Extended-range electric vehicles sales and use tax exemption; property tax exemption for charging station for electric vehicles; property, sales, and use tax exemptions for machinery and certain property used in qualified research in manufacturing, silviculture, or biotechnology; vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program sunsetted; extended-range electric vehicle grant program created; super research and development income and franchise tax credit modified; JSCTE appendix report -  AB712
Extended-range electric vehicles sales and use tax exemption; property tax exemption for charging station for electric vehicles; property, sales, and use tax exemptions for machinery and certain property used in qualified research in manufacturing, silviculture, or biotechnology; vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program sunsetted; extended-range electric vehicle grant program created; super research and development income and franchise tax credit modified; JSCTE appendix report -  SB521
Felony victim's prior testimony: admissibility of in revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision proceedings - AB365
Future service contracts: new category created -  SB242
General fund balance transfer to the utility public benefits fund to pay DA and office employees' salaries; low-income assistance fee provision -  SB512
Governmental body required to post public notice of meetings and minutes to its Web site, definition and town provisions - SB276
Greek Independence: 188th anniversary celebrated March 25, 2009 -  SJR21
Harley-Davidson designated as the state motorcycle, Blue Book provision -  SB394
Historic military vehicle registration: provisions re former military vehicles created; DOT, fees, and definition provisions - SB404
``Historic U.S. Highway 41": DOT to designate and mark portion of USH 241 in City of Milwaukee as, contributions from interested parties provision -  AB911
Ignition interlock device: judge required to order for second OWI and certain prohibited BAC offense; penalty for tampering with device modified; eliminates option to immobilize or seize vehicle -  AB17
Irish-American Heritage Month: March of every year proclaimed as -  SJR17
Kaczynski, Lech: commending the life and public service of the Polish President, First Lady, and 94 other military and civilian leaders and flight crew who died in a plane crash on April 10, 2010 -  SJR67
Kleczka, Jerome J.: life and service to the Milwaukee community commended upon his death -  AJR5
Law enforcement agency and bargaining unit of officer who was killed: notification required when person who committed the crime is released, pardoned, or petitions for early release, sentence modification, or pardon -  AB594
Lead acid batteries: seller required to charge a deposit -  SB700
Legal custody and physical placement study required to be submitted to both the court and the parties and be offered in accordance with the rules of evidence - SB332
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  AB291
Loss of society and companionship in medical malpractice cases re adult children and parents -  SB203
Macedonia: proclaiming the ancient Macedonians were Hellenes and the inhabitants of Greece's northern province are their Hellenic descendents -  SJR60
Maintenance in divorce actions: requirements for ordering revised -  AB54
Mandatory minimum sentences for certain child sex crimes applied only if convicted person was under age 18  - AB225
Mathematics, general science, biology, chemistry, or physics: DPI to issue one-year, nonrenewable licenses to teach in grades 6-12 to persons with certain certification; sunset provision - AB235
Mathematics, general science, biology, chemistry, or physics: DPI to issue one-year, nonrenewable licenses to teach in grades 6-12 to persons with certain certification; sunset provision - SB175
McNeal, Jerel: commended on his remarkable athletic career in basketball -  SR3
Mettner, Joseph P.: life, public service, and leadership in the utilities industry commended -  SJR53
Milwaukee County enrollment services unit established in DHS re administration of income maintenance and state supplemental payment programs; DCF may contract with DHS to administer child care subsidy program in Milwaukee County; county civil service employees and collective bargaining agreement provisions; JSCRS appendix report - SB161
Milwaukee County's snow and ice removal on STH: requesting funding from DOT, JCF provision - AB635
Minors under 12 years of age employed without a work permit by a nonprofit organization to perform snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and similar work around homes of elderly or persons with disabilities allowed under certain conditions - AB483
Minors under 12 years of age employed without a work permit by a nonprofit organization to perform snow shoveling, lawn mowing, leaf raking, and similar work around homes of elderly or persons with disabilities allowed under certain conditions - SB349
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; sign and forfeiture provisions; enforcement transferred to DAs  - AB285
Motor vehicle displaying disabled plates or ID card: fuel dealer requirement to provide employee to assist expanded; sign and forfeiture provisions; enforcement transferred to DAs  - SB679
MPS governance revised re powers and duties of the mayor, board of school directors, and superintendent of schools; city attorney, contracts, and budget committee provisions; binding referendum required; State Superintendent grant  - SB405
Municipal court judgments: permitting assignment of income, prizes, and earnings to pay; collection in circuit court allowed; procedure, notices, and penalty provisions  - AB182
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  - AB857
Natural gas company exceptions to certain real estate transactions and court actions; municipal electric company revisions; certificate of public convenience and necessity exemption for certain high-voltage transmission line  - SB615
Neighborhood improvement district: property that may be specially assessed expanded -  AB165
Nonprescription drugs: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -  AB254
Nonprescription drugs: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report -  SB176
Office sports pool: managing or participating in does not constitute betting or conducting a lottery, conditions specified - SB156
OWI first offense penalties for certain BAC and presence of restricted controlled substance in the blood revised  - AB346
