176, 177, 197, 199, 208, 215, 236, 239, 241, 248, 252, 273, 283, 333, 340, 353, 357, 376, 377, 382, 385, 386, 395, 401, 404, 430, 464, 481, 495, 521, 532, 539, 546, 547, 553, 565, 576, 607, 687, 694, 696, 697
Senate Joint Resolutions: 5, 10, 22, 33, 36, 38, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 62, 74, 78
Senate Resolutions: 11, 13
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 3, 12, 17, 27, 48, 49, 71, 74, 93, 96, 99, 101, 117, 140, 148, 154, 181, 192, 193, 197, 226, 230, 239, 247, 250, 254, 268, 270, 279, 300, 312, 329, 342, 347, 350, 351, 356, 361, 365, 392, 401, 410, 431, 433, 437, 441, 473, 474, 479, 496, 514, 516, 523, 525, 538, 539, 548, 549, 577, 581, 582, 592, 680, 706, 736, 749, 762, 770, 786, 818, 819, 829, 833, 859, 866, 867, 870, 871, 879, 918, 923, 947, 950, 960, 969, 974
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 12, 16, 38, 45, 51, 55, 66, 69, 82, 88, 100, 104, 105, 107, 116, 124, 125, 138
S24 Lassa, Sen. Julie M. (24th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
American Heart Month recognized February 2009; Wear Red for Women Day recognized February 6, 2009  - SJR4
Aversive interventions in schools regulated; implementation of positive behavioral interventions; definitions and DPI duties; local educational agency to prepare a behavioral intervention plan for child with a disability, conditions set  - AB682
Aversive interventions in schools regulated; implementation of positive behavioral interventions; definitions and DPI duties; local educational agency to prepare a behavioral intervention plan for child with a disability, conditions set  - SB468
``Celebrate Children" special registration plate annual fee increased -  AB861
``Celebrate Children" special registration plate annual fee increased -  SB619
Center on Education and Work at U.W. Madison to establish a career conversations program for students in grades 7-12; requirements, evaluation, sunset, and report provisions  - SB121
Chaperoning a sex offender: individual required to sign agreement notifying any other person with whom the individual has a child of his or her intent to chaperone a sex offender - SB325
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  SB122
``Child's container" containing bisphenol A: manufacturing or selling at wholesale or retail prohibited; definition, label requirements, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report  - AB405
``Child's container" containing bisphenol A: manufacturing or selling at wholesale prohibited; definition, label requirements, and penalty provisions; DATCP authority specified; JRCCP report -  SB271
College savings program and college tuition and expenses program: income tax deduction may be claimed by divorced or legally separated parent of child; total annual deduction for parents set; JSCTE appendix report - AB135
College savings program and college tuition and expenses program: income tax deduction may be claimed by divorced or legally separated parent of child; total annual deduction for parents set; JSCTE appendix report - SB106
Commercial mobile radio service providers: overcharge refunds and failure to make timely refunds; DATCP authority specified - SB13
Compilation of commercial mobile service (cell phone) numbers for a directory that is offered for sale or lease prohibited - AB386
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week proclaimed February 7-14, 2009 -  AJR10
Construction employees re painting or drywall finishing: penalty for ``willful misclassification" as nonemployees; JRCCP report -  SB669
Deer farm: acreage requirements for areas in which farm-raised deer may be hunted modified -  SB356
Development zones, enterprise development zones, agricultural development zones, technology zones, and airport development zones consolidated; LAB audit required  - AB113
Development zones, enterprise development zones, agricultural development zones, technology zones, and airport development zones consolidated; LAB audit required  - SB77
Driver education courses required to include hazards posed by railroad grade crossings -  SB157
Drug repository program revisions - SB198
Economic development: postsecondary education tax credits, certain investment credits limits, Comm.Dept grants, microloans to create new businesses, technical college training program grants, converting manufacturing facilities, U.W. System provisions, rural outsourcing grants  - AB641
Economic development: postsecondary education tax credits, certain investment credits limits, Comm.Dept grants, microloans to create new businesses, technical college training program grants, converting manufacturing facilities, U.W. System provisions, rural outsourcing grants  - SB409
Epilepsy drugs: pharmacist prohibited from substituting a drug product equivalent without prescribing practitioner and patient consent -  SB354
