Agricultural producer security program changes -  SB527
Ally, Dr. Akbar: dedication to diversity at U.W. Madison commended upon his retirement -  SJR34
Ambulance operator safety program: DOT to establish and administer; driver schools, technical colleges, and authorized emergency vehicle exemption from traffic restrictions  - SB518
Asian carp entering the Great Lakes: AG urged and authorized to pursue legal means to prevent - SR8
Authorization for final disposition of a person's remains: U.S. armed forces may use form provided by U.S. Department of Defense -  SB515
Bed and breakfast may serve any meal to guests, restaurant license is not required -  AB763
Bed and breakfast may serve any meal to guests, restaurant license is not required -  SB575
Bicycle and EPAMD requirements eliminated re distance from a parked vehicle and audible signal when passing; opening door of a motor vehicle on a highway without checking traffic first prohibited -  SB29
Bittering agent added to engine coolant and antifreeze required; exceptions, penalty, and civil liability immunity provisions - SB663
Catch and release bass and muskellunge fishing seasons: provisions repealed -  SB48
Centennial of Flight Month in Wisconsin: November 2009 proclaimed as -  AJR37
Chain restaurants required to disclose nutrition information for menu items; DHS duties, forfeiture, and civil liability immunity provisions -  AB664
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurants modified -  SB294
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: additional funds from federal 2010 appropriation act used for forgiveness of part of the principal of a loan  - AB949
Clean Water Fund Program and Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: additional funds from federal 2010 appropriation act used for forgiveness of part of the principal of a loan  - SB664
Climate change and energy efficiency omnibus bill -  AB649
Climate change and energy efficiency omnibus bill -  SB450
County tax levy rate limit: sunset provision created -  AB788
Critical access hospital assessment created, MA and DHS provisions; health care provider loan program through U.W. revised re amount and rural areas; rural physician residency assistance program established through the U.W. School of Medicine and Public Health's Department of Family Medicine, annual report to JCF required -  AB770
Critical access hospital assessment created, MA and DHS provisions; health care provider loan program through U.W. revised re amount and rural areas; rural physician residency assistance program established through the U.W. School of Medicine and Public Health's Department of Family Medicine, annual report to JCF required -  SB553
Deer hunting with bow and arrow and license issued during open deer bow hunting season: three day waiting period repealed - AB355
Deer hunting with bow and arrow and license issued during open deer bow hunting season: three day waiting period repealed - SB243
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfills and incineration prohibited -  AB278
Electronic waste recycling: manufacturer, recycler, retailer, and consumer requirements created; DNR, reporting, fee, definition, audit, and penalty provisions; disposal in landfills and incineration prohibited -  SB107
Environmental Results Program revisions and name changed to Green Tier Program, Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program provisions; Environmental Improvement Program revisions and name changed to Environmental Compliance Audit Program; DNR duties -  AB180
Environmental Results Program revisions and name changed to Green Tier Program, Environmental Cooperation Pilot Program provisions; Environmental Improvement Program revisions and name changed to Environmental Compliance Audit Program; DNR duties -  SB126
Farley, Linda: life and commitment to health care reform commended -  SJR43
Federal economic recovery moneys: commitment to purchase only American products or services  - SJR35
Federal economic stimulus funds allocation provisions re ARRA -  AB255
Federal economic stimulus funds allocation provisions re ARRA -  SB189
40th Earth Day celebration commemorated and life and work of its founder, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, honored  - SJR82
Groundwater management areas and groundwater attention areas established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties; environmental review of high capacity wells; Comm.Dept to establish graywater and rainwater system standards; PSC to issue order encouraging water conservation - AB844
Groundwater management areas and groundwater attention areas established, DNR and Groundwater Coordinating Council duties; environmental review of high capacity wells; Comm.Dept to establish graywater and rainwater system standards; PSC to issue order encouraging water conservation - SB620
Hamilton, Velma Fern Bell: life, public service, and dedication to teaching and education commended  - AJR84
Health care benefits counseling: DHS grants to organizations that provide assistance to individuals to obtain and maintain health care benefits created; conditions set  - AB878
Health care benefits counseling: DHS grants to organizations that provide assistance to individuals to obtain and maintain health care benefits created; conditions set  - SB633
Healthy and environmentally sensitive cleaning requirements for certain publicly owned buildings: DHS duties set, Council on Healthy and Environmentally Sensitive Cleaning created - AB578
Kellner, Mary and Ted: recipients of the Warren P. Knowles Humanitarian Award commended -  SJR54
Kennedy, Sen. Edward Moore ``Ted": life and public service as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts commended  - AJR72
MA purchase plan eligibility: DHS to seek waiver from DHHS Secretary to disregard income of married person's spouse - AB964
MA purchase plan eligibility: DHS to seek waiver from DHHS Secretary to disregard income of married person's spouse - SB682
Miller, Marjorie ``Midge" Calvins Leeper: life and public service -  SJR31
Mortgage loan originator license: foreclosure eliminated as a disqualifying criteria; Division of Banking may still consider it - AB658
Motor vehicle salvage pool: purchase of junk vehicles and buyer identification card revisions; DOT duties and penalty provisions; JRCCP report -  AB668
Nonpoint source water pollution in certain areas with carbonate bedrock: DNR and DATCP to promulgate rules to limit groundwater pollution from land spreading  - SB632