OWI first offense penalties for certain BAC revised re fees, surcharges, and AODA program compliance; DOT to keep record permanently -  AB218
OWI law revisions re ignition interlock device ordered by the court, penalties increased, expanding a Winnebago County sentencing pilot program to other counties, and first offense penalties; Judicial Council to establish advisory sentencing guidelines; JRCCP report -  SB66
OWI penalties for fourth and subsequent offense revised -  AB244
Payday loan: ability of customer to ``rollover" a loan limited, definition provided; DFI, or any state agency, prohibited from starting or maintaining a database of individuals who enter into payday loans -  AB311
Physical placement of a child: court to presume schedule that equalizes placement to the highest degree, written and oral reasons for modifying placement or granting sole custody required; rebuttable presumption applied to modification after two years revised -  SB544
``Plumbing" definition revised and classifying plumbers to do certain work re storm water or reclaimed water  - AB397
``Plumbing" definition revised and classifying plumbers to do certain work re stormwater or reclaimed water  - SB267
Police authority granted to technical college district board - AB398
Police authority granted to technical college district board - SB260
Posttermination of parental rights contact agreement between adoptive parent or agency and a birth relative of the child: provisions created -  SB140
Production plant generating electricity from wind power: utility aid payments to towns and counties modified  - AB270
Professional engineer: registration requirements revised -  AB288
PSC authority over telecommunications utilities, interconnected VOIP service, and ensuring universal access to telecommunications service revised; telecommunications providers to make electronic call records available to other providers; limits imposed on access service charges - AB696
PSC authority over telecommunications utilities, interconnected VOIP service, and ensuring universal access to telecommunications service revised; telecommunications providers to make electronic call records available to other providers; limits imposed on access service charges - SB469
PSC authority re electric public utility fuel cost plan -  AB600
Public debt amortization fund for a 1st class city: technical changes -  AB33
Purchasing preference: certain percentage of state agency and local governmental unit purchases to be from Wisconsin-based businesses -  AB1
Qualifications-based selection process for certain public works consulting contracts: local units of government required to use - AB654
Qualifications-based selection process for certain public works consulting contracts: local units of government required to use - SB442
Raffle license: ``local organization" definition modified re geographical area -  SB193
Railroad crossing: distance vehicle is required to stop modified  - AB157
Railroad crossing: distance vehicle is required to stop modified  - SB158
Real estate appraiser: licensure, certification, and appraisal report requirements revised -  AB472
Real estate appraiser: licensure, certification, and appraisal report requirements revised -  SB339
Renewable resource credit based on use of solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, or biogas that displaces the use of electricity created; PSC duties set -  AB401
Renewable resource credit based on use of solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass, or biogas that displaces the use of electricity created; PSC duties set -  SB273
Restaurant kitchen machinery and equipment: income and franchise tax credits created re property taxes paid  - AB300
Sales tax paid on specified motorized items when purchased new: income and franchise tax credits created  - AB965
Salvinorin A (from the plant Salvia divinorum): manufacture, distribution, or delivery intended for human consumption prohibited; fine and exception provisions  - AB186
Self-storage facility regulation revisions -  AB707
Shared revenue: additional municipal aid payments based on population in proportion to population of region it is in and the population of all municipalities; creates eight regions  - AB833
Shared revenue: additional municipal aid payments based on population in proportion to population of region it is in and the population of all municipalities; creates eight regions  - SB532
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and administrative rule provisions revised; small business ombudsman clearinghouse changed to Office of the Small Business Advocate, duties revised and report required  - AB767
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -  AB579
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -  SB387
Special distinguishing registration plates for disabled veterans: provisions created for Purple Heart medal recipients and surviving spouses -  AB813
Special distinguishing registration plates for disabled veterans: provisions created for Purple Heart medal recipients and surviving spouses -  SB543
State building contracting and construction procedure revisions re bids, contractors, and ``construction-manager-at-risk contracting" -  SB298
State fund or program revenue appropriation account: dissolution by law permitted; purpose of other accounts may not be changed or used in a conflicting manner. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR16
State fund or program revenue appropriation account: dissolution by law permitted; purpose of other accounts may not be changed or used in a conflicting manner. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR10
Telecommunication utilities and alternative telecommunications utilities regulations revised, PSC provisions; public utilities' deadline to file annual accounting balance sheets changed - AB220
Telecommunication utilities and alternative telecommunications utilities regulations revised, PSC provisions; public utilities' deadline to file annual accounting balance sheets changed - SB128
Termination of tenancy on the basis that certain crimes or activities were committed on or near the premises  - SB607
Theft of telecommunications and video services: court permitted to grant reasonable attorney fees; JRCCP report  - AB657
Theft of telecommunications and video services: court permitted to grant reasonable attorney fees; JRCCP report  - SB443
TID number 2 in City of Racine: life extended -  SB132
Towing and storage lien revisions - AB711
Towing and storage lien revisions - SB506