Exposing genitals or pubic area re children: classification of crime changed from misdemeanor to felony if the actor is a child; JRCCP report -  SB330
Family and medical leave law (state): time limits for filing a complaint revised; appeal of DWD determination to LIRC; commencement of civil action against employer modified  - AB231
Family and medical leave law (state): time limits for filing a complaint revised; appeal of DWD determination to LIRC; commencement of civil action against employer modified  - SB196
Food animal veterinarian loan assistance program: U.W. Board of Regents to repay up to set amount in educational loans and veterinarian agrees to practice in this state and devote certain percentage of hours to food animals, sunset provision  - AB708
Food animal veterinarian loan assistance program: U.W. Board of Regents to repay up to set amount in educational loans and veterinarian agrees to practice in this state and devote certain percentage of hours to food animals, sunset provision  - SB497
Food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit created -  AB757
Food processing plant and food warehouse investment credit created -  SB550
Foreclosure of residential real property: notification of default and mediation process created; Director of State Courts duties specified -  SB255
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for children under 18: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exception provisions -  SB27
Hearing aids or cochlear implants for children under 18: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; exceptions and BadgerCare Plus provisions -  AB16
Highway specific information sign authorization eliminated for certain portion of STH 21 -  SB244
Historic buildings and downtown development: revisions re State Historic Building Code, multifamily dwellings, historic rehabilitation tax credit, certification and promotion of downtowns, DOT highway projects in downtown business areas, and certain state office buildings - AB92
Historic buildings and downtown development: revisions re State Historic Building Code, multifamily dwellings, historic rehabilitation tax credit, certification and promotion of downtowns, DOT highway projects in downtown business areas, and certain state office buildings - SB55
Income-producing historic building renovation: state income and franchise tax credit revised; partnership and LLC provision - AB18
Income-producing historic building renovation: state income and franchise tax credit revised; partnership and LLC provision - SB10
Loans to manufacturing businesses for energy efficiency, retooling, clean energy production, and job creation; energy utility programs provision; Comm.Dept and PSC provisions  - AB904
Loans to manufacturing businesses for energy efficiency, retooling, clean energy production, and job creation; energy utility programs provision; Comm.Dept and PSC provisions  - SB651
Lobbying by former legislators prohibited for 12 months following their last day in office; penalty provisions  - AB245
Local food products: requirements that certain state entities purchase created, exception to lowest bidder requirement; Local Food, Farms, and Jobs Council created  - SB542
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position -  AB746
Locally grown food in school meals and snacks: DATCP to promote and provide grants; Farm to School Council created, report required; FTE position -  SB536
MA eligibility: DHS to request a waiver re disregarding income and assets of person's spouse under certain conditions  - AB238
Major highway project in Wood County re bridge over Wisconsin River and connecting CTH ``Z" to STH 54/73: DOT to prepare an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment and construct if certain conditions are met  - AB416
Major highway project in Wood County re bridge over Wisconsin River and connecting CTH ``Z" to STH 54/73: DOT to prepare an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment and construct if certain conditions are met  - SB285
Managed forest land order extension due to fire, weather, insects, or disease -  SB296
Managed forest land withdrawal tax or fee assessment exception created for land transferred to a municipality for siting of a public safety communications tower - SB408
Medal of Honor Day (March 25): Governor to annually proclaim  - AB425
Medal of Honor Day (March 25): Governor to annually proclaim  - SB293
Motorcycle Awareness Month proclaimed May 2010 -  AJR121
Movable soccer goal safety standards: Comm.Dept to establish - SB655
Myhra, Norman L.: life and public service -  AJR133
Newborn hearing screening required; State Laboratory of Hygiene duties specified -  AB488
Newborn hearing screening required; State Laboratory of Hygiene duties specified -  SB323