Abuse and neglect of patients and residents at a care facility or other inpatient health care facility: exception created  - SB657
Academic excellence higher education scholarship eligibility revised re alternates and date school must designate a scholar - SB407
Active duty employee credit: income and franchise tax credit for wages paid to employee deployed or called to active duty with National Guard or U.S. armed forces reserve unit  - SB187
Adjustment service company: certain attorneys exempt from regulation -  AB820
Affirmative defense created for a parent or guardian of individual under age 18 who uses spiritual treatment in lieu of medical treatment; exception to prohibition of compelling a person who elects Christian Science treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children under certain circumstances  - SB384
Age at which a person is alleged to have violated a criminal or civil law or municipal ordinance and is subject to Criminal Procedure Code or circuit or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 years and older; community youth and family aids surcharge created; Corr.Dept to set youth aids assessments annually and must submit implementation plan to JCF; FTE positions for circuit court -  AB732
Age at which a person is alleged to have violated a criminal or civil law or municipal ordinance and is subject to Criminal Procedure Code or circuit or municipal court raised from 17 to 18 years and older; placement in juvenile detention facility eliminated as a sanction for violation of civil law, ordinance, or dispositional order -  SB674
Alcohol beverages consumed in public places: prohibition exception for event at and sponsored by private colleges - SB234
Ally, Dr. Akbar: dedication to diversity at U.W. Madison commended upon his retirement -  SJR34
Alzheimer's disease or related dementia: CBRF, nursing home, or adult family home promoting itself as providing specialized programming or unit required to produce a document describing the services; fee and penalty provisions  - SB594
American Stroke Month: May 2009 proclaimed as -  SJR24
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DRL; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - AB671
Anesthesiologist Assistants, Council on, created in DRL; licensure requirements and practice standards created  - SB535
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances - AB124
Appellate procedure revisions re review of orders denying motion to suppress evidence or challenging admissibility of the statement of a defendant or juvenile in certain circumstances - SB100
Appellate procedures integrated re commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect and commitments of sexually violent persons  - AB123
Appellate procedures integrated re commitments of persons found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect and commitments of sexually violent persons  - SB98
Appellate time limits and procedure revisions -  AB122
Appellate time limits and procedure revisions -  SB99
Appellate time limits and procedure revisions: 2009 WisAct 25 modification -  SB369
Arbitration agreement limiting the right to bring a civil lawsuit or available remedies is void re residents of CBRF, nursing homes, adult family home, or resident care apartment complex - AB951
Arbitration agreement limiting the right to bring a civil lawsuit or available remedies is void re residents of CBRF, nursing homes, adult family home, or resident care apartment complex - SB673
ATV definition modified - SB241
Audio recordings of 911 calls: exception to public records access created -  AB612
Automotive oil filters and oil absorbent materials: disposal of used materials in landfills prohibited  - SB186
Aversive interventions in schools regulated; implementation of positive behavioral interventions; definitions and DPI duties; local educational agency to prepare a behavioral intervention plan for child with a disability, conditions set  - SB468
Barber or cosmetologist apprentices: supervision of modified -  SB168
Bed and breakfast may serve any meal to guests, restaurant license is not required -  SB575
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  AB893
Biological specimen for DNA analysis: requirement does not expire when completing probation, sentence, or delinquency disposition, or being released from commitment; DA may petition court to compel certain persons to provide a sample; procedure specified -  SB631
Birth certificate: adult who was adopted as a child may petition the court to have original information restored, conditions set - AB858
``Black History Month": February 2010 recognized as -  SJR63
Blue Book distribution to certain newspapers eliminated -  AB862
Breast Cancer Awareness Month proclaimed October 2009 -  SJR51
Bulk transfers of inventory: Uniform Commercial Code provisions repealed -  SB143
Business advertising sign in highway right-of-way prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions - SB457
Capital expenditure by technical college district board for buildings: referendum requirement revision re student housing payments -  AB509
Capital expenditure by technical college district board for buildings: referendum requirement revision re student housing payments -  SB378
Center on Education and Work at U.W. Madison to establish a career conversations program for students in grades 7-12; requirements, evaluation, sunset, and report provisions  - SB121
Charter school establishment or contract for establishment of: school board required to consider the principles and standards established by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers -  AB535
Charter school establishment or contract for establishment of: school board required to consider the principles and standards established by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers -  SB373
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  - AB297
Child care license, certification, or contract prohibition for specified crimes: permanent bar reduced to five years; demonstration of rehabilitation and nonclient resident provisions - SB642
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  AB164
Child placed in the home of a relative: granting the relative the same procedural rights as a foster parent re notice of intent to remove the child and review of decisions and orders involving placement and care -  SB122