Phosphorus in machine dishwashing products for household use: limit reduced -  AB281
Private roads within manufactured and mobile home communities: rules of the road applied to  - AB348
Right to vote lost only while incarcerated for a disqualifying offense, voting permitted while on parole or extended supervision; voter registration revisions; Corr.Dept, GAB, and Director of State Courts duties specified  - SB240
Rural dental education outreach facility construction: Building Commission grant to Marshfield Clinic authorized, matching funds provision -  AB912
Rural dental education outreach facility construction: Building Commission grant to Marshfield Clinic authorized, matching funds provision -  SB656
School safety plan criteria specified and required of public and private schools; DPI to develop model policy on bullying, school board requirements; Bullying Awareness Day designated; pupil records confidentiality and disclosure provisions - SB154
Shetler, Harriet Jane (McCown): founding member of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill commended upon her death -  SJR73
Skiles, Jeff: first officer of US Airways flight 1549 that crashed into the Hudson River commended for his heroic efforts  - SJR5
Stanley, John: life, public service, and commitment to the office of Dane County Coroner commended - AJR75
State school aid: set amount lapsed to general fund; DPI to use additional ARRA funds to make June 2009 payment to school districts -  SB232
Stolzenberg, John: public service commended and congratulations upon his retirement from Legislative Council  - SJR78
``Syttende Mai Weekend" proclaimed May 15-17, 2009 -  AJR9
``Tibet Day" proclaimed March 10, 2010 -  AJR112
TID number 6 in City of Sheboygan and TID number 18 in City of Waukesha: provisions modified and DOR duties  - SB463
Turf fertilizer containing phosphorus: application and retail sale prohibitions created; exceptions, penalty, and certain manure and finished sewage sludge product provisions  - AB3
Turf fertilizer containing phosphorus: application and retail sale prohibitions created; exceptions, penalty, and certain manure and finished sewage sludge product provisions  - SB5
Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act; JRCCP report -  SB365
``Week of the Young Child" proclaimed April 19-25, 2009 -  SJR20
Wisconsin conservation corps (WCC) program established and WCC Board created in DOA; National and Community Service Board, annual report requirement, and funding provisions - SB690
WisconsinEye commended on the second anniversary of the commencement of broadcast operations  - SJR47
Wrongful death claims arising out of medical malpractice: statute of limitations revised -  SB563
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Miller:
Senate Bills: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 20, 31, 40, 41, 43, 51, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 86, 103, 108, 109, 120, 123, 160, 162, 163, 170, 181, 183, 185, 198, 200, 224, 238, 259, 263, 271, 284, 288, 308, 323, 324, 335, 338, 362, 364, 368, 383, 390, 406, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 418, 419, 439, 458, 460, 468, 478, 517, 530, 540, 557, 580, 582, 584, 619, 629, 645, 647, 653
Senate Joint Resolutions: 4, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, 28, 32, 33, 38, 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 61, 65, 72, 74, 83
Senate Resolutions: 5, 13
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 2, 4, 5, 15, 31, 40, 41, 58, 59, 65, 73, 90, 95, 100, 108, 111, 112, 116, 118, 125, 128, 131, 138, 152, 189, 219, 240, 252, 253, 256, 261, 266, 272, 299, 325, 343, 353, 358, 364, 382, 387, 392, 395, 419, 458, 464, 466, 488, 490, 512, 529, 544, 554, 575, 598, 606, 611, 614, 616, 617, 619, 633, 637, 641, 648, 653, 656, 682, 700, 705, 713, 717, 721, 724, 732, 733, 777, 793, 812, 818, 832, 842, 861, 892, 898, 916
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 4, 7, 17, 18, 20, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 48, 56, 57, 60, 64, 66, 69, 73, 76, 77, 80, 85, 87, 88, 90, 95, 98, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 116, 118, 124, 136
S14 Olsen, Sen. Luther S. (14th Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Action, special proceeding, counterclaim, defense, cross complaint, or appeal commenced in bad faith to harass or injure another or knowing it was without reasonable basis in law: party or party's attorney may be liable for damages or costs or fees; appeal and appellate court provisions  - SB197
Arrearage collection procedure used by municipal utility that provides electric or water service to rental dwellings revised - AB404
Binding interest arbitration under MERA: factors considered revised re municipal employees and school district employees - AB441
Binding interest arbitration under MERA: factors considered revised re municipal employees and school district employees - SB385
``Class B" license: certain village in Waushara County may exceed village's retail liquor license quota  - AB973
``Class B" license: certain village in Waushara County may exceed village's retail liquor license quota  - SB510
Commandant of a veterans home: nursing home administrator license required -  AB491
Computer used to commit a crime is subject to forfeiture; disposal by law enforcement agency provision  - SB59
County jail funds may be used to pay costs of providing educational and medical services to inmates  - AB633
County jail funds may be used to pay costs of providing educational and medical services to inmates  - SB335
Critical access hospital assessment created, MA and DHS provisions; health care provider loan program through U.W. revised re amount and rural areas; rural physician residency assistance program established through the U.W. School of Medicine and Public Health's Department of Family Medicine, annual report to JCF required -  SB553
Employee Free Choice Act: Congress urged not to pass -  SJR30
Employer notification program administered by DOT: employer may register employees with motor vehicle operating responsibilities but do not operate commercial motor vehicles  - SB53
Facsimile firearm: penalties for use in committing a crime or to alarm, intimidate, threaten, or terrify; definition provision; JRCCP report -  SB169
Food animal veterinarian loan assistance program: U.W. Board of Regents to repay up to set amount in educational loans and veterinarian agrees to practice in this state and devote certain percentage of hours to food animals, sunset provision  - SB497