Civil service commission of 1st class city: certification of eligible candidates for vacant positions modified  - AB81
Civil service commission of 1st class city: certification of eligible candidates for vacant positions modified  - SB49
Class B hunting license may be issued to applicants with physical disability due to terminal illness, physician statement required -  AB595
``Class B" license: City of Fort Atkinson may exceed the city's retail liquor license quota by two, conditions set  - AB626
``Class B" license: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurant on a golf course, fee provision  - AB8
Colorectal cancer examinations and laboratory tests: health insurance policies and plans required to cover; conditions and OCI and DHS duties -  SB163
Commencement of school term: prohibition on starting before September 1 eliminated -  SB109
Commercial quadricycle: definition and possession and consumption of alcohol beverages by passengers permitted; consumption by driver prohibited, penalties provided  - AB390
Commercial real estate lien revisions; correction instrument provisions created; application to widen, extend, or lay out a street, alley, or other specified public place to include a lis pendens - SB587
Commitment of prison inmate: alternative petition procedure modified; jail and house of corrections provision  - AB681
Commitment of prison inmate: alternative petition procedure modified; jail and house of corrections provision  - SB478
Concealed weapons: DOJ appropriation account created for fees collected from retired law enforcement officers seeking certification card to carry; contingent upon passage of certain other legislation -  SB376
Concealed weapons: statutory changes to account for federal law requiring states to permit active and retired federal, state, tribal, or local law enforcement officers to carry; certification cards and DOJ duties -  SB377
Consideration for purpose of gambling does not include an employee's referral of a potential customer to the employee's employer -  SB552
Construction contract indemnity clause -  SB589
Consumer credit transactions: WCA to specify that pleading requirements do apply to an assignee of a creditor  - AB131
Consumer credit transactions: WCA to specify that pleading requirements do apply to an assignee of a creditor  - SB120
Cooperative research on education programs and statewide student data system: DPI, U.W. System, TCS, and Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to enter into written agreement; privacy provisions  - AB536
Cooperative research on education programs and statewide student data system: DPI, U.W. System, TCS, and Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to enter into written agreement; privacy provisions  - SB371
County jail funds may be used to pay costs of providing educational and medical services to inmates  - SB335
Crime alert network created by DOJ to provide information on certain criminal activity, crime prevention, and missing or endangered persons to state agencies, law enforcement, and the private sector; fee and FTE provisions  - SB533
Data Privacy Day: January 28, 2009 recognized as -  SJR3
Deceptive advertising includes advertising the retail price reduced by a rebate but not providing the rebate at time of purchase -  SB560
Delinquent property taxes: interest rate reduced for set period of time -  AB149
Domestic abuse incident: penalty for violation of 72-hour no contact provision changed from forfeiture to misdemeanor and fine; JRCCP report -  AB410
Domestic abuse incident: penalty for violation of 72-hour no contact provision changed from forfeiture to misdemeanor and fine; JRCCP report -  SB283
DOR Secretary's authority to waive or reduce interest or penalties expanded -  AB343
DOR Secretary's authority to waive or reduce interest or penalties expanded -  SB238
DOT issuance of operator's licenses and ID cards re federal REAL ID Act: procedures or requirements must meet certain conditions before adoption; funding and AG provisions  - AB137
DOT issuance of operator's licenses and ID cards re federal REAL ID Act: procedures or requirements must meet certain conditions before adoption; funding and AG provisions  - SB159
Driver card and driver card instruction permits: DOT to issue to applicants that meet certain criteria, including the lack of proof of citizenship or legally present in the U.S.; cannot be used as a basis to inquire about immigration status or deny or cancel an automobile insurance policy -  AB777
Drug violation re Uniform Controlled Substances Act: court or DOT may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege  - AB61
Drug violation re Uniform Controlled Substances Act: court or DOT may suspend motor vehicle operating privilege  - SB36
Dyslexia screenings required annually for pupils in grades K-2 and selectively in grades 3-5; DPI duties specified  - AB584
Electronic communication service and remote computing service: judge authorized to issue subpoena or warrant requiring provider to produce or disclose certain information; definition and civil liability immunity provisions  - SB524
Electronic records in CCAP and Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System: DCF and Director of State Courts to enter into agreement to allow for the transfer of, confidentiality and penalty provisions -  SB375
Electronic voter registration permitted with valid driver's license or state ID card, maintenance of voter registration forms provision; DOT and GAB duties -  SB645
Electronic voting by cooperative members permitted -  AB731
Electronic voting by cooperative members permitted -  SB528
Emergency assistance to needy persons under certain circumstances: DCF to establish maximum amount granted and publish them in the Administrative Register if not established by rule; energy crisis added to list of circumstances  - SB257
Emission inspection and maintenance program revision re who is allowed to perform; temporary vehicle emission inspection exemptions permitted -  SB505
Employer-assisted housing program: WHEDA to establish and administer a program to award tax benefits to employers that implement; Comm.Dept appendix report  - AB817
Employer-assisted housing program: WHEDA to establish and administer a program to award tax benefits to employers that implement; Comm.Dept appendix report  - SB534
Employment discrimination based on credit history prohibited; exceptions and definition provisions  - AB367